Living in Christ

Created as a doorway between two realms our spirits receive and release the river of his presence.

Just as Jesus came first and revealed the fullness of the nature of father, so in Christ we are about to experience a whole new measure of being fully filled with him. Christ in us is the hope of glory.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, Ephesians 3:19 is very clear; the bride is going to be fully filled with God, exhibiting all the attributes of his beautiful powerful nature.

To know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

I have seen this manifesting on 2 levels; firstly his very nature visible through us as his body, then secondly, each of us serving as a portal between heaven and earth, as a gateway for his presence. We can bring everything that is in Christ in the realm of glory through us into every life. The presence of God, his ways and wisdom and the power of who he is, will all begin to incarnate as we increasingly abide in him, fully a yielded and connected to his presence everywhere we go. The realm of darkness will literally be obliterated because of the level of the glory of God within us. This is the power and the privilege of a totally surrendered life.

There are people walking in this already but it is going to become corporate – wide. This stunning truth will be our reality forever. The knowledge and experience of his glory will be visible and known through us, his shining ones, in all our multi-– faceted creativity and diversity.

God’s Spirit is bringing forth the mature bride now. Jesus has been taking us from one degree of glory to the next. Wherever we are at in our walk there is acceleration available to us. Holy Spirit is literally activating us into a realm of experiencing God that will enable us to become totally like him.

I was taken into the courts in heaven and saw the religious spirit being judged. Jesus presided as the victory of Calvary was applied into a kairos moment. I understood that everywhere the religious spirit has permeated the church, taking advantage of the weakness of our hearts, creating in us a form of godliness that lacked power, its demonic hold is over. We can now step out of this old way of life into freedom in Christ.

His invitation is for us to know true intimacy, to experience his love so deeply; it ignites a vibrant fire inside of us. As we experience this passionate, walk of oneness with Jesus, we know who our king is and how he feels about us. We know we are his new creation.

When the darkness comes attempting to bring destruction we find ourselves outside of its reach because we are hidden in Christ were no darkness dwells. We are outside of the container of time in which all creation sits; we are in eternity when we are in Christ. His authority, love, power and perspective flows through us.

Created as a doorway between 2 realms our spirit receives and releases the river of his presence, allowing resurrection life to flow like oil through our soul and body and on to touch every part of our world.

So I pray for a release of grace upon you as you continue to read, enabling you to begin to operate governmentally. To be free to no longer tolerate the darkness; to break agreement with the perspective of the enemy, no longer defining yourself by your weaknesses or by any demonically energized emotions; free from every area where the devil has tried to define your identity. I release to you a holy intolerance and power in Christ to break free and rule over the realm of darkness. To be able to submit yourself to Jesus, entering into his presence, strengthened to resist the enemy and watch him flee from every area of your life.

In another encounter Jesus began to show me something more of the stature and authority we have in him. I was again taken up in the spirit and found myself above the world, looking at it from outer space. Jesus was behind me with his arms around me. He said to me – the earth is mine and everything in it and I give it to you my bride. Put your arms around the world and pull it into your spirit.

As I did Jesus released to me the understanding that the government of heaven is love. That as his people, his representatives here, we have been entrusted with the authority to steward and protect the earth, and to evict darkness and release his glory. That this is what Adam and Eve lost the privilege of doing at the fall and what Jesus purchased back for us at the cross.

As I pulled the world into my spirit and so under the protection of Christ, an indescribable love filled me. I watched as rivers of Golden glory representing the love of God began to pour out across the nations. I understood that these rivers would flow out of us, with our spirits acting as a gate allowing the love and presence of Jesus to pour into every life, enabling Habakkuk 2:14 to become a reality in the earth.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge – experience – of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

What is coming now I believe is a saturation of us through a baptism of his love. We are his body and every attribute of his being is our portion and is going to be express through us. His love pulsating through his body is what will enable us to operate in his dominion mandate to love, and power serve and protect. We are being fully filled with him so as to release the knowledge and experience of the glory of the Lord.

I saw that the mature bride looks like love, revealing who are God is and allowing Jesus ministry to continue through us; to restore broken humanity; individuals, families, regions. To help people see who they really are.

Jesus then came again and spoke to me as though addressing his people corporately. His voice was filled with tender compassion, he called me – much afraid. I saw myself as a bride but wearing filthy worn-out garments. He then said, I am changing your escorts.

Immediately, two angels appeared and step towards me, one was called Grace, the other was called glory. They began to take off the garments which I knew in my spirit represented the old clothing of the heart, timidity, unbelief, all manner of pain and fear. They put on a beautiful new robe containing a supernatural empowerment to live a holy life, to enter into the fullness of the infilling of the glory of God. An empowerment to move us from where we are, still wearing garments of pain, into becoming the bride releasing rivers of God’s love and presence.

Then I found myself in a dark wood. I pushed through very thick and thorny brambles, eventually arriving into a clearing. In front of me stood Jesus next to a white stone altar. He gently invited me to lie down, as I did he very carefully reached into the centre of my heart and took out a thorn. I knew he was touching the deepest place of core pain and separation in the heart of every human being. I believe this pain is what we have inherited from the fall. As Jesus hung on the cross and cried out father, father why have you forsaken me? It was at this point that the tearing apart of God and humanity was restored.

As I rose, Jesus then handed me a golden scepter representing a new measure of authority and a cup of his blood. As I began to drink I felt the authority level rising and the love of God filling us corporately. I began to experience the transformational power of the blood of Jesus, delivering us from our old identity as much afraid and bringing us into who we really are as his people filled with grace and glory. A ruling king, I believe to be the religious spirit, then appeared to my left. It stared at me raging in anger as it witnessed the transfiguration of the bride. It could look but was utterly defeated.

A few days later Jesus came again and said, I am yours. As he spoke his words pierced the depths of my being his incredible love began to pour into me. I have limited words to express the full impact of this encounter. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy so as with every encounter I share it is your inheritance too. So take it for yourself, feed on his truth and allow him to transform you.

As he spoke these words into my heart I became overwhelmed at the awesome entrustment that he has chosen to give himself to us; that he is our inheritance as we are his. In that moment something changed inside of me and I saw with a new clarity all of the promises to us contained within the Scriptures.

Holy Spirit began to ignite within me the capacity to comprehend what it really means to be the body of Christ. Where he begins and we end merged as we became one. He filled me with the truth that he is ours and all that is his now belongs to us also. I found myself yielding all of the members of my body back to Jesus. As I did this my eyes and his became one, my ears and his became one. He fit me on like a glove; I sat down on the inside of my being in profound rest and confidence into Christ.

There was a power in this encounter that caused me to let go, to stop trying to remain in control, to stop trying to clean myself up, to allow him to change me and heal me as I rested in him, enjoying and receiving the beauty of his nature enveloping me on the inside. The qualities of his nature becoming mind, his joy, his peace all becoming mine. I could feel the incredible joy that he experiences in being in the earth again inside his people.

In this place there was just absolute knowing and impenetrable trust. Jesus so filled me that I knew as I reached out my hands to touch the sick it was his hands through me gently restoring his beloved creation.

As the love and compassion of Christ continued pouring through me all I could feel was concern for the wholeness of the body of Christ, for all my brothers and sisters. I had no concern for myself. There was no self ambition and there was no division. He touched a deep area inside of me where we self – preserve, that place where we find ourselves in fear of the things that are common to all of us; the fear of lack, the fear of man, etc. Everything that is about self – preservation just dissipated. There was no jealousy, no comparison or competition, no self-consciousness or bitterness.

All that can so easily contaminate our hearts because of the pain we have walked through in life was absolutely gone. I stepped out of schizophrenic living and sat down even more deeply into my true identity in God.

As Jesus said again, I am yours and the impact of this truth entered into the core of me I began to brood like a mother with her children. I began to feel the mother and father heart of God for the body of Christ and a passion rose up in me to see people fully free. Just as a mother would give her life for a child in a moment, it was like that. I totally laid down love flowing from his heart and creating massive security in me.

Jesus wants each one of us to feel this life changing love, and to live in the absolute security and freedom it provides for us. Then to live and love others out of the overflow and empowerment of this continual experience. We are becoming overflowing vessels of his presence. It is the love of Christ and the compassion of his heart that he is bringing to and through us. This is a container through which miracles flow.

The other incredible truth Jesus revealed to me through this experience was that we really are his inheritance! So the only thing that matters is what matters to him. He let me feel some of the joy he experiences as we love him and move the heart of God simply by yielding.

As one in him, we allow his ministry to continue in the earth and so embrace the life we were created to live. In this place of total surrender in service we find true fulfillment and access to everything he has promised us. This is the way to live our life aligned with who we are in heaven, our true life hidden in Christ, free to love and serve and empower. Whatever shape of life that may take us into, we are to be an extension of the heart and wisdom of God.

He is inviting us to begin to operate in mature love, abiding in his presence, knowing how to live in Christ, fully yielded to him. He wants us to live filled with Holy Spirit, enabling the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. As we become completely consumed and motivated by what pleases the king, we will see every life we touch and every sphere of influence come under the transforming light of his presence.

Scripture tells us that the kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdom of our God – Revelation 15:11. Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness with the same kingdoms – Matthew 4:8. Whoever rules the kingdoms gets whatever is in the kingdoms. Jesus is coming back for the nations. Psalms 2 tells us clearly the nations are his inheritance.

Jesus desire is for us to become the predominant influence in culture, so we set the vision and values and provide the correct worldview. We are to show people what heaven is like and who he is.

In Matthew 6:10, Jesus said – your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. We are the ambassadors of heaven to bring the kingdom here. Everything we need is accessed as we abide in him and are filled with him; all the visibility, understanding, wisdom and courage. Jesus wants to transform us in his presence and so then everything we touch.

Zachariah 4:6 – not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord Almighty.

The Transfiguration of the bride has started. She is emerging to take her position in the nations to show people the way. We will powerfully proclaim – the kingdom of heaven has come and heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, and drive out demons. Our mission will bring into family all those who are alone in society. Our application of wisdom and fervent prayer will remove destruction coming through institutions. The emerging ecclesia will turn things on their head, as we introduce the culture of heaven.

This is the Lord’s planet. As we enter into partnership with our king and begin to administer the full force of the redemptive power of his blood. As we learn to lean into him through surrender and trust, abiding, resting and with the eyes of our understanding becoming increasingly flooded with light, we will begin to witness the restoration of all things.

Tutored by the spirit of awe, revealing to us the majesty of God, we will experience the power that has always been ours in Christ, abiding in us for the good of others. We will know his love and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guarding our heart and mind. We will enter into the life we were created to live in to see the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord!

It is as we rest in his presence, we receive. Jesus wants us to do as an expression of our life in him. Christ in us, God’s beautiful nature, his goodness, joy, peace and kindness, everything we see described in Galatians 5 flowing unhindered through us to transform every life and sphere we touch.

Jesus blood has dealt with every aspect of the fall, with all sin, with all sickness – it is an all encompassing complete work. As we step into Christ and we learn to abide in him, we are free. Satan knows this so his constant strategy is to keep us from this true place of power. As I mentioned in the opening of this chapter, there is no darkness in Christ. There is no sin in Christ. There are no demons in Christ. The realm of darkness does not exist in Christ. Jesus wants to bring us into him into the realm of eternity, to abide within his presence, where evil is no longer present and all provision becomes ours to receive.

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