Hearing God

Spiritual communication may be divided into three categories basically. One- is words or thoughts, two is visions, dreams, pictures and the third is feeling.

God will communicate with us usually one of those three areas, through feeling, through vision and through words.

Words- spontaneous thought, are part of the voice of the Lord. He communicates to us through words. He can also speak to us through feelings, He conveys to us how He feels about a situation, and that is conveyed to us in feelings.

He speaks to us through vision and pictures, the life of God flowing through our spirit into our imagination. As we become more skilled in recognizing these communications, our relationship with Him will begin to develop.

The problem that we have in hearing from God is the incompatibility between our spirit and our brain.

Our spirit is connected to the Lord. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit. So were connected to the Lord in our spirit and our spirit knows a lot of things. Our spirit hears from God, but the problem is the area of our mind.

The mind can be inadequate in recognizing and processing spiritual communication from our spirit. And if that happens, we cannot understand what God is saying.

When we talk about the mind, we are talking about the mechanism for learning things which are intellectual and things which are material, we are talking about the natural realm. When we are talking about our spirit, it is the mechanism for perceiving realities in the spirit realm. The mind and the spirit both work very closely together.

Ephesians 1: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give (impart by the spirit) unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation (apokálupsis) in the knowledge (intimate experiential knowledge) of him; 18 the eyes of your understanding (imagination) being enlightened; that you may know

He said in verse 17 that the God of our lord Jesus Christ might give unto us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. That is supernatural impartation, supernatural communication, God speaking to us through divine revelation, knowledge that we cannot understand or receive any other way except through the spirit realm.

It is a spiritual anointing which gives us an impartation for revelation, hearing from God, and then understanding from God in the knowledge of Him.

What happens is the eyes of our understanding are enlightened, that we might know, that word know is an intellectual knowledge. That we might know what is the hope and calling, what are the riches of the glory of the inheritance in the saints.

This passage of Scripture says God is going to communicate with us in revelation so that our mind might understand and know. There are two operations here. One word is use for divine revelation, the spirit of revelation and is apokálupsis which is a spirit of communication, spirit to spirit.

That you might know in verse 18 is a Greek word-eídō – to have knowledge in the mind. God is saying here that He is going to give us spiritual revelation, that communication from the spirit realm, from God’s realm so that our mind might know these things of God intellectually. It is important to understand these two things; the first aspect is knowing intuitively the second aspect is knowing mentally.

The Holy Spirit moves in our spirit communicating with us, this in turn is communicated to our mind, so that we can intelligently walk according to God in the spirit. Now if it isn’t conveyed to our mind and we don’t understand it, we can’t obey it.

It has to come to the mind so that we might know what God is saying. This movement from our spirit to our mind takes only a fraction of a second. It happens so quick it’s hard to tell whether it is our spirit or our mind. All communication from the Lord will eventually rest into our mind, it will come to the area of our mind as thoughts, a spontaneous flow of thoughts that will register eventually in our mind and it will just sound like thoughts to us, it will be words.

The problem is our brain has been programmed to think a certain way, and when the thoughts of our spirit enter our mind, our brain will say that does not compute. The natural mind is at enmity with God, but as we learn how to hear the voice of God and recognize it, we will begin to trust in it, God’s faith will be imparted to us and our condition in the natural realm that may be contrary to God’s voice, that may be influencing our thinking we will cast down.

The renewing of our mind, God’s thoughts continually flowing into it, instead of the negative is what will change the condition of our body and the natural realm in which we live.

When our thoughts become God’s thoughts and our feelings become God’s feelings, then power is released.

We need to be able to hear the voice of our father who lives inside of us. What does that voice sound like? It sounds like our voice.

Spiritual communication may be divided into three categories basically. One- is words or thoughts. Two is pictures, dreams, visions. And the third is feeling.

God communicates through a flow of His Spirit in us. It flows out of heaven, the unseen realm of His Spirit. It is called heaven, or heavenly places in Christ, the spirit realm of His kingdom.

The unseen realm communicates with us, but not everything in the spirit realm is of God. We receive communication from the spirit realm every day. Our thoughts come from God, the enemy or our self.

Most of our thoughts come from the programming of our brain through our life experiences; this is why our mind has to be renewed. Revelation from God in which we encounter His presence, erases wrong programming.

God will communicate with us usually one of these three areas, through words or thoughts, through feeling, and through pictures in our mind.

God imparts Himself through His communication with us. When our spirit is connecting with His, then His life flows through our spirit into our soul.

When we speak, we are either speaking from our spirit in communion with God or from our soul, our distinct individuality.

What I am learning how to do is to open my spirit to God and draw from Him in faith and speak. I relate to Him as my father because I am still a little child in the spirit. But we can learn the voice of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, they are distinct, and we learn the difference in time.

As my spirit connects with Him, I speak in my own voice, I love you son, you have to learn how to listen to me and obey my voice. A lot of times He asks me questions. God speaks to me; it comes through the infilling of His Spirit. I enter into a two-way conversation, but I am aware of my spirit, my mind is a good servant but poor master. I separate my spirit from my soul, and then the soul comes into submission.

Words- spontaneous thought, part of the voice of the Lord. He communicates to us through words. He can also speak to us through feelings, He conveys to us how He feels about a situation, and that is conveyed to us in feelings.

He speaks to us through vision and pictures, the life of God flowing through our spirit into our imagination. As we become more skilled in recognizing these communications, our relationship with Him will begin to develop.

The problem that we have in hearing from God is the incompatibility between our spirit and our brain.

We are connecting to the Lord in our spirit and our spirit knows a lot of things. Our spirit hears from God, but the problem is the area of our mind or brain.

The mind can be inadequate in recognizing and processing spiritual communication from our spirit. And if that happens, we cannot understand what God is saying.