
The mind is a great battlefield for the Christian. If you conquer that you conquer everything. every spiritual conflict, every battle you have, basically begins is in the area of the mind. It’s our greatest battlefield. victory is won or lost in the mind. When your mind is knocked out, your thinking is wrong, the whole man is out. And when your mind is free and released, the whole man is free and released. If your eye be single the Scripture says you will be full of light. We saw how temptation and thought cannot be separated. Get your thought life under control and you get everything under control.

The brain is not the mind, the mind is not the brain. They are totally different and separate identities. We need to understand that in order to walk in the Spirit. The brain is part of our physical body and is like a computer. It is physical and it is a computer. It’s capable of processing thought, it can be used for thinking but of itself it cannot originate thought. The brain cannot originate thought it needs a mind to use it. Now we really need to understand that the brain does not originate thought, it is purely a physical organ, it is purely an incredible computer. Just like a computer it needs an operator. Usually, it is programed wrongly. From a Littlechild all kinds of programming goes in. Programming of logic, concepts, philosophies with the great majority of them not the way God thinks and so the natural mind the brain cannot know God. The natural mind (the brain) the Scripture says is an enemy God. It has processed all kinds of thoughts through the years that you have been alive, some right, some wrong, some false and some true. It puts it altogether and when you come up with something of revelation, something of faith, something which is in the realm of spirit and of God it objects to that, it does not compute. And so, we have a problem there.

Your mind, you’re thinking part, is your spirit. Your brain doesn’t think like that. It will compute, it will put together a lot of data that you have in there over the years and come up with all kinds of conclusions. And you can look at situations and jump to many conclusions which your mind will compute very quickly, quite often it is wrong , it is not reliable.

The natural man, the natural brain, the natural part of our thinking processes cannot know God unless it is renewed. If you weren’t limited to your brain, you would be aware of what goes on in the spirit worldBut you are limited, if you die and come out of your body and your brain is just laid in the grave instantly you have spiritual awareness.

You are a spirit, but because your spirit is locked into a physical body with a brain that objects, that is programed with logic and objects to the way God thinks, you cannot see in the Spirit. It muddies up the whole realm of spirit. Our brain has isolated us from the spirit world.

That’s why it requires faith to bridge the gap. Now we walk by faith, if we were out of the body we would walk by sight. but we can’t walk by sight because the brain throws up false images. We must walk by faith and once we are out of the body we can walk by sight- spirit. Were in the spirit then.

And so, we have that problem. Information and data come into the brain in various ways. It comes in through the five senses, particularly the eyes and ears. They scan all the time, hearing is scanning all the time, taking it in, taking it in, programming, programming.

Data can come in from the spirit realm, spirit transmission. Our brain is unique, it was designed to be operated by spirit, which means it can link with the spirit world, otherwise you can’t enter in. It is your spirit that is the thinking part of you, the mind, the true mind is your spirit. Your brain is a physiological thing. But your spirit is the thinking part of you, because it is locked into a physical body, it operates your brain.  When you get revelation that comes in your spirit, then the brain is illuminated with a different kind of programming. It’s illuminated by a different kind of thought, the way God thinks, that’s revelation, that is programmed in the brain.

So, then it sets up a conflict, there is a mixture of programming. The brain is not reliable, it is being fed information both true and false. and the natural part of man cannot know God, that natural side of you. The mind must be renewed; the brain has to be renewed. That is the real problem, it must be re-programmed and that is a process. When your brain is focused on something it can connect with spirit. It has a link just like a mind behind a computer, you can connect with a computer you are using. So, your brain is designed in such a way that it can be influenced, illuminated by the spirit realm, the revelation bringing illumination into your brain. So, it is vulnerable because it has a link with the spirit world. And so, all kinds of spirits passing through the air can have an effect on us. The greatest hindrance to learning to walk in the Spirit is your brain. The natural brain is at enmity with God. We have been trained in deductive reasoning based on rules of logic. We draw conclusions of reality from that basis, and it’s not reliable. Because it is just our logic. or the logic of someone else. What we logically understand therefore is real to us. What we perceive with our natural physical senses is real, but it’s not real, it’s only logical to us. And the realm of the spirit is beyond that, it is not logical because it is another dimension, it doesn’t fit with our logic. His ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts, his thoughts are far above our thoughts and so when you try to move in the supernatural which requires faith, it does not compute, your brain instantly objects, that cannot be so, that cannot happen, that cannot be so, I’ve never ever seen it happen before it is not logical. Now you don’t think like that, but instantly your brain plays all that back and throws a casing of unbelief around you. And you are locked in by unbelief and unbelief is the keyword with the brain, so your mind or you brain has to be renewed.

I want to just pray at this point because it is very difficult to try and convey to you what I want to convey to you. We have to be able to grasp it by the Spirit. Let’s just pray for a minute. Father we just ask for an anointing to settle upon us tonight in Jesus’ name. Lord, we understand that we cannot know anything but by revelation, by you making it real to us, for the natural man cannot receive the things of God, it cannot know them because they are spiritually discerned. Just let an anointing come Lord just give me the right words to convey spiritual things, so that to our spirit comes revelation and our brain is illuminated with the light that comes out of revelation in our spirit. Help us to grasp this tonight I pray and effect a change within us father in Jesus’ name.

1 Corinthians 2:14 says but the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him. The realm of the spirit is foolish to your brain, because it’s logical. Foolish to the natural side of us. The physical natural brain, the things of the spirit are foolishness. Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned, but he that is spiritual judges or discerns all things. The scripture says verse 16 who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him and then it says this, but we have the mind of Christ. We have the mind of Christ that is an incredible thing if we can grasp that. God knows everything, he knows about everything, and we have the mind of Christ. Now the problem is tuning into that. Where is that mind of Christ? It’s in our spirit, he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit. When Christ comes into your life he comes into your spirit. Your born-again by the Spirit of the Lord, he comes into your spirit and your spirit is regenerated, Christ comes in. And he is in your spirit. Your spirit and Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Christ has merged. We have the mind of Christ, that is incredible, if you can get hold of that, that is unbelievable. In any situation we have the mind of Christ. It is there, the problem is, the front part of our head, the problem is our brain is so out of line with the way the Lord thinks that it objects all the time. It just clouds it out.  So that we cannot perceive it, we cannot know it. But the Scripture says we must receive it by faith. That we have the mind of Christ. Chapter 3 says we have the mind of Christ and then it goes on to say and I brethren could not speak unto  you as spiritual but as carnal, natural, even as unto babes in Christ, and I fed you with milk when you should have been fed with meat. Paul had an abundance of revelation, incredible experiences. But he had a problem sharing it.  He says I couldn’t speak to you. I brethren could not speak to you as spiritual but as carnal even as babes in Christ. Paul had some incredible insight.

Chapter 2:9 he said but it is written eye has  not seen  nor ear heard neither  has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared them that love him, but God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things even the deep things of God .And what man  knoweth the things of a man except the spirit of man which is in him. Even so the things of God know no man but by the Spirit of God. He had some unbelievable experiences, but he had a problem. He was talking to people who couldn’t take it. he was talking to people who were babes in Christ, and he was limited in what he could convey.

I have noticed in the past that I have shared some things with people and they have almost choked. They could not handle it. Why is that? We have got to grow up in the things of God, if we are going to mature in the end of this age. If we are going to have a walk in the Spirit, we got to know the Spirit. Jesus had this problem with his disciples, and he had been with them for three years. And three years they watched him, walked with him, slept with him, eaten with him, they went with him everywhere. And Jesus said in John 16:12 I have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them. He said I have many things I could share with you, but they would blow your mind. They would not compute and so this is a problem we have had for so long. If you choke tonight, you choke. I am going to tell you some things. We must grow up. You have the mind of Christ. Colossians 1:26 The mystery which had been hidden from ages and from generations, but now it made manifest to us the saints. To whom God would make know what is the riches, of the glory of the mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of glory. That mystery is Christ in you. You must perceive that we have the mind of Christ, we have Christ in us the hope of glory.

Colossians 2:3 in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, that’s unbelievable. Verse six as you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk in him. Verse 10 for you are complete in him. And in him is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge everything that you need to know. We need to grasp this because we tend to rely so much on our natural man. But you have in you, the mind of Christ. the person who spoke the University into being. The person who knows everything, he knows every problem you face and how to fix it. He knows the answer to every situation, you have the mind of Christ. But it is not in your brain, it is in your spirit. And if you don’t know your spirit, you are not going to know the mind of Christ, if you are not aware of Christ in your spirit

Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. And the word there for looking is a very strong Greek word which means with your eye and mind. The particular emphasis is on the inner thought, the mind, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

2 Corinthians 4:18 while we look not at things which are seen but at the things which are not seen. The things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. We are looking at the invisible. While we look not at things which are seen but we are looking at things which are not seen. How do you look at things which are not seen? God is a spirit, Christ is in you, he is Spirit, though he is not seen. He is spirit, he is in the spirit realm. He is in us by the Holy Spirit. How do you see, how do you look at things which are not seen? He says while we look at things, we look not at things which we can see, but we look at the invisible, things which are not seen. And the things which are not seen he said are eternal. How do we perceive the invisible? For the natural man Jesus is invisible. But if you are out of your body and you died tonight and your spirit comes out of your body, the whole spirit world will be open to you. You would see it.  You would see Angels, if the lord was there, you would see the Lord, you would see other people. Maybe you died and you are in heaven, you see the realm of spirit, you see everything.  So, you’re open to the realm of spirit. now you already have that capacity, it is just locked into a physical body with a brain that gets in the way. That is the issue. How do you look at the invisible?

Paul says we look at the things which are not seen. Christ is in you, how do you see him? He is invisible, how do you see him? We’ll firstly and this is critical you understand this, by faith. you cannot do anything without faith being involved in the spirit realm.  

2 Corinthians 5:6 therefore we are always confident knowing that whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord. What is he talking about? When we are in the physical body, when the physical body is operating you can’t see the Lord. You know he is there, but you can’t see him. You are not absent from the lord in the sense that he is omnipresent, he is everywhere. But your perception of him, your awareness of him, your absent from the Lord. Then he says this, for we walk by faith and not by sight. Though he is invisible we must walk by faith and not by natural sight. There is another dimension, which we must focus upon.  Faith sees the unseen. You cannot do anything; you cannot walk with God you cannot walk in the Spirit without faith. If there is no faith involved, you’re not walking in the Spirit. Faith operates everything. without faith it is impossible to please God at any level. Faith is always involved. And there is a bridge we must cross into the realm of the spirit which is a bridge of faith. Faith sees that which is unseen. Now he is really there isn’t he. Is he in you? Is he there? Let’s establish that he is there. You must learn to visualize the reality. Visualizing the reality, it is not a myth, it’s a reality. He’s within you. That is not vain imaginations, he is there. He dwells within you. Christ in you the hope of glory, he is there. In fact, he is everywhere, but he is also in you. So, you must learn to visualize something which is already there. That is a reality, not visualizing something which is not real, which is not substance, which is not a reality, which is just an imagination, which is just a dream. We are visualizing, we must see the reality. He is there. How do we bridge that gap?

2 Corinthians chapter 3:11 it is talking about the Old Covenant, the glory in the Old Testament. For if that which is done away was glorious that is under the old covenant, the presence of God, the glory of God, much more that which remaineth, that is in the New Covenant, is glorious. Seeing that we have such hope we use great planeness of speech and not as Moses which put a veil over his face that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished. But their minds were blinded and that word mind there is a Greek word for the physical organ the brain. were blinded until this day they remaineth a veil untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament. Which veil is done away with in Christ. Their minds were blinded, there was a veil on their mind and on their heart. Verse 16 is a key. Nevertheless, when it, when what? Verse 15 says the veil was upon their heart now when it- the heart shall be turned to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. That’s interesting isn’t it. What Paul is saying is that the heart or the mind is used interchangeably here. The heart is referred to as the mind using Moses as an example. That there is a veil, and they cannot see Christ. They missed him altogether; they missed the day of their visitation. There was a veil, they couldn’t perceive Christ. Paul is using this as an example, he said there is a veil that comes over us. Your mind your brain just casts a veil across. Some people just have a veil, there is no spiritual perception, they are baptized the Spirit, but there is a veil. Now it says this, it says there is a veil across their heart, across their mind, nevertheless when their heart or their mind is turned to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away, and you are in Spirit. You transcend from the imagination the mind into spirit, and you see him by faith, then verse 18 says but we with an open face or the Greek is an unveiled face beholding him as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into that same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the Lord.

We need to understand that there is a veil and only faith can remove it. The basic difference between the Old Covenant which he is talking about, and the New Covenant was faith.  Now that is a very basic difference. The Old Covenant was works. We are accepted today by faith in the New Covenant. Faith can remove that veil, so that you can see into the realm of the Spirit, so that you can see the Lord. so that you can know the Lord. And it says when the mind, the heart and the mind is turned to the Lord that veil comes down and you go through into Spirit. Most people want a sovereign operation to take them into Spirit. Scripture doesn’t say that it says you looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith, you do it. You come boldly into the throne room. It is not just something that just carries you in. There are times when there is a sovereign operation of the Spirit, but we are talking about learning to walk in the Spirit.

When your mind and heart are turned to the Lord, the veil comes down, you transcend. Imagination, the focus of your brain, imagination and you link with spirit. Just remember your mind, your brain is operated by spirit, it links with the spirit world, what you focus upon. If you focus upon something which is evil, something which is bad with your mind and your eye you open up a link in the spirit world, something comes down that and you conceive.  Because it’s not just your mind, it’s not just your imagination, once you do that you turn it on. You open up the channel into the realm of spirit, and you link with the spirit world, and there is a flow. Evil spirits can flow down that channel and cloud your brain and you have a problem, you need deliverance. When lust is conceived, it brings forth sin, that is a process. So, understanding when your brain, your focus, your imagination is turned, focused it will link into the spirit world. When it is turned to God you open up a channel to God, and you transcend from the natural realm into the realm of spirit. A veil comes down, the heart is turned to the Lord, the veil comes down and you move into spirit, isn’t that exciting. What is that veil? Well, the context of this really is that they covered the face of Moses in verse 13 when he came down the mountain. Moses put a veil over his face, so they couldn’t see his face because there was a veil over it. The same veil stops us seeing Jesus. Verse 14 but their minds were blinded until this day, which veil is done away with in Christ. What was the veil that stopped the Jews from seeing Jesus as the Messiah. What was the veil? What was the thing that stopped them? Unbelief. That locked them out. Locked them out of all the promises, the inheritance that the messiah had for them. They could not enter in because of hardness of heart and unbelief. the veil through unbelief was locked just over there. It clearly comes out in Romans.

Romans 9:31 but Israel which followed after the law of righteousness did not attain to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they sought it not by faith. They couldn’t enter into the New Covenant, connects with Jesus because of the problem they had, they couldn’t enter because of lack of faith. They didn’t seek it by faith. Romans 11:19 branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.

Why were they broken off? Why could they not enter in. Well because of unbelief they were broken off. And you stand by faith. They couldn’t enter in because of unbelief and verse 23 and they also if they abide not still in unbelief, still in unbelief. the whole context of this is how Israel could not enter in because of unbelief. They didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah, they couldn’t see him, they couldn’t accept him, couldn’t see him. Faith sees the unseen, in your mind your imagination. The highest use of the imagination is to visualize Jesus. God has given us an incredible ability; it is called imagination. Locked somehow into the physical side of us, imagination. We have imagination because all kinds of stuff has been programmed in, images, vision, visual images from a little child, everything you see on television all of that is scanned straight into your brain.

Receive drawings of Jesus, pictures of Jesus, you might have had a vision of Jesus, whatever your conception of him is, a concept of the Lord is the highest use of your imagination is to turn it to the Lord and visualize him. And we have that, you see it is something that God gave us, but we don’t use it for spiritual things. God gave you the ability to imagine, why? To contact the realm of spirit, the link into the spirit realm. Imagination is a God given thing. That veil with unbelief, we are going to have to get that veil down by faith. We see Jesus by faith, we hear Jesus by faith. The mind and the imagination, the heart is turned to the Lord and the veil is taken away.

2 Corinthians 3:18 we all with an unveiled face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, what does it mean as in a glass? The glory of the Lord are changed into that same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the Lord. That word glass there is a Greek word for mirror or screen. A screen or a mirror. We have to learn to behold him as in a mirror, as in a screen. If we do that we are going to transcend in the spirit and we are going to become like him, incredible. We need to be able to grasp this. He uses the word glass, it is a word for mirror or a word for a screen. As we are beholding him you break into spirit, you break into the reality of Jesus who is really there and you see him. You connect with spirit and there is a transference to you, immediately down that line. And you are being changed to become like him. That is why it says beholding him as in a glass, a mirror you are changed from one level of glory to another. In first Corinthians 13 and verse nine for we know in part, we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect comes. What is that? When that which is perfect is come? When we come to the fullness of the stature of Christ to the perfect man. That would take an hour to establish that, but basically that is what it is talking about. When that which is perfect, God, this whole of creation is waiting for perfect of God to come forth. That is not the return of Jesus. It is talking about the manifestation of perfection in his saints. When that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away with. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things. It is time to grow up, to become a man. Verse 12 for now we see through a glass darkly, obscurely. That word again for a mirror or a screen, but then face-to-face. We can get to know him face-to-face. We know now in part but then we shall know even as also I am known. It is the same word. We are beholding him as in a glass, a mirror or a screen. I am trying to make this really real to you tonight. When you turn your heart to the Lord. You see when these people say now look away to Jesus. What does that mean? Look to the lord.

Is it just a figure of speech that we got used to. This is something we can actually do. Let’s look to the Lord. Is it symbolic?  When we say that can we really look to the Lord? And if so, how can we do it. It is very simple. You take that God given ability and put him on the screen. You focus your imagination, the mind on the Lord, your mind is stayed on God. The Hebrew word, if your mind is stayed on the Lord will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed, that word mind in the Hebrew is imagination, I will keep him in perfect peace, whose imagination is stayed on God. You turn your imagination, you turn your mind’s eye, you turn your heart to the Lord, this is purely a natural function, that’s just you. This is not the Holy Spirit; we can do this anytime we want.  You can close your eyes right now, turn your mind and visualize your house or your car or your cat whatever. You can do that. When the heart is turned to the Lord, your focusing into spirit, your contacting spirit, your tuning on that screen ,you link into the realm of spirit and the veil comes down. And what was by faith, purely imagination, you link around into the spirit, and you’re actually in reality now seeing the lord. This is fantastic. This is not difficult. We been hung up, I want it all to be of God, I don’t want anything of myself, the people who say that never see anything. They never do anything. It is never ever, all of the Lord. Your human, you got Christ in you, he is in prison, he is incarnate in you. for the second time, he is incarnate within you. limited by a foggy brain. That has all kinds of wrong programming. And every time he tries to tell you something, the brain objects to it and just put a veil right across. You cannot see, you cannot hear, it is clouded out. The mind must be renewed, to stop those objections all the time, the interference coming through. When your brain is renewed it becomes compatible with the mind of God, the mind of Christ. You have a pure clarity in spirit when the two come together like that. One is compatible with the other, you have a purity of spirit, where the soul no longer clouds the flow of the spirit into it. Our brain throws us smog all the time, as it gets renewed, the flow of the spirit gets clearer and clearer. We are coming into the sunshine of the Spirit; the atmosphere of the heart is becoming clear. As our mind is renewed it comes in line with your spirit. We see clearly in the spirit. The veil is taken away because of faith. When you get healed, you are believing God and your exercising faith and that just in this in the level, nothing has happened yet. You just exercise faith you see yourself healed nothing has happened yet, and suddenly you connect with the spirit world and healing takes place. Who started that?  We did.  It is the same in visualizing the lord, coming into the spirit realm. You turn your mind, and your imagination as a mirror or as a screen you put him up there. And you turn your heart to the Lord, looking unto Jesus. When you make that connection with your imagination and you hold that connection you break through into spirit because you are connecting with spirit as well, the veil comes down and you’re in the spirit and your brain says you’re just imagining that. We have a problem with our brain, that is not real, that is not reality, that’s not logical, you just imagined that. What your brain has not been programmed to understand is the way that the spirit works. To break into the spirit, you have to first focus in the natural and then you come over into the realm of the spirit.

At first it is very, very difficult, you have your imagination in the conscious area of your brain. We have a conscious area in our brain, the physical organ. you got Christ, you got Christ in your spirit, your spirit has a head which is inside your brain, we need to understand that. Your spirit is not a blob, sometimes you spirit can shrink, but when your spirit is strong, its projected right through your entire being  from the inside. You have a conscious realm in which our brain objects to everything, but you have another area back there, an unconscious realm of spirit. Now if you can focus back through that screen, put the Lord up on the screen here, by conscious imagination, that screen will come down and you will be in spirit and see him. That is the only way I can explain it.

Language is very difficult to explain spiritual things, that is a very crude explanation, but you have a conscious realm, your physical ability to focus with mind and imagination, put Christ on that screen, it comes down, the veil comes down and you literally come through into spirit. Once you come through into spirit, you can then see with his eyes, and you can see out here into the realm of spirit as well. And that is very important to understand, once you come through in reality in the spirit and you’re fellowshipping with the Lord, you can see the Lord, you can also begin to see with his eyes, because your spirit and him are united as one, your spirit is joined to the lord as one spirit, you can see with his eyes. Now when a particular anointing comes upon you, say an anointing for discerning of spirits comes upon the Christ in you, because the Christ in you needs to be anointed. He never moves without an anointing. As he walked this earth he had to have an anointing. When he is walking this earth in you, he has to have an anointing. Say an anointing comes for discerning of spirits, on him in you, and you come through here, you can see Angels. Discerning of spirits which is an anointing which anoints the Lord in you, once you come through that into this and you see out into the realm of spirit. The word of knowledge this anointing, you come through the veil into him, and you can see all kinds of things out like a movie screen out here, he can show you things about situations through a word of knowledge and you can see it happen. The anointing comes and it can open up to discerning if spirits as you look, it can open up to you the word of knowledge Angels, it can open up to you the spirit realm. the anointing comes upon you, the Christ in you and you come through that, and you begin to see with your spirit, from spirit. It depends upon what the anointing is that is upon you that will determine what you see .But at any time you come into the presence of the Lord, don’t come in cold, get into the presence of the Lord, turn your heart to him and you can see him just like that, and you connect with your imagination, it  takes you through in the spirit and you are with him .You can talk to him, you can touch him, you can fellowship with him, hear his voice, he can talk to you. You can do that at any time. There are various manifestations of the Spirit, like discerning of spirits, there is an anointing which comes on the Christ in you which opens up the discerning of spirits, all you do is come through that veil and look out. It is as simple as that. And you see into the realm of spirit, and your mind is going to say you are cracking up.  Your imagination is running wild, but you’re in the spirit you got to put that natural mind down, bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, focusing back onto the realm of spirit. Every day you should practice as you come before the Lord seeing him, being aware of him, your imagination, an attitude of heart worship ,seeing him you break through, the veil goes and its reality. You are not imagining something which is not there, you are imagining someone who is there, that is real, he is there, so you breakthrough, the veil comes down as you turn your mind and heart to the Lord, you come in the spirit and talk to him, see him, talk to him. That is fellowshipping with the Christ in you.

Now because the Lord is omnipresent, he is everywhere, so he  is also out there. Now you can fellowship any time with the Christ in you. But there is also, you should do that, in your pray life, in your fellowship life, getting, talk to him see him relate to him touch him, fellowship with him listen to him. It will take a while for you to hear that voice, it is a very still voice that will begin to come through. Your mind, your brain is a bystander now. Your brain can be illumined by what you’re hearing from your spirit, but it’s a bystander. And your fellowshipping with the lord. The anointings bring other manifestations as they come you drop behind that screen, the veil comes down you begin to see out. Your brain which operates your natural eyesight will get in the way. You don’t look from here, you look from somewhere further back, it is in your spirit. Tonight the Lord is present because the Scriptures says where two or three are gathered together there am I in the midst.  Now if I drop back from my natural perception my brain is picking of all kinds of visual images, light, ceiling, people. Now if I can drop beyond that by faith and look from somewhere further back, in the presence of the Lord, I can pick up where he is. He is right there, just that side of the projector. I can pick him up, just see him there. Now that is not my brain that is now my spirit. Now I have learned to do that very quickly, I practice and by doing it a lot. If you learn to fellowship with the Lord there is nothing, you see you can pick that up clearly, you can watch what he wants to do. Now I don’t always say that because it can get a little spooky with people and they get put off. You can watch what the Lord wants to do and then you can do it. Jesus said I only do those things which I see the father doing. It is all by faith. The natural mind will object, you must put it back there. You must step back into your spirit and get out of your natural mind. You walk not by sight, but you walk by faith. You do not walk with your physical eyes, you walk by faith. Now if I get an anointing for discerning the spirits or operating in the gifts, like a word of knowledge and so on, it is the same kind of thing, I just drop back on that, and I begin to see or hear. I manly see in the realm of spirit. Once I am focused, I can open my eyes and I can still see it. Now from hearing from back there, I still see you, but I still see the other thing as well. Now that’s the realm of spirit. Now for an anointing, if you want anointing you got to seek God for that. Sometimes fasting and praying is necessary, ask, seek, knock for anointing. They are an external thing which comes upon you, anoints you and your spirit, the Christ in you and operates certain gifts. But you must use the same principle, dropping to see. You can have an anointing and not do anything, but you have to drop back and see. What that anointing is for. Now that is not difficult, that is not difficult. There has been all kinds of crazy teaching which have put people off for years. And one has been I want everything to be of God, everything to be of spirit. While you are flesh, redeemed flesh and you have got a brain, and you must walk in the spirit. If you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, you now walk in him. It’s the realm of spirit. Looking at things which are invisible, the fourth dimension. In the presence of the Lord, you will come into it. Young people, kids can do this just like that , they have no problem at all because their mind hasn’t been programmed enough to say that is illogical. They can come into it and believe. It is amazing how many times kids can see things which you don’t see. Because their brain is not like yours yet.  And their spirit is more active than their brain. They can know the Lord very easily. It’s amazing how many revivals start with children and that’s the reason, god can’t get the adults to go his way. They always want proof. They always want to walk by sight; they must learn to move in the spirit by faith. Unbelief will keep that veil over you. Faith will remove it, Looking unto Jesus, looking away unto him in the heart the mind is turned to the Lord, the veil will be removed.  It is that easy, but you got to practice. Cast down every thought that comes in, that says your foolish that’s just you, your  imagination, you are going to  get into deception. It is all in the word, it is so plain, I do not know what people have not seen it. It tells you to look at the invisible.  It tells you to turn your mind to the lord and the veil be taken away. it tells you look in a glass or a screen and see him and you will breakthrough into the spirit. And then there is another dimension of anointing. You can see the Lord at any time by doing that and fellowshiping with him. Any time, just get into his presence, conscious worship him for a while and come in. You can do that any time. Ministry levels for the operation of gifts of the gifts of healing and discerning of spirits, word of knowledge gift of faith is an anointing. But it’s the same principle that comes with external anointing. For the anointings come you got to pray, seek the Lord and sometimes you have to fast, ask for the anointing, ask  for it, the anointing is angelic , and suddenly you will find that you got an angel with you, which keeps anointing you. Fantastic, seven spirits of the Lord they are angelic. carriers of the anointing. It is like they carry great golden ball around every now and again they through it on you. The spirit of healing is angelic. That anointing comes on you from that spirit an angelic spirit, and then you can flow in healing.

It is unlimited the realm of the spirit, there  is another dimension which we have to learn to move in  and that is the dimension of Philips transport. There is an angelic realm, an anointing which can-wooo- take you just like that. We have seen this in periods in history, there have been at times God has sovereignly moved, Billy graham gives some descriptions of, in the 60s taking Bibles and taking the word of God through the wall in Berlin across to the Communist side of these people would walk up to within about 500 yards of the wall.

With tracks or bibles and they would walk and just disappear , they would walk right deep into Germany, east Germany they preach talk to people and when the authorities got upset  and the soldiers came, they turned around and they walked back out. At one point Phillips  transport just took them through, that is the realm of spirit. What it takes is an Angel to touch you, get your body to harmonize the realm of the spirit, and you’re gone.  The occult is far more experienced than the church of Jesus Christ and this to our shame. The occult can do all these things but with the wrong spirit. because the occult can do these things, when God’s people come to flowing in these things too, people cry deception, you’re in the occult and there has been a deception of the devil to keep you from entering in and the church from entering in. Jesus came to a point where they tried to take him by force, and he just passed through them. Is that cultish. We had at first anyway. Everything they got is a counterfeit, that’s all.  Don’t be afraid of that. You focus your mind on the Lord, let go in, lets come to know the Lord in spirit. Know no man after the flesh. What does that mean? But after the spirit.  You can easily very very easily fellowship with the Lord in this way and then graduate on into deeper levels of the spirit. Seek the Lord for anointing, take you further. While we look at things which are not seen. looking at the invisible, the world of spirit. It is very important what I taught you last week about renewing the mind. Because if you don’t do that you are going to have flack you are going to have interference which will pull you out all the time. The natural mind will keep pulling you out. Because it is not in harmony it conflicts with the spiritual. The renewal of your mind is very important in the principle I taught you last week about. Get your brain renewed, more compatible with God, the way God thinks, and you won’t have the same interference running all the time.

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