Living sacrifices 5-1

 Were continuing to look at living sacrifices, this is about the preparation for intimate relationship. Removing the blockages of self that may get in the way of that. And the resultant transformation that it brings can bring us into maturity as sons of God. it is a vital process as we learn to engage governmentally in heaven. as it opens up the avenue for only doing what we see the father doing, just as Jesus did. were gonna look at places of fire, which we looked at fire specifically last time. and learn how to engage the fire of God’s loving presence for heavenly as well as earthly transformation. and we need we need both, there are things that happen on earth and there are things that can only happen in heaven. We need to put them together if we’re going to mature in sonship. Romans 12:1 therefore I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice. and when you present your bodies your presenting your soul and your spirit as well. which is acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship. and service and worship are the same thing. and this is an act of worship. do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. so whatever area that we been pressed into the world’s mould, shaped by the world, whether it be nature whether it be nurture, whether it be trauma that can be changed that but we have to think differently. were transformed by the renewing of our minds it’s not something that happens with a magic wand in an instant, it is a process. so that you may prove what the will of God is that which is good and acceptable and perfect. the mirror Bible says live consistent with who you are really are. and this is the key of being a living sacrifice. we surrender who we are in that false image that the world is created, to discover who we are in God’s perspective. inspired by the lovingkindness of God. my brothers the most practical expression of worship is to make your bodies available to him as a living sacrifice this pleases him more than any religious routine. he desires to find visible individual expression in your person. do not allow current religious tradition to mould you into its pattern of reasoning. like an inspired artist give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. become acquainted with perfection to accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within. and everything needs to be flowing from the inside out. and then as we go outside in into the realms of heaven will find these two things work together in simultaneously cleansing from the inside out but also dealing with the issues that enable us to go from the outside in into the deeper realms of heaven. so sacrifices were made on altar’s and alters usually required fire. fire is one factor in transformation, God is a consuming fire. God’s fire and God’s love are synonymous terms. for  how to experience God’s presence will inevitably bring us into a place of fire. there are many different altars or places of fire within the heavenly realms that enable us to be transformed as living sacrifices. We are going to engage some of them. so fire is one factor in transformation. we will really need to engage with the different Tabernacle altars, with the temple altar with the judgement seat, which is what we did last time. the river of fire, the fire stones the fiery sword. if we daily present ourselves as living sacrifices we can be transformed and continually changed from 1° of glory to another into our eternal identity. and this is the whole purpose of transformation is so we will become who we always were within the mind, heart and thoughts of God. So each different place of fire within the heavenly realms is a different purpose a different function and different effect in our lives. So it is worth pursuing them, engaging them individually and finding which of the ones that are particularly purposeful in your own lives at any particular time. it is important to be open to pursue and embrace each place. cultivate a desire for the fire of transformation by having a living sacrifice attitude. every day when I use to step into this realm and engage this realm I would be declaring and decreeing, not my will but yours be done. I don’t want free will. I Wanna surrender my free will, i want to follow your will, I want to outwork your plan and purpose for my life I don’t want to do it independently of you. and if we develop that attitude and we present ourselves to Jesus our high priest he will as our high priest prepare us for whatever we need to enable us to fulfill his purpose for us, our destiny on a daily basis. we don’t have to go digging around  trying to find things. as we present ourselves those things will come to the surface ,so then as we embrace them and then allow him to deal with them, we will find transformation begins to take place on a daily basis. so as we ask and seek Jesus who is the author and perfecter of our lives, he will begin to perfect  us. ask Jesus to show the way to engage the river fire or the fire stones or the altar. Ask him to take you there. set your desire on it. ask Jesus as the living Word of God to reveal the truth. so we can know the truth by encounters to be free. only the truth that you know by experience brings freedom. intellectual knowledge does not bring freedom that’s why we have to encounter these places and allow the experience of these places to transform us and change us and bring deeper revelation of who we really are as living sacrifices in God.  Now we use to sing various songs relating to fire and heat this is sort of a recent one. I feel the heat rising, the flames of my horizon are at my door I’m staring at the ruins the embers of our brokenness scattered on the floor this fire never sleeps his fire never sleeps. sometimes when we go through this process it can feel like we are being turned to ash. well that’s okay. it is only that which is not made in the image of God and who he has called us to be which gets consumed by that fire. but his fire never sleeps. ice I see that hope is coming so pull me from the ashes ignite my soul please burn away the darkness because love is like a furnace where your fire never sleeps burn oh my soul set me on fire. now this is I did song which expresses the heart of a living sacrifice it is expresses the desire. and there is no fear because perfect love casts out fear. so if God’s love is like a furnace, he is a consuming fire. we can embrace that without fear. because it will only burn away the darkness to reveal more of the light which is hidden. we don’t have to fear. something new is being born and we were born for this. This is a reality we were born for a time such as this. Lord we know a day is coming, we’ll actually it’s here .when we will look into your eyes and see a fire that never sleeps. let’s look into his eyes let’s embrace looking into his eyes embracing that fire embracing the crucible where the heat gets turned up and where we will be refined. as we live in a continual place of the crucible within our own hearts it will allow the fire of that crucible to bring the surface dross up to the surface so it can be scooped off, so that we can have a pure heart, pure lives. no mixture see the problem with impure materials is they have mixture. within gold there are other metals which are part of the mixture the more purified the gold is the less other particles are within the gold itself .so the crucible crucible is the cocoon of transformation where heat is rising. proverbs 27:21 crucible is for silver and the furnace for gold it is like this is always been part of God’s intention that we will go through a purifying ascending process. a place of restriction where heat and pressure can be applied to bring transformation or alignment. Malachi 3:2 is a well-known Scripture who can endure the Day of his coming, we’ll we can because Jesus has made a way for us to access into the fullness of who we are in this relationship. who can stand when he appears we can. for he is like a refiner’s fire like a fuller soap he will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver so they may be preserved present to the Lord offerings in righteousness. and we are the offerings were not presenting gold and silver as literal material things were presenting our lives. So that our lives will be produce gold silver and precious stones but it does require this process. to purify means to purge to cleanse to clear to free to unburden to deliver to relieve and so the fire does all that as we embrace it. to remove contaminants or undesirable elements remove dirty or harmful substances from. to make ceremonially clean and pure .to be free from guilt or moral or ceremonial blemish defilement or imperfection. Now those are  just dictionary definitions to what purify means. so when we embrace the fire all these things can take place in our lives. to refine is to purify to clarify, to clear to cleanse to strain to sift, to filter, to rarefy, to distil to better to enhance to enrich to perfect to improve to concentrate. and again this is God’s desire when we embrace the fire. all these things will begin to bring us into the reality of who we are in our relationship with God. to free as metal sugar or oil from the impurities of unwanted material. like refining oil refining sugar refining metal is to bring it free so that we can have a pure heart for us.  it is a pure heart the pure in heart will see God. to improve something by making changes. We’ll this is what God wants to do in us. do we desire that if we do embrace it, embrace the process. pursue the process don’t just sit back and hope it will happen. set the desire of your heart in being purified and being refined. refining with flames one of the oldest methods of refining metals. in ancient times this form of refining involved the craftsman sitting next to a hot fire with molten gold in a crucible being stirred and skimmed to remove the impurities, all the dross which is was what it was called that rose to the top of the molten metal. with flames reaching temperatures in excess of 1000°C and as it rose they knew it was getting purer and purer by the fact that the surface became like a mirror and they can see themselves reflected within that .and the more we become pure the more we see ourselves reflected when we look at God. so embrace the crucible embrace the heat. are we willing to be refined and purified. are we willing to be metamorphosed into a fully mature son of God. it will require some intense heat. the refiner’s fire operates in the crucible the more the wind of the spirit blows the hotter the fire burns we have an angel that engages with us called winds of change which sometimes brings a wind that brings increased heat and brings change and there are seasons of change that we go through. to enter glory we must go through the fire of transformation. were being prepared so we can be like him as sons of light. this is the whole process to release the light that was with is within us so that we shine that we radiate that light that we radiate the glory of our sonship. another song we use to sing many years ago. purify my heart let me be as gold and precious silver purify my heart let me be as gold  pure gold purify my heart let me be as gold and precious silver purify my heart let me be as gold pure gold. is that what we can say could we thing that genuinely if we can then he will begin to take us through that process. refiner’s fire my heart one desire is to be holy. is that true. do we have such a purity of heart and desire to be set apart for you Lord. I choose to be holy set apart for you my master ready to do your will. this comes back to Romans 12 as were not conformed to the world as we are renewed by the transformation of our minds then we are ready to know and do what God’s will is, his perfect will through us and our creativity of sonship are we willing to look into the fire in his eyes without fear. are we willing to embrace the fiery sword of judgment in his mouth. to engage the fiery words that passed judgement upon the dross in our lives. see that judgement is always to bring purification and life, not punish. it is not to make us feel bad to feel condemned or to feel guilty. those things are always coming from the motivation of the enemy and our DIY self. God never brings guilt shame condemnation he does bring conviction which carries with it the love and hope of transformation. so let’s embrace the truth as he speaks it into our lives. are we willing to be living sacrifices. you provide the fire and I’ll provide the sacrifice is another more modern song. Now are we willing to do that are we willing to be the fuel for the fire are we willing. if he is the fire are we willing to be the sacrifice am I willing to embrace the altar .fire awaits to provide the heat necessary to refine and to purify our lives. am I willing to stay in the crucible to let the fire increase the temperature to allow the dross to rise to the surface and be removed. sometimes we jump into something or in something and we Wanna get out of it because we think it’s the enemy. don’t apportion to the enemy what God is using to bring purification to our lives. God does not bring suffering but he does use trials and he does use tribulations and he does use situations to identify those things. when the pressure comes on what comes to the surface on our lives. what comes out of our mouth. that’s an indication of what’s in our heart. the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart and when pressure situations come on, situations of rejection situations of different things that happen in our lives what comes out of our mouth is it positive is it negative is it angry it will indicate that which is in our lives. and if we learn to keep our mouths shut and not say negative things but we still feel them ,we need to have our hearts purified and refine. Acts 14:22 strengthening the souls of the disciples encouraging them to continue in the faith and saying through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom. this was this was an expectation. earthly situations and heavenly engagements go together, to enable us to face those tribulations and to embrace the change that needs to take place . it isn’t enough just to go through the earthly tribulation we need to engage the heavenly places that will work together to bring transformation. the altar the crucible, the furnace it’s about the fire but the heat comes through earthly situations circumstances relationships particularly if were not proactive. if were pursuing and proactive to engage transformation,  we don’t need to necessarily go through the situations that highlight those things. if were totally open were asking God to search our hearts to unveil any anxious thoughts to see if there’s any wicked idolatrous or iniquitous way in us, then he will. but if were hesitant and we hold back, those earthly situations those trials and tribulations are used to bring things to the surface to show us the need that we have for being transformed. things buried or covered up will come to the surface or into the light. But what do we  do and where do we go with those things. We’ll let’s not hide away in fear in the bushes figuratively trying to cover up with our own sowing of fig leaves. Daniel 11:35 so some of those who have insight will fall in order to refine purge and make them pure until the end time because it is still to come at the appointed time. And we are in that appointed time we are now in the time that actually sometimes our soul our ego needs to fall. we need to realise that actually the way we think is wrong. therefore things happen to highlight that. sometimes that is through other people sometimes other people challenge us sometimes situations cause us. if we are reflective and allow the spirit of God the spirit of truth to speak to us to unveil that if we’re not defensive, if we’re not covering up, if we’re not trying to hide then will realize that some of the difficult situations that happen that only on the surface are appearing like falls are so that we can be refined and purged so we can be chalked if be pure. Daniel 12:9 go your way Daniel for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time, we’ll we are in that end time those words us and are open they not concealed any more. many will be purged purified and refined. so lets embrace that process let’s embrace the change the transformation, lets be conformed to that image that he created us. that he predestined us to be conformed to. Zechariah 13:9 I will bring the third part through the fire refine them as silver is refined Test them as  gold is tested they will call upon my name and I will answer them I will say they are my people and they will save the Lord is my God .see taking us through this process does not show that God is angry with us, that we need to appease him in some way. Things are tested see the purity of something needs to be tested. the situations and the heat tested. so let’s embrace the tests. God isn’t doing this because he don’t like us he does this because he is our dad he wants the best for us and God disciplines those he loves God brings a sense of discipline to change and transform us not because he wants to punish us because he is angry with us because he loves us. refiner’s heart my heart one desires to be like you Lord is that true increasing levels of darkness he that enable us to be ready to meet God face-to-face in the dark cloud we have to be transformed if we are going to engage God face-to-face. everything is leading up to a consummation, so let’s embrace that purification. whether you are going through the dark cloud or have been through the dark cloud and are now engaging. we need that purification so were ready to meet the king were ready to meet God in a totally different dimensional way. another song we used to sing many years ago in in the early 90s he has fire in his eyes and a sword in his hand, he is riding on a Whitehorse all across the land. he is calling out to you and me will you ride with me he has a crown in his on his hand and he is leading the armies he is calling out to you and me will you ride with me will we stand up and fight will we ride with the armies of heaven were going to be dressed in white you see this is a sense of purity when were riding with him when we are knowing who we are we can stand we can ride with him we will be part of the armies of heaven. you see fire in his eyes and his love for is bride he is longing that you will be with him riding by his side he is calling out to you and me will you ride with me we’ll will we .it requires us to wear the robes of righteousness which he is made us righteous. That is how he sees us but actually he wants us to be transformed into the reality of that, not just to have a covering over us but be pure through and through. so metamorphosis transformation transfiguration this process of change to bring spirit soul and body into sonship. a complete change of form. body soul spirit to spirit soul body this is how we been brought up our body informing our soul and our spirit being separated within the inside. but when our spirit is is active and our souls reintegrated having been separated, then our spirit soul and body can flow from the inside out and heaven can flow through us as rivers of living water. the river of life begins to flow through us. see we start out ashuman beings most of us us human doings but then we become a living being when we realise that the breath of God is breathed into us and we are always been spirit being so when being a living being and a spirit being comes together we become a godlike being, a son. and God wants to take us through this process so that we can be truly godlike. we can have all things pertaining to life and godliness we can be a demonstration of sonship to the earth in which we live. caterpillars in that process the body actually is dissolved. heat turns the body to mush. the DNA of the caterpillar gene switch off. DNA encoded new genes to form a butterfly. the struggle from the cocoon produces the strength to overcome and fly. so sometimes this is difficult, but actually as we learn to come through this we will be stronger we will be able to overcome we will be able to subdue and to rule. you don’t try and help a butterfly out of the cocoon otherwise the actual struggle which pushes the blood out through the wings causes the butterfly not to be able to fly. the struggle enables flight. encourage and support but  don’t try and remove the struggle from people. don’t try and get God to remove the struggle from us. but he is with us in it, he is walking through it,he is encouraging us to pursue. don’t try and avoid the process. pursue the process. a butterfly can live in dual realms on land and in air. a caterpillar can only crawl. We need to embrace being able to live in dual realms. transformation enables us to live in the dual places of heaven and earth. the order and flow of our life changes. heaven flows from the outside inside out. body soul and spirit outside in spirit soul body inside out. I Wanna flow from spirit soul body because my spirit living from the realms of heaven can flow through my soul to engage the world around me. so I create an atmosphere of heaven around my life. all of us can begin to manifest heaven on earth through us and then as we come together corporately we begin to see an exponential increase in that manifestation. there are many altars of heaven, the Tabernacle, the altar represents the cross. that’s it is our access into heaven .we can come through the cross we can’t come any other way. there is no other way but through Jesus. it is really important that we realise that and we begin to embrace that. the altar of incense was where you present ourselves a living sacrifice decree a sweet smelling fragrance pleasing to God it is an attitude. I lay on the altar of incense I want my life to be an offering I Wanna serve the purpose of God, I only  Wanna do what I see the father doing. You know Jesus is is presented himself on that altar, the initial altar, so we can access through him. It is like were not gonna be there but we have to go through the cross to access that then we have a choice do we Wanna lay our lives down do we want to offer  our lives to God or do we want to do our own thing. then there is the altar of the temple in Isaiah 6 the foundations of the threshold tremble at the voice of him who called out while the temple is filling with smoke and then I said woe is me I’m ruined I’m undone and when we engage the altar there, the seraphim are there. the whole purpose of that temple is so that the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord. it can produce in us and I realisation of the things that are in my life or in my generational line. verse four to seven says  then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal in his hand which you taken from the altar with tongs he touch my mouth with it and said behold this is touched your lips your iniquity is taken away and your sin is purged. so this is a powerful thing now he didn’t just we’ll  I am a man of unclean lips, he also said I am from a people or a generational of unclean lips so there are things which gets revealed here which are generational. and the tongs can take those also for the seraphim or we can get on the altar  it is like if  we really willing to embrace it lay our lives figuratively down on that altar on the burning coals, not just one coal but actually our whole life where iniquity is taken away our sin is purged  where it really does begin to purify that which is not just in our own eyes but that which is in our generational line that gives us greater authority to release into our generational line the good news to bring restoration to our generations. in the fire of his presence there is nothing we can hide, nothing that’s not revealed. we don’t have to try and cover up allow him to strip everything away to unveil and reveal the truth it may be true but the truth is I can be set free purified and refined. in the presence of God’s fire we see things how they really are that’s why it is important to embrace the altars.  place of total openness don’t go to an altar then try and hide. a place of generational revelation. so we can be living sacrifices and continually embrace the altar of the temple. we can engage the seraphim the burning ones. refiner’s fire is an order of seraphim angels assigned to mature us in fire. the four angels that we have, transformation refiner’s fire sound of many waters winds of change transformation are all part of this process of maturing living sacrifices into mature sons of God. fire challenges DIY self-rule. This is about dealing with our independence and doing things are own way .being a living sacrifice is the surrender of self. not my will but yours be done. it surrendering self-determination we embrace the cross as a fiery sword where self has been crucified with Christ. that’s why we can access because we been crucified with Christ. that is the first level of the fiery sword. are we willing to go through the cross. there is no other access point that we can engage into relationship with God but through the cross, through the fiery sword. the fiery sword is our access point into the heavenly realms as living sacrifices. Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ this is a done deal. he did it for me I was represented in him, it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live. so I’m no longer living for myself although I might be living in the flesh in this physical body I live by faith of the son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me. my response to that, I love him and I give myself up for him. denying self and self-rule, don’t do-it-yourself, allow him to transform and change. everything of self must be surrendered, this is the process. I cannot be a living sacrifice and be transformed into the image of sonship if I carry on doing things myself. that’s the whole point. Jesus came not to do his will but to do the will of the father who sent him , and the father in him did his works through him and there was a wonderful relationship that they have. not that Jesus didn’t have that will but he chose only to do what he saw the father doing. we need to yield self-centredness. it can be very difficult because we are at the centre of everything that goes on in our lives . it is the motivation of that which is the key. is this for me, am I doing this for myself or is there a greater purpose. our focus and purpose changes so that we become a channel of God’s glory not our own. we become led by the spirit not driven by the soul. and there is a huge difference when were at wholeness and integration soul and spirit, there is such a removal of the tension between soul and spirit and the corporation begins to take place in a totally different way. selfishness is putting myself first above everyone else. Jesus said  I have not come to serve but to to be served but to serve. I’ve not come to be served. now here is the king of Majesty coming saying im not come to be served  I don’t want people to serve me I come to serve people I come to lay my life down for people I’ve come to only do what I see the father doing because the father loves people. That is a wholly different attitude I can seek to serve the father as a son of God rather than be served. servant hearted rulership and sonship is absolutely vital as we embrace the governmental aspect of the kingdom. if were serving governmentally selfishly then the authority that we have will be diminished. we need to yield to self-importance self-promotion self-reliance self-sufficiency self belief. I don’t need to believe in myself I need to believe in who I am in him. It is like I am not going to create something that I can believe in done through my own effort my own intellectual understanding apart from God. we can have no self-righteousness self-help self-expression . this  doesn’t mean that were not creatively to express who we are in the image of God but it’s not self-motivated, it is not to affirm self. it’s not to use that to give self its own validation from what it’s doing independently of God. this is all coming from a relationship with God. anything that derives from self  is a negative and however hard we find that we have to surrender. And it is hard that’s the point we have to get to. I surrender my soul’s right to its own identity through what it’s doing. I want the identity of God is given me self-respect self esteem self-worth, now these are all things that psychologists and others will say you need. you need to try and get. the self-respect from some what I done myself I did it my way . I respect myself because I’ve done it my way. thats the path of the do-it-yourself tree. self-esteem self-worth comes from what I can do in my own strength, it is following the humanistic pathway of the knowledge of good and evil. I want my esteem to come from how God sees me I want knowing who I am as a child of God. from knowing the love of God. from knowing the value he places upon me. my worth comes from knowing that I’m God’s child that he loves me has a purpose for me, my image is not how I view myself but is seeing myself as God sees me. if we could really see ourselves as God sees us it would transform everything about our lives which is why we must come into a place of intimacy where we get to see in the mirror of his face ourselves reflected. and who we are in him reflected back. I can only truly be the me that God patterned in eternity if I’m fully dead to the world as my independent source. there must be death on the altar if there’s to be a true resurrection life and dual realms living. now Jesus has made that death, he died our death on the altar. the first altar in the Tabernacle. and he has brought resurrection life. all died in Adam all are made alive in Christ .that’s how I can live in dual realms. because I’m seated with Christ in heavenly places . he seated me there, I didn’t exalt myself, I humbled myself under the mighty hand of God actually believing what he says about me which is what humility is. accepting and agreeing with God and he will exalt us all of us to those places where were seated in heavenly places so we can operate governmentally within the realms of heaven. one Corinthians 617 but the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with him. it is our choice we join ourselves to him we ask him to baptise us into father-son and spirit we ask him to clothes us with his presence we surrender to the yoke of Jesus we are embrace that yoke upon us we invite the father to sit on the seat of rest and government within we become one spirit we drink the living water of the Fountains flowing from the Holy Spirit within us and become one. Romans 829 for those who he foreknew which is all of us all his children he predestined to become conformed to the image of his son to become sons like Jesus joint heirs with him fellow heirs with him. that’s what transformation is all about. Am i willing to embrace it become conformed no matter what the cost or is the heat too much. do I try and get out of the crucible because it gets uncomfortable now the only reason we get uncomfortable with ourselves is because we don’t know we loved and accepted in him. the transforming fire of God’s love will consume and burn up all those things that are not of him but will purify and affirm those things that are. the scroll of our life is compared to the scroll of our destiny. that is what happens when we are willing to embrace the realms of heaven we know heavens open are we willing to engage the river of fire are we willing for the river of fire to flow through our soul, through that first Love gate purifying and refining the gateways of our soul and body. the glory of God manifested flowing through us. are we willing to engage the altar in the temple to have our DNA refined to have our generational issues brought to the surface so that the coals of the alter can purify and refine so we can say here I send me the river of fire is not something we’re going to be burnt and pain in a physical sense this is about being consumed this  is about being baptised into that fire is embrace allowing that fire to purify us and to flow into us as it flows from the throne of God to embrace that crucible to proactively ask God to put us into that place where the heat rises and the dross comes to the surface we can be purified and refined so our hearts are passionately burning for him on fire with the love of God with a passion for creation our hearts fiery hearts passionate for life not just going through the motions not just trying to get by but passionate about living. You know this is the phrase that God gave me to live loved this is absolutely vital in this process that we know that we are living loved that we live in the bliss of that love that comes from him that love that unveils who we really are that he loves us unconditionally he loves us and then we can love living life takes on a totally different perspective when we know we are loved we look at people differently we look at the world differently life is not a drug a duty and obligation, trying to get through one day after day after another you get into the end of the week not looking for the next week the reality is if we know the love of God we can love the life that we have doesn’t mean we have to be content with what we are because were being transformed and changed to take us into levels and degrees of glory and increase. but we need to embrace the love of God and let him love us not trying to earn his love not trying to perform for his love not trying to do anything for his love. But let him love us so that we can live loving so we can live towards other people loving them the way God loves us not judging us not being judgmental but seeing people the way God loves and seeing the world the way God loves it seeing creation groaning waiting for the revealing of sons who are living in the glory of freedom lets embrace loving like God loves we can’t do that in our own strength and the motive for that is not so will be loved back but that the world the Kosmos the creation will know the love of God and that love will be transformation but sometimes we have to be willing for the flames to envelop us so it feels like we may be restricted in those flames but what those actual flames are doing is removing the restrictions there burning through the chains they’re setting us free from the things that are holding us back don’t mistake the restriction of the fire for the restrictions that the enemy puts on us there is a removing of those are strict restrictions by embracing the process of transformation embracing the altar is embracing the river of fire so let’s experience that were going to engage the river of fire and then were going to engage that the temple altar.

 We know heavens open we know we have an open heaven over us we know that those you are living in dual realms you can just begin as you engage that you can just begin to think about that shift the consciousness to engage in the rounds are heaven as we engage with Jesus in that realm Jesus is the way just allow him to embrace the to welcome you you begin to surrender to his agenda allowing to take you wherever you understand the fire you take through the different veils to engage that river flowing throne river of fire is God’s glory God allowed place engage the river of fire high invite the river of fire to allowing our heart has we are in that through our first purifying flowing through the gate presence of God process purification this grace this is a everyone is your fellow river fire just allow your mind there are will that Jesus take us on that place of fire to come into temple to embrace the crucible altar seraphim just used alignment embrace the fire purify the fire of his glory purify and refine dross come to the surface do-it-yourself everything that comes mind a mind to you you mindsets belief make this one of a present yourself to Jesus a high priest as a living sacrifice daily embrace daily embrace process transform 1° of glory to experience purify and refine bring being a living so life from that place purification here one will serve the purpose of God in my generation rises so places around through embrace grace

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