Getting into the flow of the Spirit

In order to get into the flow of the Spirit, our spirit must connect or make contact with God’s Spirit; this is called having a meeting with the Lord. This is called entering into the secret place, the meeting place, the heavenly places in Christ, or the throne room, or bedroom of God where we are fellowshipping or communing with God.

Once we enter into His presence, the awareness of His Spirit, we have to learn how to abide there. This is called being continually filled with His Spirit, being led by the Spirit, or walking in the spirit.

In order to get into the flow of God’s Spirit, we have to press in. This requires a total focus of our spirit until we break through the veil or cloud that is over us. Our soul or self conscious has to be submerged into a God consciousness.

Our spirit has to be activated where it is hungering and thirsting after God, so that we are filled with God. We are reaching out to touch the Lord. When we seek God with all our heart we find Him or have a meeting with Him. We can do this through worship, waiting on the Lord, meditation, prayer, or coming into the assembly of believers where the Spirit is more concentrated (thicker or stronger, to bring together in the same place) The quickest way to have a meeting with the Lord is to worship him with all our heart, to sing praise unto the Lord; he inhabits the praises of His people.

As we learn how to press into God, once our spirit makes connection to Him, His life energizes our mind, our emotions and we can feel signs of it in our body. Once we get into the Spirit (when our soul becomes aware of God), we have entered into the flow of His life in our heart; it is the river of His life.

When we are filled with the Spirit, our soul is conscious of God and our spirit starts communing with God where we get revelation or hear things in our spirit, this is words that enter into our soul-consciousness, usually scriptures or parts of sermons we have heard coming to our remembrance.

When our spirit is communing with God, we become aware of His love flowing in our heart, His joy flowing in our heart, we become aware of the divine nature of God or the fruit of His Spirit.

We have basically (used to emphasize the most important aspect of something, or to give a simplified account of something more complicated) two lives in us, the life of God in our spirit, and our natural human life in our soul-body.

 When we are filled with the Spirit our spirit is drawing the life of God and it is flowing into our soul where we become conscious of it.

 We have a human nature of unbelief, fear, depression, uncertainty, confusion, doubt and all the things of this world that our soul is aware of. To simplify it we are either aware of the Spirit of God, or other spirits (thoughts and feelings and desires that do not originate in God).

We have to break through our awareness of this world, into the world of the Spirit where we become aware of God’s Spirit or presence. This is called pressing into the Kingdom.

The kingdom is where the Spirit of the Lord is, and where His Spirit is there is freedom. This is where we are more aware of the Spirit or life of God than we are of our self or our circumstances. Our awareness of God or the flow of His life comes to us in degrees or measures. It is coming under His influence or His moving in us.

When our eye is good we are filled with light, when our eye is bad we are filled with darkness. We are either focused on the Lord or something else. Our spiritual eye is the instrument of our focus, when our eye is on the Lord the flow of His Spirit is entering into us. When we enter into the flow of the Spirit we are entering into His rest or the refreshing and renewing of the Spirit.

Math7: 13Enter( command to begin this moment not continuous, metaphor- of entrance into any condition, or state of things) ye in at the strait (narrow from obstacles standing close about) gate( the entrance to the kingdom): for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14Because strait (from a root sten–, seen in stenazo, “to groan,” stenagmos, “groaning”  is used figuratively  of the gate which provides the entrance to eternal life, “narrow” because it runs counter to natural inclinations, and “the way” is similarly characterized) is the gate (the access or entrance into any state), and narrow  is the way( road, pathway, journey, metaph- a course of conduct, a way ( manner) of thinking, feeling, deciding), which leadeth (two words 1-from 2-to lead, to stir to action, bring forth, bring unto, the separation of a person from that which they were formerly united to) unto (motion into) life, and few there be that find (continuous action, obtain, get for oneself, to meet God) it.

 Luke13: 23Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved (continuous action, to save from the evils which obstruct the reception of deliverance)? And he said unto them, 24Strive (command for continuous action, comes from a root word meaning conflict. to contend for victory, to strive for the mastery, to enter a contest: contend in the gymnastic games to contend with adversaries, fight, metaph- to contend, struggle, with difficulties and dangers, to endeavor with strenuous zeal, strive: to obtain something) to enter in(specific point in time, of entrance into any condition) at the strait (from a root sten–, seen in stenazo, “to groan,” “narrow” because it runs counter to natural inclinations, and “the way” is similarly characterized;) gate( the access or entrance into any state,) : for many, I say unto you, will seek (future tense) to enter in, and shall not be able (to have strength, ability). 25When once the master of the house (head of a family) is risen up, and hath shut (definiteness and completeness of action, subject to a condition, close up) to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know (you stand in no relation to me) you not whence ye are( of place, a spiritual place or condition) :

To enter into the Kingdom is to enter into the life flow of the Spirit; it is the Lordship of Jesus over our spirit, soul and body. It is entering into His presence, beyond the veil. In order to enter into the kingdom we have to have our spiritual eyes opened, this is the place where we tabernacle with God, where we fellowship or commune with Him. Our lamp (spirit) is burning and we have continual access to more oil. We have to learn how to abide in this place, so that we are the five virgins who are ready for the consummation of the marriage (the glorification of our body) when Jesus comes to get his bride.

In Luke it says we are to continually strive to enter into the straight gate. We enter into a spiritual condition where we are continually filled with the Spirit so that we can walk in the spirit; it is the life flow of the Spirit where our spirit is sustained (to provide somebody with nourishment or the necessities of life) with fresh oil continually. This is a condition of spirit where our spirit is active and continually pressing in. We strive; this is keeping a right spirit, or focus on the Lord where we are not distracted by the many things that fight for our focus.

In Mathew it says we are to enter into this spiritual condition, and that there be few that find it (obtain it). It is a general exhortation for something to be done this moment. In Luke it says that we are to strive to enter into this spiritual condition because it is in reference to his second coming. It says many will seek to enter but not be able with reference to the future, when the door is shut.

This is a spiritual condition of sanctification where we enter into the rest of the Lord; we are to labor to enter into this rest (the life flow of the spirit). This is the place where the word of God divides the soul from the spirit, so that we are able to put off the old man and put on the new man, so that there is no longer the inner conflict of the spirit desiring one thing and the flesh another. This is the place where the Spirit of God is able to abide upon us as a dove. When the Spirit of God is upon us we have power. Where we have ceased from our own works and entered into His.

Romans 14: 17For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in (intimate union with) the Holy Ghost.

We have to see the kingdom, enter into it, abide in it, and then we inherit it. The kingdom is righteousness, and peace, and joy in communion with the Spirit of God. This is the life flow of the Spirit of God in our heart; it is His nature being manifested in our life.

In order to get into the life flow of the Spirit, we have to focus on the Lord with an intensity of the spirit until we become aware of His presence. It is only as we learn how to abide in Him, that we will be able to respond in the divine nature and walk in the spirit, the moment we get out of step the Holy Spirit convicts us and we repent. Unless we learn how to live in the life flow of the Spirit, we will be moving in self (independent of God)because we have lost our contact with the Lord.

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