Living out prophecy

It is possible to talk ourselves out of a brilliant future. Prophesy is given to us so that we come to a place of consideration. When we have a prophetic word and we look at it, take it apart and study it, we consider what the lord has chosen us for. Every one of us has a particular assignment that we must fulfill. Every one of us is called to something. And it is important that we begin to consider what that is. And then we have to be courageous and act.

There is a call of God upon every single one of us. There is no such thing as going into full time ministry. Every one of us is full time in life with God, and therefore we are all in full time ministry. Whether we have a regular job, or whatever we are doing in our life, we are full time in our own call and our own walk with God. We do not leave work to do full time ministry. We just leave one stage and go on another. The permission that God gives us is designed to improve our performance. Performance is our going to the limit of our current potential in order to exceed it. We simply have to get better at who we are. And we have to get better at what God has called us to do.

So, all the time the Holy Spirit is going to gently push us into places, he will push us out of the boat, off the edge of a mountain, he wants to teach us how to fly. God wants to push us into things that our mind doesn’t want us to go into, but our spirit does. This is why it is important to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. That our mind comes under the rule of the spirit so that we will take steps of faith. We do not want to die never haven taken risks with God. Never having discovered the fullness of who we are. Never having touched abundance, blessing or favor in a huge way.

There are things that God has called us to do and he has called us to be. And all of them start in terms of the way that that we think about God and the way we think about ourselves. And we live our life in a way that we know that we can’t live this year on last year’s revelation. And we cannot live our life on somebody else’s truth. It is great to hear truth but we have to establish our own truth. We can listen to somebody else talk, we can take copious notes, but we haven’t learned it until we have done it. And all those notes tell us that this is true. But it is only when we live it that it becomes the truth that sets us free. The bible is true what makes it the truth is when it is established in who we are. When we read scripture, we are reading what is true and what is possible, but what is true and possible needs to become truth in our experience or we don’t get any freedom from it.

Permission upgrades our identity. It details our favor. It draws a new line of faith in front of us. Fullness is about God always enlarging our capacity. He always wants to make room in us for something more. That is why he attacks the negative in our life. Because opposition attaches to what we don’t remove. If there is a negative in our life we are giving the enemy a right of entry, just by allowing it to stay there. His opposition will attach to what we have not removed. When God begins to deal with things in our life it is not to make us feel bad, it is not to make us feel guilty. When the Lord puts his finger on a part of our life that is not working, he is pointing to the sight of our next miracle. He is saying let’s do this next. Let’s get rid of that

It would be helpful if you stop whining.  I love it when you pray but the last few months you have been whining at me. Son you are whining, and you are whining because you are missing something.

We are not defined by our limitations; we are defined by the intentionality of God towards us. God has something big in his heart for you, so big that he gave you Ephesians 3:20- God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything you could ask or even think. Beyond thinking is dreaming, God gave you an imagination so that you could learn how to walk by faith. So that you can see something that is impossible and move towards it, be intrigued by it.

All the inventions that we have in the world, all the technology, all the blessings have all come through imagination and not logic. Someone saw something, someone had a vision for something, someone had a feeling about something, and someone had a thought that was beyond logic. It was not rational, the people around them said that it is crazy. We are more brilliant than we perhaps realize. We are more beautiful than we know, and it is important that we know these things. How much we are the beloved of God. How much he loves us, how big, how great his affection towards us is. This is what we are discovering, this is what we are coming into. A revelation and a realization of the bigness of God’s heart for us personally. There are steps that we must deliberately take with God so that his dream for us can be realized. It is important for us to take steps of exploration, steps of possession, steps of authority, in pursuit of our prophetic identity and our destiny. And we must do it consciously and deliberately.

Prophecy doesn’t have to relate to where we are right now, it might not be prophecy otherwise. Prophecy is designed to tell you about something you have not even seen or thought of about yourself. It is like what do I do about this, so you stick it in the back of your bible.

Every day we wake up we are living in the unfolding of prophecy. Everything God is doing is in response to the prophetic. Every day he is acting out in some way some prophetic word that he released, and he is doing it deliberately and consciously. He can say this is that which was spoken, we are living in the unfolding of prophecy. There is no more powerful place to live, that when you know that everything you are doing, God spoke previously

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