Grace and Life

The grace of God is energy.  

God’s grace works in me. It’s not I that’s working, it is his grace.  There is no manifestation of Sonship apart from grace and life.

When we come into sonship, we bring life to all creation. And everyone in the church is going to have to shift how they see life and death. Because all of creation is waiting for us to reveal the freedom from decay and death. That’s what Roman says.

And all the years growing up in the church, all I heard was it was freedom from sin, but free into what? Free from death. And free from the platforms of death and the energetic structure the world calls death into life. Some people don’t wait for times and seasons. And history is full of those who didn’t wait for times and seasons, they believed and received the promise by faith.

And yet, in God’s sovereignty, there are. Times and seasons. And he releases truth through people from the revelatory realm of heaven to frame up possibilities, to bring repentance because the people are not thinking like God. So he releases prophets in stages in history to bring a deeper level of repentance. Because repentance means to change the way you think. And Scripture says repent, because the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. So the Kingdom of heaven being at hand means there are consequences, consequences to what Jesus has done that are beyond salvation.

Because he’s saying to a group of people that are already saved, they’ve still got to change their thinking and it says be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So, your mind is what’s stopping your transformation? And that’s the principles and powers that you’re up against. Energetic patterns of thought that you have within you that prevent you from manifesting reality. So it’s actually the principles of faith in an inferior reality. And each generation, the Lord in his sovereign grace. Release his prophetic voices to frame up the possibility, because when the idea comes, the actuality follows.

What do I mean by that? I mean that when the Lord started releasing the baptism of the Holy Spirit or speaking in tongues in Azusa Street with William Seymour and before him others, there were always people that spoke in tongues in history.

But there was a moment where the truth pervaded in the church, and then speaking in tongues became an actuality. So it became a common grace, and then in history there were people that started to frame up in the 1950s, the prophetic and into the 80s. And now we’ve gone from a few people to many.

If you study books in the 1950s, they said only when the Spirit came on you could you prophesy and then it lifted off you and that was it.

But now we know that we can all prophecy. We stir up the gift within us. That it’s all about our intentions and our heart. When we look through the lens of love, words follow. So we’ve discovered the science of prophecy.

We used to think you had to meet a healing evangelist to get healed. But now we know there’s a common grace on healings because we are all healing.

So, faith bypasses effort, faith bypasses the normal protocols. So, David, by Faith took the show bread. He bypassed the regulations of saying this is only for the priests. He saw a higher truth, and he lived in that higher truth. And he wasn’t put to death for it, things that other people were. Because he was living out of a higher truth. So he ate the bread. And he was able to engage beyond the veil, even though that wasn’t the normal thing. He was called to be a king. But he understood the priesthood of all believers, and he’d seen the truth, and he had the Holy Spirit before the Holy Spirit had been given. So he was tasting at the power of the age to come so you can taste of the power of the next age to come.

Massive changes are going on right now, genetic technology. On every front, the world that we know is changing. We’re in the era of forced change. Do you know what that means? It means change beyond your ability to cope with. That there’s a way of coping with change which is coming into him again. Interest into union into the name. And that it will unlock transformational technology that will unlock pace, setting technology that will unlock light. And light is what the world’s been. Waiting for. Within that light is a record of life, it says. In your light, we see life within your with a fountain of life. We see light, there’s light and life go together, and I’m going to begin to talk about this and I’ll come back to over over again. We’re gonna hit it over and over again until it starts to manifest in you. Because I’ve seen a reality from the Lord that is a grace that’s been released now. And because you hear it, faith will come by hearing the word and it will become a possibility within you because you’re going to repent. And go to a higher perspective on the issue of life, aging, tiredness, energy, health and wholeness. And this is not just me speaking. This is actually going across the earth by many profits that weren’t even connected. I mean, I started talking about it before I met Ian. I hadn’t even met Ian. I started talking about it before I’d heard of Kirby. And what before Nancy. And now we’ve had the honour of meeting people that are manifest in the substance and reality of it, but I believe it’s a grace. OK. And I’m going to go at it in so many different angles and. You’re going to learn. This that it functions entirely by grace. It’s a grace. In fact, where you’ve got legalism in and works in your mind, you are in unbelief. And it’s producing death in you. The fruit of unbelief is death. You’ll find this because as we go into it, you’re gonna feel what the energetic framework of life feels like, and you’ll realise it’s intrinsically connected to how you see the world. Because if you frame up over your canopy of death through your words, you will eat of the fruit of your word. I’m tired. I’m sick. I’m all these other things creating energetic framework. I’m old. Create an energetic will that you see yourself, which is actually faith in an inferior definition of who you actually are. You are not standing fully identified in the new creation. You are standing identified in the old and you’ve allowed your ethnicity, gender, and nationality to frame up your reality, which means you’re still in the matrix. And we’ve had the generations after generations that have been in the matrix, and the Lord is challenging the matrix on a level we’ve never seen before. And Bob Jones saw this was going to happen, Bob Jones said. We need to repent. To see the. Glory come. And I filtered that through a paradigm of or. People need to deal with this in issues. No, it’s it’s the beliefs. That’s the root of the issues. Is the way they see is producing the world that they live in, and if we think that it’s gonna continue as it is right now, that is what we’ll eat off. We’ll eat of the fruit. Of our beliefs. OK, so the states has it’s been it’s been fundamentally challenged and you are powerful to think what you want or remain what you want. And for some of you, it may be very difficult to transition. For some, it may be easy to transition. But that’s OK. Because we are going to transition, we are going to transition. It is going to come and do not look at your performance for the for the Plumb line on this because the moment you look at your performance, you’ve come back. Into the law.

That’s right.

And what does the law produce? Death. It’s called the law of sin and death. The law came to bring death, but Jesus Christ came to bring life. You will realise as we go into a kind of era and new creation, that’s what the word kindness means as we go into that era, you will progressively move away from law. Because law will tether you to the natural realm, the law will anchor you in what is possible apart from God. The law was about what you could. Do apart from him. I’ve chosen not to lie. I’ve chosen not to kill I and it it was I. The New covenant is I no longer live. Christ lives in me. It’s the end of I. It’s the Co crucifixion of everything that defines you and framed up your world. Which means you will become progressively happier and freer and more intoxicated because you will be weaned off religion, which is death. The fruit of religion is death. Every legal system that we frame up around us of our own performance is death. It’s the wrong tree. And we’ve been eating from the wrong tree because we’ve had a we’ve had a message of salvation, not metamorphosis. We’ve not embraced as he is. So are you and we’ve limited through energetic words how far someone can go, but that is breaking across the earth. And for this generation come in it will. There will be no walls. There will be no boundaries because those walls are coming down. With the force of angels and the shout of trumpets and the release of David’s tents, Jericho’s collapsed before us and the playing field is wide open and that Plainfield is called grace. And we are being invited to defy the conventions of what have been framed up. See, speaking in tongues looked completely impossible until it broke open, and now you know, I used to run a church in the workplace and we had 12 different denominations that would come to our meetings. All of them could speak in tongues. Because it it exists as an energetic concept that allowed them to take that leap, you know, we were driving to the conference the other day, and Sam and I said let’s just speak in tongues together. Sam says I I I can only do it really quietly. Just do it. Really. Quietly, we would just ****. And it there was an ease because a grace has come. See, there wasn’t works. He wasn’t pressing him for hours. Tarrying for the gift of tongues. He’s that’s a truth. That’s the truth. You can’t tarry for it, but there’s a higher truth is that you can step in by faith and decree it and speak it, and it starts to function in you, because according to your faith, let it be done to you. See, he’s growing up in a generation where I’m not saying you have to. You go to a tarian meeting for the next month to get the gifts of tongues he’s growing up in a generation that says you’re in him. He’s in. You go for it. Go for it. Mystic union. You’re in him and he’s in you and they are empowered. They are empowered. They are.

When we pray for finances, we have in our mind an amount that we want, but we don’t really pray into it. We believe. That is a huge difference in in in how you live in this world, because praying is often anchored in unbelief. Praying is often anchored in an inferior concept of his goodness. And I’m a man of prayer. I’m not diminishing prayer. I’m challenging the way we’re praying and how we pray and. How we frame at reality? All good so far. Everybody OK? We’re really gonna go on a journey with this because I’ve seen the platform of grace where life lives. And we’re going to progressively move out of law and works. And we have to and it’s going to change our language. It’s going to change the way you speak. You cannot be in this era, grumbling, complaining, moaning, criticism cannot exist in this arena and you’ll realise why. Because the moment you you speak it and breathe it, you’ve breathed death. You have inhaled. A cancer stick. Is literally a different world that we’ve gotta come out of and there’s grace if we make mistakes. But you’re gonna be able to feel the difference. On the energy you’re gonna be able to feel that man. My spirit dropped. When I spoke that word. This isn’t the era of griping and complaining. This isn’t the era of criticism. This is the era of grace, and to it and grace and to it. And we’re with you all. The way. We’re going with you and we’re going together and we’re going as one and we’ll take hits for each other and we will love and there will be no record of wrongs. When we hold a record of wrong, we come into the testimony of death. Because remember, it says if you come under law, you’re judged under the. Entirety of the law. I know I’m challenging you, but what I’m challenging you is how big your heart can be, and we need bigger hearts because one time I was in Scotland I started running around. Going this House is too small. This House is too small. I thought the room was too small for the Holy Spirit and Ian to. Clayton was there and he turned to me, said that’s just spirit speaking to. Your body. Your heart’s too small.


So I’m just saying right now step into Greece. Your your performance is not gonna take you into a new creation. Your efforts are not necessary is through believing in what he has fully accomplished for you, but I want to. Propose to you. That we have diminished what he has accomplished on the cross that we’ve made it so small, so insignificant, that we’ve not seen the fullness of the outcome of it. But there’s a generation rising now that want to see reformation. To see reformation of creation, your body has to change. It has to. There’s the logic to the gospel. Your body is the frontline of reformation. Your body is priceless. Your body is so priceless that Jesus came back for his body and I teach on this. Jesus came back. He could have just appeared with different bodies, but he didn’t. He wanted his original body. Moses got his body back. He not kept his body. Elijah kept his body. A bunch of people got re resurrected. You get resurrected because there’s a purpose to the body and we’ve we’ve diminished that and we’ve said the body is is unclean and we’ve said the body should die and we’ve wanted it to get rid of it, but that is not the gospel. The gospel is that life swallows at death and that your body is his temple. Your actual physical body is the temple. So that must be pretty valuable. So why have we decided that we’ll consign it consign? It to the grave. Is that how we handle his house?

I tell you a mystery. Not all of you will die. Enoch skipped death. One translation says Faith kept Enoch from dying, so faith is greater than death. See do you know all you’d have to do to to? To to see so many people’s lives transformed. All you need to do is stay alive. Stay alive.

we’re not in a day where God is secretly coming. We’re in the remember, it’s the rise and shine. See, we’ve been praying these things. We’ve been praying. Let it be on Earth as it is in heaven for 2000 years. Now let me ask you, is anyone? Dying in heaven. So why should we be shocked that life comes on Earth? See the lot. We have to have a logic on this. We have to have a logic of where the Gospel’s ultimately gonna go. Cause if we’ve all set it up, it’s filling churches and people getting saved. We’ve demeaned the gospel. We have not made it victory. We’ve made it a lifeboat. To get you until death qualifies you for heaven. And religion’s happy with that, because remember, religion is the order of death. And it’s actually religion that’s framed that up around us as a system called the matrix. Because religion thrives off putting all the promises into an era for which you have no personal responsibility. Everybody OK? I know my words is heavy and impacting. But just take your hits. Take your heads because it’s good medicine. And I won’t go on too long. Because I’m on a journey with you guys. And if you’ll come. On this journey with you, I will I. I we have stood here for 10 years, we’re not going. We’re in it.

We’re in it and I believe even from like I know, some have energy and others get tired.

And you have to ask what is it that needs to shift into that energetic framework? Because that’s the technology we need. That you will run and not grow weary. You will walk and not be faint, that even the young faint. But if you wait upon the Lord. You will renew your strength. That realm of strength. Ohh, the strength of God is what’s coming. That’s the spirit of Elijah. There can be no future apart from the spirit of Elijah. The question is, are you gonna engage this or wait for it to be out there, or are you gonna engage it for yourself? Because I know that I’m done with decay, I’m done with death. See, you know, as Christians, we have these beautiful funerals where Christians die, and I’ve been to some great Christian funerals. But isn’t there a sense, even in the great Christian funeral, that it would have been way better if they just stayed with us and they? Were young again. I mean, let’s be honest about it. No one’s ever thought. That was awesome. What everybody’s thought is why? And that is the question coming from heaven now and Enochs appearing across the Earth. And you know, one of the reasons Enochs appearing is because his what was on his life was saved up until a generation far in the future. And it says it in the Book of Enoch that that his book was hidden. And it was only rediscovered in the late 1700s, and it’s only now going around the earth. It’s more and more people are realizing this truth in there, which is this, that what he walked in was for a company of people that by faith would walk in it as well. It says that in Jude he quotes the Book of Enoch. Jude quotes that book and he says that Jesus is going to come back with 10,000 mighty ones. What? What? Who are the 10,000 mighty ones? 10 is government multiplied. Remember 10 throughout scriptures, government is saying he’s coming with a governmental body that know how to come from the realm of heaven. It’s the same verse as Colossians 3, where it says when he appears you will appear with him. So that seems to be there’ll be a lot of people like Enoch. That seems to be there’ll be 10,000, which is a is a mystical number. It’s a parabolic number of governmental people multiplied that when he appears you will appear. So that means there’s going to be people that know how to take their body into heaven, and Jesus did it. Jesus took his body into heaven, his physical body, and sprinkled his blood on the altar. Human blood went into heaven on the altar. That’s what scripture says. That he took his body into heaven. And there’s Bill Johnson. Has said the. Pattern or blueprint is not Jesus before the cross. It’s Jesus after the cross and we have to shift where we’ve drawn the line because the new creation was revealed after the tomb. Remember, he came out of the the womb, he came out of the tomb as the first born of a new species. So it was after the tomb that we see the fully revealed Kinos creation operating in somewhere. And what have you got? A man that appears and disappears and teaches them about heaven for 40 days, which is? Means a generation. That’s parabolic language to say that the end will be framed up by a generation. That shift dimensions move dimensions. The logics there is that we’ve allowed our brains to think about heaven, so we’ve set our mind on things above. Consider those things above. Think those thoughts above, and we then we’ve allowed our spirits to engage above, and we feel the presence and. Like Jane was singing this whirling. That was her spirit. But we’ve drawn the line at the body shifting. Enoch and Elijah Mark a different type of people. And I’m going for the shift to dimensional technology and it’s opening, man, this sometimes I wonder what’s going to happen. I’ve had my skin ripple. I’ve had it shine. I’ve had it do all kinds of weird stuff, but I know that we have to keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible because we have to see the world changed and the world is not going to get changed through what? More of what we’ve done.


We have to draw a line to say more of what we’ve done is all it’s doing is we’re we’re we’re managing to capture some of the fish, but it isn’t enough for what we need. There has to be something beyond it where the evidence of the resurrection is irrefutable. See. It says that when Jesus came, he gave irreputable irrefutable proofs of the resurrect. I want to propose to you that in the marker of our generation is your body will demonstrate irrefutable proofs of the resurrection that your body is his temple, and he is going to cover it with glory and grace unto it, and grace unto it. And he is going to demonstrate that not that death wins over life, but life swallows up death. Wow. Which means your body is the frontline of transformation and the implications are huge and it’s already happening with people

Is there an energy I can be in and that energy is the seat of love and grace and rest where you’re enjoying him and you’re drinking from the river of his pleasures and in his pleasure is life one of the reasons the church is dying? They don’t drink the river of pleasure. Pleasure. The river of pleasure is literally the word Eden Springs, and in Eden there was immortality. One of the reasons the churches die in it doesn’t understand that God is fun. That he is pleasure, that he’s meant to be enjoyed, and because they won’t enjoy him, they die. Because the river of pleasure which is the river of grace, is the river of Joy. And joy is good medicine. Joy brings health to the bones, according to scripture. Strong drink, it says in proverbs is given to the perishing. And we have been perishing, but we refuse to drink because we have been under the spirit of grumpy. Which is actually pride. Pride has many faces. One of them is the spirit of. Grumpy. I’m too. Amazing to laugh right now. I’m too important to laugh. When Joy is the most serious business of heaven and says with joy, you will drink from the wells of salvation, why are we not seeing our body safe? We’re not drinking from the wells with joy. We’re not drinking with a thankful heart. Do you know that a complaining heart? Opens up the doorway of death, but thankfulness keeps the door of life open. Did you know that thankfulness keeps the spirit realm open? When you sit. Then you start thanking him for when you felt an Angel, when you’ve had this miracle, when you had that you create this energetic field of life around you, and it begins to sit on you because it has the shadow that it looks for.

It’s the living word. It’s the living manner. I am the bread of life, the living bread which gives and sustains life. Your fathers ate the manner in the wilderness and they died. This is the bread that comes out of heaven. So that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread and believes in me, he will live forever.

I am the resurrection.

And the life.

He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live.

Draw a line that has been 2000 years. We’ve believed and died and we get resurrected. That is awesome. But listen to this. Whoever lives and believes. In me shall never die.

Do you?

Believe this.

Have you? Have you noticed that living precedes believing in that second clause? What do I mean by that? I mean that you can believe in Jesus and be resurrected, but you’re not living in Jesus because you’re still deriding your life from the energetic field of the Earth and the food. And the sun and the moon and the stars and your organs and your genetics. So you believe. But your source, you’re not living in him. See living in him, crossing that line to living in him is one thing I learned from Enoch, cause I was asking the question why did he not go back into Eden when there was a fiery flame and a sword, and I wrestled with this and the mystery was revealed to me. And the mystery was this is that Enoch was willing to leave the things that defined his life. The flame wasn’t there to stop you. It was to reconfigure you back to the blueprint. See, you’re so attached to the blueprint you’ve been given for all the years of your life that you can’t see another blueprint. But I want to tell you, there is a blueprint. That’s the real you, the authentic you, the real you, the genesis. That is. You see, you are not revealed in Adam. You are revealed in Christ.

He is the the the true.

Authentic Genesis of who you actually are and you’ve been looking at the wrong mirror. You’ve been looking Adam, and we’ve been framing up Adam, and we’ve looked at the mirror and seen Adam and in Adam we see a pattern of death because he died. Listen to this to Timothy 110. Now this grace is revealed. It’s a grace. Everyone say. Grace. Grace, you cannot add to immortality. You can just drink immortality. You cannot create immortality. You can only receive immortality. It’s a grace. It’s an enablement. It’s a divine influence. It’s a drink.

It’s a new.

State or condition of being that comes from Union. Whoa. Now this grace is revealed through this and I’ve never heard anyone growing up in the church. I never heard anyone teach these things ever. I’ve had to discover them through being in the spirit, walking with the Lord, walking with Enoch. I didn’t hear people framing it up. Praise be to God that you are hearing it. Praise me to God that you’re hearing it. That it’s been released upon the Earth now blessed in your ears for your fathers wanted to hear this. The Lord spoke to me once and said revivals keep dying cause the leaders keep dying. See, we do not think that God could defend the world that much he brings in. What has he by tell you he is going. To offend the world. That much? You cannot put a level of how good you think God is or how much he respects what we call death. And how much he respects the media and the British Government and the American Government and how science frames up our reality. Goddess. No respecter of persons in in these days we are going to see that he is going to rip through the House of Straw and light it. Up their story of death, their story of religion, this store of farmer Kia and all of their genetic modification will be superseded by goodness now. This grace is revealed through the appearance of our savior, Christ Jesus. He destroyed death. And brought life. And I never heard this word preached. It must have been a forbidden word, life and immortality into clear focus through the good news. When did they preach on a Sunday service? Or you can have him and have life. They never added this and immortality as come into clear focus they they they put a they put a wow a limitation that was an in Scripture.

So you gotta get rid of your Punisher. You’ve gotta get rid of your Punisher. That little punishing devil on your shoulder has to.

That little voice that stops you.

Enjoying the wine and enjoying what he is pouring out that’s been encoded through parents and culture and society that little Punisher, this blocks your gateways of principle that has power. You have to let that principle go to transition. You have to hate that principle. You have to hate that principle and power that is framed up over you. A restriction and close your new creation life. I give you permission to hate those principles of death. I give you permission to hate those principles of religion and religiously encoded behavior. I give you permission because Jesus hates religion and Jesus came to destroy.

and that house cannot contain the future that is the tomb. You are the womb. You are a new creation. No more in condemnation. The old has gone and the new has gone. And you are a. Holy people a holy nation, you are holy, he is holy. We are holy. You are holy through and through. Through and through holy, pleasing, acceptable, perfect. You are loved. You are loved. You are loved.

Shift, shift, shift, shift, shift.

Just let it happen. Just let the energetic field collapse that held you, the cares and worries of this world that have choked the sea.

They’ve choked the DNA, they’ve choked the divine. You let the cares and.

Worries to do with finances to do with health, to do with friendships, to do with forgiveness, to do with the outcome. Let them shake. Let them break. Let them fall. Let them collapse, shake it off. Shake it off that energetic field of decay, the energetic field of death.

Without belief in an inferior, shake it off, shake it off, shake it off, let it go, let it go. Ohh yes, yes yes. So I. Will shake everything that can be shaken. Ohh.

Language of life. It is the sacred poetry. Of the burning heart. Oh oh, I hear that phrase today when I was praying sacred poetry. Sacred poetry is the language of grace. It’s the language of life. It’s time to come back into sacred poetry. And you will begin to recognize which song is right and you will begin to recognize the words which bring life, and you will begin to know, and you will begin to perceive the record of life versus death. You will see and perceive it for you are awakening even now? Says the Lord. I’m awakening your perception of that which leads to life and that which leads to death. I’m awakening you to understand how you frame it up around you and through you and in you. For I am for you not against you. And I have come to judge not you, but those things that stand in the way of love. For love is stronger than death and love is stronger than the grave. And I am coming upon you with the language of. Life and I am awakening your sacred song and I am awakening your sacred poetry and you will know it. And you will perceive it.

Ohh thank you father.

We’re gonna take communion now. We’re gonna engage the record of life this in communion now this is. Only one of the. Ways we can engage life, but I’m going to teach you progressively different ways of doing the same thing. Until you start to see life framed up and you, you’ll notice it. You will begin to see that energy levels increasing. You will begin to understand the technology of your voice that your voice is very advanced technology and that the words you create create worlds. And you’re gonna understand the sacred poetry, and you’re gonna understand what you actually have and who you are. Ohh. Overshadowed all by love. Overshadowed by life. Wow. Wow. Where death is seen where death has been a great shadow, they shall see a great light. Thank you, father. And there’s grace on you, this grace on you. You are under mentorship. You are under government. You are under grace. You are not under the law. You are under grace. Your performance ended. It’s gone. It’s over. You cannot perform into this. You are under great grace now. Now, the now, the tutors and government. Governors have done their purpose, which is to bring us to Christ, bring us to the reality, bring us to the substance. God in you and you. In him and now you get to drink. Now you get to feast. Now you get to eat because as he is, so are you as he is. So are you as he is, you have been seeded by Christ. With immortal DNA. And all we have to do is cultivate it. Now we, we, we contend with those things that try to. If you deal with those issues that choke it, the negativity. The wrong canopy, the wrong cover, and it will bloom and flourish in you. It will come forth in you and you will learn when you need to eat, when you don’t need to eat, because you’ll find it. Change. It’ll even affect your appetites. Many times I’ve known I’ve had to decrease my eating because I’m in energy. I’m in life. And you’ll begin to experience this. You’ll begin to understand this, that it’s not a fast and it’s feasted, it’s feasting. And it’s so great that, that, that food isn’t any contender for this love that you’re feasting on and that the fruit of the. Spirit is edible. Love, Joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness. You can eat it as much as you want and you will grow strong. On goodness and kindness and love. Have have you ever noticed that you get energized when you do something good for another person? Have you ever noticed how energized you get? It’s because you’re eating from the fruit you’re eating from the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience. That’s why people laugh and tiredness comes off them. That’s why people laugh and tiredness comes off them because they eat from the fruit of the tree of life which is love, joy, peace. Patience, goodness, kindness, self, self-control against such things. There is no law of death.

Thank you, father. Oh, thank you Lord.

So we’re just gonna. There’s, we’ve got a whole bunch of biscuits and stuff in this room. We’ve got these crackers. These are, I love communing with these. There’s a lot of seed in it. I love being seeded by God. Seeded by his nature and we’re going to actually just learn how to engage it. OK. So there’s juice there, but there’s wine there. To the pure, all things are pure and it’s up to you which will drink. You wanna have it doesn’t matter. But what we’re gonna do is now take. I want you guys to find something that you enjoy. Whether it’s the biscuit. Or the cookie or this or cheese crackers. And I want you to get a little cup. There’s cups there. Get some wine or get some juice and we’re gonna do an activation now on immortality, OK.

Thank you, father.

Hey, now personally I like the smell of wine. Even the smell of it cause just personally. And you know, I take a lot of different types of communion, but I like the thought of God intoxicating me. Shaking, asking, asking, asking, shikakai, Soco, robobo, soco, robobo, Soko robobo, soco robobo, great grace you know Winnie Banov always says Grace has to be drunk straight. That no works allowed. We cannot add to the drink. All we can do is receive it. All we can do is drink it. We cannot add to what he has fully accomplished on our behalf, that he is fully accomplished. The record of life.

That this isn’t going to.

Be an era of great grace. This is.

Going to be an era of where we.

Will fear his.

Goodness, because we will say the. Lord is good and his love endures forever. This is an era where as sin increased, grace increased all the more. Where Grace is going to be super bound towards you, super abound towards your finances and your health and your body that your you will prosper even as your soul. Prospers that there is prosperity in the wine. There is prosperity in the bread, there is prosperity in.

The new covenant.

That we, we.

Are we get the full blessings of what he has accomplished on our behalf that he did it for us? Endless love, as vast as the ocean, loving kindness as the flood. You are being drenched. I speak. Over you, you are being drenched by goodness, loving kindness will encompass you. Goodness and love will follow you. You are being pressed in on every side by life and love. This is an era of life and love. You’re just gonna fall into life, fall into love, fall into grace. You can do nothing. You can have nothing. All you can do is drink it.

All you can do is receive it all. You can do. Is, believe it believe. It and enjoy it.

Because he is the drink and you thirst. Thank you, Your Majesty. So we’re gonna step into that place in the spirit called life. And in that place of life, that wisdom’s table, we are gonna eat the communion feast. I believe personally, that the Communion feast is at wisdom’s table. It says she has prepared her wine. She’s prepared her food. And we’re going into a realm of wisdom. And do you know what wisdom brings? Do you know what wisdom brings? It says she brings long life. And. She brings health and long life. She brings riches. She brings wealth and long life. She brings renewal of strength and wisdom, works in the wine. For you are drinking not just wine. You are drinking DNA which contains knowledge. And you are drinking the knowledge of the sacred. The knowledge of the holy and you are receiving as a gift.

What others would pay for because it’s free.

Lee, given it’s freely given. And I am framing up over your wisdom is building her house and you are that house. It says in proverbs will wisdom builds her house and Wisdom’s house is the House of Prosperity and life. It is a House of longevity, he says. I will give you length of days. Wisdom says I will give you length of days. You are coming into the covering. You are covered. There is not an orphan. In this room, you are not coming into the energetic framework called the orphan spirit that says that you have no father. You have a father, you have a mother in the heavenly realms. You are covered. There is no orphan in this room that I see only sons. I see only daughters. I see those that belong that are family that are connected. That are in the sacred dancer in the Sacred song or in the Trinitarian Love affair. The life is swallowing us up. All we have to do is let it happen, and all we have to do is let life love us. Let life come up, possess us, let life over master us. Ohh.

Ohh wow.

Now, do you remember how I said? Ohh there’s a few drops. Do you remember how I said? That you know, the posture of joy is a posture of life that this, this energy and joy, one thing we’ve done in religion is taking the joy out of communion. You know, it was the love feast and used to get drunk. Physically drunk and they had to one of their letters had to say, look, guys, you gotta pull back. A bit from it. We’ve never had to say letters like that to our churches because we’ve turned it into a we’ve turned it into a a a meal of misery. And do you know what the scripture says? Because we eat it in the wrong way. We have death and sickness.

Because you know.

What if you drink this cup in an unworn? The manner you frame up death and an unworthy manner is when it’s under law and your works and your efforts and what you can accomplish, and we’ve turned it into our legal a legal drink, not a drink of forgiveness, not a drink of grace, not a love wine, not a fellowship wine, not a bride or wine, and we’ve not seen it for what it is, which is love, love in a cup. Love in a piece of bread? It is pure love and this love is actually a technology. It’s actually the elixir of life and you eat it in a worthy manner when you realise you are eating life.

Self and he chooses the.

Foolish things to shame the wise. The things that are not to nullify. The things that. Are that he saves the single handedly with no effort of our own. All he asked you to do is eat it and believe it because he knows that’s all we’re truly capable of and he gives him great pleasure to pour out the wine and it gives him. Pleasure to pour out the love and he wants you to eat it. He wants you to enjoy it. It’s a love wine and it’s meant to intoxicate you. See, we’ve got a fear of intoxication in the church cause we think it leaves to it leads to excess. But this intoxication will take you into excessive life. It will take you into excessive grace.

It will take you. Into excessive joy. Well, it will untether you.

So as we.

Go into this. We have to get the posture of of of, of delight. I want you to, before we even need to just smell it just you can take a little nibble. Ohh, just a little nibble. You have to get in the posture of delight because you’ve been called to the river of delight. You’ve been called to the river of pleasure. You’ve been called.

To the River of Eden.

You’ve been called into bliss. You been called into joy. You are not an object of wrath. You are an.

Object of Mercy, mercy, mercy. Wow. And burning love. And he loves you. And this is a love wine. It’s a burning wine. It’s a. It’s a satisfying wine.

Intoxicating wine and right now by Faith Lord, we honor your body and we eat it in a worthy manner. This.

Day that we. Recognize if God before us, who can be. Against us that he.

Loves us that even death is inferior right now in your hand, you have the cure to death. You have the cure to sickness. You have the cure to IQ or whatever else you’re contending with. And by Faith Lord, we step into that realm of life and we eat it. Wow, I want you to see it moving into your body now. That all the all. The energy and life that’s in, it’s going into your bones. It’s going into your marrow. It’s going. Into your neural pathways. I’m telling you now. We are going to see the end of dementia. There is a realm in the spirit we will talk about this, Jeanine. There is a realm in the spirit where dementia doesn’t exist and God’s people are gonna have a full mind and full quality. The isight is gonna be strong. Ohh we come right now. We say neural pathways. You clear right now in Jesus name or every bit of blockage. If you’ve got heart disease right now this is gonna begin to clear it. Memory issues, site issues. Umm, Orphan Spirit is coming off you right now. You are loved. It’s not in your future. Into my body. Into my bones. Just see lights filling.

Wow, that we are those.

That live in him. I want you to move from believing in him to living in him. Do you know the? Difference believing you have time off. Living you die apart from him. And I’m learning more and more that I cannot live outside of him not to do what I’m doing. Not to travel the world and to engage the truth and the stuff we’re doing, it is essential to live in him. The days of are checking out from Jesus are over. This is the ear of the bridal paradigm, the Union paradigm where. We really mean this. Is the air I. Breathe. OK, let’s come to the wine. Now. I want you to smell. I want to tell you something that when I was in in the States, they took me to a beautiful winery or whatever that you call it vineyard. And they had all these expensive wines on the table and said we can tell which soil they were grown in, which elevation, which field, which farm, which county, which country. And the Lord began to speak to me, said. How can you tell that from tasting something? And he said it’s because the knowledge and experience of the grape is encoded into the wine. And that when you drink the wine, you drink it’s knowledge. You drink what soil it new. You drink what sunshine it. Had you drink what? Elevation it lived. And the Lord said that the wine of Jesus is DNA technology that when you drink this cup, you drink his memories, his thoughts, his intentions, his taste, who he is in the father, where he came from and it actually goes into you through taste. And that’s why you taste and see. Because sight comes through taste. As we drink this, we’re gonna drink the life and the memory. Remember, life is in the blood. You are going to drink the record of Jesus Christ. The man that walked on the water. The man that was in the father. The man that appeared in the Old Testament. The man that he was, the the man of love. The man that healed and the energy and life and intimacy and trust and. Innocence that he had in the father and the health and the joy that he had in the father comes into you because it’s for you. We drink it now. Let it go into my body.

Into my body.

I know what you’ve been taught, but change it. Change the world you live in and the world you see change. Eat him. Drink ham, receive it in your DNA into your body, into your marrow. The memories of Jesus, the life of Jesus. The knowledge of Jesus. You will now treat your wisdom itself. Wow. Can you feel your heart expanding? Can you feel your thoughts? Exploding. You now know things that you didn’t know a minute ago. It will come out of you when you’re talking to a friend. It will come out to you when you read, write in a poem. It will come out of you when you’re doing a piece of artwork you have just been infused with knowledge infused with wisdom infused with revelation. It’s called the knowledge of Christ. And I give you permission this night to enjoy him. I give you permission to be intoxicated by him. I give you permission to get lost in the wonder. And in the mystery and in the bliss. Of being permanently. Permanently united together with him in the same way that I can’t get that wine out of your body. You’re in him and he’s in you. It’s too late. You drank it. You ate it. It’s too late for you.

It’s too late for us.

Wow. And it’s too late for the earth because when his blood was shed on the cross. The Earth drank the wine. And the earth remembered.

Thank you, father. Amen. Amen.

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