Heavenly realms 1

Introduction heavenly realms.

Engaging the heavenly tabernacle and the different objects within it are part of the process of being living sacrifices and our maturing in sonship.

The heavenly tabernacle is a fractal image of the heavenly realms themselves with different veils or matrixes between the realms.

Engaging the arc of God’s presence within the holy of holies is where we can receive the mandates that enable us to function as lords, kings and sons.

Our maturity opens up new levels of sonship and governmental authority experiencing YHVH, the 4 faces of God and the order of Melchizedek.

The heavenly realms and spiritual realms are open to us as the veil between the physical and spiritual dimensions has been torn by Jesus.

We have more than just access to the heavenlies; we also have a position where we are seated or enthroned.

There are so many things to discover. We all have positions of authority in the heavenly realms but how do we use them?

What are the forms and the functions of the heavenly realms?

How are they arranged or patterned?

How do they interact with the seen and unseen physical realms?

How are the different heavenly realms accessed?

How is the government of the heavenly realms organised?

How does the government of the heavenly realms operate?

How do the different realms relate to each other?

How do the different realms function dimensionally?

Are the realms fixed and one dimensional or are they multidimensional or multiversed?

How do the spiritual laws and physics of those realms function?

How do the heavens operate dimensionally in space time?

How can we all engage the throne of grace or convene a court with Father as judge at the same time as each other?

God is omnipresent but how can we engage with Wisdom, Angels or the 7 spirits of God at the same time and in the same space?

Do all the heavens function at the same speed of light or is there a difference in speed and hence is time faster or slower relative to the different realms?

How do the heavenly realms relate to eternity?

How does the what was was before there was relate to what is and then what will be? 

The kingdom is within us in our spirit.

Is heaven within us in some way?

How do we access heaven from within us?

Is there a portal or gateway like a wormhole that we can travel through?

What is the language of heaven?

What is the atmosphere of heaven?

How does heaven relate to quantum physics?

How does sacred geometry relate to the heavenly realms? ???????

Introduction Sacred geometry – Phi golden mean Fibonacci number sequences Tree of life

With all these questions to explore and all these sacred geometric dimensions to engage, where do we start?

The open door into heaven and within our spirit – we begin to access.

The Tabernacle was my initial focus in 2010 although I had many forerunning experiences of other places

Tabernacle with the outer court, inner court and the holy of holies pattern had veils between them. The veils were known in the temple as the way, the truth and the life.

These veils represent matrixes accessed at different levels of maturity or by invitation.

The division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and the thoughts and intentions of the heart represent the process of maturity.

These 3 levels of deeper transformation are like going through the 3 veils.

Outer court – dividing soul and spirit – the kingdom of God Inner Court – thoughts and intentions of the heart – kingdom of heaven.

Holy of Holies – bone and marrow DNA – heaven.

As we engage with Jesus our high priest in surrender He prepares us for sonship, access and authority. Transformational maturity goes alongside learning about scrolls, mandates, blueprints, laws, legislation and the courts etc.

As we embrace transformation the heavenly realms begin to open up for us with different levels of revelation and function. 

Our governmental authority is proportional to our maturity level. We may access but not function.

Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here. ’” Blood of Jesus is always on the mercy seat covering the arc so we can come with confidence to engage the arc.

Our spirit needs to resonate and harmonise with the contents of the arc which reveal our destiny. Expect God to reveal His will, word, and heart and to release His authority .I had 3 levels of engagement with the arc as I matured.

First was engaging as a lord with the contents of the arc to receive mandates.

Next was engaging with the 4 faces as a king taking charge of the house/courts.

Lastly having free access by stepping into the 4 faces and engaging the heart of God in the eternal now. In the arc are manna, tablets and Aaron’s rod.

Manna, the bread of life, represents the will of God John 4:32. But He said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” John 4:34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.” 

Tablets – Living, active word of God. His heart is written on our hearts/spirits. Heb 10:16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them After those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws upon their heart, And on their mind I will write them,” We can see what the Father is doing and hear what He is saying.

Psa 45:6 Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; a sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of Your kingdom. 

Aaron’s rod, the symbol of God’s authority, anointing and power.

Matt 6:10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

Heb 10:7 “Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come (In the scroll of the book it is written of Me) To do Your will, O God.’

Our destiny scroll gets revealed and unveiled to our heart each day so we can seek first the kingdom. The whole transformation process enables the desires of our hearts to become aligned with God’s desires so we can use the sceptre of authority effectively.

Administering kingdom government seated on our mountain thrones.

After my dark cloud experience in 2012 where my soul and spirit were separated and reintegrated my focus moved from what was in the arc to what was manifesting between the cherubim’s wings covering the arc.

Engage the arc and look into what the Father is doing governmentally. Look into the 4 faces of God and engage the Man, Lion, Ox, Eagle Priest, King, Oracle, Legislator. Look into the name of God.

Begin engaging Yod Hei Vav Hei .

Heb 6:20 where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.

I discovered that the 4 faces of God was the Order of Melchizedek heavenly government through the royal priesthood. Order of Melchizedek is a heavenly order .Only the tribe of Levi and the family of Aaron could be priests and high priests on the earthly side of the veil.

There is now no earthly priesthood. The old Aaronic order was corrupted and made obsolete and passed away with the old covenant and law.

The heavenly order is a priestly order of mediators for creation to restore the earth to its original heavenly position by bringing heaven to earth in the form of the kingdom of God.

The order will be kingly therefore governmental and legislative to the affairs of the nations.

The priestly order has access to the deep mysteries or treasures of God’s heart and mind relationally.

The kingly order has access to the courts and thrones of heaven to legislate the revelation governmentally.

This new order engages heaven where the Priestly and Kingly function together to release scrolls of heavenly mandates, blueprints, laws and legislation.

The oracles and legislators form a foundation of the word of God and the government of God as a reflection of heaven on earth.

We begin to frame our world from the mandates we receive. We become the representation of the 4 faces of God on earth. We act as kings and priests. We speak prophetically and administer legislatively.

The function of a priest is to go within the 4 faces and look out from within to reveal what is within without.

When we step into the 4 faces of God, we step into YHVH, His name, and have access to His heart.

We are now in His name – Yod Hei Shin Vav Hei – with access to the power of attorney to act on His behalf.

‘In the name of Jesus’ now takes on a completely different meaning and authority.

Eccl 3:11 He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart. God has set eternity in the heart of man to draw us home. We can begin to walk on the ancient paths to access the heart and mind of God.

We step outside time and space into the eternal now; being in the omnipresent God in the eternal now. we have access into what was, was – His heart in the eternal now.

The eternal now is where we came from and where we can return. We access the womb of His creative thoughts where we can learn to see from that eternal perspective – seeing from the now or continual beginning.

We can learn to perceive what will be from the eternal now. We see ourselves from His eternal perspective – light beings constructed from the desires of His heart framed in His thoughts and spoken into existence.

We feel our eternal identity and can become aligned to what we see and feel.

We can then choose to act from this revelation to frame our lives.

When we see from the eternal now, non-linear perspective we can begin to call things that be not as if they are.

We can decree, declare and prophesy what will be from what was in the what is to change what will be to reflect what was.

We become aligned with His will and purpose – our destiny We can live and move and have our being in God.

As we access God’s heart and mind within the Perichoresis of the dance we connect with the essence of God Precepts – God’s heart, nature and character of love.

Statutes – God’s mind, perspective and vision.

Laws – God’s creative voice; how things are ordered as desire and thoughts to be spoken into reality.

Engaging these 3 precepts, statutes and laws opens the doorway for the ordinances of heaven to be assigned and released to manifest heaven’s kingdom government on the earth.

We have access to engage dimensionally and go to and fro on the earth or in and out of dimensions and up into heaven and down under the earth.

Back in time and then stand in what is to establish what will be.

Desire is the key that unlocks the realms of God and our destiny to empower us to function as sons.

Desire builds life to materialize what we look at and intently behold.

As we shift our affections onto God the object of our desire we become aligned to our destiny.

Fix our eyes on a new object until that object fills our desire with its image.

Carry desire in our heart so see everything through that lens.

We have no heavenly governmental authority outside of what we carry in our hearts.

Let’s engage the tabernacle and the arc.

As we engage have the attitude of a living sacrifice and be proactive about surrendering.

We are going to go through the veil and engage by desire and see what God opens up.

Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven.

Start thinking about those steps and the open door.

Shift your conscious focus to engage your spirit in that realm.

Go through the veil go through the cross and exchange old for the new. Jesus is standing in the doorway.

Present yourself to Jesus your High Priest as a living sacrifice.

Ask Jesus to take you to engage the arc.

Let Him take you by the hand and lead you through the veils to engage the arc.

Stand before the arc of His presence.

Seek His will and purpose. Eat the hidden manna of His will. engage your spirit to receive it. Start to resonate with His will and purpose. Open your heart and let Him write and reveal your destiny your mandate.

Look into His presence Begin to think of His name YHVH. See His 4 faces rotating morphing. Engage with the lion, ox, eagle or man as you feel led. As your spirit engages receive the impartation and revelation of heavenly perspective .Step into His presence into His name Begin to look through the eyes of the lion, ox, eagle or man. You may feel you want to speak through the mouth of the lion, ox, eagle or man. Prophesy through the ox. Decree kingly order through the lion. Declare vision as you soar with the eagle. Let your spirit lead you.

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