
The revelation of grace will change our lives.

Grace is that which emanates from the heart of God to us, that which he freely gives- his unconditional blessing upon our lives.

Grace- the root of the word means to rejoice exceedingly, be glad, to be well off, and thrive.

As God begins to reveal his grace to us, it causes us to rejoice exceedingly, there are no human words to describe it. There is no way we could ever deserve it, the only thing we can do is receive it.

The grace of God transforms us. It is his divine influence upon our hearts which becomes the reflection of our lives.

Grace is God’s way of saying this is what I want to do for you; this is what I want to do through you, so all we have to do is allow him to do it.

The problem is that we have a tendency to get in the way. We try and do what only God can do, because we do not understand grace.

In order for the grace of God to begin working in our lives, we have to come to the place where we have no more confidence in the flesh. The flesh is that union of soul and body that acts independently of God.

It is the I am going to do better mentality, the result of partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

We have to stop trying and start yielding. We have to relax and become aware of the presence of God inside of us.

We do not try and live a Christian life. Christianity is another person, another Spirit living through us. It is a growing awareness of God inside of us. We become aware of His Spirit working in us to desire and then to do.

We have to learn how to drink of His Spirit until we are filled. Once we are filled with His Spirit, then He is able to express Himself through us.

The grace of God is the blessing of God upon our lives, His empowerment for us to prosper.

Luke 2:40 40And the child grew (enlarge, increase), and waxed strong (to empower, strengthen) in spirit, filled (to influence, occupy) with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.

The inflowing of God’s life into our spirit strengthens our spirit, it flows into our soul filling it with wisdom, and the grace of God comes upon us.

If we could see in the spirit it would be like the image of the Father comes and settles upon us, so that we have no self-conscious apart from him.

Without him we can do nothing. But through him we can do all the things that he is empowering us to do.

The government of God upon our lives, his managing of our lives, is one of rest. His government is a government of peace. So we have to relax and allow his Spirit to live through us. We have to allow this new life of Jesus to come through us, to flow through us.

There are only two ways of doing something. We can do it in God, or we can do it in ourselves.

When we try and do it in ourselves we will fail, without me you can do nothing. When we try and live the Christian life out of our own strengths and our own abilities we will fail because we are doing it apart from God.

To do something in God, in mystic union with Christ, is to do it with a conscious awareness of the presence of God. Our thinking is inspired by God, we are feeling what God is feeling. We are being moved by the Spirit of God and when we speak, our words are filled with Christ.

The Holy Spirit is pictured as a river that flows from the throne of God out of heaven and comes to a door of a house- Ezekiel 47.

We are a door or gateway, in which the river of life can flow out of heaven into the earth. Most of the time this water just trickles through under the threshold of the door, unless we learn how to open the door that is in our spirit, so that it can begin to flow into us.

Everywhere the river flows it increases so that we just jump into it and are carried along. We can become submerged in the river. We are in the world but not of it, we are experiencing a new environment, we are immersed in the presence of God, we are in the Spirit.

This is the grace of God, the grace of God flows in the river of life. It is God empowering us, so that we become conscious of his presence, which enables him to express himself through us, as we become the door way for the river of life to bring healing to the nations.

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit and strengthens it.  This is the grace of God, His enablement to live in and through us.

2peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied (optative mood-expressing a wish, the root from another form  of the word means- a fullness, from the root to  fill, furnish)( to make full, multiply, to cause to increase, growth, spreading from the inside out)unto you through (intimate union with, state of rest, remaining in) the knowledge (experiential knowledge, participation in a full knowledge, precise and correct) of God, and of Jesus our Lord, according( in what manner or way, how) as his divine(what is uniquely God’s and proceeds from Him) power(dúnamis- force, energy, miraculous power ,achieving power, being able, capable) hath given unto us all things(totality, perfect provision) that pertain unto life(divine life) and godliness , through the knowledge of him that called us to glory and virtue

What is grace? Grace is his divine power, enabling us to become who we already are in Christ.

What is the purpose of grace? It literally says – who has called us to his own glory and excellence.

The purpose of Grace is to enable us to partake of God’s own glory and virtue.

It is a free gift – it is all the power of God given to us freely so that we can be what we could never be and do what we could never do by our own strength and by our own resources.

The multiplication of grace in our life does not automatically happen. We have to learn how it works. It is grace to become and grace to do.

Ephesians 1:3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with (a relation of rest, intimate union with) all spiritual blessings in (intimate union with) heavenly (what is in heaven) places in (intimate union with) Christ:

All of our spiritual blessings are in the Spirit realm, the heavenly places in Christ. The grace of God flows out of heaven into our spirit through a gateway in our spirit, called first love.

It then flows out of our spirit through certain gateways, into our soul through certain gateways into our body. Once we become aware of these gateways, get them open, cleansed, restored and flowing we become transformed ( 1-change of place or condition 2-to form), a change of  life form through learning how to live from the inside out, learning how to live from a different life source.

 We have to learn how to tune into the realm of Spirit which is in a different dimension, so that reality comes into manifestation in the natural realm and begins to frame it, and change it so that we experience the divine provision, God’s will for our lives.

 We have to learn how to tune into a divine energy in the spirit. Paul said that God’s grace was energy; it is this energy, this divine power that brings the will of God into manifestation in our lives, so that we experience heaven on earth.

The grace of God flows in the river of life. There is an energy realm that we are going to learn how to tune into and begin to live in. This energy realm is essential for the manifestation of sonship in the earth.

The whole of creation is waiting for us to come into the manifestation of sonship, where we are transformed from the inside out so that through us we can begin to loose the earth from futility.

 There is no manifestation of sonship apart from divine life and power and bringing that life to all of creation. We are going to have to shift how we see life-and-death because all of creation is waiting for us to reveal its freedom from decay and death. There is an energetic structure in the world called death, it is all around us and it permeates the atmosphere.

The divine life of God flows out of heaven into us and through us creating a kingdom atmosphere so that now the kingdom of God is at hand. The spiritual dimension of God’s kingdom can now be transposed (reverse the order of things) into the earth.

The people in this world are living in a matrix (an arrangement of connected things, a substance containing something, a false reality). We are now in the fourth estate of the heavens and the earth.

First estate-God created the heavens and the earth. Satan fell- second estate. Adam fell-third estate. Noah- fourth estate. The new heavens and the new earth coming back into the original order but better- this is the restoration, and we have a part to play.

 So the kingdom of heaven being at hand means there are consequences of this reality. Consequences to what Jesus has done that come into manifestation through us, to change the natural realm in which we live.

Jesus said repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. So our mind is what is stopping our transformation and the transformation of the world around us.

Satan is presently the god of this world (principalities and powers operating in the heavenly places). But he has no legal right to continue operating in the heavenly places, once we come into sonship where we take the seats that have been provide for us in this place, things will change. And it is from this position that we will be able to legislate into the earth.

Unless we learn how to enter the spiritual reality of who we are in Christ, our mind cannot be renewed inside of us and we cannot bring that reality into the natural realm.

Transformation begins on the inside of us, and then we become the agents of transformation on the earth.

Grace for divine life is being released now in the time that we are living. And faith will start being imparted into our spirit, and repentance granted to go to a higher perspective on the issue of life, energy, and health

Divine life functions entirely by grace. Law and legalism keeps us in death. As we learn how to enter into the realm of the Spirit, we are going to feel what the energetic framework of life feels like. Divine life is connected to how we see the world.

How we see the world, how we think and through the words we speak we frame up over ourselves a covering of death. I’m sick, I’m tired, I’m getting old, and I am all these other things, creating an energetic framework of death.

Jesus said if you eat my flesh and drink my blood you shall never die. But we have been believing in a inferior reality, death. We are creating an energetic world that we see ourselves in, which is actually faith in an inferior definition of who we actually are.

We are not standing fully identified in the new creation, the new heavens and the new earth. We are standing identified in the old and we’ve allowed our ethnicity, nationality and gender to frame up our earthly reality which means we are still in the matrix.

It is our belief system that is holding us back. The way we see, the way we think is producing the world that we live in.

We are in transition but the moment we look at our performance we’ve come back under the law and the law produces death, it is called the law of sin and death.

We are in a new (kainos) era, as we learn how to live in new creation realities we will progressively move away from law because the law will tether us to the natural realm.

The law anchor’s us in what is possible apart from God. The law was about what we could do apart from him. I’ve chosen not to lie, I’ve chosen not to steal, and I’ve chosen not to commit adultery, not to kill and so on.

The new covenant is I no longer live, but Christ lives in me .It’s the end of I, it is the co- crucifixion of everything that defined us and framed up our world.

As we grow spiritually we will become progressively more free and happy. We are coming out of religion which is death.  The fruit of religion is death. Every legal system that we frame up around ourselves by our own performance is death. It is the wrong tree; religion is the the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We have been eating from the wrong tree, because we’ve had a message of salvation from hell, not metamorphosis. We’ve not embraced the message- as he is, so are we in this world. – 1 john 4:17 

We go through different seasons with God; he meets us on the level that we are at.

But there is a group of people that God is raising up in the earth called the Joshua generation that are entering into their inheritance beyond the veil in order to help others into their destiny.

Grace is the divine enabling power of God demonstrated. There is greater grace and grace upon grace coming upon us.

We are in a time of great grace.  Grace is the energy or divine ability of God that flows out of heaven into our spirit strengthening it, so that we are enabled to encounter God. Grace is actually an energy .Paul said God’s grace works in me, not I, but his grace. It is Grace to become and grace to do, It is energy from another realm or dimension, the unseen realm of God’ kingdom, flowing into the natural realm out of heaven. This is where miracles come from.

This energy doesn’t come from the natural, it comes from another dimension- it comes from being in experiential union with Christ, the anointing of God.

It is the result of being filled with the Spirit, where power comes upon us and our nature is fused into God, where we experience the divine nature and abilities of God.

No matter how old we are this energy renews our strength and we are enabled to outrun chariots, we are enabled to go beyond the human restraints of the physical body.

There is a realm of energy in the spirit that begins to kick in. And we go from grace to grace, strength to strength, faith to faith as we experience more and more of God’s glory.

Zech 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. 7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.

The concept of the force in Star Wars can become within us an outworking of Grace. The power of God be with you! The power of God is a tangible reality; you can feel it in your spirit. That grace can then flow into your emotions and into your physical body.   Grace can flow through every cell of our bodies, every thought of our minds. Grace can flow through every emotion, even our tears. It can flow through our hands and touch others.  It is the very nature of our spirit, who we really are.  

Grace is the essence that God breathed into Adam and that Jesus breathed into His disciples. That grace can be manifested in the natural so that it becomes the image   of the invisible. Grace is the means by which all things were created both visible and invisible (heavenly) and by which all things hold together. Grace holds the universe together and can be outworked into the natural realm. Everything can become a manifestation of grace, the divine ability and purpose of God. And we have the honor of being the vessels of that grace.

Grace is that which emanates from the Spirit of God to us, that which he freely gives- his unconditional blessing upon our lives. 

Grace- the root of the word means to rejoice exceedingly, be glad, to be well off, and thrive. 

Grace is the New Covenant; it is God putting us in Christ before the foundation of the world. But we have to learn how to activate the grace of God, by surrendering our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

When we open our spirit to the Lord, he comes into it and activates it so that our spirit becomes conscious of God then his life can flow into our soul transforming it and healing our body.

We are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ, but they have to flow into us out of heaven, so that they can come into manifestation in the natural realm.

The grace of God transforms us. It is the energy, power and life of The Spirit of God, his divine influence upon our hearts which becomes the reflection of our lives. 

Grace is God’s way of saying this is what I want to become in you, this is what I want to do for you; this is what I want to do through you, so all we have to do is allow him to do it. 

The problem is that we have a tendency to get in the way. We try and do what only God can do, because we do not understand grace. 

In order for the grace of God to begin working in our lives, we have to come to the place where we have no more confidence in the flesh. The flesh is that union of soul and body that acts independently of God. 

It is the- I am going to do better mentality, the result of partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

We have to stop trying and start yielding. We have to relax and become aware of the presence of God inside of us. 

We do not try and live a Christian life. Christianity is another person, another Spirit living through us. It is a growing awareness of God inside of us. We become aware of His Spirit working in us to desire and then to do. 

We have to learn how to drink of His Spirit until we are filled. Once we are filled with His Spirit, then He is able to express Himself through us. 

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, when we open the door of our spirit to commune with God. Our relationship with God centers in our spirit, so we have to know the difference between our spirit and our soul, and learn how to disengage with our soul if itis being troubled.

 The life of God then flows into our soul, as thoughts in our minds, his feelings in our emotions, pictures in our imagination, his cleansing of our conscience. The Life of God reprograms our reasoning center. It strengthens our will, and helps us make the right choices.

The life of God has to flow through our spirit, then our soul, and then through our body creating a kingdom atmosphere around us, so that others can experience God.

The key is learning how to be continually filled with the Spirit, so that we can begin to live from the inside out, Instead of the things of this world flowing from the outside in and blocking the flow of God’s Spirit in our lives.

It is hard to be aware of our spirit, when our soul is troubled and our body is in pain, and this is when we need help from others in the body of Christ.