Inheritance words

When God gives us psalm 91, we don’t read anything else for a while, so that we can get that word in our spirit. It is very important to the lord, for where he wants to take us; he needs for us to receive everything that is in psalm 91. That is our inheritance word. When a passage of scripture becomes alive to us, when it impacts us, it becomes our inheritance word. That word is about our inheritance.

When Jesus stood up in Luke 4 and spoke to his hometown church and he read our Isaiah 61, he was reading out his inheritance word. The Spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me, and he read out his assignment. This is my inheritance word, this is my identity, and this is my assignment. Then he said today this word is fulfilled in your hearing, and he had not done any of that yet. He stepped into it the moment that he had received it and said it is mine.

Our prophecy begins the moment we truly confess this is mine. Proclamation at some point has to become confession in us. God’s proclamation to us, over us, has to become a confession that comes out of us back to God. His is the voice of proclamation when he says this is my dream for you and these are the promises that go with that dream. Ours is the voice of confession when we say lord I agree with your dream of me, and I accept the resources that come with it. Confession means to pull away from a previous perspective on ourselves and to acknowledge fully that something new has taken place. Confession breaks the yoke; it breaks the connection between us and the past. We step on that connection, we sever that connection between us and the past, because when God gives us a prophesy he says you are no longer present-past in your relationship with me, now you are present future.

There are too many people living present-past lives with God. That means that everything from our past is still coming into our present and influencing us. All of that ended at the cross. God took all of that and nailed it to a cross and said I will take all of that, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. That is not who you are. When God gives us a prophecy, he says to us, this is now who you are. The antidote to our past is not our present, but our future. We are facing the present-past and taking hits from humiliations and control and things that have happened over us. God severs all of that at the cross and spins us around when he gives us a prophetic word and says you are no longer that person, you are dead to that, this is who you are, you are a new creation to me, here is a promise to your life, here is your identity, here is all the resources, now let’s get walking.

God is very intentional, that is why when we start walking in that direction, when we start walking, we have to stop whining, we cannot whine and win. There is nothing back there, we are all in transition. Transition is not an event it is a lifestyle. Our identity is ongoing, we are always in transition. God is always reinventing us. We are always becoming more of who we really are. So, we need to accept that transition is a lifestyle, so why should we not walk it joyfully. We do not want to be who we are now in five years’ time. We don’t want to be the same we want to discover who we really are. We want to become more of who we are supposed to be. We want to move into that place of abundance, fullness and favor. We want to discover and be testing the limits of everything God wants to give us. If we stay in a place too long our good news eventually becomes bad news. The good news is ongoing; we need more good news in our life. The news we used to live in and enjoy we are not enjoying anymore because we need to move on. Confession is about pulling away from a previous perspective of ourselves and acknowledging fully that something new has taken place. Philemon 6- the fellowship of our faith becomes effective through the acknowledging of every good thing which is in us in Christ. We grow by what we acknowledge. We grow by agreement. This is who I am becoming so I am going to grow into that. Confession is always going to be a part of our life. Confession is the place where we say, I am so agreeing with God about who I am. It is not just a verbal thing, it is more than a verbal agreement, our confession should move us to an act. Confession means that we admit the truth about ourselves. Not just inside ourselves, but we have to admit the truth about ourselves to somebody close by. This is what God is doing in me; I just wanted you to know, because I want you to hold me accountable to becoming that. Accountability is not about restraint; it is about freedom. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. This is who I am becoming, this is what is opening in front of me, this is what I am stepping into, and I want you to hold me accountable for that part of my journey, which means that if they see me acting in a way that is not in alignment with that, then they can say you cannot do that because this is who you are. This is accountability. It calls people up, it doesn’t restrain people, it doesn’t slap the handcuffs on, and it doesn’t say you are doing that so away with you. Accountability says you shouldn’t be doing that because this is who you are. You cannot think that about yourself because you have this word over you.

Accountability calls us up it says you know what right now what I’m hearing from you is not your real confession you got a better confession of that this is what God has said over you your confession should be in line with that and your actions should be in line with your confession.

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