His Glory in our complexity

He made us complex creatures in order to reveal the very complexity and detail of the kingdom of heaven (where we came from). 

Maybe we have only experienced this in the negative sense through (our own and others); broken soul issues. Perhaps we have experienced people with destructive thought patterns like a yarn of tangled wool.

However, when redeemed and restored by Last Adam to First Adam’s existence, the complexity of our souls can be a snapshot into the detailed eternal thoughts of the Grand Designer.

Understanding dawns as we ask Christ to be formed in us through relationship with Him.

We explore the wonder of union. Knitted in Him. His Spirit one with our spirit, spanning dimensions and time itself.

Our lives of surrender, invite Him to meet with us in the gates of our diverse personality types. It is in these places where we are voluntarily refined in the fires of affliction. We should cherish these times even if only in hindsight.

For it is in the affliction that He chooses you. Isaiah 48.10(KJV)

If we are faithful in affliction, then great is our reward and fast is the promotion to a enlarged place of spiritual rulership. (Ruling from the dirt; that is, lifting others above our own desires and plans yet paradoxically seated in the heavens with Him).

I put my hand up, having failed many times. Yet even in failure, He sees it as an opportunity for His Grace and loving tutorship. Failure does not shock or shake God. Remarkably, Heaven is fixated with His response to our failure and also to our response to failure.

Destinies are made or discarded by these decisions of our heart.

In between the fires of affliction comes the summer rain, the heady breezes of new seasons and spiritual growth. Likewise we must also cherish these times of intense sweetness. For the depth of this can sustain you through future adversity and anchor you in the assurance of His Goodness. These are often times where He gives you keys of wisdom in using future fires of affliction as a springboard into His purposes.

But the land, where you go to possess, it is a land of hills and valleys, and drinks water of the rain of heaven. Deut 11.11

Walking in our inheritance, is possessing the promise land – it is a land of hills And valleys. Yet no matter the terrain, the altitude or the depth the high places of victory and the valleys of discouragement – it is the water of Spirit, the rain of heaven that is our life source. It is not of this world but of heaven.

Our reality is centered in heaven.

As we mature and He inhabits the gateways of our soul, He lives and moves and has His being in us.

The complexities of our soul begin to gloriously radiate Him like a prism. This is how our reborn spirits can affect our souls. As our souls are restored, it too affects our bodies.

How marvellous it will be, when our whole beings align entirely with Him.

The glorious complexity of heaven revealed through us uniquely created, treasures in earthen vessels. Our very existence is a signpost pointing to Him..

 “ to the King eternal, ever-living, unseen, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever..”1Tim1:17 (the bible in basic english)

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