Journey preparation 4

Okay what we looking at being on a journey together an adventure where we’re going to engage in the realms of heaven and in the realms here and the unseen realm .now two main pathways we are going to follow pathway of relationship. This can lead us to deeper intimacy with God and the pathway of responsibility which leads to greater kingdom rulership and at the moment we just looking at preparing for that journey we haven’t even got to base cape yet. but will start from the beginning so that we can take everyone to a place where they can engage in their destiny in heaven and on earth want to share what rick joiner said , I read it on one of the Face book pages is a the torch and the sword. The body of Christ is about to go through a metamorphosis it is been like a caterpillar crawling along the ground but is about to emerge into a glorious butterfly which soars above the earth the church is about to arise and will be more at home in the heavenly realm than the earthly . there is a door standing open in heaven and there is an invitation for us to go through it those who answer this call, will be caught  up into the spirit with the result that they will always be seeing the one who sits on the throne this is the ultimate purpose of all true prophetic revelation seeing the glorious risen Christ and the authority he now has overall this is not a fantasy true Christianity is the greatest adventure that anyone can ever have on this earth true church life the way it was intended to be is a supernatural experience. It is life from another realm beyond this earth that brings true life to the earth. and that’s the journey that we are looking to go on together and we looked at this Scripture two Corinthians 418 so we fix our eyes not on what is seen so yes were looking right now and on what is seen with our natural eyes, but actually in the realm of the spirit and our spiritual eyes and the eyes of our heart, we can look at an unseen realm which can be seen through a different way since this is what is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal so everything we see here now is temporary because it will be changed and transformed into the eternal in the age to come but what is unseen from our natural eyes comes out of that eternal realm and we can engage it because we  are spiritual beings so we’ve seen to start with on this preparation that there are seer and prophetic gifts that we can receive distinguishing or discerning spirits that can be imparted to us as a seed but they need to be cultivated see what I’ve received and what I can do in my life through developing those spiritual senses to be able to see into the realm of heaven and see into the realm around us in the in the room now were cultivated now I pray for people and imparted that seed but you have to develop and grow that we’ve seen that we need to engage with the angelic realm and the angelic beings were sent to guard and guide us on this journey and last time we looked at the need to walk by faith and Hebrews 11 sixes without faith it is impossible to please him and because he’s given us a gift of faith so it is possible to please him for he who comes to God must believe that he is and that means he’s always been and always will be and he is now and that is a rewarder of those who seek him so if we impart on this journey together to engage and seek after God we will be able to find him because he will reward our pursuit of him with the revelation and the experience of finding him, but we have  to believe it and if you don’t believe it, it won’t be true for you it might be true for everybody else but it won’t be true for you, so the key is whether we are prepared to believe what God says and act on that belief and that will open up the experience for me and you so were going to actually look at basic preparation for the journey we looked at faith and today we look some basic truths some basic things that is important to understand before we go on this journey so that we can fully engage in it when you look in the future of the language of the spirit and how the spirit communicates and how God communicates and how we receive communication and we are going to go to base camp to start building our spirit before we set off on the journey so first thing really important thing you are spirit which came out of eternity you have a soul and you live in a body so you are a three part being like God is a three part being and you’re supposed to be at one with all of it like God is at one and that’s the journey we can all go on. So your spirit makes you God conscious and you can engage God who is spirit and the spiritual dimensions. your soul your heart or your subconscious mind makes you self-conscious and self-aware and your body or your earth suit if you like makes you world conscious, you have a world awareness so you can touch the physical realm but you can also touch the spiritual realm.

 one Thessalonians 523’s is now May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely and may your spirit soul and body be preserved complete without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so when Jesus returns he’s looking for a people whose whole spirit soul and body is complete whole without any issues now look at us now, there is some work to do but that’s why we are going on this journey to actually do the work that will bring us into that place of wholeness and completeness so we can actually experience the fullness of who we are supposed to be.

 Genesis 126 God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness. so God is the creator but you are made in the image of God therefore you have created power and ability and he gave us created power and ability so we could be like him. Now we lost much of that because of problems that we’ve gone through since Adam fell and since Satan fell before that. but the reality is God wants to restore that to us that this is a diagram a picture that you will become use to as we go on this journey. is a picture of which represent spirit soul and body in the center when we enter into relationship with God and when we become born again by the spirit of God, light comes into us, God’s presence, his glory comes into the center of our being. and that has a doorway a gateway that can come in and fill our spirit we invite him to do that our spirit itself has different senses or abilities or gateways that look to engage with the spirit of God and then flow outwards so there are gateways or senses of reverence faith hope worship revelation intuition fear of God and prayer then our spirit also has senses just like our physical body has senses which we are really aware of site smell hearing taste and touch those five senses are soul also has senses conscience reason imagination mind emotions choice and will so we have a whole selection of different senses to engage in different realms and we have to learn how to activate them and so when the presence of God in us and we engage with the presence of God than the design is that it flows out through us around us to create an atmosphere around our lives which we are in charge of with the Holy Spirit which is a good fun and there’s a 3-D representation of that, we have the first love gate within our spirit which makes it God conscious and the gates flowing outwards we have soul which is self-conscious and those gates flowing outwards and then we have our physical senses which of world conscious and they flow outwards so there is the eternal world there’s the physical world there is the unseen world you have access to all those dimensions through your spirit soul and body just very basic things to know when you go on this journey.

Your spirit and soul also have a dimensional form I’m looking out at you right now so I can see your body has a dimensional form and we have those three dimensions that we can see but our spirit and soul also have dimensional form that we can engage in. so we can actually engaging that is a little bit like the doctor who’s tartus. Our spirit and soul are bigger than our body in reality when we engage them we can explore and journey those things within which are dimensional places within us. Now another really important basic truth you are a house of God therefore God lives in you and it is really important to get hold of that. I’ve met with Jacob a few times in the realms of heaven and he really impressed on me the importance to read this portion of his life and in Genesis 2812 it says and he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth on the top of it reached to heaven and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it, so where did the latter start from? The earth, and it reached into heaven which was a picture that God was giving him that he had access to the realms of heaven and in the other verses in that story, it said that the Lord was standing in that doorway where the latter engaged heaven and then it went on and he says in verse 17 he was afraid, now this was a pretty awesome experience and he said how to be feared and referenced is this place which was the place called Bethel that he was in under this open heaven this is none other than the house of God and this is the gateway to heaven. So there was a physical place that was a gateway into the realm of heaven over him. now that also as we would look through the Bible we find different people in different places as well John 14:20 and 23 says this in that day and this was the day Jesus came back and was resurrected from the dead and overcame the enemy and then opened up the access with all authority for us. You will know that I am in my father and you’re in me and I am in you. so here was a description of relationship of intimacy where we are all now connected with God Jesus answered and said to him in verse 23 if anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our abode or home with him so now it’s not just there certain places that have access into the realms of heaven we actually have God living in us and we are house of God and therefore we now become a gateway of heaven we have access into the realm of heaven. So everything that was done and said in the Old Testament sense in Jesus all the promises of God are yes and Amen and become open for us. So now you are house of God and also a gateway of heaven one Corinthians 316… We know well do you not know that your temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you one Corinthians 619 or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God and that you are not your own. because when we invite Jesus to come into our life and we invite God to come by choosing to follow him as a disciple we give up right of ownership of our life and we commit to following the destiny that he’s prepared for us which is our eternal destiny which everything that God has designed for us to do, to out- work who we are as his children is contained within that scroll that book that was written to and read about that in psalm139. Luke 17:21 in the amplified version says this, nor will people say look here it is and we are talking about the kingdom of God see it is there, for behold the kingdom of God is within you in your hearts and among you and surrounding you, now we are not talking about a physical kingdom, we are talking about the word kingdom of God means busily a in Greek which means the rule or reign of God so were talking about actual dominion and having authority so the kingdom God’s reign his rule is in us and we have to surrender to it if we want that to come through us and begin to manifest around us so what Jesus did when he came with that kingdom was to demonstrate that the spiritual realm have authority over the natural realm so he walked on water as he stopped storms he multiplied bread he did amazing miracles he also heal people raise the dead because the spiritual realm has authority of the natural realm even over death so the kingdom the access to the realm of God and the rule of God is in us therefore we become the gateway of that rule on earth, because God wants to rule through us just as in the beginning he said to Adam and eve to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. That commission is still available to us. So the spirit realm is connected to each of us because heaven or God’s kingdom is in us. Therefore each of us has access to God, the heavenly spiritual realm and actually God has access to us and through us God has access to the world. because he’s given authority to us and wants to administer that authority through us to the world he didn’t say to Adam and Eve have this authority but don’t use it, he meant them to use it. And he means us to use it as his children so each of us is a gate of that spiritual heavenly realm and a channel of God or a God channel, because we become a channel where God administers to the world through us and around us.

1 John 1:51 this is Jesus talking he said to him truly, truly I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man. so Jesus had this open heaven over him and he had angels going up and down over him and he said people would experience that, which they did. So each of us lives under an open heaven with an invitation to interact with the spiritual realm both the heavenly spiritual realm and the unseen angelic realm because you see both things mentioned- heavens opened, the angels of God ascending and descending, we have access to engage that. Matthew 3:16 and 17 was an actual physical expression of that. That happened to Jesus after being baptized. The baptism of the Spirit gives us access.

Jesus came out immediately from the water and behold the heavens were opened. he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on him and behold the voice of the heaven said this is my beloved son in whom I’m well pleased. actually physically that happened and today physically that can happen to us, because we are going to practice that. Revelation 3:20 behold I stand at the door and knock. So what that door is, is access to the realm of the kingdom that’s within us, where God dwells in us, and that door is connected to heaven within our spirit. If anyone hears my voice so it’s really important to hear God’s voice on this journey, and opens the door. So the handle to that door is on our side in our spirit and God won’t force himself to come and fill us and flow through us unless we invite him. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to him and will dine with him and him with me. so there is relationship ,intimacy, fellowship, experience of God’s presence within, in a  true real relationship just as real as the relationships we can have in this physical realm. This one operates within the realm of our spirit, and as we surrender through the realm of our soul.

We must give a daily invitation for him to fill us and flow through us. That comes from us, he’s knocking basically saying let me in, and we have to open the door. So it’s, the ball is in our court. And this really is the access point, to the pathway of relationship opening that door on a daily basis, revelation 4:1 and 2 is after these things. I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven and the first voice which I heard like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me said come up here and I will show you what must take place after these things so you have to accept that invitation that invitation is open to us today but we have to accept it and that again begins the pathway of responsibility that we can step into the realms of heaven and begin to administer the realms of heaven through our lives onto the earth but we have to step in and accept the invitation to come and take that responsibility Revelation 318 says this I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire so you may become rich white garments that you may clothe yourself and that your shame of your nakedness will not be revealed and eye salve to anoint your eyes that you may see without Jesus and him being the source of our life effectively were poor, naked and blind but with him as our source he will supply us with everything we need for this journey, but we have to draw it from our relationship with him, it is a relational thing where we go and we receive that gold refined by fire we received clothes that clothe us from everything that is in our past and we receive eye salve so our eyes can see into the realm of the spirit and into the realms of heaven. Now john 1:1 says in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the Word was God so that the word of God written is a key place of engagement for us in this journey but actually it is the living active word of God Hebrews 412 we need to engage in and Jesus is that word so it’s the person that were engaging not just a book but a person who is living and active who can speak life into the words that are written in the Bible and he can speak life into our lives as he speaks to us on our daily basis and that becomes the source of our life so Jesus will be our guide the doorway and the anchor for us on this journey. now John 14: 16,17 talks about another helper I will ask this the father this is Jesus talking and he will give you another helper that he may be with you forever that is the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it does not see him or know him but you know him because he abides with you, now this is talking to the disciples before Jesus went to the cross and was resurrected and before the Holy Spirit was poured out and actually is a prophetic word about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit was with them but then he prophesied that he will be in you . so now we have a helper who is in us to help and guide us the Holy Spirit is our helper on this journey to guide us to the truth or reality another word for truth is reality we talked about what we’re seeing is not the true reality of where we will spend eternity, it is temporary so we need to see beyond that reality to the true reality John 16 13 and 14 when he the Spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak of his own initiative but whatever he hears he will speak and he will disclose to you what is to come so we have access to the future on this journey which is pretty cool we also have access to the past which is also cool because we can do with it. so it doesn’t affect our present so we can move into the future that god has shown us and says he will glorify me for he will take of what is mine and will disclose it to you so he will reveal who Jesus is and take the will and purpose of God for our lives and give us revelation of it on this journey. now another really key fact to get hold of you can hear God’s voice you can receive God’s thoughts and you can see or perceive what he’s doing that is the truth John 10:27 my sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me. So if we are going on a journey we want someone leading the way he knows where they are going. Now I have been on much of this journey have no idea really where I was going but followed and went wherever he told me to go now because I understand where I was and where I had been I have learned to go there myself but that’s what he wants for all of us to follow him this is an absolutely vital truth to believe by faith you might think like to hear the word of God I find it difficult to hear the word of God but actually take that scripture from John 1027 believe it so yeah I am going to believe it because Jesus said it and then it will become your experience if you don’t believe it, it is unlikely to be your experience so it’s important that we actually put faith into action and believe that God says we can hear his voice and as we learn, because we can have to learn and we will in this journey learn how to hear the voice of God in many different ways. Now I want to go into a little bit into John 10 because John 10 explains this process truly truly I say to you he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep but climbs up another way is a thief and a robber so there are people who are trying to engage in spiritual activity and spiritual realms who don’t go through the right access point. it doesn’t say that they can’t engage in spiritual things it just says that God describes them as thieves and robbers because they are trying to do something the wrong way in their own power in their own strength rather than in God’s then it says but he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep so Jesus has gone into the realms of heaven and as a result of that is the shepherd of the sheep, that is what we are sheep so he is going in the right way and he has opened the door for us as we’ll see so to him the doorkeeper opens and the sheep hear his voice so we can hear his voice because he has access to speaking out of the realm of heaven and the realm of heaven of course as we see is also in us so we have access to hear the voice of God in heaven and to hear the voice of God in us and it’s often described as the still small voice that is on the inside of us that we can engage in. now he calls his own sheep by name and he leads them out , I don’t actually see that we went in anywhere but we are in him of course because he’s gone into heaven we can come out from that place of heaven when he puts forth all his own he goes ahead of them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice so we can follow him in and out. we can engage in those realms of the spirit in verse nine of John 10 I am the door if anyone enters through me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture so in our relationship of salvation it gives us access to go into the realms of heaven and into the realms of the spirit and come out of those realms and we find truth and we find sustenance and we find revelation and we find the power of God in the realms of the spirit and we bring them out.

And they flow out of us.  We need to learn this journey so we have access to the spiritual unseen and heavenly realms Jesus is the door and we follow him in and out. that’s why it’s so important to do this in relationship with Jesus if we try and do it another way will be doing it by the power of our own soul which will not end up well. Say Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the god and father of the Lord Jesus Christ was blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ so when were in him in the heavenly places we have access to everything we need every spiritual blessing access to all of them Ephesians 26 is raised us up with him with Jesus and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ so we go in him and we can come out of him into this realm is pretty good so key you are a gateway of heaven on earth so you’re supposed to be the place where God comes and touches the world from heaven through you. The kingdom of God is in you it flows from heaven inside your spirit through your soul and body therefore you have authority to create and control the atmosphere of the spirit around your life. which when we learn to do this will mean we can transform things and change things but we have to learn, because we haven’t been taught to do much of this things before but God is teaching us now to engage in these new realms okay . a couple of Scriptures which are really helpful in seeing this understanding of everything flowing from the inside out because in the natural realm everything flows from the outside in everything you are seeing and hearing in the natural realm right now is coming from outside of you and coming to the inside. lights going into your eye sound waves go into your ear everything comes from the outside everything you’ve learned about the natural realm comes from the outside .

John 414 says this but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life so when we accept Jesus to come and live in us he provides a source of life, ZOE life, abundant life overflowing life spiritual heavenly life that is like a spring or a fountain within us so it’s not stagnant in us like a pool but it’s actually like a fountain or spring springing up and flowing that’s the source within our spirit and then in John 738 it says he who believes in me as the Scripture said from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water so that what we receive within our spirit is supposed to flow out through those gates to engage the world around us and to bring living water to touch other people with healing and wholeness and salvation and blessing because it’s supposed to flow all the way from the inside out through us around us which is what happened with Jesus and people could touch Jesus’ garment and actually that power was flowing from the inside because God was within him touch them Peter shadow healed people because what was flowing out of him touch them Paul could touch aprons and Hank achieves and impart what was in him to that but when put on people they were healed and delivered because it touched them through what was flowing from him and we can learn to engage this for ourselves that Ephesians 118 says this I pray that the eyes of your heart may be opened or enlightened the eyes of your heart is your imagination that is where you perceive and see spiritual things on the screen within your mind and the reason God wants to open the eyes of our heart is so that we you will know what is the hope of his calling so you will know your destiny you will know  the mandates you have on a daily basis to do the will of God because you will begin to interact with them and engage with them in the realm of the spirit and then it says what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, so you will know the riches of the manifest presence of God which is your inheritance operating in you and through you and around you.

 okay now I want to finish the thing, we are now going to have some exercises where would you practice some of this stuff and engage so receive this that God desires the eyes of your heart be open okay there are three engagement exercises we gonna do, one will just flow into the other o.k., so first thing to do is just open your spiritual eyes and begin to engage your imagination that that’s the first step God is going to send his spirit as he did to Jesus when the dove came down and lighted on him because we live under an open heaven and God is going to speak out of heaven into your spirit, that is the first thing we are going to do secondly God is going to come out of heaven and come into the unseen realm around you so you can engauge with him which is really good fun and thirdly we can go back through the open door to meet Jesus who is in the heavenly realms waiting to engage with you , now how am I going to do all that well we just begin by engaging our imagination and begin to engage our spirit in that. Now I have a few pictures here sometimes it helps just to see something to spark your imagination into action so just a few little pictures if you think of an open heaven you can think of the light of God coming out of heaven over you think of God standing in the door of that realm ready to speak over your life and speak into your spirit and think of you ready here to receive ready it, ready to receive the presence of God which is gonna come around you and rest on you when God comes and stands before you your going  to embrace, but maybe a few things you need to do before there is an open heaven and there is a latter or steps that you can walk up when you walk up there you will find that Jesus is waiting for you to take you by the hand and lead you into his presence and you’ll feel the presence of heaven so what i will encourage you to do is just close your eyes so close off your physical senses and just begin to open the eyes of your spirit and the eyes of your imagination so just relax and allow the right side of your brain to engage just start thinking about that doorway that is in heaven and it is open, open to you right now just think about it, start to think what it’s like just begin to think and picture it start thinking about God just standing in the open door ready to release the Holy Spirit to come upon you and ready to speak into your life, now just start to allow the eyes of your heart your imagination just to picture that open heaven and God. After being baptized Jesus came up from the water, the whole heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on him, now just feel the spirit of God just rest on you. just start to cocoon you with peace with his presence just sense that peace just envelop you and  come around you as you are under the open heaven right now ,now God who is father just speak out of heaven and he speaks into your open spirit you may want to picture opening up your spirit opening up your heart to hear his words and to receive what he says to you within your spirit and your heart. Now the father is just going to speak from that open heaven. I declare you are my beloved children and I’m well pleased with you, i call you my children I am your father you are mine and I am yours I legitimize you as my child, I call force your spiritual destiny, I call your spirit to attention and just listen to the words in your spirit I am going to speak over you. the spirit that is around you, the  spirit that I have sent is going to witness to your spirit that you are my child I bless your spirit, with the spirit of sonship and with the mind ship of sonship , i bless you with a deep heart identity as my very own child securely loved and in my family I bless you with the settled assurance that you have a future and a hope for I’ve written your days in my book with love for your best interest and my ultimate glory, I bless you with the deep knowledge that I know what you need and I have all the resources of the universe and the realm of the heaven to meet that need, just listen with your spirit to my words for you. My spirit testifies to your spirit, that you are my child. I bless you with ears to hear the testimony of the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of council the spirit of power and might the spirit of the fear of the Lord, i bless you with being tuned in to me with eyes for seeing, ears for hearing and a mind for understanding  according to the spirit, I bless you with being led by the fullness of my spirit for seeing things as I see them in the realms of heaven, I bless your spirit with deep knowledge that you are an heir with your brother Jesus to all my treasuries I bless you with confidence that you lack for nothing, that you lack for nothing you need spiritually emotionally mentally physically practically everything that is mine becomes available to you as  my children , I bless you with a sure understanding that I want you to have my blessings and my glory and to possess the fullness of your inheritance and your  birthright as my children. I bless you with the desire to press forward on this journey to see the glory that I’m revealing, I bless you with a heart that does not rebel or shrink back from the opportunities that I put before you on a daily basis. i bless you with a hunger for the manifestation of my glory day by day in you and through your life to the world around you, I declare you’re no longer a slave or a orphan or a victim, I declare you are mine and I am yours I am your inheritance and you are mine inheritance I declare i am your father and you are my son I give you access to your heavenly home. I give you Access to the river and tree of life, the source of your supply, I call you to be a gateway of heaven you are my child for you to be displayed as mature sons on the earth and just allow those words to go deep within your spirit, to program your belief systems , to fill you with confidence and fill you with his love  just feel the cocoon in his his presence now I want you just to picture now father God, he has come out of that heavenly realm and before you in this unseen realm you can engagement with the eyes of your heart and your spirit, but as you stand before him sit before him now you have a way to change around your neck weighing you down so that you can’t look to see him for some of you that maybe guilt and Shame from your past the things that the enemy reminds you of maybe no one else knows about the enemy tries to use those episodes in your life the things you’ve done to hinder you and hold you back it may be your carrying a hurt of rejection or pain that someone has treated you badly betrayed you and you feel it so hard to forgive them that has become a Millstone a weight that holds you down , it may be your carrying responsibility, heaviness for something which is not yours to bear and that is weighed you down and you felt a heavy burden on your shoulders, now as the father is standing before you now just surrender that to him and as you surrender whatever it is that’s in your heart whatever it is that’s weighing you down maybe you never come to him before now is an opportunity to allow him to remove those burdens away from you as you open up your heart and choose to follow him allow the father to break that chain so that weight just falls to the ground in front of you just feel the lightness in your spirit now you can lift your head now you can look into the father’s arms you can look into his eyes you can look into his face you he can see his arms outstretched and wide just walk into his arms picture yourself coming into his arms just picture yourself being embraced by the father just come to him feel his forgiveness feel his love as he embraces you, just feel as he places the ring of son ship on your finger you are authorized to be his son. just feel the clean new robes he puts on you sparkling white just enjoy the joy and celebrate with him as he just reveals pleasure of his heart how he feels about you how you can just experience him feel his acceptance of you feel his love grace and mercy just restoring you bring you back into wholeness feel his affirmation is love for you just hear his invitation here his invitation to come up here just picture heaven open over you, picture stairway going up into the realms of heaven, just see your spirit ascending that stairway, just walk to the open door, Jesus is standing waiting for you, feel the pleasure of his heart to welcome you into his realm  just feel the atmosphere of heaven  around you the freedom the expansiveness, the  sounds fragrances of heaven surrounding you, the atmosphere of his glory, just allow him to take you by the hand just surrender and begin to follow him, just allow him to take you to, wherever he wants you to go in that realm of heaven some of you may feel him leading you to the river of life, you can just get in that river, let that river flow through you, some he may take to the tree of life where you can, some he may take you to his throne of grace where he lifts you on his lap or his heart for some of you he may take you around his presence to experience the revelation ,just allow him now to lead you into that place where you experience him in the realms of heaven. Your mind my not catch up to what your spirit is experiencing now. As our spirit receives this, it will release revelation to you over the coming days, weeks and months. Now just prepare yourself to just step back through that open door and just come back down the steps and step back into this realm bringing with you all that you experienced today of his truth imparted to your spirit, the word of life that he has spoken into you, his embrace as a father, welcoming you, his invitation to come into the realm of his presence, just let all that revelation just fill you and let it be a foundation for the journey that we are going on together to experience the fullness of your inheritance o.k. a lot of these exercises are just built doorways of encounter so you can just begin to practice I would  encourage you to practice every day just opening the gate of your life and stepping into his presence so that you can flow out of the revelation of who you are and who he is to you. 

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