Honor and focused

Then the Lord answered me and said: right division and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it – Habakkuk 2:2


One of the very 1st things you should do is buy a journal or a notebook of some kind. You will need this in which to record all the things the Lord shows you as your eyes are open. This is been a part of the process for me as well. Every little thing the Lord shows me or allows me to see, I try to enter it into the journal. By doing this, you show the Lord and yourself is well that these things have value to you.

Everything is everything. Every little sparkle, every flashlight, every shift in the atmosphere around you is something you should note. This includes your dreams as well. You make room for the supernatural things of God by honoring them. It is a step of faith and even buying the journal, that you believe that the Lord is going to tell you or show you something significant enough that you would receive it.

As you said your journal out, you are making a statement. I expect something to happen.

Another great thing about the journal, is that it keeps the vision fresh. He keeps a reminder that God just did something. I found it very surprising that many people, including myself, would have the most profound experiences, only to forget them within weeks. Anytime I start feeling sorry for myself, God it has been ages since you have spoken to me! I get my journal out and realize, okay, well maybe not ages but days instead.

You will dream more in your dreams will be more all the more significant. God will use your journal to teach you and as a way to bless others. As you intercede more for others you will find yourself having dreams about them and their situations. Your eyes will be opened as you sleep as well as when you awake.

Keep your journal ready with a pan on top of it. If you can, write it right away while the experiences fresh.


It’s harder to bless people who you know are ungrateful for what you have given them. If you give someone a 20 and they can’t say thanks, how much more difficult would it be to give them 1000?

I just want you to have an understanding about being thankful for the little victories as your site opens. Make sure that every day you think the Lord that you can see. Thank him for every little supernatural thing that happens. Many times as I go through my day, the Lord will show me flashes of light, sometimes it doesn’t seem like much at all, but as you learn, it is sometimes hard to know exactly what is really significant.

Do not dismiss anything as, well it was only this are only that. Keep a humble heart and show honor to the small things and record them as well.

Exercise your senses

Just like anything else, you get better with practice. This includes spiritual things as well. If you grew up in most evangelical churches, you might have a little trouble with this concept. Most churches teach that everything from God is sovereign and you won’t or can’t make a difference one way or another.

But that is not what I have found in Scripture in my personal experience. I have never had much revelation or visitation come upon me as I’m just hanging out watching TV. I’ve had some, but not much. But if I choose to come aside and sit at the Lord’s feet I hear from the Lord. I encounter his visions in the angelic host. It’s my choice.

How, you may ask? Being aware is the 1st step. You know the spiritual reality is right there where you can reach out and touch it. It’s closer than that. Stillness is a key. You can sense or feel or see anything if you are preoccupied with anything in the natural.

You have to take some time to do your work out. 5 minutes here in 2 minutes there will do nicely because it will keep you engaged more so than spending an hour and then forgetting about it.

If you look at the atmosphere around you, and study it, you can see ripples in it as surely as you can see ripples in a pond. The key is this. Don’t look at the tree on the other side of the yard, look at the empty space between you and a tree.

I practiced this over a summer when I spent a lot of time outdoors and by the end of a couple months I could see the spiritual atmosphere, alongside the physical within minutes of looking for. To me, looks very similar to heat rising off of a blacktop rolled on a hot summer day.

As I wait on the Lord, sometimes I exercise my senses as well. Focus on all of your natural senses. This is like one of the gateways. As you focus on seeing something with your eyes closed her hearing something when there are no natural sounds around, your spiritual senses become engaged.

Another key to exercising is being relaxed. If you are anxious, you will not be in faith. Don’t worry or strive. God will break it open for you if you desire an honor it. He knows your heart.

Always be looking. Always being gauging your spiritual eyes. Don’t feel like you have to take a break from it. How often do you take a break from your natural eyesight? You don’t, as long as you have a need to see.

The best time for a workout

I don’t believe in coincidence anymore, so I can’t say I discovered this by accident. The best time are the easiest time to see in the spirit realm is late at night or very early in the morning.

Gary Oates mentioned to us at a conference in North Carolina once that early in the morning you can engage God without fighting all the clutter of the day. You haven’t done anything to steal away your attention yet. You don’t have a struggle like you might have say, late in the afternoon.

If you are able to lie in bed without falling asleep, a great time to use your sense of sight is just before sleep when it’s dark. Make sure your room is quite dark, perhaps just a nightlight if you use them, and lie still with your eyes open. This way you will be engaging spiritual side alongside your natural site.

In a place of not quite dark you’ll see things much easier in the spirit. Your natural site can’t really focus because there’s not enough light, and you really don’t want to anyway. In the twilight, focus on the atmosphere in the room up towards the ceiling where you won’t be distracted by any furniture.

After a while, a few minutes or so,(I give it at least 10.) You will see very, very supple moments of light and perhaps color. It usually isn’t anything extreme at first. As you focus in a relaxed way, what you focus on will expand or become more apparent.

That is one way you exercise your sense of open site.

Living creatures in the house

I’m convinced that we don’t have a clue as to the atmosphere in our homes. While we are hoping God sends an angel, there probably 10 in the living room waiting us for part time.

One night past midnight, I was lying in bed and haven’t open my eyes. I wasn’t trying to see anything, but I had a brief glance of a supple shift of some kind to my right. I looked at it for maybe 45 seconds or so. Suddenly came into focus and it looked at first like a horses head. Tamara looked at it I saw that it was not that. After he knew that I was looking at him, he flew away. As he did, his body went past me and I would estimate that he was perhaps 30 feet long. He moved as if he was swimming through water.

I have no fear whatsoever, and no sense that it was anything demonic. I believe it was a living creature. I got the sense that he was just there watching over us like angels do. Very cool.

These are the types of things that you may see as you engage your site. Do not be in fear at all about what you may see, God gives us grace to not only deal with things as they come but to really enjoy the journey as well! I

Waiting on God

Lead me in your truth, and teach me; for you are the God of my salvation; I knew do I wait all the day – Psalm 25:5

This is one of my favorite things to do. And if you really love the idea of seeing, and engaging the spirit realm will be one of your favorite things. When you wait on the Lord, you are making yourself available to him. Whatever you want Lord, is what you are saying. My time is your time.

Some of the coolest adventures of ever having God, I’ve had while waiting on the Lord. You do not navigate these ventures alone either. The Lord is given his angels charge over you and they let you know they are around when you need them.

Angels in your face

One thing I found that happens quite a bit when you wait on the Lord is Angels checking you out. As I wait, eventually a shift happens and my spirit becomes aware. Has this happens, my spiritual eyes open and I see what is around me. Many times angels have had their faces very close to mine as if either checking to see if I’m awake yet, or possibly pulling me into the spirit. They can do that with no problem.

Praying in the spirit

After I think I’m done waiting on the Lord, sometimes I will get up from my chair and walk around the house praying. I will lift my hands and go all through the house praying quietly over each room. After I’ve done that, I go to bed. Many times after praying all through the house, go back into the living room only to find that my body never went with me. I see my body is still in the chair and I have to go get my body and then go to bed.

Mission trips in the spirit

This adventure is from yet another time of waiting on the Lord. I had pretty much prayed, worshiped and waited all night on this occasion.(Let me make it clear that I’m not trying to impress you with the amount of time I spend. I assure you that if this was a chore, I can guarantee that I would be doing it.) I had wrapped up my time of waiting on the Lord and was going to skip the prayer through the house thing that I do sometimes.

It was past 4 AM, and I think I may have gotten a drink and noticed that the basement light was on. I went over to the door and called downstairs, anybody down there? There was no answer. I realize that I probably just left the light on. I decided to go outside and get a breath of the morning air before heading to bed. I I walked to the side door of the house and stepped outside.

When I stepped outside, I was in another place. I was literally standing in front of a church somewhere, where there were lots of people gathered around for some kind of conference that was going on. I remember thinking this is got to be the coolest thing yet! I looked across the lawn of the church and I saw a black man about my age with gray around his temples. I somehow knew that his name was Joseph. At that moment the Lord made me aware that he had put money in my pocket and I was to give it to Joseph.

I walked over to him and handed him the money and said, this is for you. Then I turned to walk away. He yelled after me hey! This will buy 3 containers of food! He was very excited.

Next, realizing that the Lord had transported me to do this kingdom mission, I decided I would try to find out where I was and who this Joseph was. I figured that I could look it up on the Internet when I got back home.

I saw 2 women talking nearby so I went to them and asked them, what can you tell me about Joseph and his ministry? One of the women said, all you’ll find out all about him, he’ll be here all week! Then she said, but let us pray for you! And then her and her friend laid hands on me and prayed over me. Right after that the Lord brought me back.

I then spent the next 20 minutes with waves of electricity coursing through my body. It was amazing!

Now you know I love the wait on the Lord!

Breaking it all down

I’m going to describe to you how I wait on the Lord, and what that whole process looks like for me. This is not a formula by any means. The Holy Spirit is in charge and he may show you a more excellent way. But this will be a good, solid jumping off point for you that I have gleaned from men of God who move in such things. If you would do this you will see.

Usually, if I’m able to, I sometimes try to take a short nap sometime in the evening if I know I’ll be waiting on the Lord later. I let myself drift off for an hour or so and this helps me to avoid falling asleep later.

After everyone goes to bed and I’m pretty sure they are sleep, I go to my perch or downstairs. My prayer chair is a big comfortable, overstuffed chair in the living room. Sometimes I will kneel first, just to acknowledge Jesus’s lordship over my life. Sometimes I’ll stay there for a while and sometimes for only a few minutes. Then I sent my chair and purposely try to get as comfortable as possible. It can be very distracting if you are in an uncomfortable position while you are trying to pray.

I repent of any known or unknown since in my life. I asked the Lord to remove anything that files me in anything that offends him. Sometimes I asked the Lord to send his Seraphim with coals to sanctify me.

And then I sit very, very still. I stress this because if you are thinking about all the movements that you are making, scratching your nose, adjusting your glasses or just moving too much, your focus will be divided. You are trying to engage the spirit realm in your focus will beyond the natural. You don’t want to divide your focus.

So now I’m comfortable and I’m sitting very still with my eyes closed. Sometimes I’ll picture the Lord Jesus in my mind. This is very much like if I asked you to close your eyes and see what your house looks like. Or, sometimes I’ll think about a Scripture even a precious vision that the Lord is shown me.

Now I wait. I wait with the expectation that the Lord will speak to me or manifest himself to me in some way. I listen as if I’m on garden have to be diligent to hear any strange sounds no matter how faint they may be. In other words I actively listen. I love my senses to notice any stranger any different sensations I may feel.

Even though my eyes are closed, I look to see any flicker of light or color or anything at all different from what you would normally see with your eyes closed.

As I look and listen, when I know that there are no natural sights are sounds to see her here, shift begins to take place. My spirit takes over and my spiritual senses become engaged. As my spiritual senses become engaged, I see what is around me in that realm. That is why it will be normal for you to see the Angels who minister with you and for you when you when you wait on the Lord. They are always around. Always. They may not be interacting with you when you see them. They may be doing other things, but you will see them because your eyes will be open.

I just want to take a minute to remind you that as believers we have a right to seek and expect for the Lord to visit us or appear to us or embrace anything else he wants to do.

Where has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me, and he loves me will be loved by my father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him – John 14:21


Imagination is got a bad rap from the church world. Anytime you hear about it you seem to get the warnings from people who want to tell you how New Age people use the imagination, or how the Bible says we are to cast down imaginations, while conveniently forgetting to quote the rest of the verse.

Imagination is a gift from God. Adam had to use his imagination to name all the animals in the garden. One can use the imagination for good or for evil. The imagination just needs to be sanctified so it fulfills God’s purpose.

One of the major hangups I had with this word was that from childhood on I was thought that imagined meant not real or pretend. Just your imagination was always a phrase to dismiss imagination is not real or not important. So when I began to be taught from men of God that the imagination was a very powerful key her doorway into the spirit, I had a lot of hurdles to jump over. How could pretending something be the same as if it is really happening? I don’t want to pretend to see Angels. I want to really see them!

What we first have to realize is that thought is communication in the spirit realm. When you talk to an angel, or even a demon,(to rebuke him) you never even have to open your mouth. When you pray you don’t have to speak either. The Lord not only hears prayers and you think, but can also feel the emotions with which you pray. You can pray just by imagining. If you imagine yourself bawling at Jesus’s feet in worship, then you have just worshiped him, and he accepts that is true worship.

Matthew 5:28 – but I send to you, that whosoever look at on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Imagination is reality to the Lord

Use your imagination in every part of your Christian walk. Use it in prayer, and in worship. Use it while waiting on the Lord, or when praying for the sick. Practice using your imagination by putting yourself into biblical scenes or imagine the visions a John or Ezekiel described as if they are happening to you. What will happen is that you’ll find yourself being pulled into these visionary experiences. The doorway is your imagination.

More mission trips

During times of waiting, I began to imagine myself being taken to third world countries to pray for the sick. I would fly there and pray for a few sick folks and then fly back. I would also tell the Lord, Lord I’m willing to do this if you want me to. Wasn’t too long after that, that the Lord began using me in that way. There is a biblical precedent for this, and it is happening to believers all around the world. There is Bruce Allen, Ian Clayton and Mahesh chavda to name but a few. Let’s add your name to that list!

Engaging the kingdom

Journaling – get your journal started. But your first entry be a prayer to the Lord that he himself would fill the journal with mighty exploits a given glory!

Exercise your senses – picked hour that will best work for you, morning or night, and spent 10 to 15 minutes looking on the unseen. Also, take a few minutes to also do this as you wait on the Lord.

Waiting on God – this one is your key to supernatural adventures in God. Do not neglect this. You will not be disappointed. Do the things I describe for you and try to wait on the Lord for 45 minutes to an hour and half. If you are able to spend more time with the Lord, maybe on a day when you don’t have to get up early the next day, go a little longer!

Imagination – pick out some Scriptures that you really love, and imagine yourself as being there. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, feelings and emotions. Try to make a promise to yourself that you will do this at least twice a week until it starts to transport into the experience.

Also, lyn packer has an excellent book that would be extremely helpful to you here as well and in general, concerning spiritual side. It’s called – of visions, visitations, and the voice of God.

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