Greater days


Has this not been a day in which the Lord has challenged thy faith, saying, “Wilt thou believe the Word of the Lord or nay?” Say not in your heart, “Behold, I would that I could have lived in the days in which the Lord did perform signs and wonders; when they could see the water turned into wine; when they did behold the Lord walking upon water, and they saw the dead raised. Would God that we had seen those days.” Yet, say not in thy heart these things; for greater days than these shall ye see, for the hand of the Lord is with thee that the Lord shall do gloriously. Is it not a day that He shall triumph over all the powers of darkness? Shall he not come on clouds and every eye shall see Him? Shall He not rule and reign, is it not His that the ends of the earth shall bow before Him? Yea, every knee shall bow. Is it not the time that He shall manifest Himself unto His remnant and unto the faithful ones? Is it not a day of judgment and a day of exploits? Say not in thy heart, “Would that we had lived in another day;” for if thine heart could have chosen a day, a day most glorious, would it not have been that which the prophets earnestly desired to walk in, the day of the Lord that cometh forth? Yea, let thy heart be glad and rejoice; it is a time, brethren, that thou shalt believe! Open thine eyes and open thine heart, for as faith shall reach out, signs and wonders shall be wrought in the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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