God proclaims victory

Behold, is not the hand of the Lord with you that there should be a release to your spirit this day? Be not heavy hearted nor discouraged, say not in your heart that God delayeth too long.

Draw thy strength from the Lord, for you are ready to press into new things. Be not dismayed that the word of the Lord seemeth to be not true, that the Lord speaketh victory and you seem to experience conflict.

And, Oh, what the Lord proclaimeth! He speaketh of things that are not as though they were, and by the word of His declaration, He bringeth it to pass.

Let thy heart confess, “The word of the Lord abideth true, and I shall please the Lord my God with faith.” Know thou that without faith, it is impossible to please Him? Come before Him and let your heart be lifted with joy and rejoicing of heart.

It is a day of release. It is a day of release! Let the people cry, “Victory,” for the Lord hath given them victory. Let them cry unto the Lord, “Release,” for the Lord hath given them release.

Sing new songs unto the Lord. Prepare your heart, order your steps before Him. Be not dismayed; lift up your hands which hang down, strengthen the feeble knees, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way. Rather let it be healed. The Lord is with thee to gird thee about with His strength, and in the evil day because thou hast been strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, ye shall stand and not fall. Amen.

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