Okay so there are basically doors of opportunity which the father presents to us throughout our journey where our choices prove the defining factor. so many times we miss these doors because they’re just so tiny you know they’re easily passed by especially with all the glory and the wonder of heaven our roles and our function then in the just excitement really of all our new vision and encounters. an and likewise even in everyday life these tiny tiny doors of opportunity lie totally hidden in obscurity and yet we pass them by often just because we distracted by the applause of man and human weakness so sometimes these doors are positioned as a flickering rescue beacon if you like at the end of the pathway named brokenness. sometimes it’s a rescue flare on the darkened pathway named poverty and debt. some doors are hidden amidst the twisted uphill ways of suffering. sometimes they appear on the road of rejection and pain and no wonder we would rather avoid these paths and miss the doors altogether however sometimes circumstances seem to dump us there. and we are left bitterly blaming the enemy and sometimes even mankind for luring us there. We wonder if there is any way out on this lonely pathway until there is we catch a glimpse of the tiny door I remember standing in or on a pathway once that was just running with liquid fire and as I moved along this pathway with an angelic being it turned and abruptly told me that the fires of refining marked the pathways of becoming in my my quest at the time was to become love so I continued I continue deeper into the smelting flames and the flashing sword and this particular path of the flames and the sword was was actually so clothed in glory for those that have eyes to see seeing in areas to hear these paths are there also often completely unmanageable to rain 12 May humans like us anyway we so often blinded by shards of timber in our eyes and so burdened by shame so basically therefore to traverse these paths our dependency is entirely on him has to be because in our blindness and our disability he finds us in and there he leads us these paths of Glory disguised in adversity are strategically positioned to invite us into the blacksmith’s hammer into the welder’s iron you know and as brutal as it sounds the sparks of his lover glorious even captivating inviting us into the eternal the beauty of the journey can really be appreciated at the time and that in hindsight the majesty of the creation process bring even more water the craftsmanship of the master these doors are sorry to say but they are inscribed with their there have death written on the maybe maybe this doesn’t sound like the most jovial suggestion hence why we try to avoid the paths that lead us there I love the quotes from our from the James Bond movie Goldfinger wearer you probably know it that is where Sean Connery is tied up on this slab of gold and this is laser and it’s getting nearer and nearer and some are basically Goldfinger was talking to James Bond saying this is gold Mr Bond all my life I’ve been in love with its carloads brilliance and am so busy this is dialogue and it’s exchanged between Goldfinger and Bond and then bon says to him do expect me to talk and Goldfinger says no Mr Bond I expected to die just think that there is times when when we have the choice we have we have filled God’s ears with words and more words but we really willing to die on the altar of sacrifice we willing to be silent and only say yes to his desires no matter what we know if we choose to yield to his love and believe in his leading we can actually choose these paths and we can track down the tiny doors as crazy as that might sound even in the book Peter Pan and he says to Wendy to die would be an awfully big adventure and remember I wasn’t talking about death in the physical sense of speaking about carnality so if we will allow our fortitude of heart and that courage of spirit to trade our very earthly identity and existence into his purposes then then the gentle assurance of Holy Spirit will call us into our destiny then it will be inscribing our hearts with with faith in something that lies just beyond the dreadful doorway we realise that there is a beauty in accepting the invitation to die to self existence is to die in silence to die in silence might seem strange and is ECM in the natural realm that’s where our silences are overcoming and victory is obtained through our choices when no one is there no one is looking however in the spirit sonic waves of worship should always radiate from us out of who we are dying in silence here to self releases the resonant sound waves there so it’s when we reached the end of ourselves of of any cry of self-pity or objection every shout of self-justification of every self-made sticky tape together. Identity or label paraded and pried the that we can be who we truly are at the core at the core because that is all that is left of us that it that is that sorely is to die in silence it’s not giving up its leading go self yet still recognising a value add value and that he saw us as precious enough to give all for us to break through its it’s when we are so empty and emptied with no perception or expectation of anything that I me can achieve it is when no part of you remains in existence only in the memories of others that could just as easily dissipate like the wind anyway it’s when we get past that dark pit of persecution or abuse that we might have been subject to when when asked ability and I identities totally gone when we are deplorable as ash it’s then and only then that we can give to him the last part of us in existence which is our breath we can give our very breath to him the one who is led like a lamb to the slaughter the victory parade on a bloodstained path it’s this meekness that is able to pass through the very tiny doorways it’s a breath it’s our last sigh of surrendering worship it lifts the ashes of who we are and blows them through the keyhole and through the door beyond the door I’m not permitted to share in detail that’s for you to experience in and to journey and that it is glorious for it was then the father spoke so tenderly to me Fry had no strength of my own to respond I die didn’t even know how that I felt comforted and that comfort was gold because it was feeling and you know before the door I had gone beyond even being able to feel for the pain been so great that it actually led to a numbness and then that numbness I think was probably worse than the pain so when you’ve been so stripped even a feeling if you are able to feel comfort then that really is gold and comfort a sweet sweet manifestation of his love his just so-so impressions for he is the comforter it’s who he is it’s in his comfort that he returns our life breath in this assurance and this infilling of life he said to me my darling your choices have brought you here with me it is a holy and a consecrated place that has brought the attention of my face I will I was in awe of his words and the love that poured out of his mouth and mean I was I was trembling like a little newborn lamb I I didn’t know how to respond there is no place in the broken pieces of me to take any credit for what he was saying it was his love that loved me first that motivated the very choices that had even brought me to this place I realise that we are incapable of taking the credit for any of it any of the I saw the words bounce right back in glory to him his glory is uncontainable and utterly utterly beautiful beyond the door is a place where he is able to reform us is the place of life is the place of invincibility and of being assembled into him in life eternal it’s is the place that carries the sweet fragrance of in corruption that will never depart from you in many saints and mystics over the years have well after they died they actually remained incorruptible some even after being exhumed from years spent in the grave and the Earth have omitted a heavenly fragrance in addition I know is a sign and a wonder remarkable display of his power do you think the mystics were incorruptible or remitted heavenly fragrances because of some righteous thing they did not I believe it was just that they had so embraced the purity of his love and holiness that they had died to everything that the world could possibly offer their lives were consumed on the altar of his burning so that even in death the fragrance of corruption could not settle on them only the fragrance of the father likewise led us planning corruption let us live in the fire let us choose the pathways to the tiny door that we may also die to anything that would enslave us to the temporal and yet liberate us to radiate his essence of eternity in a the mantle of intimacy and in the crown of humility are invisible in the eyes of the world because they’re worn on the heart that the glory that this brings cannot be hidden for when we truly manifested sons those that are earthbound will try and destroy what the father has appointed but they won’t succeed the death and corruption will have no restingplace on us let us die quickly to pride and self on the other side of the door you might not see you quite as he remembered because you don’t exist the same on the other side you will see him and his bride both clothed in light one died for many that too would become one both die in silence but in union they raw which ever pathway you are currently on a please don’t don’t Miss the doorway however tiny or terrifying it may seem Queens of his love and the sweetness of his comfort pray that he ministers to you deeply now more than ever before and that his love would determine your choices .

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