In His presence


When you come to worship the Lord, it is very necessary that you get rid of any restraints and open your spirit completely to the Lord. Rebuke anything that has disturbed you during the day and say, “I will not suffer that feeling or emotion to restrain me any longer.” Get rid of any distraction that keeps you focused in another direction.

In the coming days there will be only one thing to encourage you, and that is the presence of the Lord. This is the day of the Parousia. In the midst of all the adversities, the fire will not kindle on you nor the waters overwhelm you because He will be present with you. His presence will make the difference. You don’t dare to live without an awareness of the Lord. You don’t dare to live without an open spirit that is continually worshiping the Lord. As you worship, keep your mind focused on the Lord and rebuke everything that would distract you or change your focus.

Set your will and determine to take dominion over your mind. Do not permit your mind to wander away from the Lord. Bring it right back and say, “Lord, our weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God. They can bring into captivity the thoughts and imaginations of the heart into obedience to Christ” (II Corinthians 10:4, 5).

In the midst of the worship, you will notice blessings coming to you. God will judge the things that have oppressed and come against you. This is a good time to throw the viper into the fire and cast off the things that have been harassing you. As you worship, be aware that you are refusing to give place or even a contact to any demon power. Throw it off in the name of the Lord. God does not want us drained or debilitated of all our spiritual strength by spiritual leeches who are living off of someone else’s life instead of getting something from God themselves. It is a kind of vampirism and is satanic in the way it takes hold.

We must concentrate on the flow as God directs it. Then we can break down every barrier and bring release, doing the thing that God wants done because all the spiritual force is concentrated in that direction, and is not being dissipated in many different directions where it should not go.

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