Knowing your stance in the circumstance

One who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double minded man, unstable in all his ways- James 1: 6-8.

When we doubt, we are aiding the enemy in his desire to render us ineffective. We are providing key support to our own demise. The instability the doubt provides spreads from one initial area to cover others making us unstable in all. Doubt can become exponential.

If we are going to yield, it must be to the passion and loving kindness of God. We make ourselves gladly vulnerable to the majesty of Jesus. Doubt debilitates but focus provides stamina, power and influence from the Lord. Focus enables us to plan ahead and strategize at the level that the Lord wishes to release into our lives.

Life is primary determined by the level on which we are engaging the Holy Spirit, and what we are hearing and seeing in God’s heart. When we are not partaking of fellowship at the appropriate level then we determine life through the events around us and how we perceive them. We are the surf subject to the wind of circumstance. We know when our level needs to be expanded when we begin to lose focus in our circumstances. Focus is tangible perception and follows the path of our worship and intimacy. We engage more easily with what we adore. When the Lord sets our current level, His Presence increases no matter the events of life. Focus turns all things to our advantage. We are exhilarated, not overwhelmed, by situations. We find the good that God wills and we abide in that place. We look for majesty, not rescue.

When we stop trusting we must upgrade focus so that we can ask in line with God’s favor. It is time for elevation. We need to gain more height in our pursuit of relationship with God. Height increases perspective! Elevation is connected to our promotion and advancement. It gives us prominence by increasing our stature in the Kingdom. It intensifies our permission and increases faith. Our language changes as we enter a new level.

Elevation is a process of upgrading focus. To heighten means our language and mindset is raised to see God differently. To elevate is to advance to a higher level and position. Our state changes both internally and externally. To exalt is to be raised very high in rank, character, mindset, and authority. To be enhanced in our relationship with God means that we are attracted to Jesus at a new level of desire, delight and passion.

Spiritual focus is the critical focal point of concentration between the father, us and our situation. We want His perspective, thinking and language. We take those on board and are fully adjusted in our relationship to a new place of fellowship. Paul exemplifies that in his statement in 2 Timothy 1: 12- I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day. This is a stance. He has taken a position in his circumstances that allows no provision for doubt or dismay. I know and I’m fully persuaded. Focus makes us uncompromising.

Focus provides us with a converging point in worship and faith. It enables thanksgiving and uses the key of joy to rejoice in all things. In focus we count all things as joy because we are governed by a perspective that elevates our mindset in alignment with what God is thinking.

As we adjust our focus, we are positioned properly to take full advantage of all that is happening. We have a new place to stand before God, men and the enemy. We have a renewed stance in our circumstance.

It is time for you to think about your upward call. What level are you on now? Where is the Lord taking you next?

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