
In the realm of eternity, we are a perfected, full grown son of God, totally glorified. This is our identity, if we fulfill our destiny.

In this time and space realm, as God reveals our identify in Christ, through the revelation of an aspect of His nature, our spiritual eyes are opened so that in our awareness of the presence of God, who we already are in eternity is transferred to us, so that we become that in the time realm in our personality.

This is the process of sanctification, where we go from grace to grace, faith to faith, strength to strength, glory to glory. We change through the inflow of the Spirit, transforming our soul.

This all happens through intimacy, where we become aware of the presence of the Lord.

We change by being exposed to God in such a way that the essence of His being becomes transparent to us, and penetrates into us so that we take on that image.

Hebrews 10: 14 For by one offering he hath perfected (past-perfect tense-the finished results) forever (two words in the Greek 1- motion into 2- continuing throughout eternity, unfailing, everlasting) them that are sanctified (continuous action, the salvation of the soul,  to purify by penetrating, to set apart exclusively for Gods use).

Eph 1:3-4 The literal translation of the Greek is-The father has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ, in this manner- to select for Himself us in Him before the laying down of the foundation of the world-we exist holy (set apart) and without blame in the very presence of Himself in love.

In eternity we exist holy and without blame in His very presence in love. This is a reality that already exists. This is a fact and not a theory.

Ephesians 1:3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed (definiteness of action with permanent results, eulogéō; from eu-1-well, good 2- logos- Intelligence, word as the expression of that intelligence , God acting in our life and accomplishing His purposes ,to bestow blessings on) us with all (the total, every) spiritual (belonging to the Spirit of God) blessings (a benefit bestowed, gift) in (intimate union with) heavenly (what is in heaven) places in(intimate union with) Christ: 4According (implying manner, of time meaning- when) as he hath chosen us (specific point, selection) in (intimate union with) him before (before time) the foundation (from the beginning of creation, founding, laying down) of the world (heavens and earth, the universe, the inhabitants of the earth), that we should be (continuous action- no specific time-infinite-to exist) holy ( wet apart unto God) and without blame ( without spot or blemish) before (in the very presence of) him in love:

God has already blessed us, to speak into existence our inheritance, in the spirit realm, so that it becomes an eternal reality.

Who we already are in eternity becomes a reality in our life through convergence- meeting, junction; union- where what is true in eternity becomes a reality in the time and space realm. This is heaven meeting earth, as it is in heaven, so it becomes on earth.

God has already past tense, justified us, and glorified us. Our glorification in eternity becomes a present realty through the principle of transference- God imparting Himself into our spirit so that it becomes manifested in our soul. What we see spiritually by God opening our eyes, flows into us so that we partake of it and participate in it.

Romans 8: 29For whom he did foreknow (to know beforehand, to understand completely), he also did predestinate (to predetermine, decide beforehand, in the NT of God decreeing from eternity, to foreordain, appoint beforehand) to be conformed (together with-to form, to bring into harmony or agreement having the same identity) to the image (more than a likeness-the essential  and substantial form, the perfect expression and representation) of his Son (full grown), that he might be the firstborn (preeminent, prototype) among (of those with whom someone is in near connection, intimate union, oneness of heart mind and purpose )many brethren (a fellowship of life based on identity of origin). 30Moreover (furthermore, likewise) whom he did predestinate (to predetermine, decide beforehand), them he also called (specific point in the past, “to call,” often means “to bid,” in the sense of “invite): and whom he called, them he also justified (specific point in the past, to declare, pronounce, one to be just, righteous, or such as he ought to be): and whom he justified, them he also glorified (specific point in the past, to impart glory to something, The Spirit of God dwelling intimately in our spirit, soul and body-every part of us alive with His eternal life).

We are being conformed to the image of God, through our seeing that image. It is through our seeing God that we are changed. With the seeing comes the infilling. It is God entering us so that we partake of Him. It is through our seeing and hearing God that we are changed into that same image.

It is all about an intimate relationship with God where He becomes more real to us than our natural surroundings.

Unless our spirit is alive to Him, so that we are abiding in Him, we will live in our soul and remain the same or grow worse.

Our spirit literally has to be separated from our soul, so that our soul can then be reunited with our spirit, so that it no longer acts independently of the Lord.

Our soul goes through a process of change, a transformation. It is a change of life form. Our soul no longer acts independently of the Lord, and then learns to draw its life from our spirit.

We have to deny our soul its natural expression so that it no longer murmurs and complains, gets depressed and discouraged from not having its ways.

Once our soul desires are no longer the focus of our life, then those desires can be met in God in a way that they no longer distract us from the life flow of Gods Spirit into our spirit.

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