Language of the spirit 

We are going on a journey or an adventure together. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership. 

2 Cor 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  

Seer and prophetic gifts, the distinguishing or discerning spirits. This can be imparted as a seed but needs to be cultivated. We need to engage the angelic beings who are sent to guard and guide us. We to walk by faith.  

Basic Truths -You are a spirit You have a soul You live in a body. Your spirit makes you God conscious and you can engage God who is spirit. Your soul (heart or subconscious mind) makes you self-conscious and aware. Your body or earth suit makes you world conscious and aware. 

Basic preparation for the journey.  The language of the spirithow God communicates with us and how we communicate with Him. Journey map. Base camp – Spirit building exercises.  

You have the ability and capacity to hear God’s voice and see what He is doing.  You have physical senses, ears and eyes etc.  You have soul senses – consciousness Conscience, Imagination, Reason – ears eyes voice. Your spirit also has senses eyes, ears, thoughts etc.  

How do we see in the spiritual realm?  How does God communicate with us?  How do we hear God’s voice?  How do we see what God is doingFrequency, Vibrations, Resonance, Light & Sound.  

Everything seen and unseen is energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Spiritual realms. Known universe. Our bodies, each organ. DNA has its own song. Our thoughts and emotions. 

Key is to understand how to receive and interpret those vibrations. Resonance brings revelation and transformation. 

Our consciousness, our thoughts and emotions have frequency and therefore abilities that we need to learn how to use. Words, color and music have frequency.  

Your body is designed to be a receiver of data, information both from the physical and spiritual realms. Your body is an amplifier of frequency & vibrations wavelengths of electromagnetic energy. Everything is interpreted in the brain as electrical signals transmitted by neurons synapses etc.  

Physical sound and light. Soul’s thoughts and imagination. Spiritual thoughts, revelation & intuition. 3 neurological areas in our bodies that send and receive information. Physical brain – conscious thought. Heart – subconscious mind or soul. Gut – inner most being  

You can receive information from the physical world. Your own consciousness. Your spirit your true self. The unseen realm. The eternal heavenly realm.  

We just have to tune our receivers to pick up the right frequencies by training and practice. Hebrews 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.  Practice requires exercise, repetition that produces greater strength, abilities and skill with use.  

Natural eyes – light reflected from an object is focused through the lens to form an upside down image on the retina that goes along the optic nerve as electrical signals and is interpreted by our brains. We have learnt to be spatially aware of the physical world.  

Natural ear receives pressure waves from air that vibrate the ear drum and that is passed by bones in fluid to be interpreted by the brain. We have learnt to interpret those pressure waves as sound and language.  

Our consciousness is a series of electrical impulses in our synapses passing along neural pathways that brain interprets as thoughts. We have learnt to interpret those signals.    

Eyes of our hearts – imagination forms directly in our mind on a screen. Eyes of our spirit – seeing in our spirit but is often translated & interpreted by our brain. Heb 5:14 train our senses to discern with practice.  

God said – God saw. Connection between light and sound. Key in understanding how to hear God’s voice and see what God is doing. How do our natural and spiritual senses work together so we can hear, see and know God? Are we a Passive or active receiver. We need to Learn how to be an active receiver.  

The ear and eyes have the abilities to hear and see range of wavelengths from Hz sound to nm light.  The spirit is capable of discerning wavelengths that are not delectable by our natural ears and eyes.  Spirit is able to interpret and describe what it perceives.  

We have three sets of eyes, Natural eyes, Eyes of your heart-soul, Eyes of your spirit. Signals are passed to the brain so we are able to understand and distinguish between spirits. See and hear and engage in other realms or dimensions. Both within our souls and spirits and in the external dimensions around us.  

Gen 2:7 Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.  Your spirit is a real dimensional place that represents the real you. TARDIS bigger on the inside and can grow and expand. Your soul is also a real dimensional place that you can engage God in.

Our whole body vibrates at a frequency.  Our body is made up of 68% water & our brain is 80% water.  Water has the capacity to transmit vibrations – sound frequencies 4 times faster than air. We receive vibrational frequencies both within and from without.  

The ear is continually vibrating and is sensitive to changes in frequency it is connected to nearly every organ of the body via audio nerves.  Our whole body is like a detector and amplifier of frequencyOur spirit can become sensitive to what God is saying and to seeing what God and the enemy is doing in the dimensions around us.  

Room is filled with signals, sound and light frequencies that cannot be heard or seen by our natural eyes and ears. Our spirit & Soul can tune into to see, hear, feel what our body can’t. Our brain interprets the signals and decodes them so we can experience.  

Feel or sense the atmosphere. Cut the atmosphere with a knife. Feel cold chill shivers in certain places. Feel peace in certain places. Involuntary untrained senses. We can train those senses to “see” what our natural eyes can’t.  

Train our spirits to be able to discern and engage those frequencies. Spiritual radar and sonar where my spirit can send out a ping or wave frequency and then pick up the response as wave or frequencies that our body amplifies and sends to brain via the ear. William Branham determine disease by the vibrations in touch of someone’s hand.  

Seeing & Hearing encompasses all the senses Hebrew – experience encounter. See with eyes connected to any sensation.  Eyes, ears, tongue, nose, skin also senses mental or spiritual perception.  Alpha brain waves slower and more spiritually sensitive. Eyes closed brain starts to see on our imagination screen.  

Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.  God created and holds everything together by His consciousness – thoughts, words and observation. Meditation and imagination are the doorways to experiencing true reality.  

1 Corinthians 2:16 For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he will instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.  Eph 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened (opened), so that you will know. The  Eyes of our heart is our imagination.  

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”  Albert Einstein.  

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”  Albert Einstein.    

Einstein said Imagination was greater than knowledge.  Imagination is the gateway of possibility, the beginning of substance, The DNA of creative power.  It is the window of the soul to unseen possibilities.  

The catalyst for growth.  The defining characteristic of a child like heart.  We must learn to release the power of being made in the image of God .We must learn to activate the creative power of our imaginations.  When your memories are greater than your dreams you’re already dying.  

God communicates through spontaneous flow through the spirit. Spirit sensations are received as a spontaneous flow to soul/heart. When we relax, more blood flows to the right hemisphere; thus, a relaxed person can more readily access right-brain functions.  When we seek God, divine revelation flows through the soul from the spirit to our conscious understanding.  

God’s language –Flow of thoughts, pictures, words, impressions, perception. Received and interpreted in our brains. On the screen of our imagination.  

Visions is an example of spirit to brain communication pictures on the imagination. Small Still Voice is another example of frequency heard as thoughts in the mindIntuition is another example from emotions. Seeing is tuning in to a spiritual frequency and communicating to brain, so we have understanding.  Heb 5: 14 practice to train our senses by repetition meditation.  

Tongues is another example of spirit to brain, heart, gut communication. Language of the spirit. Your spiritual language how you speak to God – tongues. Language of men or angels. Gift of the Spirit. Key exercise for building up our spirit.  

Revelation- ask God to show you pictures.  Interpretation- ask God to show you what it means. Application- ask God to show you how to respond.   

Activation Exercise: Think of an object – door, garden. Close your eyes and picture the object. Think of Jesus and ask him for a picture or vision he wants to give you. Ask Him to reveal what it means. Ask Him to show you how to respond.  

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