How to be filled with the Spirit-Worship

We want to learn how to be filled with the Spirit and how to maintain that fullness.

Worshiping the Lord will all our heart in spirit and truth is the main way to be filled with the Spirit. As our worship ascends to the Lord, He inhabits us.

A worshiper can never stay defeated. In worship we can become so full of the Spirit, that in His presence we can directly receive from the Holy Spirit himself. The Holy Spirit is a genus at worship and can teach us so much.

The tabernacle of David is being raised up. There are other aspects of the tabernacle of David, but worship is foundational. Our worship must go beyond the veil.

The Holy Spirit is pictured as the river of life; He flows from the throne of God, from heaven down into our spirit.

When we worship the Lord in spirit, our spirit touches the Lord becoming aware of His presence. His Spirit fills our spirit and then our soul.

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit and then into our soul and body into the atmosphere around us, touching other people around us.

When a person is filled with the Spirit those whose spirits are open to the Lord can sense the Lord’s presence being around us. If they don’t know the Lord they can sense something different about us because we are emanating light and love.

In the midst of our worship there must be not only a giving of praise unto the Lord, but also a drawing from Him.

We need to concentrate as we worship, we need to focus until we have an awareness that we are drawing or pulling down, we are opening every part of ourselves to be filled with Him and laying ahold of Him, pulling Him inside of us as we embrace Him in love. Everything of God’s Spirit is transferable, but you must lay hold of eternal life- 1 Tim 6:17

This requires intensity, and a fixed focus, I will not let you go until you bless me, and as He blesses us it becomes to much to receive, we cannot contain it all, OK Lord that is enough, stop it.

But our capacity to receive from the Lord has been increased, and as it begins to recede, we draw more where it become an ever-increasing cycle, like breathing in and then breathing out to bless others. Until we learn how to be continually filled with the Spirit where our growth in God becomes accelerated.

When we worship, we lift up our hands. As we reach up to the Lord, we draw from Him, but we also give Him praise at the same time.

With an almost explosive concentration, yet without any physical activity, we need to get the sensation of lifting up to the Lord. The sensing of our spirit ascending to the Lord, we are approaching His throne. We reach up as though we were projecting ourselves right into His presence.

The Lord is a fountain, and it’s all by grace. We may have some deep needs inside, but the Holy Spirit can take care of them if He is filling our life. So, we don’t worry about anything; but only trust Him. Without self-condemnation, we just reach out and embrace the lord, and the Holy Spirit will convict us and show us what is wrong and displace it with His Spirit.

We are under grace, the empowering presence and nature of God that transforms our life. God gives us many promises and sets many blessings before us which we can draw from.

God has spoken the new creation into existence by His word in eternity. The word became flesh and our old man died with Christ on the cross, and His Spirit was transferred into us.

By His faith we lay hold upon what Jesus has already provided for us in the eternal realm and it becomes manifested in the time and space realm.

We can believe for something good if we love the Lord. How do we love the Lord, we let His love fill us in our spirit and it then just flows back to Him. He loves us; and we can reach out and draw from Him.

Categorized as Fullness

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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