It takes God to love God

Nothing that we give to God can originate within us. We can only love God because he first loved us (1John 4: 19). Everything that we have is given to us first by God (James 1: 17). The way we come into salvation is the way that our fellowship with God is maintained. He initiates and we respond. It will always be this way.

A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven said John the Baptist. Paul had a similar revelation and wrote: who has first given to him that it may be paid back to him again? For from him and through him and to him are all things (Romans 11: 35-36). So, we see here a cycle- from him, through him, to him, are all things, ALL things.

Everything comes from heaven to the Christ in us and then comes through him in us and is returned back to God via worship, thanksgiving, rejoicing, prayer acts of service through the Holy Spirit.

All fellowship with God is derived from a relational circle that receives from heaven and then returns it to heaven.

What our heavenly father wants from us he always gives to us first. In the New Covenant, because we are in Christ, every command is also now a promise, you must realize this, or you could fall from grace into works. When God commands holiness he intends to bestow the same upon us (1 Peter 1: 15-16). The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of promise who seals us in Christ (Ephesians 1: 13) and works within us to present us as holy and blameless and beyond reproach (Colossians 1: 22).

The love that we give to God was first given to us. It takes God to love God. He loves to give to us, and he loves to receive from us. It is in his DNA. When we had young children, we give them money to buy presents, and so the Lord gives to us so that we might give it back to him.

What we need to do is ask God to reveal how much he absolutely loves us. As we meditate upon how much God truly loves us, we are going to find that same identical love within us flowing back to him.

Ask the Lord for tangible expressions of his love. Love is not a theory but a tangible reality. Not only is it an action, but we feel it, we experience it in our emotions and it’s also a physical sensation. We are moved by love. God’s love is no different in its expression or it’s reception.

For us to the love God properly we must accept that we are the beloved of God.

God has shed abroad his love within our heart, so in the flow of the Spirit is the love of God and that love needs to saturate us, it needs to penetrate us, it needs to overwhelm us.

Because within our spirit there is what I call a love gate. A first love gate, or doorway, that gives us access to the presence of God and the heavenly realms. This is how we step through the veil between heaven and earth into an awareness of heaven.

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