God has a chosen race

Does that mean he is Jewish? What about a Hebrew?

He created the Hebrew language, there is no other like it in the earth, but He never intended to communicate in a written language. He communicates through infused knowledge. People in heaven communicate by thought; they do not have to say anything.

All the races on the earth are fallen, some good- some bad in all of them. In the Hebrew culture, God set forth some laws and statues that would make that culture far superior, so that other cultures would take notice, but the Hebrews were a stiff necked people. He wanted to wipe them off the earth and start over with Moses.

Moses was a friend of God; He talked to him face to face, and let the rest of them hear his voice when he spoke to Moses in his tent outside of the camp.

The human race is incompatible with God; the carnal mind is enmity with God. His thinking is on such a higher level, it is like a human being trying to have fellowship with a fish.

God is a racist. He put every human being in Christ before He created the Heavens and the earth. We are rejected in Adam, driven out of the Garden, but accepted in Christ.

In Christ we are a new creation. In the time and space realm none like it ever existed before in the earth. Only the seventh from Adam (Enoch) went through the flaming sword, and had his D.N.A transformed so that death had no power over him. Elijah was caught up in the chariots of fire, and Moses got his body back because he was the meekest man upon the earth, but was not allowed to enter the Promised Land but had to die.

In the Old Covenant the glory of God appeared as a consuming fire over the Mountain. To touch the mountain was to die. How can you have a relationship with a God like that? Without holiness no one will see Him, only the pure in heart see God.

God is a consuming fire; no flesh will glory in his presence, but be consumed into ashes. Flesh and blood cannot inherit His Kingdom. But he shares his glory with his sons. It is a different kind of glory, it is the glory of being a son of God, the glory of Sonship in which the whole of creation will be loosed from futility.

God is a consuming fire; it is a part of who He is. God is fire, God is light, and God is love. These all refer to the energy of who He is, The power behind matter or the natural creation.

God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. He never intended for us to become a human being-to have the D.N.A of our natural parents, this is the result of the fall.

We existed as all these wonderful thoughts in the heart of God, spoke into being, then sent into the earth, and then called to awake, to remember. You were there and shouted for joy when I made the natural creation.

You were chosen to come to this earth and agreed with it, to become a part of the many membered body of Christ, the new creation.

The Father draws us, reveals his love to us, and then call’s us to become a partaker of His Holiness.