His Rest Assured

I have missed you!  The past few months I have been stretched into new places with Him. Expansion is a time to be treasured and monopolized. It certainly left me relying on new levels of grace and stripped me of self-dependency.

For anyone that has done a skydive, you will know that the initial thrill or terror of jumping, is soon met with an indescribable intensity of free-fall.  It is crazy; not knowing which way is up or down. My only awareness when I jumped years ago, was of the pull of gravity and of high velocity air hammering out the inside of my lungs (and my cheeks..which resembled that of a bloodhound at full gallop).

However, when the parachute is pulled, life screeches to a halt and the welcoming landscape comes into focus at a more acceptable rate. A rate that a human brain can more fully process.  The descent can then be enjoyed in the sweet canopy of the parachute.  Transition can be a lot like this.

Something I have been learning, while being in transition is the journey of Rest.  Good ol Rest!  Rest in transition and rest during times of opposition.

Rest was something that I thought I knew all about, yet in the false comfort of my own knowledge He lovingly revealed my total ignorance. 

Rest is more than a Sunday.  Rest allows our lives to carry the life breath of heaven.  Rest is active and not passive.  Rest is a powerful weapon in warfare….a valuable lesson to learn, and the sooner the better really.  Rest is secure of the outcome and in carrying His divine identity.  Rest is unshakeable and courageous.

Rest actively reaches into the supply of heaven without striving.

Rest enjoys the freefall, while confidently holding the parachute chord.

Rest releases the Fathers will on the earth.

As we partner with rest, we are aligning ourselves with how Jesus did ministry.

Rest has a timeless perspective.

Jesus was in no hurry to go and pray for Jairus’ daughter.  He did not rush to pray for his dear friend Lazarus and yet He maintained in absolute rest seeing into His Fathers future plans and bringing more glory to Him in the process.  He calmly administrated resurrection glory as He went His way.  Not bowing down to mans demands or well meaning manipulation, but rather living in rest.

Jesus was absolutely secure in the reality He was living from and it was out of this place that He released life!  He is the resurrection and the life. It was out of this place that Jesus calmed the storm. He is the Prince of peace

Until we find our security in Him in this place, we will struggle to operate in authority over death…or the weather.

Whilst journeying this out, I found myself questioning the paradox of rest in warfare. How we can be in rest while fighting.  Resting yet standing.  Remember I thought I knew all about rest, but I really didn’t.

Rest is produced from living and moving in the Spirit.

It is interesting how the evil one will use surprise tactics to catch us off guard and alarm us with circumstances erupting out of our control to tip us from that place of rest.  We find ourselves knocked from the awareness and assurance that Papa has everything in hand to believing a false reality of distress.  Initially we may want to panic, to jump up and fight in anger, or to flee from intimidation.  The deceiver uses a diverse range of tactics.

But our eyes are on the prize, the victory that Jesus showed us with arms outstretched at the cross that we might come to the Father. He invites us to never depart from His rest. Rest in His love, no matter how painful the situation. It could be a terminal illness, court case, family crisis, loss of a job or home whatever it may be. 

He has promised us rest. Two of my dear friends were diagnosed with cancer this year and their faith has been openly displayed in their rest and steadfast trust in their Beloved’s victory and their Father’s plans for their lives.

Rest decrees from the high place of His Face to that situation to come into alignment with the Fathers will.

The whole of heaven will move on behalf of His will.  His will is revealed through His many names and His Word by His Spirit.

As we lean into His counsel, He shows us beyond the situation, giving us perspective that is more powerful than ammunition.  Perspective arms us with peace and shatters many illusions that the enemy would paint.

Actively engaging rest is a far cry from being a passive victim crippled by fear.  Our warfare should be about fighting to enter His rest.  From that place, we see that many spot fires that the evil one has lit are often minor distractions from the great and wonderful calling that our Father is beckoning us into.

Hebrews 4 describes entering His rest as being a promise from God.  “For we who have believed enter that rest.” (v3) It is a promise of a Sabbath rest for the people of God.  An entering into the fullness of who He is because Jesus is our high priest.

Warfare can leave us feeling incredibly vulnerable so I pray that His Rest would restore and protect you from becoming weary or discouraged.  I pray that hope and courage is solidified in your heart even as you read this.

You are not alone.

You are very much His and as you enter His rest you will see resurrection glory. 


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