Gateways of the spirit

Gateways are entry points where the life of God flows into us. As we become aware of the gateways of our spirit, we can sense the eternal life of God in us.

 A walk with God is a flow of His Spirit in us, where we yield to the moving of His Spirit, enabling us to fulfill our destiny. Without him we can do nothing, but through him we can do everything, he has called us to do.

God’s Spirit and our spirit are connected, through a gateway that is inside our spirit called first love. There is a gateway or door in our spirit that God is knocking on that we have to open to let him come in to commune with us.

We have to open our spirit to God in order to experience him inside of us. First we have to hear him knocking, hear him calling us, and sense him drawing us, wanting to have a relationship with us, and we respond yes Lord, I welcome you into every area of my life.

As God enters our spirit, our spirit becomes alive unto him, our spirit is quickened- it is regenerated, born again or from above.

Once our spirit becomes alive unto God, it becomes aware of God’s love, aware of his divine nature, it is called the fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5: 22But the fruit (that which originates from God) of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith23Meekness, temperance: against (“in accordance with”) such there is no law.

The fruit of the Spirit are divine attributes; they are on a higher level than human attributes, and are centered in God. Once our spirit becomes aware of them, we are enabled to tune into them by an act of our will. We know our spirit is open to God when we can sense the fruit of His Spirit inside of us.

As we become aware of the eternal life of God inside of us, our spirit senses it flowing into it. We have to learn how to abide in it, by continually focusing upon it; it is called practicing the presence of God.

The life of God flows into us like a river, it is the infilling of His Spirit. We have to learn how to continually tune into the peace of God, where we can feel it flowing into us, we should be able to sense it at all times. The lordship of Jesus over us is one of rest, his yoke is easy and his burden is light.

We have to tune into his love for us, he is totally for us and wants only the best for our lives. He wants to share his glory with us; he wants us to partake of Him, and radiate his beauty. He wants to penetrate into our being, cleansing, healing, restoring, setting us free and making us a whole person reflecting him.

As his divine attributes and abilities flow into our spirit, they then must flow out of our spirit, through our soul and body out into the world around us, so that the fruit of His Spirit can be directed towards everyone we come into contact with, and his gifts can begin to operate in us to bring healing to others, and share the hope that shines through us.

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit (our God consciousness), and then through different gateways of our spirit into our soul (our self consciousness).

The gateways of our spirit are worship, fear of God, reverence, prayer, intuition, revelation, faith, and hope. The gateways of our soul are conscience, reason, imagination, mind, emotions, will, and choice. The gateways of our body are eye, ear, nose, mouth and the feel gate, or the five physical senses.

We are learning how to live from the inside out. We have to learn first of all that we are a spirit being. We have to be aware of our spirit and live in it and from it. We have to learn the difference between our spirit and our soul. And live in our spirit and not in our soul. Most people live in their soul, like the Corinthians, like mere men or human beings. We are a new creation; we live move and have our being in God.

As we become aware of our spirit, then we are enabled to allow The Spirit of God to live through us, and fulfill our destiny and purpose upon the earth. God is enabled to do amazing things through a vessel totally yielded to Him.

When we are aware of our spirit, it is in the forefront of our consciousness. To walk in the spirit we have to be aware of the life of God flowing into it. As we learn to walk in the spirit, the moment we slip back into the soul where it comes to the front of our consciousness, (the manifestations of self) (that union of soul and body acting independently of the lord), we stop, we pause and look to the Lord, stead back into our spirit, so that we do speak, act, move independently of him. We are learning how to walk, which refers to all our activities in him. Our soul must come under the lordship of Jesus over our spirit.

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit and then through gateways in our spirit, into our soul.

We sense the life of God flowing into our spirit through a gateway called worship. Worship means to bow down in obedience and honor God as lord of our lives. As we sense his majesty we worship him in spirit and truth. We are yielding and surrendering our life to him, to govern so that his presence sanctifies it.

Reverence- we glorify him in everything we say and do by allowing His Spirit to move through us.

Fear of God- we sense his holiness and see things through that perspective.

Prayer-two way communication, we discern Jesus interceding for us through the Holy Spirit and say the same thing. We ask questions, and wait upon the Lord for answers. We discern his will for others and come into agreement.

Intuition- we sense God’s leading.

Revelation- the entrance of his light, we begin to see spiritually.

Faith- what God reveals to us, what we see and hear in the spirit, we lay hold of with our spirit, until it becomes a part of us, until it comes to pass in the natural ream.

Hope- is the confident expectation of God’s destiny for our lives coming to pass within us and through us.