Keys to preparation for meditation

Rest is the key to restoration and revelation.

In the natural realm we must breathe to live, if you stop breathing you are dead!

There is a spiritual law, a kingdom principle, first the natural and then the spiritual.

So, just like we have to breath in the natural, if we want to enter the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom, we need to breathe.

We must breathe in the Spirit of God and breathe out the Spirit of God. And we do this through the name of the Father.

Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down, and start thinking of the name of God- YHVH. Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly: Yod- Breathe in. Hei- breathe out. Vav- breathe in. Hei-breathe out.

I do this by becoming conscious of my breathing while at the same time, speaking in my mind each letter of the name of our heavenly Father. I do not speak out loud, or it will take my focus off of my breathing.

Our spirit is the thinking part of us, not the human brain.

1 Corinthians 2:11For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him?

All the brain is, is the most amazing computer the world has ever seen, but we need an operator, our spirit is that operator. If we do not learn how to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. We will be living in the world and not the kingdom.

When we are living in the lower realm of the world, certain things will trigger the programs that our brain has recorded on our hard drive, and the programs will run, and come up into our conscious mind- Resentments, fears, temptations to yield to old sin habits.

We cannot live according to the course of this world (Ephesians 2:2) (according to the prince of the power of the power of the air)( that lying, sneaky, deceiving, vicious devil); we must come up higher and live in the spiritual realm of the Kingdom. When we are living in this realm, the temptations of this world do not have power over us, to draw us back into sin, because they seem like foolishness compared to the glory of God! There is no comparison of the pleasures of sin compared to the glory we are now living in, when we live and walk in the Spirit.

We may be in the world, but we are not of the world (John 15:19: 18:23). Living in the world, is living according to what we want to do, living according to self. Is that how Jesus lived? No!

He lived in the kingdom of His Father. Whatever he heard the Father say, He said. Whatever he saw the Father do, he did.

How did He do this? He lived in dual realms, heaven and earth at the same time.

Have you ever heard the saying, “don’t be so spiritually minded that you are no earthly good? That is a lie.

We have heard what religion calls the Lord’s prayer. We’ll that is not the Lord’s prayer, that’s the disciple’s prayer. We find the Lord’s prayer in (John 17:6).

One of the disciples asked Jesus how should we pray?

John 11:1- Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”

So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 3    Give us day by day our daily bread.4     And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.”

We must live in the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom, where his will is done in heaven and then bring it down into the natural realm so that it can be manifested.

Meditation is a key to entering the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom.

Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down, and start thinking of the name of God YHVH. Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly: Yod- Breathe in. Hei breathe out. Vav- breath out.

Keep repeating this, until you enter a spiritual state of total rest! This will open the door to the kingdom realm of the Spirit. Tune into the divine, holy love of God, first love is the doorway (Jesus) into the kingdom.

Draw the divine attributes of God into your spirit, draw upon the heavenly provision of the divine nature through the finished word of the cross.

As the life of God flows out of heaven into your spirit, and you are filled with the Spirit and it starts overflowing release it with force! Creating a kingdom atmosphere, where miracles, signs and wonders come forth.

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