We always know where we are at with God because he never changes. He remains the same towards us even if our life, responses, and obedience fluctuates.
He will always be gracious and merciful because of Jesus. He will always operate in the fruit of the Spirit in his dealings with us.
We seldom will know how he wants to do things. We are learning to be led by the Spirit. Wisdom is the understanding of how God perceives, how he thinks, and how he plans to do things in our life circumstances.
A cursory view a scripture tells us that often he does not do things the same way twice. What worked in what situation will not work in another, even if they are similar situations.
There is no substitute for trust in being led by the Spirit. It is a moment by moment, day by day relationship that is being built into you. Take his hand. His character is predictable; His ways are many and varied.
Learn to relax in the unchanging nature of God. What does he want to be for you at this time? Settle into the peace of that and rejoice.
What trust is now possible? What are you seeing of his purpose?