
Gateways are a vitally important reality in our lives as believers, not only in our own personal lives but also in the realm of the spirit. Gateways are entry points; they are the things or places where we access the realm of Heaven. They are gateways or doorways and everlasting doors. Everlasting doors are the places that will release the glory onto the earth in the last days (Psalms 24). It is going to be our right as sons and daughters of God to open those everlasting doors. But the thing is, before we can go anywhere near those doors, it must first happen in our own life.

“… first here in Jerusalem, then beyond to Judea and Samaria, and finally to the farthest places on earth.” (Acts 1: 8 VOICE).

It must happen in you first before you try and do it somewhere else.

A problem we are experiencing in the church today is that we have intercessors who are trying to do things in the realm of the spirit that they have never experienced deeply in their own personal lives first. This is because of lack of teaching and that is okay, but the times are changing. God wants us to be able to activate the things in the spirit with knowledge and wisdom.

This is a process that I have worked with for years and it works. It has been more than just a diagram. It has been a life’s work to get who and what I am manifesting on the outside so I can be present with you here, but also very present with the Spirit and the presence of God. It is a most wonderful thing to be able to understand the flow of the move and the presence of God and what happens to it. In my own life I can recall many experiences where I would be so hungry for the presence of God and yet my sin would be talking to me. I would be praying in tongues and the presence of God would be there but then a thought would flick into my brain and all the anointing would go out of the room like a balloon going down. I would think “What is the use of this?”

What began for me was a journey of trying to understand how to release the glory of the presence of God from the Kingdom of God that is within me. There are two realms that we encounter God in. One is the Kingdom of God that is within us. The other is in the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven that is on the outside of us. Everything between here and there is usually demonic. I do not know about you, but I am not interested in seeing the demonic.

People sometimes say to me, “Oh Ian, I saw demons last night” I reply “Well, I saw angels last night. How many did you see?” and they say, “I only see demons.” I say, “Well, you are not seeing by the right eye then.”

If you can see demons, you can see angels. The reason you cannot see angels is usually because the inside of you and who you are is not purified enough to be able to see the right thing. So, what is happening is the flow of the information that your spirit man is receiving is going into your soul and your soul is corrupting it, making it do something that it should not be doing.

I want us to work our way through some of these doorways. I want to talk about them, and I want to talk about the process. In my manual I have some prayers there that I have gone through, simple things that may be helpful for you.

When the Bible talks about a principle, this can be applied to every single part of a person’s life and activity that they are involved in. The principle in the diagram of the body, soul and spirit goes beyond just you. A family has a body life, a soul life and a spirit life. A church has a body life, a soul life and a spirit life. A city has a body life, a soul life and a spirit life and a nation has a body life, a soul life and a spirit life. A big problem in the church today is that we have never been taught how to take hold of our own body life, our own soul life and our own spirit life to release the glory through those doorways. We have never been taught to manifest Heaven, first in Jerusalem, then into Samaria and then into the outermost parts of our city (Acts 1: 8). So many of us have been trying to go into the outermost parts of our city or world and, when we do, we get hit and wonder why. It is usually because Jerusalem is not purged yet. I want to talk about some of the processes that I have gone through.


The Gateway of First Love is an amazing thing. In Revelation, talking about the Church of Ephesus, it says: “However, I have this against you: you have abandoned your first love. Do you remember what it was like before you fell? It is time to rethink and change your ways; go back to how you first acted. However, if you do not return, I will come quickly and personally remove your lamp stand from its place” (Revelation 2: 4-5 VOICE).

The Gateway of First Love is one of the most vital ingredients in a human life, enabling us to encounter God in a greater way. First love means abandoned love where there is no care for anything or anyone else but Him. Unfortunately, the devil’s strategy is to shut out our ability to fall in love with abandon. This has happened in my own life, and I am sure it has happened with you. If that ability can be controlled and shut and manipulated by the realm of the spirit, through what the devil wants to happen, then you will never fall in love with God the way you should do. So, for me, some of the greatest struggles have been in ‘first love’.

First love is puppy love, love where you just do not care. In my own personal life, I can remember very clear experiences I had as a young man growing up. I would be standing in class and this apparition of glorious wonder would walk into the room and my eyes could not move from her. You have these experiences where you are in love, but you do not know it. That is the beginning of first love – that abandonment to love. The devil’s strategy is to shut that down.

In my own life I can clearly remember several circumstances which shut that doorway down very effectively for me. I can remember one day at school writing a note to this lovely apparition of glorious wonder that came into my classroom. I can remember writing that note and thinking that when she walked out I was just going to slip it into her bag. I am not embarrassed to talk about it now because that is how you are supposed to be with God. The problem was that it fell out of my book onto the floor and the teacher picked it up and read it to the class! I can remember making an inner vow that day that no one would ever see me in love again.

About a year later I can remember being in physical education class with a girl. Do you remember getting in line just in case you might touch? And then, if you touch, the week of euphoria just because you touched?! I can remember being in this situation, trying to get myself lined up and it just would not work. Occasionally our eyes would meet and then “Wow!” For the next three and a half weeks it would be “She looked at me!” When God looks at you, that is the way you are supposed to return His love. I can remember waiting by the edge of this classroom hoping that she would walk past and our eyes would meet. Then I heard some people laughing and as I turned around there were these three guys from school laughing and saying, “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ian is in love!” I can remember making another inner vow that no one would ever see me in love again.

Then when I was about thirteen, I can remember going back to school for the first week, and there was this girl who I had always known, with long blonde hair and green eyes and I fell in love, abandoned love! My only reason for going to school was to sit behind her and look at her hair! Or to sit at the desk across from her, turn sideways and pretend I was writing, just to watch her! We had to wear this cap for school and I can remember coming home one day, walking up to the fridge, opening the fridge door, taking my cap off, putting it in the fridge and shutting the fridge door and walking away! My father started to laugh saying, “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ian is in love!” Again I made the inner vow that no one will ever see me in love again.

My life went on, I met my wonderful wife, had some wonderful children and I got born again. In my own spiritual life with God I would feel, “God I want to be in love with You. What is wrong with me?” I had been in the realm of the spirit and seen Heaven. I had even encountered Him and seen Him. (By the way, you can see God and live. I am a testimony to that, and I am not the only one in the world, but that is a subject for later on.)

So, I can remember going through my life as a believer, coming into church, wanting desperately to be in love with God, wanting desperately to experience God and know about God. I wanted even just to hear Him, because that is what it is all about anyway, isn’t it? I would come into church and I would be sitting thinking, “Father! Just to see You, Lord just to get one glimpse of Your glory, just to feel You come in, just to hear Your footsteps again… Father I am waiting, panting as the deer, panting for the presence of God…” I can remember thinking, “I must be a backslider, something is wrong.” This began the journey of the arena of the Gateway of First Love for me.

I can remember one day the Lord spoke to me quite clearly. I was in the spirit, and He put me in front of this door. It was the Gateway of First Love. (Doorways and gateways are the same thing and I will use the terms interchangeably.) I wanted that doorway to be clean through the process of working my way through the diagram of the Gateways. I wanted to fall in love with God. I wanted God! I can remember looking at this door and there were these wooden bars across it with twenty-five-inch nails and great big pieces of chain with locks on them. I can remember thinking, “I am a born-again believer, I have Jesus Christ residing in my life, I am an elder in the church and yet I have this garbage in my life.”

Through a process, what God began to do was to take me back into memories, because you need to remember to repent. Following repentance comes restoration, following restoration comes renewal, and following renewal comes recommitment. So, I began dealing with the bondages over the Gateway of First Love in my life. A gateway to me is just a door. Sometimes it is two doors, sometimes it is just one door. I do not really care; it is just a door, a point of entry.

The Bible says:

“However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual” (1 Corinthians 15: 46).

Often it is natural things in our natural environment that become an anchor to the spiritual. I will be talking about that more later, in the chapter entitled ‘Human Mind’. To give you the basics, we need an anchor for the reality of the spirit world to hold onto, for us to be able to remember what is going on. I understood that at this stage, so I stood in front of a door and I opened the door and I shut the door, I opened the door and I shut the door saying “Father I open this Door of First Love and I shut the Door.” You need to practice.

I can remember going through the process of restoration and dealing with the broken part of my life, the broken areas in the arena of First Love. Then I came to push through that door in the spirit and I can remember wondering and thinking, “What do I need to do? There is no handle on it”. Then the Lord said to me, “Only those who touch the door will find the handle.In your pursuit of the door, once you find the door, you need to touch it and then you will find the handle. I did not know who you could talk to about these things.

I can remember standing in front of my Door of First Love in the spirit. Years ago I had seen the movie ‘Back draft’, a horrible nightmare of a movie! There is a horrible scene with these fire-fighters in a high rise building. Inside, on one of the floors there is a room with a window and a door. A fire-fighter looks through the window and the room looks fine, all the carpet is there and all the furniture is there. As the camera stays there for a fraction of a second longer you see the room shimmering in the heat. The problem is that the whole room is on fire but there is no flame because there is no oxygen to feed it. There is just this little puff of smoke that comes under the door and then back again, puffs under the door and then back again. When the firefighter opens the door, oxygen will rush in and there will be a huge explosion. You are sitting on the edge of your seat saying, “Do not go in there!”

Well, I am now sitting on the edge of my seat in front of this doorway saying, “God I am going to be in love with You. This is it; I am finally going to get to a place where I can fall in love with You because I have dealt with my garbage. I am now in a place where I can open the door and begin to experience You.” The Bible does say our God is a consuming fire! (Hebrews 12: 29). I did not know that the whole of the inside of me was on fire, I just had not seen it yet. So, I opened the door, and guess what happened? A Love explosion! It knocked me over. About an hour later I was still on the floor!

The Gateway of First Love is the key thing in every believer’s life that the devil tackles first, hurting us when we fall in love as a young child. Because of lack of understanding, there is very little nurturing of our hearts, bringing government, and helping people to understand that it is okay to be in love like that. In fact it is a very precious thing to be able to be in love like that. My life with God began to change then, but that was only part of the journey.

The glory of God dwells inside us, as shown in the diagram above, which is symbolic of the temple in Jerusalem. You have the Outer Court, which speaks of your body, the Inner Court, which speaks of your soul, and the Holy of Holies, which speaks of your spirit. Inside the Holy of Holies, you have the dwelling place of the glory of God. We are set up in just the same way as the temple in Jerusalem was, we have an Outer Court, an Inner Court and the Holy of Holies. Inside the Holy of Holies is the dwelling place of the glory of God – the manifest presence of God that dwells inside of us. When you are born again, the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent God lives inside of you. It is that inner Kingdom of God that enables you to transition into the outer Kingdom of Heaven. It is only by that Kingdom of God inside of you, not by your efforts, but by the Kingdom. When that Kingdom is flowing from the Gateway of First Love, because it starts from the core of your being, the glory changes you. When you get born again your spirit is changed, then your soul begins to get transformed. Once your soul is transformed your body is going to be transfigured. I am not there yet, but I am on the pathway. It is very exciting, but it has all taken work. It all means work and lots of it, hard work.


Often with the Gateways of the Spirit (Revelation, Intuition, Reverence, Prayer, Faith, Hope, Worship, and the Fear of God) in most believers’ lives we find three or maybe four of them operating. By looking at you I can tell which gateways inside your spirit man are functioning properly. Our spirit is the candle of God. If the candle is only lit on one side the candle is going to bend one way. So, what happens is often Christians’ lives are bent to one direction. Usually, the areas we are bent towards are the areas of Worship, Reverence and Prayer. For people who operate in signs and wonders, Faith as well. So, what happens in our lives is the other gateways are like muscles that have not been used. So, when we try to release the glory of Heaven through our lives, it is what is in us that touches the world. You do not take Heaven by drawing it down and allowing it to touch the world. It is what is in you that comes out of you and touches the world around you. It is the glory of God that is in you that changes the world. It is this that is in you that changes the atmosphere. When you are in the spirit, your spirit cloaks your soul and your body. When you are in the realm of the spirit, you do not look the way you look in the physical. In Revelation 1, John says he turned and saw one like the Son of Man. He saw Jesus, but Jesus is the Son of Man. We are like him, so when John turned, he saw what you look like when you are in the spirit. We can read in Revelation:

“… clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band (The symbol of the hallmark of the investment of a King or a Prince). His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, (to trample the devil) and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength” (Revelation 1: 13-16).

This is what you look like! Not only that but if you have worked on the armor of light, you will be encased in glory and have lightning coming out of you! The devil hates Christians being in the spirit, because it dispossesses everything that he is – he is darkness, light dispossesses darkness. Darkness in physics is described as the absence of light. That is the only reason for the kingdom in darkness, because of the absence of light. The devil does not like us going into the spirit realm because we are children of light. The problem is many people have gone from the natural realm into the spirit realm in order to get to Heaven and they have wrestled on the way there. It is the Kingdom of God that is within you – the glory that transitions you into the realm of Heaven. Then you bring that glory through the spirit realm into the natural realm. That is a different way of praying.

You will get impartation by the words you hear, because words are power, and words are light. They will change who you are and make you something else. You have your own journey. You need to walk your own walk with God and become conformed into His image. It is all about His image in you manifesting so that the world can have that image and see that image displayed.

The Gateways of the Spirit are vitally important for us to exercise. If I did not do any exercise I would be as round as a keg. The problem is that if I go to the gym and start working on the weights, I cannot push 150 kg straight away. I need to work up from twenty kilograms, then to forty kilograms and increasing in this way it takes about six months to get there. By the time you have done this for six months you have built up the ability and it does not hurt any more. In the natural, atrophy of a muscle means that it loses its strength, power and ability. If you have not run for a long time and you go on a one kilometre run, you will be half dead by the time you get there. Three days later you will be feeling the aching muscles, because those muscles are not exercised, they are not used to doing the work.

In believers’ lives many of the Gateways of the Spirit are exactly the same, because you have never been taught about them, or told you can use them. They are muscles that are atrophied. In our gateways, for some of us, there are no muscles there at all. It is just this little strand of sinew. So when you pray, “Father I want revelation of Your Kingdom”, He says, “Is that right? Well, what have you done with the Gateway?” Unless you work on the gateway, do not expect the fruit of the gateway to manifest in your life.

When I began to work on my Gateways of the Spirit, my greatest problem was in my soul. As human beings we are a spirit being that has a soul that lives in a physical body. Some of our problems are because we do not believe that we are a spirit being, because we are encased in a body. We think we are a human being.

I went and had a blood test and the lady taking the blood asked me, “Are you a citizen of New Zealand?” I said to her, “No, actually I am a citizen of another world.” And she said to me, “Really! That is interesting; what is that?” So I said, “Heaven!”

This is the reality we are supposed to live in. We are only sojourners on the earth, but citizens of another world. The reason I am a citizen of another world is because my spirit is engaged with the presence of God. This makes me a citizen of another world. If I am a spirit being, then what goes into my spirit needs to be able to flow through my life to touch the world around me. Unless I am in the spirit, my spirit dwells inside of my body, not on the outside. When I am in the spirit, my spirit is on the outside of my body and the contents of my spirit are displayed for the spirit world to see. The devils hate it, but I love it! There is a part of me that is the lion and a part of me that is the lamb, and we need to have that balance in our lives. I love trampling on the devil’s head – it is the most wonderful exercise you can ever get – it is glorious! Do you know why it is glorious? Because you have feet of brass so he cannot bruise your heel. Hallelujah! God has given us all the tools but we do not always put them on. When we do not walk with God, we cannot experience the reality of the victories that He has given us. It does not mean you will not suffer, but in the suffering is the key: God will use your sufferings to drive you into intimacy in pursuit of Him. Use sufferings as a springboard.

Our soul is the greatest point of struggle and battle in our lives. The battle is for the possession of your soul. When people say to me, “I don’t have demons”, usually you lay hands on them, and they start manifesting! When we get born again our spirit becomes alive and enlightened with the presence of God. The problem is that the reality of what is in our spirit is not transferred into the reality of what is going on in our soul. It is my soul that needs to be transformed and renewed. The Bible says:

“Be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Ephesians 4: 23).

The flow of life is a renewing process, it is not something that goes ‘bang!’ I have only ever met two people in my life who went ‘bang’, and that bang lasted a year and then their soul was clean, and they are now manifesting Heaven in a major way. I have only ever met two people like that. It is a gift from God because God has got a mandate for a specific season on a person’s life. For most of us, however, we need to do the work. The problem is that it is cost up front, now. It is all cost up front and the reward comes later – but let me tell you, some of the reward I have tasted is glorious! The Bible says that Jesus: “… endured the cross and ignored the shame of that death because He focused on the joy that was set before Him” (Hebrews 12: 2 VOICE).

Do you know what His joy was? “I am going to make many like Me, the devil does not know that, and he is going to flee!” That is what it is all about. It is bringing Heaven into your soul, because what goes on in your soul is going to be reflected in your body. The Gateways of your Body will reveal what goes on in the Gateways of your Soul. What comes out of your mouth, what you see, what you hear, what you speak, what you touch, what you taste, is going to come out of your soul. It either comes from inside out of you, which is the Tree of Life, or it comes from the outside into you, which is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2: 17).


From a child you are trained to receive information from the outside in. When we get born again we need to be trained to receive information from the inside out. The greatest struggle is what goes on in the soul.

For many of us, we know we have a soul but there is not much taught about it. In the diagram there are Gateways of the Soul. These are gateways that I have worked on. They are my revelation. They are things that have worked for me. I am not saying it is the entirety of the picture, it is just a picture I saw in the Scroll Room of Heaven from when God made the soul. You can call those gateways whatever you like. I found that the more specific I get in the arena of my soul and the more specific detail I can get about how to pray through it, the more effective it becomes in the process of changing us.

The gates inside your soul are the Mind, Conscience, Reason, Imagination, Emotions, Will and Choice. They are functions of your soul. Those functions of your soul can either stop the flow of the glory or release the glory to touch the world through your body.

Gateways are very important. The Bible talks about different transactions that occurred in the gateways:

 2 Kings 7: 1 (Business transactions)

 Ruth 4: 1-11 (Legal transactions)

 Deuteronomy 25: 7, 9 (Criminal cases in disputes and judgments)

 Jeremiah 17: 19-20 (Proclamations of the kings were declared)

 Psalms 24: 7 (Festivities were decreed)

 2 Samuel 18: 24-33 (Protection was given)

The Bible is full of references to the activities that go on in gateways. The most important thing to understand is that when we are in sin and trespass, other things control our Gateways. As an unbeliever I would have demon spirit forces that would be influencing and controlling the gateways of my soul. When I got born again my spirit came alive, the glory of God began to dwell inside of me and that glory wanted to get from inside of me to the outside of me. The problem is I have another gatekeeper sitting on those gateways. When you are dealing with spirit forces, everything with them is about legality. Every single thing about a demon spirit is about legality, so every chance you get, you need to be going into the Court Room of Heaven and dealing with garbage there (discussed in a later chapter). The spirit world contention is all over legality.

When you understand your legal rights as a son, who you are and what rights you have, you can stand against the greatest devil you can ever see in the world. When you understand the realm of Heaven, and who you are and when you have seen Heaven, you can bring Heaven to the earth. Heaven speaks about the dominion of God being brought back to the earth. That is what the earth is crying out for. That is what the spirit realm is crying out for; the devil does not belong there. The church has given the spirit realm to the devil because they are scared of him and that is because they have never been taught how to see into Heaven. Once you see into Heaven, the spirit realm is just a playground to bring the dominion of God into and it is wonderful fun! It is not hard, praise the Lord! For some of you, this is throwing your doctrine right out of the window.


The soul is very important for you to deal with. You cannot bridle the soul; it must be crucified, and it must be made dead. In my own personal experience, there have been many things I have wrestled with. One of them has been images in the mind. These can be the things of the past, things that have happened to you, things that have occurred, things that you have seen that have polluted you. You will be praying away and this image will appear in your mind and all the anointing goes out of the window. The reason that happens is because those images are in your soul. People say to me, “The devil is trying to put them into my mind”. No, what he is doing is using the playground that you have allowed him to play in.

As a young believer I used to pray over the Gateways of my Soul, like the Gateway of the Mind. There are three channels of the mind: unconscious, subconscious and conscious that work together in unison. If they are not under the Blood and not being worked on in your life then your spirit life will have trouble seeing, retaining what you have seen and wrestling with the experiences in your past.

One of the most important things for me has been to deal with the images in my mind. I would go to senior people in the church and tell them about an image that would come into my mind and just destroy everything. They would say, “Yes I understand, but you have got to stop it and resist it.” So, I would pray, battling in tongues. I would win for about three months. Then one day I would be doing something and suddenly it would come into my mind. I remember one day I was praying away in my bedroom, speaking into this thing that it would bow the knee, pushing it down and controlling it, when I heard God shout at me, “Hey, what are you doing?!” I said, “I’m sorry Lord, I don’t understand – I need You to teach me”. He said, “I am trying to get it out and you are trying to keep it in!”

God can see every single thing that is in your soul. When you participate in something in your soul, God can see, and if God can see it, so can the demons. People tell me demons cannot read your mind. Really?! I come from an occult background. They can read your mind all right. They know exactly what you are thinking because what you are thinking, the little pictures you have are called ‘dust’. Dust is a record of the sin nature that you have experienced in your life. In Genesis 2 God gave Satan the dust of the earth. The dust needs to be brought under the Blood.

So, I began a process of learning how to deal with those images. It is a very simple process:

1) You need to acknowledge that you have got them and they are your responsibility, not God’s.

2) You need to repent of them. (To repent of them you need to own them as yours. Remember, they are your problem, not God’s. God has given you a way to deal with them.)

3) You need to bring them into the light and acknowledge them as sin.

4) You need to take and apply the Blood of Jesus to them.

In learning this process the Lord said to me, “Take a poster and put it on the wall. Take some red paint and paint the poster with the red paint.” So I got this poster and painted it all with red paint. I sat there looking at this picture and there was nothing on it except red paint. The Lord said to me, “Can you see the picture anymore?” I said, “No, I have painted over it”. He said, “Well, that is what my Blood does”. It is the Blood that redeems you from the enmity of the record of sin that is against your life – the dust. It is the Blood of Jesus that redeems you from the dust of the earth and from the power that the devil has over that dust.

So, a journey began in my life, over a long period of time dealing with the images of my mind, to the point where I came to be so preoccupied with it that. I would look for every opportunity to go and meet with the devil and say, “Give me those pictures!” The reason why was because I was winning.

So, I would go through the process: “Father, I take that picture, I own it, I confess it as sin. Today Lord I repent of its power. I bring it into the light, and I acknowledge it and today, Lord, I take the Blood of Jesus and I cleanse it in Jesus Name.”

The amazing thing is that when you practice something you find that you do it as second nature and it happens really quickly, to the point where it would take me one second to deal with an image, because I had practiced the pathway. I had done the hard work of laying the foundation for the Spirit of God to move when an image would come into my mind and seek to destroy who I was.

The devil wants you to remember what you are; God wants to remind you who you are. The record of sin in your life reminds you of what you are; it reminds you that you are a person, a spirit in a temporal body. Who you are is a spirit being – you are a spirit being first.

I have some funny stories. As a manager of a swimming pool facility, I used to run all the swimming pools for the local District Council and my job was to mow the lawns. I told my staff, “If anybody mows the lawns you are in trouble!” I can remember mowing the lawns and getting so caught up in the spirit going through the images in my mind, praying in tongues (nobody could hear me because the lawn mower was making such a noise) to the point where I had finished but I was still standing there for fifteen minutes. One of my staff came up to me and seeing them I snapped out of it and walked off. I do not know what they thought of it, but I do not really care anyway!


Whatever captivates your heart will captivate you. I was caught by the potential possibility of being free and renewed in my mind. That Blood Covenant is based on the Covenant of Adoption, which is one of the principles that most believers do not really know about today. It is based on an adoption process that used to happen in a court of law in Roman times. When a person was brought into the court of law to be adopted by another family, two scrolls would be brought into the court. One would be a record of the old life with the old name on it and the record of every single thing about the person, who they were, where they were born, every criminal case, every single thing that went on in their life. Everything that happened with them would be written down on that scroll. On the other scroll would be their new name with the testimony of seven people who could testify to this person as being the adopted one (which for us are the seven Spirits of God, but that is another teaching subject).

The Roman judge would undo the scroll of the person’s old life. In those days they did not have acid or solvent in their ink, so the Roman judge could take a damp rag and wipe the old scroll clean. From that point onwards the person did not exist in any court of law with that old name. His old life before the point of his adoption did not exist. This is why Paul could say:

“… forgetting those things which are behind … I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3: 13-14).

The high calling is transfiguration; it is not just a nice experience. We are called to be transfigured sons of God. Ladies, I am sorry if you struggle being a son; I struggle being a bride! We have our own little problems in there! God has called us to be transfigured sons of God on the earth. If it happened to Jesus it will happen to you and me. It is just a process that we have not learned or been taught about. One of the ways of being transfigured is getting your life under the Blood.

I worked my way through my imagination, through the images in my mind, to the point where I would lay in bed and they would come, usually just before I went to sleep. The devil knows that, in the transition (of consciousness) just before going to sleep, you are on the edge of the realm of Heaven and you can either experience Heaven or get stuck on the earth trying to wrestle with the sin inside your life and the images that are there. So the wrestling goes on at night time.

I love going to sleep because I go into Heaven and I know that when I wake up I come out of Heaven having spent another seven hours with God. It is glorious! It is a practice – you can do this, it is not hard, it is a process you can learn. It is not a hard thing to do, but the church has never been taught how to do it. Well, it has, years ago in Paul’s day, but not anymore. These scrolls have been locked up and they are now being chiseled open in the Court Rooms of God. We have access to get information out of them, bring them back to the Body and say, “Here is a present from Heaven!”

I am looking forward one day to having a meeting and saying, “You guys here, we have a meeting in Russia in about thirty seconds; I’ll see you there!”, then being relocated by God. This is what it is about. I have been there, Hallelujah! It is an exciting walk to allow Heaven inside your life.

So, I began to work on images in my mind, to the point where I got right back to clear memories of being in my mother’s womb and things that happened. God wants full restoration. I did not have to go and dig them up; I would be sitting praying in tongues waiting for them to come. I like doing this because we win! Most of us do not believe that because we are so used to the body and its control, power and assertion of authority over who we are, which is a spirit being. We are used to it controlling our spirit. But it is time our spirit got that authority and power back.


So, I began to work on these areas of my mind. The first one was these images; the next one was the record of my life. I began on a journey working on my life. One day you are praying and God says, “I want the first year”. So you pray, “Lord by faith I give You the first year of my life, I bring it under the Blood of Jesus. Lord, I take that first year and I wipe it with the Blood”. And you think that felt good! So you continue, “Father I take the next year of my life and I wipe it with the Blood of Jesus. Lord I take the next year, I wipe that with Your Blood and I redeem that year.” I began to get excited because in the spirit world the testimony of the power of the devil over the arena of my life and the dust that was in my life began to come under the Blood and be redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, so the record of it was taken away from the devil’s power.

I worked through the years of my life when I was about thirty, praying in tongues, every day five minutes a day for thirty days, praying, “I speak to that year, I command you to be redeemed, I wipe it with the Blood of Jesus. I decree today that this year of my life has been bought and redeemed by the Blood in Jesus’ Name”. By the end of those thirty days, I felt good! It felt so good I decided to work on the months of the year. “Father, for the first month of the first year of my life, by faith I speak to that month in Jesus’ Name, you are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, I take that Blood and apply it”. I did this each day, going through the first year of my life. Twelve days later I thought, “That felt really good!” So, I began to work on every month in every year of my life. That felt so good I decided to work on every day of the year of my life. It is a work and a process, but there is a reward at the end, which is liberty. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3: 17). The testimony of Jesus Christ is His Blood on your life. The devil sees that testimony when you are in the spirit! Many believers are afraid of being in the spirit because they have never taken these simple things and put them into their lives.

After about three and a half or four months of praying through that, my spirit was alive and so I began to think, “Okay Father, first hour, of the first day of the first month of my life.” So I began a journey over about a year and a half, praying through every single day of my life and bringing it under the Blood of Jesus Christ, taking that rag and wiping the slate with the record of the Blood of Jesus, redeeming the memory and the record of that away from the devil. When you have done that and you go into the realm of the spirit, guess who is going to win? This is one of about eighty keys. What God is looking for is a redeemed bride. It is the Blood of Jesus that redeems you. It is only the Blood. It is only the Blood of Jesus that can redeem you from the enmity of sin, nothing else can – not your works. I spent hours in prayer, I had to learn the process, and it took me four and a half years of work. I am giving you a key, but you are going to be responsible for it. I have given you about four keys for which you are now responsible, because you have heard it. God is going to say to you one day, “What did you do with that key?”

At the end of this teaching you will have a lot of things to do, but what I did was target the first one and I stayed with it until it was done and then onto the next one. A spider usually has five or six anchor points in its web. You can take two off and the web still stays in shape, but if you take three off the web implodes upon itself. I found that by the time I got to the third area of my life the devil’s power over me began to implode and disseminate. The amazing thing is that if a spider is in the middle of its web and you cut three places simultaneously, the web will wrap itself up around the spider and kill it. First that which is in the natural, then that which is in the spirit.

These are some of the simple things that were just the Mind Gate. The conscience is another amazing thing. I can remember working on my conscience, going through the process of releasing the glory of God through the Gateway of First Love into the gateways of my spirit man of Revelation, Faith, Hope, Worship, into my soul, into the Gateway of my Conscience.

The Bible says that when you sin your conscience gets seared (1 Timothy 4: 2). I can remember praying into my Conscience Gate and it was like a solid wall. I thought, “What on earth is this? It is supposed to be a gate”. You need to dig; you need to make it work and make a hole. Water is very corrosive. It will eventually eat through anything given half a chance. So, I began to dig into the area of my conscience, “Father where my conscience has been seared, I dig today in Jesus’ Name into that place of my conscience.”

What began to happen was I felt the glory start like a trickle of water. When a trickle of water starts in a wall that has been dammed up it will eventually wear a hole. That hole will get bigger and bigger. All you have to do is give it a chance. By beginning to work and exercise into the area of my conscience it made me aware of sin and my need for a Saviour. It made me aware of the power of the realm of Heaven, to drive me into the Person of God, to come to know Him, because that is my job; I want to know Him. So, I began to work on my conscience.

The river was only a stagnant pond, but if you go to the start of the stagnant pond and dig a channel, the most foul, stinking, smelly, filthy water is going to flow out first. Older folks may be able to remember those old priming pumps – the water that would come out when it first started was rusty, stinky, green and horrible. But if you carry on for two minutes, what comes out is pure, lovely, drinkable water.

It is no different in the spirit; I was priming the pump, getting into the area of my conscience, making it work, making it flow, making it become aware of holiness and righteousness and speaking purity into it because the reason our conscience is seared is a lack of purity. The person with a purified conscience will be a holy person. Every single human being has a conscience and that is how we will be judged. If you have never heard the gospel, you will be judged according to your conscience because your conscience is God-consciousness of righteousness (Romans 2: 14-15).

In the diagram the arrows flow from the center outwards. That is the only way you will ever change your life, from the center of your spirit, into your spirit, through your spirit into your soul, through your soul into your body and through your body into the world around you. It is the only way that glory will ever flow through your life, from the center of your being. I do not want the glory to come out of Heaven and into me. It is already in me through Jesus Christ and my rebirth as a born-again spirit. What is in me needs to flow through me into the world around me.

You need to go through that diagram and work on those gateways yourself.

The diagram became like a Bible to me. I would just work on it and I have had people who have taken that diagram and three or four different pieces of cardboard, lining each gateway up with another one, working on the flow until it would flow properly. It is not important how you do it but we always go from the inside out. I would maybe first look at the Gateway of First Love into the Gateway of Hope (spirit), into the Gateway of my Mind (soul) and out of my Hearing (body), so that I could hear the words of God coming into my spirit. You could then look at the flow from the Gateway of First Love into the Gateway of Worship (spirit), into the Gate of Choice (soul), into the Gate of Touch, Taste, Smell, See, or Hearing (body). Each one of those gates is capable of flowing through another one of those gateways, but it goes from the inside out, not from the outside in.


For this activation, what we are going to do is work our way through a gateway. How I do this is by spending time praying in tongues. First I need to be able to see the diagram.

Then when it is embedded in my mind and I do not need the diagram anymore; I can close my eyes and see it in my memory. I know which gateway to work on; I know how they function and what they feel like when they are not flowing; I know when they get corrupted by my own choices or by the choices of others and I can work on them to keep them clean and pure.

We are going to work on one flow of direction. We are going to go from the Gateway of First Love to the Gateway of Worship (spirit), to the Gateway of Emotions (soul), to the Gateway of Hearing (body), to hear the voice of God. So, the flow of God that I am looking for would come through the center of my being, through the Gateway of Worship, into my Emotions, out into my Gateway of Hearing so I can hear the voice of God flowing from my spirit.

When you start to pray, do not try to reach for somewhere ‘out there’ for the Glory. I am not interested in it coming down. The days are gone when it is coming down, it is time for us to go up. It is time for us to be found in the presence of God, not for God to be found in our presence.

Focus on your belly, where the presence of the glory of God is, in the Gateway of First Love, that the glory would flow through from there into the Gateway of Worship, from the Gateway of Worship into the Gateway of Emotions to help us begin to express ourselves towards God; and through the Gateway of Hearing to begin to hear the voice of God. The changes happen from the inside out.

I want you to put your hand on your belly and start praying in tongues to stir the anointing within you. Inside you is a well-spring of life, it is that well-spring that needs to flow from your spirit into the world that is around you. The flow and direction we are looking for is from First Love, through Worship and Emotions, to the Hearing Gate, so that we can hear His voice speaking his love whispers to us.

We are going to pray in tongues for four minutes, focusing on each gateway for one minute. So, it will be from your Gateway of First Love that the glory of God will flow to your spirit, through the Gateway of Worship into the Gateway of Emotion and through the Gateway of Hearing.

So, the first one is the First Love Gateway of Glory. I want you to start praying in tongues (if you cannot pray in tongues you may want to get someone to lay hands on you in ministry and get you baptized in the Holy Ghost). I do not want you to reach out to Heaven, I want you to reach out to the glory that is within you. The Kingdom of God that is within you is where the presence of God is.

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