This is the hour that the Lord hath prepared for thee to walk in. For shalt thou say, “Because the promise of the Lord hath lighted upon me, the word has been prophesied over me, therefore I shall walk in the blessing of the Lord”?
Nay, the Lord hath given thee the land and He hath given thee the promise, but He hath also given unto thee to walk by faith and possess the land which He hath promised.
Yea, is it not an hour that a day dawneth, but behold, that day shall not dawn of its own accord; but there shall be those who arise in faith and pursue after the Lord, and unto those who seek after Him with all of their heart shall the Lord come unto them as the Son of righteousness that shall arise with healing in His wings.
Yea, shall this day befall those in the world? Nay, their part and their lot shall be tribulation. But unto you that seek after the Lord with all of your heart, ye shall find the day dawning forth before you.
Therefore let thy heart be filled with diligence and with faith to walk in the things that God hath set before thee. It shall not be that it shall be suddenly thrust upon thee, but with violence shalt thou take the Kingdom.
Does not the Lord say, “Today thou shalt walk through the land and thou shalt describe it; then thou shalt return again and thou shall divide it among thyselves as a spoil to be taken”? Then thou shalt gird on thy sword and thou shalt go in and take the land which the Lord has caused thee to review.
This day lift up your eyes and behold all things that the Lord has set before thee. Let thy spirit suddenly be made aware of all the things that the Lord set before thee. Thou shalt not draw back and say, “Behold, I possess nothing.”
Thou shalt say, “the Lord hath given unto me to possess all things in the name of the Lord, His provision is made unto me and I shall enter in and possess it with all of my heart, with all my soul.” Yea, labor to enter into His rest, for the Lord shall bless thee and He shall reward that diligence within thy spirit. Amen.