How God sees us

We need to learn how to rest in the Love of God, because that is our primary destiny to become love. We need to learn how to abide in this place of His deepest affection for us.

If you really want to know how spiritual you are in the natural realm, then you need a real revelation of what the divine love of God is like.

God’s deepest desire is to perfect His love within us. The ministry of Judgment will not be entrusted to us, unless His love is perfected within us.

The problem with prophets today, is that the love of God has not been perfected in them, so when they judge people, judge ministries, judge the movings of God in the earth, that same judgment is measured back to them, so that they have a very difficult life.

They do not experience the ecstasy of God’s love and the joy of the Lord which is our strength, and when they wait upon the Lord they do not mount up with the wings of eagles and soar through life.

When I look at a person I do not see anything wrong or negative about them. I tune into the heart of God, which is love and see the destiny that God has prepared for them. Then I speak it into existence, I present that image before them so that they have a goal to aim for.

Jesus took everything that could ever be held against us: every sin, every accusation, and even the littlest sins and transferred them to Jesus on the cross, He became sin, so that we could become the righteousness of God in Him.

Colossians 2:13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

Our father has dealt with sin once and for all. By one sacrifice He has perfected forever, those who are being sanctified.

What the Lord is dealing with now is not sin, but our righteousness in Christ.

When our spirit is born from above it has a built in yes to God, it desires righteousness, but our flesh desires gratification, so a war is on. Until we learn how to walk in the spirit we are miserable.

God does not have to deal with sin, because when we have conscious sin in our life it is killing us, we are reaping death. This is the chastening of the Lord, being turned over to the devil for the destruction of the flesh. It becomes so painful that we cry out to God and then He delivers us.

By my doing, you are in Christ, saith the Lord, the beloved of Lord. He is made your wisdom and your righteousness and your sanctification and redemption.

It is only In him you that we are set apart and consecrated. What we are learning is to walk in the fullness of all that Christ is in us.

When the Lord looks at us, He does not see what is wrong with us. What He sees is what is missing from our experience of Christ and begins working to bring about that experience in our life.

As we begin learning how to walk with Him, He is committed to keep upgrading our experience in relationship with Jesus. We are growing up into all things in him.

Categorized as Identity

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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