Hidden wisdom

Hiddenness connects us with God’s wisdom, and wisdom is the revelation of who God is and the internal recognition of how he likes to work in our lives. Faith depends upon one thing-our understanding of the nature of God. Faith which is grounded in a sure understanding of the nature of God and what he is like we’ll never be short of things to believe for. We know what God is like, we know that he is faithful, that he’ll never leave us or forsake us, that he’s made provision for us and that God never changes.

Faith in the nature of God is what keeps us moving even when situations are against us. Because we know that God is faithful, when a situation seems unwelcoming or even impossible, we know just enough to wait for him to come to our aid: I know you, Lord, you’re here somewhere. I’m just going to wait until you come or wait until you speak. I know you’re doing something. I haven’t figured out what it is yet, but I’m just gonna wait because I know you.

Job’s life was a textbook example of hiddenness and manifestation. It’s no surprise, then, that the following statement can be found in the record of his life. Job 28: 20-where then does wisdom come from? And where is the place of understanding? Thus, it is hidden from the eyes of all living and concealed from the birds of the sky.

Real wisdom is hidden from us until God reveals it. He often chooses to do that in his training ground of hiddenness. In hiddenness, God teaches us the wisdom of how to walk with him, how to know him, how to understand him and how to live a life of reverent fear.

David said in Psalm 51: 6-behold, you desire truth in the innermost being, and in the hidden part you will make me know wisdom. He said this because he understood that hiddenness and wisdom went together.

Likewise, Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2: 6-yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away; But we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory.

In times of manifestation, we cannot hear deep truth. If we do hear God speak while we are enjoying a season of his blessing, we often don’t understand what he is saying. Times of manifestation are about experiencing God. They’re about moving in a flow of body ministry-participating in the peace, joy and life of God.

Hiddenness is one of the most exciting disciplines that we can learn in the realm of the Spirit. When we learn how to access it and live in it, suddenly everything makes sense forever. Everything falls in place. All the things which come against us only enables us to go deeper into God, because we have learned the discipline of living in his presence. In hiddeness we seek the Lord for understanding, looking for a meaning, is a delight to the Lord. Isaiah understood God’s ways, and all his attention was upon God and what he would do. Therefore, understanding hiddenness and manifestation will train us in how to determine the wisdom of God-those moments when we perceive what is happening in the spiritual realm.

I believe there is a wealth of revelation and understanding that God wants to pour into our spirit. Sometimes we become so weary of struggling through the Christian life because we don’t know how to replenish ourselves in the spirit. The discipline of hiddenness will enable you to recover, restore your soul, renew your mind, and refresh your spirit. For me, coming into that place of hiddenness has been one of my greatest joys and blessings, and one of the reasons why, to a degree, I perfected the art of bouncing back in life. I know that I can defeat the devil by ignoring him, by retreating into my spirit and just doing business with God. Living in that place where God wants us to be, no matter what the enemy throws at us, will only make us stronger. We come out of our hidden place with greater revelation than we had when we entered it. It is the key to the place of power and significance in the spirit.

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