Living sacrifices 2-1

Start with activation building on last week where we are looking at an open heaven and were looking at how that open heaven begins to affect how we function. and that we can live in that open heaven but we can live in dual realms. we know heaven is always open, we always have an invitation to come there. Jesus is always waiting for us to engage consciously when we learned to live in dual realms our spirit can dwell continually in the heavenlies so that we can live simultaneously in dual realms so we need to practice shifting the focus of our conscious mind to join our spirit. so I would encourage you to close your eyes and just begin to think about that open heaven just start to think about Jesus and the open door and if you’ve not living in dual realms then just by faith step through the veil and engage Jesus if you’re not already there but if you are there functioning in the realm of heaven somewhere in your spirit then by faith engage Jesus with your spirit at the door where he is waiting to engage us so now just again by faith shift your conscious mind to engage with Jesus at that open door and present yourself to him as a living sacrifice just surrender any agenda your spirit is connected to Jesus now just consciously choose to shift your consciousness from being with Jesus in that realm just spend a few moments just familiarizing yourself what it is to be with Jesus sense his  presence sense the intimacy of being with him being connected to him and your spirit is going to stay connected to him there and then just choose to shift your consciousness back to this earth realm so step out you’re your soul  but keep your eyes closed keep your eyes closed there now let Jesus speak to your spirit and instantaneously receive a flow revelation in the earthly realm where your spirit and soul are quantumly entangled now just practice shifting your consciousness back into that realm and just repeat the exercise just shift in and shift out but remain there spiritually and connected. and you may want to think about anyplace been in the realm of the spirit in the heavenly realms and just think about that place and be at that place whether it be the throne of grace or the tree of life or the river of life or the arc of God within the holy of holies just learn to think and be. this is something that we need to learn how to practice to do the more we practice the easier it will be to be able to shift in and out to engage anywhere in the realms of heaven that you need to be just by thinking about it and engaging your soul to be connected to where your spirit is functioning and then soul and spirit engaging in the realms of heaven together so living sacrifices this is a short module which is the preparation for intimate relationship and the resultant transformation that brings that it brings so that we can be mature as sons we will discover places of fire in the realms of heaven learn to engage the fire of God’s presence his loving presence for heavenly transformation as well as going through the fire’s that we do on earth that work together to bring us to be transformed and to be mature to be overcomers to engage with the things of heaven but also engaging with the things of earth Romans 12: 1, 2 the Scripture were using just as a foundation for this therefore I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice and of course when you present your bodies your presenting  your soul and spirit too. Acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship and we need to understand what that is. Do not be conformed to this world. do not be pressed into the world’s moulds another version says but be transformed metamorphosed transfigured by the renewing of your mind. So it is how we think, how our mind functions, how our consciousness engages this. so that you may prove what the will of God is that which is good acceptable and perfect. so I began to meditate on being a living sacrifice and I engaged the father to seek revelation from him about what it is and as I indirectly engaged I found that what was important what it means to be living sacrifice began to unfold and the following statements about being a living sacrifice came from those conversations with the father.

I find when I’m just in the father’s presence when I’m just engaging with him then his thoughts begin to fill my mind. We have conversations that he reveals something deeper about the things that I thought I knew. So that it opens up a whole different realm of what it meant. So being a living sacrifice is living a resurrected life. Were not dead sacrifices because we were co-crucified co-resurrected and co-ascended with Jesus. Now we have a new life but that new life is not to be lived selfishly for ourselves but for God and creation itself, that will relate to our sonship when we mature into fully functioning sons of God.

Purpose of being a living sacrifice is true worship. Worship is obedience surrendering to the rule of someone who is higher and greater than you. Choosing to fulfill his will which is our agreed destiny. That’s the purpose of being a living sacrifice .Jesus was the ultimate and perfect example of being a living sacrifice by choosing daily to do only what he saw the father doing in the intimacy of a dual realms loving relationship.

And he described that or tried to, to Nicodemus. Indeed what it means to be born from above, what it means to live from above, what it means to dwell above and dwell on earth. And he was our forerunner, a pattern of.

 Being a living sacrifice is living a metamorphic process of continually being transformed and conformed to God’s original intent for our sonship. God wants to bring us back to the desires of his heart and his thoughts about us and not how we were shaped by the world we live in.

 Being a living sacrifice is embracing the restoration of our image by beholding our father and becoming like what we see reflected in the mirror of his face.

It’s so important that we discover who we are in a relationship with him. Otherwise we’ll find out who we are from the world and it won’t actually be a true reflection of our identity.

 Being a living sacrifice is living in a fearless relationship of face-to-face innocence a state of righteousness. He has made us the righteousness of God in Christ we don’t need to live in fear duty obligation. This is about a love relationship living in that fearless face-to-face innocence that who God sees us and we need to see yourself in.

 Being a living sacrifice is living yoked to Jesus, being discipled in a state of soul rest. When our soul is at rest everything can flow from that place of rest. When our soul is not at rest were are seeking the rest from what we do rather than living in a relationship of knowing who we are being gentle and humble in heart was Jesus described Matthew 11.

 Being a living sacrifice is surrendering the seat of rest and government to the father by daily abdicating the rule of our own lives. This is not something you can just do once for all and that’s it. Every day you have a choice. We all have a choice whether we follow our own direction or whether we yield and surrender to the father’s perfect direction for our lives his perfect will for our lives. This outworked relationally not as fate but in a relational way that we get to outwork it in our sonship. But we have to abdicate the rule of our lives on a daily basis if going to take place. Being a living sacrifice is living continually on the altar of incense which is in the Tabernacle and on the altar of burning coals which is in the temple in the realms of heaven. and having an attitude of here am I send me the reflection of I am the name of God is am I. and that’s what we are when we are operating as he is in this world so are we. as he was sent by the father so are we. being a living sacrifice is being a reflection of I am. being a living sacrifice is living from the scroll, the book our destiny to do the father’s will.

 being a living sacrifice is living from the father’s heart in time with the rhythm of his desire. and this is why we have to be so intimate. this is why the apostle John was so able to describe so much differently than the others who wrote the Gospels and who engaged. he described this intimacy, he described himself as a disciple that Jesus loved. because he knew he was loved. some of the others didn’t know the fullness of that love as he did. because he spent time with his head resting on Jesus chest. we need to spend time connected to the father’s heart.

 being a living sacrifice is living loved loving living and living loving. and this is the whole nature of being in the circle of the dance. the paraparesis dance of being in that dance of enjoying the very intimacy of father-son spirit and being involved in that that we know that we’re loved. living in that bliss of love therefore loving life that we have and living that life in a loving perspective to others.

 being a living sacrifice is living life voluntarily not under compulsion legalism bondage obligation or expectation and certainly not under the law.

 being a living sacrifice is freely giving what we freely received. it does not selfishly holding everything to our self. but being one who freely restrict releases that.

 being a living sacrifice is being blessed to be a blessing.

 being a living sacrifice is being fruitful multipling increasing subduing and ruling. this was God’s desire and the mandate of sonship from the beginning. and he calls us to increase in our sonship.

 being a living sacrifice is being a son of God and new creation not a son of Adam.

 being a living sacrifice is been seated at the right hand of the father in the heavens alongside Jesus.

 being a living sacrifice is living in dual realms seated in heavenly places in Christ and being a gateway of heaven into the earth. another words  having our own throne, our own mountain, our own positions of authority within the realms of heaven.

 being a living sacrifice is standing and living in his name, the power of that name, the power of attorney of that name. Yoda hey vav hey a lion the ox the Eagle and the man being in and living from that place.

 being a living sacrifice is carrying the government of the four faces of God the order of melchizedek.

  being a living sacrifice is having a renewed mind to think about ourselves the way he thinks about us knowing his thoughts.

 being a living sacrifice is having the mind of Christ functioning in a non-linear way connected to eternity and out working that into the realms of heaven and out through that realms of heaven into this realm.

 being a living sacrifice is bringing pleasure to the father’s heart.

 being a living sacrifice is loving God with all our heart mind and strength.

 being a living sacrifice is loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.

 being a living sacrifice is living for the freedom of creation.

 being a living sacrifice is being joined to the Lord and one spirit with him.

 being a living sacrifice is giving our lives as an offering and a sweet fragrance to God’s glory and honor .

being a living sacrifice is be filled to overflowing with love and joy and peace.

 being a living sacrifice is living under grace and not law.

 being a living sacrifice is living by the faith of the son of God.

 being a living sacrifice is living a life of forgiveness.

 being a living sacrifice is being a royal priest of the order of melchizedek.

  being a living sacrifice positions us for the authority of sonship.

 being a living sacrifice enables us to have charge of the house of God.

 being a living sacrifice enables us to have charge of the courts of heaven.

 being a living sacrifice is absolutely key and vital.

 being a living sacrifice is because of love not duty or obligation.we yield our personal agenda surrender for a higher cause which is God’s eternal purpose and intention.

 so being a living sacrifice is so we can be revealed as sons of God.

 being a living sacrifice is seeking no external source of affirmation acceptance or validation.

 being a living sacrifice is seeking no external source for identity position or authority.

 being a living sacrifice is getting a full reward satisfaction contentment and full supply from drinking from the living water from the wells of salvation within us where the Holy Spirit dwells.17:39

being a living sacrifice is allowing the Holy Spirit to be our guide and being one spirit with him to flow as rivers of living water  through our innermost being out into the world and creating an atmosphere of love and joy and peace around us which will draw people to our loving heavenly Father .

being a living sacrifice is drawing our full supply from the spiritual food which is God’s will, our destiny as Jesus said.

 being a living sacrifice is having the attitude not my will by yours be done.

 being a living sacrifice is only doing what we see the father doing.

       Romans 12:1 from the mirror Bible gives an expression of that. live consistent with who you really are and this is absolutely vital if we’re going to fulfil our destiny. we really know who we really are, inspired by the lovingkindness of God. my brothers the most practical expression of worship is to make your bodies available to him as a living sacrifice. this pleases him more than any religious routine he desires to find visible individual expression in your person.

 when I was in Seattle with Dr O and he was doing a conference he described how God as a spirit out works into this physical realm through us. We are his body, we are that which he can engage the physical world. he is a spirit and he wants us to be an expression of sonship because he can express his loving fatherhood to creation itself through us. that’s why creation will respond to our sonship. verse two do not allow current religious tradition to mould you into its pattern of reasoning. now of course Paul was talking about his time was about the Judaism and probably the paganism that were of his day. both in Greek both in Rome and in Israel.they were religious traditions and they were competing to control people.

 like an inspired artist give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you again that expressing who he is to the world through us because we are in relationship with him. what sort of relationship are we expressing to the world are we like Israel in the old covenant who expressed their fear of God or are we like the disciples in the new Testament who expressed their relationship with the father through Jesus. become acquainted with perfection to accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within. And this is the transformation process not outside in but inside out, transforming us, spirit soul body transforming the world around us as we extend our tent pegs and expand our government into this world as we are in heaven. and this is the from the footnotes of the mirror Bible the word ion is traditionally translated as do not be conformed to this world actually a on points to a period of time of specific influence in the context of this writing Paul refers to the religious tradition, traditional influence of his day. The word euarestos, comes from eu, praiseworthy, well done + arestos, meaning to accommodate one’s self to the opinions, desires, and interests of others.)

 we must not be conformed to what others think only to what God thinks and God wants us to know his well done in our lives. well done good and faithful servant just be who you are and everything will flow from that being .don’t try and do to become something. That will always press us into a mould. God wants us to be free to be sons a reflective image that he has in us so let’s look at some of these terms.

 Romans 12 one spiritual service of worship. verse two so you may prove what the will of God is that which is good acceptable and perfect. it is important to unpack these phrases if we are going to embrace being living sacrifices and being transformed what is it? That is gonna take place as we engage this.

So spiritual service of worship. We are spirit so what is, so this is what we were created for worship in spirit and in truth. as Jesus said those the father seeks those who worship him in spirit and in truth we cannot hide something from him actually service equals worship and that equals the will of God. The actual words service and worship are the same word in Greek. and that equals the will of God. now the will of God is not fixed and rigid and constraining and containing and restricting and limiting us. his will is freedom to be ourselves and freedom to express our sonship in such a way that it out works his heart and will and purpose. but in a creative way through who he has made us to be. not slaves not automatons but sons worship is to serve God’s eternal purpose which is his will that’s really what we doing that’s obedience coming into agreement with the will of God his eternal purpose for us and through us his will is my eternal destiny it is your eternal destiny . so who am I? What am I? Why am I? Who are you? What are you? Why are you?

All those questions are unfolded and unveiled as we are transformed by the renewing of our mind when we come into agreement with who God really called us to be.

to prove is to recognize as genuine approved and worthy so when we know who we are that’s what gives us value.

good is useful agreeable joyful excellent and honourable that’s what gives us esteem.

acceptable is well pleasing to prosper agreeable that’s what gives us significance.

perfect is complete finished mature with integrity and virtue that’s what gives us are worth.

nothing from the external world but that which comes from this wonderful relationship where we are as  living sacrifices embracing who we really are.

Knowing his will through true worship and service. in which we can truly be ourselves his will which is command precepts desire intention purposes wish delight or pleasure choice determined outcome. That’s the purpose that we are assigned that is our purpose to be a son that is our purpose to engage creation in sonship to outwork his precepts his desires his intention his delight. He delights in us as his children. So who are you? Your true identity is found only in a restored father-son relationship. Knowing our destiny agreed before creation will release our full potential. The purpose of transformation is to know God in relationship and therefore to know ourselves and his perfect will for our lives. Our destiny is revealed to us in an intimate relationship knowing God. To know in Greek and Hebrew is only by personal experience not intellectual head knowledge or information .to know means to experience we need to know him to truly know ourselves

one Corinthians 617 describes this amazing intimacy he who is joined or united with God becomes one spirit with him. that is such an awesome thing to meditate and engage and experience and in those leading up scriptures is compared with becoming one flesh in sexual union. Now this is not a sexual thing. but what that means is being completely in experiential intimacy. That’s a serious level of intimacy that we are invited to be involved in. that we are in him and he is in us. He’s holding nothing back –are we. are we holding things back because of fear, personal relationship letdowns, disappointment in this realm. Are we holding back because we don’t trust him. Because we are afraid of things going wrong. If were holding back we won’t ever receive everything he’s got for us. He’s holding nothing back from us. lets make sure were not holding anything back from him we can’t separate relationship and rulership. So we serve from and not for relationship. relationship will always lead into rulership because that’s the nature of God as Father and King but it comes from relationship. Psalm hundred 39:16 your eyes saw my unformed substance and in your book all the days of my life were written before ever they took shape when as yet there was none of them. this is a description of our relationship with God as spirit, as spirit beings. Even when we were unformed as a physical substance we existed in spiritual terms and had a role to play in those spiritual terms .

John 4:34 Jesus said to them my food do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. There was a whole relationship that Jesus had, that sustained him, supplied him, and it was living out of the book. Because it says behold I come in the scroll of the book to do your will that was his whole intent and purpose and if we find that it will feed us and sustain us in all we do in our lives.

 Romans 829 for those who he foreknew which is all of us he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his son this is his desire for all of his children that he is created that we will be conformed to the image of his son not conformed to the world or own understanding but to the image of sonship not conformed to the world’s shape but be conformed to our eternal image then according to Romans 819 the anxious longing of creation wait eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God creation will remain in bondage if we remain in bondage. When we are brought into the freedom of that real knowledge of who we are in relationship to him creation will begin to come back into its freedom.

So we need to understand where we come from so that we can understand why we are here today. that will lead us to where were going tomorrow. And this is how our destiny gets outworked one day at a time by seeking daily the kingdom of God first. So many people say to me and I Want to see my scroll of destiny. I want to know what my destiny is. We engage God intimately every day surrender to him as a living sacrifice every day and you will find that your destiny gets revealed unveiled outworked. Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added. We need to understand the nature of our creator and our own creation.

Who created me? why? And how did he create me? All these questions will help us understand our identity and our destiny as co-heirs and a co creator. because we are going to need to understand how to create. God is eternal it may seem a really obvious thing to say but it’s important to engage our destiny in him from an eternal perspective and not just a temporal one. He has always been he is he will always be He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent  and we are in him. so we have access to all of that as a son. Being a living sacrifice is being yielded to our eternal destiny relationally. Being in him and in him being in us outworking his destiny for us in our lives into the world for good. God is good he is light he is love he is spirit he is a consuming fire. God is good all the time God is good we need to have a full experiential understanding of his goodness he works all things together for good he is always wanted to bring good out of even our most ridiculously stupid decisions and choices because he loves us so intently and he  loves the whole of creation in the same way if we meditate on this truth we will begin to engage with who God really is that good loving God who is our loving heavenly Father who is created us to be in this amazing relationship with him as sons. if we know him if we have that intimate relationship with him it will help us understand the reality of our identity and destiny. Jeremiah 1:5 God saying this before I formed you in the womb I knew you and before you were born I consecrated you I have appointed you a prophet to the nations. So there is an eternal aspect of our destiny that was fulfilled before we came into this physical realm. But even within this physical realm God had a plan and purpose for our lives he set us apart and appointed us for specific things. I knew you, this is a key statement about who we are and we need to know who he knew. not just know ourselves from this earthly realm. if we know him we will know ourselves God was speaking to Jeremiah but he is also always speaking to each of us wanting to reveal those amazing thoughts that he has about us he knew me he knew you before he formed us in the womb knowing is not an intellectual exercise but an experiential intimate encounter. So he knew us experientially not theoretically. It wasn’t that he had this big book he had a relationship with us and we had a relationship with him before we came here. We existed even before we were in the womb. since God knew us then as the desires in his heart we were birthed as desires in his heart for intimate relationship. God did not just have some vague thoughts about us but a vast some of intimate thoughts, those thoughts created us .when he called us into being.  Intimacy is two-way so actually we knew him too as spirit beings. and we can reconnect to that knowledge when we bring spirit and soul to reintegrate and come back into wholeness. When we are whole spirit soul and body will begin to find that who we were and who we are will begin to come together in an agreement as an arc to release who we will be as we continue to mature in our sonship. he consecrated us to set us apart because he had a purpose for our lives which was relational and a destiny. he knew and we knew we need to reconnect with the very heart of that destiny. it is being part of our very being. 33:59

 He has appointed each of us to a particular role task position that is out worked in sonship not a slave but in sonship relational. for Jeremiah his destiny was as a prophet to the nations. Who has he called you to be. was has he appointed you to? What has he called you to do ? Where is he calling you to be? Relationship with him will unveil those questions. and when we make decisions in our lives they should be based on who he is made us to be in our destiny. Not expediency not for where I can get the most money in my job not for where it might be the nicest setting to live not for where the best schools are for my children. He will take care of everything when we seek first his kingdom so we need to know where is calling us to be the good news is you can know. that comes through a relationship. God knew you before you were even a physical being. and he wants you to know him and come into agreement with him again. You can ask him and he will begin to reveal it you relationally. He won’t show you the whole thing. He will work it out as you walk with him. that’s what he was doing with Adam in the garden. walking this out with him in relationship one Corinthians 15: 48,49 says this as the earthly so also are those who are  earthly  as is the heavenly  so those who are heavenly .just as you are born the image of the earthly we will also bear the image of the heavenly. And this is so important for us to come into an agreement between heaven and earth. We need to be conformed on earth to the heavenly image as living sacrifices that’s what living sacrifices do they become conformed and bringing heaven and earth into alignment. Just as we were born in earthly body. We have been born from above and our spirit is active and alive to God. so we now bear the image of the heavenly . this is  who we were before our earthly body and physical life. if we are to be royal priests we must be of the order of melchezedic and that means no genealogy .we are new creations of the lineage of the last Adam not the first Adam. and we need to be conformed to that image through being living sacrifices surrender yielding we need to be bearing the image of who we are in the heavenly’s and out working the things that are going on there here on the earth as a gateway. God is opened at that door for us to engage the heavenly realms the veil is torn we can enter in through Jesus the door so that we can be see and reflect what’s going on in that realm here. Because heaven needs to transform the earth. to bring heaven and earth back into its perfect alignment an agreement .Psalm hundred 39 1617 your eyes of see my own form substance and in your book scroll were all written the days that we ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them. how precious are also your thoughts to me oh God how vast are the sum of them. is that true ?do you really know God’s thoughts? are they precious to you? there are vast beyond what we can imagine or think but are they precious do we value them do we keep them in the centre of our heart are they the things that cause  life to flow from us .or are we coming from some other thoughts some other person’s thoughts, or from God’s. God’s plan is for us to enjoy peace and wholeness his plan is to prosper us to see us succeed he gives us a hope, by giving us a vision of our destiny. do we know what we agreed to be?  Do we know what we agreed to do? Contrary to some teaching we did not agree with the bad and traumatic things that have happened in our lives. we didn’t agree for bad things because God has no bad things to give. he has plans for us to prosper us for our good and not harm for us to succeed and not fail trauma was not part of God’s plan but even that is true, restoration and healing you. so even though God did not want us to enter into the things we done in our lives. He already built into it a process of restoration and healing. So we can be restored to our original thought and intent.

 So do we know our name.  That may sound strange but actually God has a name for us which is our true name.  it is not just the earthly name that was given to us by our parents. because that carries the record of our earthly life. This was something that was the heavenly name. it encompasses our identity and our position all we are as sons and  all he intends us to become in our process of maturity and sonship. It is a heavenly name which is assigned to us in accordance with our destiny.39:40

 It is the name that is on our throne and in our scroll. we need to connect with that name we need to find that that name, the name is powerful. you know they didn’t name. in some cultures they didn’t name children until their identity started to form until their character started to be released and then they named them according to who they were. God is named us according to who he created us to be. let’s get that new name. it’s a name that can only be discovered in relationship with our heavenly Father . When I saw my name I knew it was me. it will be the same for you. because your spirit will leap in recognition just as John the Baptists lept in Elizabeth womb when he sensed Jesus in Mary’s womb when we start to reconnect with these heavenly things all these things around us will begin to connect. this is what happens when aspects of our destiny start to take place around us. things start to move us and our spirit begins to leap we start to see and find fulfilment within the outworking of those things. that scroll was written not only before we were formed but before God created the heavens and the earth. This was something that he has established. understanding who we were then even an unformed substance. Will really help us understand who we are now .everything were called to be now was written then on our scroll. Sometimes we find that we done things are written on it. Even though it might never read it will never really engaged it because it this part of us. It is God’s intention for us and sometimes those things just happen around our lives it happens because our destiny is inherently tied up with who we are. when we choose to line up consciously with God’s purpose and seek to be guided by him the fulfilment of our destiny will begin to unfold more consciously we will be more aware of who he is called us to be our identity and purpose within his kingdom we preexisted not in cold storage within God until he defrosted us and sent us out with this earthly body we were active we observed creation participated in it we have a spiritual function before this physical dimension for us. when I saw creation I remembered. when I started to connect with creation in a different way in a more intimate way I really remembered. I started to reconnect with the aspects of creation that I was involved with before. We can all do that. how precious are your thoughts Psalm 139 tells us of how many thoughts God has about us because he knows us intimately more than we know ourselves says that he knows the hairs of our head for some people course that’s not but much more mathematical process but for others that’s a lot he knows a lot about us he knows us intimately but we need to get hold of those thoughts because they will transform how we think about ourselves it cannot be anything but life changing to know how God thinks about us. I guarantee that not any of us thinks about us 100% the way God does. That’s why we need to continually see him, seek him face-to-face. that’s why we need to engage with him intimately the more we allow God’s thoughts towards us to affect the way we think about ourselves the more transformation we will see in our lives and the more we will become like Jesus. We will do the things that he did and the greater things were called to do when we really know who we are and where conformed to that. The thoughts of God towards us today are totally in tune with what was written on our scroll before the foundation of the world.  And what we agreed to for this realm those of the thoughts we need to engage with destiny is not fate we have a choice to agree with God and pursue it or not. now God is continually rewriting everything to enable us to fulfil his purpose but it’s not as a robot or an automaton not as a slave not even as a steward but as a son we already agreed with him when our scroll was revealed. if we choose to agree with him now it is essential for us to get hold of his thoughts to us and know progressively what’s written on our scroll day by day by day unveiling going deeper having experiential understanding and knowledge in our relationship with God we can engage the scroll room of heaven and read what we are allowed to not necessarily read everything but will see things I’ve had experiences in my life where I seen some things on my scroll I seen what it looks like on the outside. I have seen some events but I am not allowed to read the whole thing because I know if I did I would try and figure it out I will probably be overwhelmed by the scope. because our scroll contains what we were before we were here and what we will be after we are here in the ages to come. we can engage the fire stones and absorb that revelation as that takes us deeper into an experience of our sonship. we can engage the heart of God in eternity, the womb that each of us was created in. I’ve loved being that you can get access therefore different places. I access there mainly from the Ark of the presence of God in the Tabernacle the holy holy is by stepping into his name and following that ancient path. you can also engage therefore wisdom’s heights by engaging the ancient paths I’ve engaged there in a pool in the father’s garden different places Jesus can just take you there if you set the desire of your heart to re-engage with God’s heart in eternity outside of time and space where we can reconnect with that amazing circle of the dance, where we can reconnect to his wonderful loving heart where we can reconnect with his mind and begin to engage with those thoughts the conversation that he is having about us we can connect to. That conversation will begin to restore us make us whole and direct our lives. Let the vast some of his thoughts begin to envelop you and come around you when you engage him. when you’re lying in green pastures be side quite waters where he restores your soul it’s the vast some of his thoughts which envelop you and surround you and begin to make you whole . be open to experience something deeper of who you are and those amazing thoughts because being a living sacrifice surrenders to those thoughts it allows him to renew our minds to those thoughts and therefore all the other thoughts where their thoughts of failure of pain or hurt or disappointment whether their thoughts which are negative thoughts which have come because we lived in a world which is broken and dysfunctional don’t let those thoughts determine who you are don’t let those thoughts determine what you do day by day let the vast some of his thoughts begin to shape and change conform you to those amazing thoughts most amazing desires you can engage the court of the Lord you can go back to that place where your scroll was released for this earthly part you can engage with the shepherds rod you can engage there again to have a restored connection to who you are all these places are are places of deeper engagement to bring revelation so we are in that place now again under that open heaven.47”10

 I encourage you again I just begin to think about Jesus’s close your eyes just start to think about that open heaven think about being with Jesus is in the doorway waiting and just begin to shift the focus of your consciousness to engage with Jesus just reconnect with him there that your spirit joined Jesus and your soul join your spirit as you engage with Jesus present yourself to him who is are high priest as a living so surrender and set the desire of your heart on your scroll destiny that some of his thoughts about just allow him to begin to think you to engage revelation and a deeper experience your eternal identity just let him lead you back into the heart of God one of those places which you can go deeper and through the veil and as you go back into that place within his heart just reveal his true essence of love the father revealed his true heart love for you sense the conversation between father-son and spirit those amazing those thoughts begin to envelop you you will begin to feel and sense you always meant to be sensor eternal identity and it just let the father reveal those amazing thoughts to those thoughts penetrate the within your heart is your you you is amazing amazing love his desire amazing place deep intimacy just let it do you are why your DNA minds the you are you are a are you you

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