Harvest of hearts-weeds

The Lord said I want you to engage your scroll with me for next year. so I will be expanding on how we can do that say, so I entered him by faith and met with the father in the garden. I was so amazed and delighted to see him you see I have met with the father in the dark cloud of his presence and in the throne room and in the courts. when you meet with the father in the garden it’s completely different. I have hung out Jesus loads in the garden we are regulars there. but meeting with Papa there was just incredible. he said to me what do you see for this year and I hesitated and I couldn’t reply straight away when I was I was just so in awe just of him being there I was amazed just that his vulnerability and and his safety and his love I didn’t reply because I was just enjoying the moment I was enjoying just being there and so I just grinned and this really touched the heart of the father because communication with him is straight heart-to-heart so my pause in answering him it was expressing that my simple enjoyment was with his company. which is the whole point of being in the garden with the father. so then feeling the father’s heart swell with joy at my response because I have just chosen to stand that little bit longer before him, before talking business about the scroll. and so now that I was feeling the father’s joy I became even more overwhelmed and I was even more wrecked. so he put his arm around me and he just squeezed me with this hug that was eternal, it never ended, and I don’t recall it ever ending. it just seemed to continue. but we still kept talking and walking in the garden but I still feel his hug even now. just together together is a beautiful word together walking in the garden with the father and the pathways were glorious , and then I looked up and unravelling like a river it was like a river this scroll but it was just a portion of the scroll, just a small piece because it’s for this year. Because the scroll of your life has all of your years in it. this was just a portion but it wasn’t limited to one year it’s one dispensation because there could be acceleration and everything is moved through or if I have a hard heart or I resist God then this little portion might be 10 years.  so I saw this rushing past like a river many situations and nations and places, it was too much to take in. so I said father how can I engage with this, and he pulled me out of it  until the scroll was very small and it went into ball like this, he said what do you see for this year and by revelation I was shown that now with his perspective being in the spirit I could go in at any portion within that scroll I could hold that scroll in my heart I could come into agreement with it I could take that scroll with me into court and petition the father that everything would be accomplished. there was some amazing things on it and another powerful thing about taking your scroll into court or just taking it before the father is there anything that would get in the way of these things that are written there that is a fuel for the fire of God. so this New Year that we going into leaving behind the stuff that’s holding us back and running forward into the new. so part of my time leading up to this New Year letting go of things. some crazy stuff has been happening in my heart as well as happening all around me, I said lord what and what on earth is going on and my heart was really grieved, it was really grieved and heavy to painful. painful situations that were happening emotional politics and mind games and I was just saying Lord, how do I continue loving and when do I confront things and the Lord said to me it’s okay. I’m removing the relational tares and his words bought such clarity and strength and reassurance. I know as he spoke to me his words just carried life and it strengthened me, I felt like I could breathe again, I could think clearly and I just felt rest on the whole situation. and I began to see that harvest is a process that doesn’t just happen instantly. so the harvesting of souls that is also a process. you know many of us when we were born again you know we were harvested into the kingdom. we didn’t have our tares removed you know we were loaded into the barn and gradually we got free of some of the tare attributes. maybe we’ve had an encounter with God that has set us free of some stuff we had so so lie buster so many there are so many, you know it is a process of us persistently being courageous and going before father. so these tares sit in the fabric of our souls and in the body of Christ these tares are also being removed and Jesus talks about tares in Matthew in Matthew 13 depending on the version that your reading sometimes it calls them weeds. so you’ve got wheat and you’ve got weeds. and what’s the difference. so wheat brings grain which is multiplication. so the grain then brings sustenance for life and the weeds they also bring multiplication, I have seen that in my garden .but weeds rather than bringing sustenance for life they bring chaos and corruption. who sowed the weeds, the enemy did. the enemy does not have a seed line that can bring life he can bring multiplication because he trains his people but it does not bring life so what does the master do, you know father doesn’t freak out he lets the tears grow up he allows the weeds to grow up.

 So if these tares and these weeds are showing up in our relationships or in our heart, in our soul that is a good thing. Because it means we are maturing as sons, it means we are nearing maturity and that we are going to be burned, we are going to be burned. we put it in the fire or will the father put it in the fire. So these tares they they they is it easier for me to say tares  or weeds these tares they they they hide in our souls  they hide in our DNA, they sit in our own conscious and our subconscious mind and they they form these false coverings  where we try and justify ourselves the ways that we might seem more spiritual .so that we think we might be accepted or loved or promoted or given power. they are ugly, they are ugly coverings and they are snakeskin sometimes they are trying to justify themselves even as I am speaking and often we have no idea that that’s what they are and they just in our ignorance we sit there and they just remain hidden but the longer they sit there in our own conscious and subconscious they cause pain and poison to flow through the body of Christ.

If we could see the tares if we could really see them for what they are we that we would flee from them we would turn away and we would throw ourselves on the fire as we leading up to this year will we see it, will we see like I in will. we be able to see this stuff for what it is will we bring it , will we bring it into the justice will we allow it to be judged. and our soul isn’t bad it’s maybe corrupted a bit yeah but is not bad it’s redeemable, it is going to be a wellspring of life to others it is the vehicle through which our spirit communicates with our body so it’s good.

 David said bless the lord oh my soul,  and all that is within me, bless his holy name, he understood the connection between spirit and body. so our emotions, they  carry a frequency so they can bring either life or chaos.

Our lives can be showing the wheat or they can be showing the tares. and it’s funny because when the enemy taps into, if we are carrying a little bit of a chaotic frequency the enemy tunes into it like a radio and he begins to talk to us through it, it is like a walkie-talkie.

He doesn’t say hello this is Satan, he is going to talk in first person , or i am going to talk in lots of crazy thoughts, so that you will think that they are your own thoughts it’s like oh gosh. we want to be tuned into his life we want to be tuned into the frequency of the father.

 You know it would be like going to see an amazing orchestra playing in a huge concert hall, they got all the instruments there you could hear a pin drop you know there’s all these amazing the violin start there is a symphony just begins to, what if in the middle of that somebody starts using a chainsaw just in the corner of the concert hall not on the main stage but just in the corner that chainsaw has stolen the whole show.

 everyone’s attention is on the chainsaw and it’s like that with our emotions and our you know our minds can get so locked in on what is happening with the chain saw that we miss the whole symphony of heaven that is happening around us. so likewise our emotions can get triggered and we are left thinking I didn’t sign up for this what  is going on Lord and it  can be like that in relationships, I didn’t sign up for this Lord and it’s okay because the Lord is sent his gathering angels and the gathering angels are removing the tares.

 if only we would just listen to the Lord when he said to love the lord with all our heart and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. if we just followed that simple law by the empowerment of his grace just to love I think there would be much less and fewer tares to be plucked out right now .

so now is a time for us to get a grip and to anchor our heart’s and perspective in the future glorified body of Christ which is us all together carrying his light and revealing his light and it is unified and its glorified what does a glorified  body look like you know it’s glowing , how does that look to us now with relational politics going on and you know how did that look  amongst all of our issues in day-to-day life .

the goodness of God is the key because as we remain in him in his goodness, you know we see his great love for us we see that we are established and we are secure, that we are hidden in him that we are loved and cherished we need to keep washing our minds with this washing our hearts with this truth.

As we like receive that revelation of his love we begin to experience it and it’s uncontainable you can’t contain his love. His love for us is so great that the fruit of it will begin to overflow in and through our lives.

People who we perceived before as being just awkward or just people you want to stay away from, difficult people or people who think oh gosh. people that maybe just really exhaust you or drain you. Have you ever had somebody like that, they bring out the demons in you, ones that you never knew you had.

When we are saturated in his love and his great love for us, we begin to see these people with new lenses.

 We see that person as we would see a child that has fallen over and cut its knee you might want to run to help them because their just a child with a poor cut knee and their really upset and crying.

And the higher truth in that love is that we begin to see ourselves as that little child that has fallen over and cut its knee. we will remember what it was like when we hurt our knee like that. we remember the pain and the brokenness that we felt because of it. in fact we see that as our knee, that’s our knee that is bleeding and is hurting and is causing pain and then we can be moved by compassion because this is part of our body, you know it is hurting and needs love and care and attention12:13

so then you would see this person as someone you Wanna move towards rather than away from, urgently. You see it’s an urgent thing, if the child has just fallen over you want to be there straightaway to help them up because the body can’t run a race with a cut knee. We are all different expressions of his body so come on hands reach out to clean the wound. The eyes see that  there is dirt imbedded in the  wounds. we all got those different functions where we can be there for someone that is broken or in pain or is hurting so that the body is not crippled, until it can be healed and restored and can run into its destiny.

 The one thing that is in common with the whole body is the blood. because the life is in the blood and it is the blood that unites us. and the blood carries the light as well.

 it can be painful as we start to offer up these weeds and these tares that sit in our soul. And it can get quite messy as well. It has been many times recently where I have been before God with tears, but he beckons us into his heart, not just me but all of us together, because we are all one body. It is a good thing that is happening and there’s an acceleration coming now.

 The Lord has overcome so that now we might live. A little while ago I was walking with the Lord and every step that we took I could feel an area in my heart, that every single step it got more agonizing. It was like touching a live nerve and every single step there is this agony but also bliss. Agony with every step that we were taking but there was bliss because the Lord was with me. Eventually we came to this door and as we stood by it, the Lord looked at me to go in .at this point I was in so much agony because I thought what is it going to mean to open this door ? This was an area in my heart that I didn’t even know was there. and I yielded to Lord and he said to me this is where I wish to place the lampstand of the seven spirits of God, the burning ones.

 So we stepped in and when we first stepped in it was very small like cleaning cupboard. What is this place? And he placed his menorah there. and I saw a table was laid out, where I could feast with the Lord and the longer we lingered in this place, it began to expand and expand and expand into a huge stadium. and the walls are running with oil and the menorah was blazing. My heart was in such an expanded state because I’ve chosen to show that area of my heart to the Lord. it is very vulnerable place to be in. sometimes we struggle to be vulnerable with other people we don’t realise that we have to be vulnerable with God as well. The Lord knew where that room was, I didn’t. The lord searches our heart so of course he would know where the room was.

 Since that room was opened I felt this greater capacity to love. I felt my heart was shattered open. Because our hearts are the door. a circumcised heart which we offer up to the Lord is the doorway for us to engage with heaven and to steward the galactic inheritance of what he has got for us. Our hearts need to be broken before him and vulnerable, for him to trust us with eternity. He has placed eternity in our hearts. The circumcised heart is one that shatters (shutters) for his purposes. It is vulnerable and it’s raw. And its exposed to be wounded its exposed to be betrayed. Because then you have a greater capacity to love. Then you learn his ways of love. you get to love amidst  being wounded . you get to love amidst being betrayed. tears of brokenness are key part of spiritual progress.

The desert fathers said that one silence tear would advance us more in the spiritual way than any other visible virtual  encounter. like a tangible way for us to address our pain and our grief. when we admit our hopelessness and desperation, when we are vulnerable enough that’s the place, where we can welcome and invite God into it to inhabit. And vulnerability is the only way towards holiness.

So our hearts are broken and wounded as an open door for us to go and meet with God, but also for him to come in to Heal us and then be revealed out through us, amidst suffering and sacrifice.

Sacrifice because we are offering these things up to God, amidst suffering and sacrifice is immense joy which in the natural world doesn’t make sense. Jesus for the joy set before him endured the shame and the suffering of the cross. He experienced our pain so that we can experience his nature.

Psalm 27 speaks about bringing sacrifices of joy. i recommend engaging with psalm 27. One thing I have desired of the Lord and that will I seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord verse 4 to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble and he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret place of his tabernacle he shall hide me he shall set me high upon a rock and now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in his tabernacle I will sing yes I will sing praises to the Lord.

 and then it goes on and speaks about relational stuff. False Witnesses rising against him and breathing out violence. We may have been in positions and situations like that . but then in verse 13 it says I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Losing heart is deep soul pain that is deep heartache. so wait on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart. wait I say on the Lord. so it could be painful. but we are  not afraid of pain because we are overcomers, right. everything that is hidden in our heart will begin to be surfaced. the very intents of our heart will begin to affect situations and we need to have hearts that are running with a pure stream, because our desire and intent will begin to affect things majorly, when we are standing in the gap on behalf of nations, or our families or our cities. and every little hidden thing will be brought into the light. Because as we are becoming light there’s nowhere for that stuff to hide, which shows us just how huge and wonderful God’s grace is. How he has been so gracious in giving us a bit longer, a bit longer. But we need to choose to step into his reality and to offer our hearts, all of our hearts to be vulnerable and to be exposed before him. So that every hook and every tare, anything that the enemy would use to identify himself with, every single trigger would be brought into his light.

 So we are going to have a bit of a practical time now. because this is a safe place. we gathered together in his heart, and we are all one. Because we are all one in his body. the pain and the grief that you’re feeling in your heart is the same pain and grief that I’m feeling in my heart, because we are all one body. Your victory is my victory, because we are all sharing in it together. Because the toe is not greater than the hand ( completely different function) very much part of the same precious body. So there’s a few things we could do now. maybe have some worship time and I would love you just to see, to maybe start thinking about this year. is their promises that you feel that you’re not walking out, that you felt you should have done this year? What are those things you would really love to see set in place for the next year? what about hope, a new hope, a hope injection for your soul to see those plans and purposes that he has for you. maybe there’s areas where you’ve got your cut knee and there is going to be angels walking around and ministering and they’ll be able to put healing anointment upon your knee. Sometimes we walk around carrying this pain and brokenness and it is nothing to be ashamed of. because his love covers, so his love can cover every bit of pain or regret. he is wanting to bring healing and restoration.

 last night we came here to pray and to set up, and I saw these bleeding hearts  and I started speaking this phrase it just came to me, and it was bleeding hearts dipped in oil, dipped in fire, becoming gold. over and over I just kept getting that. bleeding hearts deeped in oil,  dipped in fire, becoming gold . we offer him our bleeding heart of brokenness, that he would deep it in his healing oil, that that very place of your brokenness would be consecrated to God. that it  would then be incinerated into the fire, the oil will just make it go up in flames. how long will you hold your heart in the fire? Would you allow his flames to consume every, every area? that very smoke would be a pleasing fragrance to the father. how long can you hold in the fire, that when the father brings that out it is glorified. carrying his glory, vessels of glory. Will you offer up your heart to be a vessel of glory? So are  you ready?

 father we just welcome you, we welcome you, just as when I met with you in the garden, I thank you that we can meet with you right now in the garden. I thank you that we stand before the favour of your face. I ask right now for a grace to come upon everybody here. a grace to cover each person and to elevate them into a deep encounter with you. that the reality of what has been released in this meeting would begin to manifest in lasting fruit, fruits that would remain, just as the wheat that brings life-giving sustenance, may our hearts begin to blossom with the harvest fields of wheat.

 Father we offer up every tare, every weed that we have hidden in our hearts, every hidden area Lord in our unconscious and subconscious mind. We offer up our DNA every record that carries the corruptible image rather than the incorruptible image. We stand in agreement Lord, with the testimony scrolls that you have for each of our lives. I ask that your living letters of light (life) would begin to create these people’s destinies right now, lord, that it would become a tangible manifestation Lord in and through their hearts. I say become light, I speak light into your hearts. I speak light into your circumstances. I speak light into your relationships. I speak light into your families. I say become light. we just rip off every outer casing of darkness or corruption and we reveal that glorious light  that you have placed in us Lord, thank you Lord, and Lord let you’re  fires burn, may your fire burn, thank you lord, catch us away Lord catch us away.

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