How Was the Fuse Ignited?

Most of our people have been listeners, but more and more they will be readers because once you begin to eat the Word instead of read it or listen to it, then you have the key of the sons of God that will come forth. So it’s all going to be done by this Word. That is why the editing is so important.

I am going to pull back from so much personal ministry and ministry to the churches and give myself to prayer and the Word because if these people will get the Word, they will get the principles by which the problems will be solved.

We look to the apostle for the Word by which we shall be able to find the answer. Find the answer in God. It is this transition period that I think is slaying us all.

I’m not a good administrator and never will be, but I think that I will have the Word that’ll open the door, and that’s where I should be.

You can begin to see that I can’t put the problems of the churches or even the pastors or the Timothy’s or anybody else ahead of the dedication to get this Word out—to get it recorded and edited.

To me it means only that I am putting God first. I am putting Him ahead of His own people because I think I will best serve them by serving what He has called me to do.

It must be everyone’s purpose to run interference, because when the people find a ministry that can help them they are reluctant to accept another one in its place.

It takes some understanding to realize that if we honestly believe that the war is over the Word, then this is going to be the highest level of spiritual warfare anybody can share, when they are dedicated to see a Word come forth purely to stand for a thousand years as the principles of the Kingdom.

If God raises somebody up that can minister to the whole Kingdom of God, we must find a way that that will take priority over the desire to keep a few people in one locality.

I am battled because I speak the Word. And in the integrity of your heart you must want it to be the exact thing God’s trying to say to the people. That is exactly what I want. All the way through—this dedication, the war is over the Word.

That is the only reason I am in this is present restrictive circumstances. We have reached a plane of speaking the Word that Satan can no longer endure because this is the downfall of Babylon. This is the hour for it.

The greatest key of evangelism is by your finding the way of disseminating the Word of the Kingdom.

What people do with it out of every tongue, kindred, tribe and nation is going to be up to the Holy Spirit’s doing but it’s up to us to have the Word. And so the greatest search in the Kingdom of God is to search for the people that will preach the Word, rather than to search for new converts.

The whole Living Word has to be viewed like it is a local New Testament church raised up by God. A Kingdom-oriented church perfectly.

People will come and go but they have to be oriented to the Word of God while they’re hearing it.

There has been too much delay. When we gather for the Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Trumpets, when the Word comes, within a matter of ten days it should be played in churches all over the world in the language they understand. You see, we have the Word. It is a stewardship. God help us if we do not see that.

It is the same way with preaching or anything else. If you do not love the Lord enough, you do not love His Word, or you don’t hunger for His Word enough, you will not make it anyway. Forget it. Back off. But see, the motivation and the dedication and the love is here and that sums it up to the disciples of the Kingdom; they will send forth the Word.

If we are to see these churches begin to reach into the Word it will have to start here. We must have an addiction to what God is saying—“Word dwelling in us richly, speaking to ourselves, psalms, hymns, spiritual songs.”

Sometimes it seems there is not enough time for the Word. But there is because it’s so hid in my heart that even if there’s a day that I cannot open the Bible, I can recall it in my mind and I can meditate on it, verse by verse.

There could be days when some of us may be in prison, and never given a Word but our soul will be fed by the richness of the Word that we can quote, chapters that God brings to your mind. Love the Word, there’s nothing like it.

This is a revelation of the Word, of the Scriptures. We haven’t neglected the Scriptures: maybe we’re the first people in a long time to give them this much attention to really find out what God was saying.

The Explosion


During the last two weeks or so there have been messages on faith. You felt the Lord swept away everything and you were ready to believe.

Something was happening that we did not realize. We were being positioned for the victory that the Lord wants to give us.

We were ready to break through. There is only one word about this. Finish it.

This is a guideline: You can quote personal prophecies if you want. You can prophesy if you want. But in the periods of exhortation when you’re together during these days, use the scriptural promises.

You have a sure Word of prophecy in the Word of God. You bring those promises out, those simple promises. They’re more audacious than any prophecy ever was in the first place.

This siege does not need to take a long time. The Word that the Lord gave me was this: “Behold, I’m going to send my messenger and he will clear the way before Me and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple.”

What you do, do it with such a faith that there is a feedback of strength to you.

This need not be an expenditure to see how long we can hold out. It’s going to be a tuning into Him so that He fills us with His strength.

Everything is going to change. One breakthrough, one victory is going to solve and bring to an end a thousand conflicts.


We should be believing right now for the breaking of the spirit of deception that keeps us from bonding or being aware of our oneness.

The Lord is bearing witness that the spirit of deception is going to be broken, and we are going to know who we are to one another. We are going to know what our brother or sister is to us.

The Lord is saying, “Don’t look for big shots.” Just look around and see the humility and the lowliness that the Lord is working in one another. He’s working it in all of us.


We may fight every satanic spirit before we’re through. I don’t know what Satan’s going to throw at us, but whatever he does, we have perfect victory.

Victory is not a solution to problems; victory is a spiritual state that surmounts problems.

We’ve got a bunch of people here that God’s brought in for this final battle, and after this battle’s over there’s going to be wisdom, anointing.

This is not exactly an endurance contest, but it’s going to be an expression of unity of faith.

The other siege ended without all of the victories obvious at the time, but we didn’t know a day pass after that that we weren’t witnessing the evidence of the breakthrough.

What we’re trying to do is block off one main channel, and prevent several other channels from opening up so that we can keep ourselves free in the flow of the Spirit.

The nephilim spirit has isolated us from the rest of the Body of Christ. I’m convinced of that.

Why don’t we have the unity? For the same reason that many of you couldn’t feel one with me, that was an isolating dividing spirit that hit us.

When this spirit is broken you’re going to be surprised how much unity we really had and were not aware of, how much oneness was really there.

This should probably be one of the closest knit groups that exist anywhere in their faith, in their love, and in their oneness and unity. There isn’t a one of us but what want that.

I remind you that the Lord spoke that it did not necessarily have to be a long siege. It could be something in which we just break through.

I think God has already brought the ones in that are to start it. We wouldn’t mind if some more come in for the kill, for the final victory, but I think God’s brought a good humble people in here and is saying, “Come on, let’s get the job done.”

We’re going at this prayer with faith believing that God’s going to break through for us. We’re not going at it as though we had to persuade God.

If it gets loud and noisy, it’s because we are demanding that all of our faculties, the focus of our whole being, is upon the promises of God.

It’s the scriptural promises that we’re leaning on more than any revelation or prophecy. This is significant.

We’re getting right down to the basic thing of believing that the Scriptures are going to be the basis by which we break through into the greater works.

What’s going to happen in this? I think we ought to go about this with almost a deadly dedication: God’s will be done!

Breakthroughs could start happening so fast and when the breakthroughs start happening, then we’ll shift gears very quickly. We’ll go into a festivity and then we’ll start gearing ourselves for action.

Don’t make a labor out of the prayer; make it an exercise of faith. We’re believing the Word.

We’re still going to get our work done, and God is going to count every hour of work as waiting on the Lord.

The first siege opened the door. It began the real door-opener ministry in its greatest effectiveness everywhere in the churches.

What this siege is going to do is to bring the establishment of the oneness with all of us and it’s going to bring the breakthrough to the fulfillment of the individual commissions and ministries.

We’re after a great deal—everything. Complete, total breakthrough in everything that God’s spoken.

We’re doing more than just reviving old promises and prophecies. We want God to make them the springboard, the launching pad for things that will be fantastic, surprising.

This is either going to abort because we missed the simplicity of it and the intensity of it in our faith, or this is going to be something that will be written down as the breakthrough for the Kingdom.

This is the time that God is going to call a lot of people in here for one thing: The windows of heaven are going to be opened. The blessing is going to be falling upon us.

Everything has begun to break. Now we reach the time that we need this victory siege. We’ve got to have it. When we have it, everything is going to move.

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