God does not measure success by results, but by the faithfulness that we display

The world is success oriented; the Kingdom defines success differently on some days. Success can be to remain standing in difficult circumstances, even if they are not resolved. Other people’s obedience may be a factor in us achieving a purpose. Some situations are mainly about learning patience, being steadfast, and developing trust in the goodness of God.

Ezekiel was sent to a rebellious nation; a hard people who would oppose him all of his life. He was to give the word of the Lord constantly to a people who would ignore him, attack him personally, and fail to respond to his ministry.

Israel did not heed his words and eventually went into bondage and exile. How do you measure his success? It lies in the fact that Ezekiel faithfully prophesied the word of the Lord for more than two decades and then went into exile with them.

We cannot ignore the requirements of patience, steadfast behavior, and faithfulness to God’s purpose.

What are you developing in these areas of your life? Our current circumstances about cultivating these necessary characteristics.

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