Government in the city church

The government of the city church is under the leadership of an apostle with a group of other apostles working together with prophets, and the other Ephesians 4: 11 ministries, and the elders.

In matters relating to strategy, foundation- laying, or planting and building churches, the apostles work with the prophets (Ephesians 2: 20-3: 5). In major decisions affecting the lives of the people, they would consult with the elders of the city church as well as the apostles (Acts 15: 4-6).

A fully formed city church would have a plurality of apostles just as a local church has a plurality of elders. In Jerusalem there were initially 12 apostles, but that number increased when James, the brother of Jesus, plus some others were also recognized as apostles. Whenever apostles are mentioned functionally in the New Testament, they are always in the plural (Acts 4: 33, 37; 5: 12; 6: 6; 8: 14; 9: 27; 16: 4; Ephesians 3: 5; 2 Peter 3: 2; etc. Although there was a plurality of apostles in Jerusalem, James was recognized as having the final authority among them. He was very humble and consulted everybody over the decision made by the first council in Jerusalem as to whether the new Gentile believers should be circumcised and keep the Jewish law (Acts 15: 1-29).

To form a present-day city church which is a regional center, the local churches in one city or region need to come into closer relationship with one another. They must then recognize and come under one overall Apostolic government so there will be no dividing walls between them. This builds one mighty, impregnable, spiritual wall of fire around the outside of the whole city which completely protects them from any external demonic attacks (Zechariah 2: 4-5).

Each church member should have a local commitment to his own local church. However, there should also be a clearer sense of identity with the whole city and a definite Commitment to be actively involved in citywide events, from time to time, so that the leaders and the people have unity of purpose. It is necessary to see that the entirety of the whole is more important than anyone’s own individual part of it.

City churches have the power to impact the whole of society and bring about the fulfillment of Psalm 2 as we saw in (Acts 4: 24-35). These New Testament city churches threatened the existing demonic rulers over the city and had the authority and power to overcome them and cast them down, displace them.

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