Living sacrifices 7

We are to be living sacrifices engaging the process of preparation that enables intimate relationship and results in transformation so we can be mature sons of God. that maturity process is when we surrender and we embrace it. there are heavenly places of fire where we can engage God’s loving presence. for heavenly as well as earthly transformation. We have been using the Scripture in Romans 12:1,2 as part of this whole process. Therefore, I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies and hence your spirit soul as a living’s and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what the will of God is that which is good acceptable and perfect. Which is our destiny agreed before the foundation of the world with God in eternity with our spirit. In the mirror Bible, it says live consistent with who you really are. And this is the key to all transformation, a renewing of our minds coming into agreement with who he says we are and who he created us to be. Inspired by the lovingkindness of God. My brothers the most practical expression of worship is to make your bodies available to him as a living sacrifice. This pleases him more than any religious routine. He desires to find visible individual expression in your person. Do not allow current religious tradition to mold you into its pattern of reasoning. Now obviously at the time this was talking about the Jewish system and the Roman system and the other religious systems. But we have our own cultural systems religious systems that we have today that may have molded us and patterned us to its reasoning to its way of thinking. Like an inspired artist give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. Become acquainted with perfection. Other words to know God and know who he made us to be. To accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within. And this is what we want, from our relationship of intimacy we begin to be changed and transformed from one degree of glory to another as we come into agreement as we’ve experienced and not intellectual understanding. But actual personal experience. Sacrifices were made on altar’s usually required fire which is one factor in transformation, and we looked at that over the last couple weeks. God is a consuming fire. God’s fire and love are synonymous terms. It is who he is. There are many different altars and places of fire within the heavenly realms to enable us to be transformed when we are living sacrifices. But it is up to us to surrender as a living sacrifice. So, engaging the Tabernacle and the different objects within it contribute to the process of being a living sacrifice. When I first started to engage this back in two thousand. Every day I would go into the realms of heaven engage the Tabernacle, engage the different objects that were in the Tabernacle as the part of the process of me presenting myself to deeper levels of transformation. And those deeper levels of transformation came as I engaged some of the different objects within the Tabernacle and went through the different veils of the way, truth and life to engage the holy of holies, and the Ark of the presence of God and the name of God. So, engaging the Ark of God’s presence within the holy of holies opens up a new level of sonship governmentally, embracing Yoda hey vav hey, his name, standing in his name, in his power and the four faces of God as the order of Melchizedek, as we learn to function lion ox Eagle man. We function in the priestly and the kingly and the oracles and legislative functions of the government of God and his face, his names. Then we can begin to come into the perfection of sonship. But we have to be able to go through those veils to engage so that we are at a level of maturity to be able to govern in love and in grace and in mercy. So, the earthly tabernacle was patterned after the heavenly Tabernacle. As it is heaven itself, outer court inner court holy of holies. So, there is this process of both going through those veils and engaging transformation but also finding different levels of authority, different thrones, different courts, different ways that we engage in the realms of heaven as we mature in sonship. Jesus opened the veil between heaven and earth for us to enter. When he entered and his offering of himself as a sacrifice, he is our example. He gave himself for us we give ourselves for him. Jesus’ blood is a perpetual offering that makes this a continual open access to come into this place and engage. The heavenly Tabernacle represents coming around the throne from the kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, heaven and engaging around the throne with the four living creatures and the seven spirits of God and the 24 elders and all that place. Sea of glass and all those things. There’s also the earthly tabernacle and there’s the Tabernacle of man. God dwells in heaven, God dwelt in the earthly tabernacle. God dwells in the heavenly Tabernacle which is the fourth Tabernacle which is still there. And he dwells within us. And we are a Tabernacle of God’s presence. A house of God if you like. So, we have the heavenly Tabernacle which is what the earthly one was patterned after. And this is not the just the bigger picture, but this is the fractal which makes up the bigger picture. So, we have a veil, access into the outer court, assess to the inner court, in through the veil torn we can come from earth to heaven. The brazen altar representing the cross is the way into the holy place. We come through the cross if were gonna come into the realms of heaven.

The bronze Lavor was in the outer court and they needed to wash as a process to pass through the veil of the way into the inner court the holy place, to partake of the lampstand all the Menorah and the table of show bread,12 loaves and there was the altar of incense and then to pass through the veil of the life which is torn and open into the holy of holy, where the Ark of the presence of God is now. We can engage this process as a living sacrifice and we can allow the symbolic nature of these things to engage so that we can be transformed by this process. I engage this every day day after day after day as I presented myself as a living sacrifice. So, we can engage these things all its component parts we can experience the symbolic nature of the process by presenting ourselves living sacrifices but we can also engage to experience encounters that transform us engaging with those those objects within the Tabernacle are transformation in themselves by giving us experiences that begin to unveil and reveal and transform and change us and renew our minds to the truth that we can come into an agreement with the revelation that we receive there in the presence of God in that place. So, we can go through the veils of the way, truth and life, and each of those has a sense of going through something and being transformed. Going through the altar of the cross, bronze Lavor, the lampstand, table of show bread, the altar of incense, the Ark of the Covenant, the four faces of God, Yod hey vav hey. There are actual engagements and yes there symbolic of things but they actually are places we can engage and they are deeply transformational as we embrace them. this is not a one-off thing, it is a lifestyle. We have to be have a lifestyle being a living sacrifice which means we can engage those things continually see those things transform us and change us as we learn to embrace those places and can go deeper and deeper into the revelation of who we are. Being living sacrifices means embracing the cross symbolized by the brazen altar within the Tabernacle by entering through the veil of the way Jesus himself.

This is a place of entrance a place of crucifixion a place of exchange where we trade our lives his life trading old the new and is an important thing to recognize that whenever we step into that realm were going through the cross and what it represents to we consciously enter through the veil with our soul we come through the first level of the fiery sword the cross the altar when Jesus took our place he died our death he gave as his resurrection life by including us in him now we are in him seated in heavenly places where in him in every way to embrace the fullness because he is the full represented station of this Tabernacle and we are a Tabernacle he comes to dwell wind we are in him he is in us so in exchange or trade can take place when we engage that place we can receive we can exchange righteousness the sin so we are receiving the righteousness for that we can exchange health the sickness we can exchange new resurrection life for our old resurrection life we can exchange joy for sadness we can receive peaceful brokenness acceptance or rejection purposeful futility a successful failure fruitfulness the barrenness faith for fear all these things can be ours once we allow the truth to renew our minds so that we consciously engaged to experience these things they become our access point and each of these things can be a reality for us if we embrace them and we allow this to change and transform our minds by renewing us to this truth we have to remain broken because we can receive peace we done after continue to be rejected because we can receive his acceptance individual objects have symbolic meanings that can be realise when we engage them each veil represents deeper aspects of the process of transformation as living sacrifices each different place an object represents active engagement we engage the bronze Labour which has a mirror surface representing the light of truth it prepares us for the revelation that reveals the distortions and loss of our original image so begins to compare how we see ourselves to how he sees ourselves is like engaging the mirror of his face the truth the reality of who we really are which will begin to change and transform who we think we are and this is essentially the next level of that fiery sword within the Tabernacle the washing of the living Word Jesus himself that enables us to enter the veil of truth and a deeper level the Labour reflect back to us the state of our soul and spirit to reveal the skins an external coverings of self the distortion of our image and identity through the lens of the DIY tree how we have been shaped by the world how we been conformed to the world is my mum mould as we embrace that labour as we embrace the light and the revelation that it represents that can unveil and reveal the reality of where we are compared to the true reality and truth of who he says we are the lies that we believe the conform us to the mould of the age and culture we lifting can be unveiled so we can see the truth the truth will always replace the lies that we must experience the truth it is in an intellectual understanding of it this is an encounter who I think I am compared to the truth of who the father Jesus as the living Word and the spirit of truth so what coverings of self-righteousness are we prepared for ourselves that are like filthy rags compared to the righteousness of God we are made in Christ are we still trying to do our own thing whole the embracing the fullness of what he’s done and what is continually doing in relationship with us the Hebrews describes the transition from the old covenant to the new covenant describing Jesus giving his life as an offering of grace compared to the sacrifices of animals under the law the earthly and heavenly tackle Tabernacle are described in the transition where the old becomes obsolete and passes away when you read it and you see the process you can see how we now have access through Jesus into that realm we have come to touch that realm so Hebrews 914 says how much more will blow Jesus who through the eternal spirit this is the reality that this blood was shed before the foundation of the world this was all part the foundation stone of creation the whole of creation was established having this already been in place the who through the eternal spirit offered himself without blemish to God this happen at the cross this happen in eternity and that can cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God now remember Hebrews Romans 12 about being a living sacrifice of that we will be able to our worship to serve the living God true worship is being in agreement with our destiny and out working it in reality Hebrews 1019 to 22 therefore brethren since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus is our confidence knowing who we are in him is our confidence we can come into the holy place but it’s by a new and living way which he inaugurated through us he established he opened through the veil that is his flesh since we have a great high priest over the house of God let us draw near with a sincere heart full assurance of faith now that’s his fate he had given us the ability to engage in believe this having our hearts sprinkled clean his evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water this is part of the process of transformation this is what we do when we engage we allow engaging to transform us and change us washing of the living Word Jesus makes us clean cleansing our conscience from dead works is is actively engaging in what is already done he’s done this through the cross he is dealt brought forgiveness dealt with the sins of the whole of creation through the cross and yet we need to embrace it so we come into agreement with it whenever we enter consciously we need our mind renewed to the truth of what Jesus did by opening the veil we have to come through the cross that’s the first level of the fiery sword that we embrace that fire to change and transform us and bring us into purity and refinement the inner court has the labs that all the Menorah and the table show bread with 12 loves have symbolic meaning that we can experience by engaging their places and objects I would encourage you to engage daily deeper levels of transformation they were show representing Jesus as the bread of life and the living Word that proceeds from the mouth of God engaging communion that’s we take communion there we can apply the body and blood of Jesus for transformation to the iniquity epigenetic and genetic levels that may be operating within our lives the lampstand all the Menorah Jesus is the light God is light the Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth which is the light of revelation the light reveals the truth and unveils the reality of our identity as sons so we can be transformed into that image 1° of glory at the time the process of change and transformation of coming into agreement of the of the truth of who we really are through knowing who he really is the Menorah also represents the seven spirits of God we engage the tutors who are assigned help us with our mandates and positions of sonship before the holy of holies is the altar of incense at the altar of incense is where we can daily offer ourselves to God as living sacrifices by choosing only to do his will just as Jesus did daily only doing what he saw the father doing this is where our lives are an offering a sweet smelling Saver to God he loves it when we are yielded and surrendered not my will but yours be done that was my daily desire and declaration every day and I still declare that I have that desire only to do the will of him who sent me Hebrews 911 away in Christ appeared is high priest of the good things to come he entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle the heavenly one not made with hands that is to say not of this creation and not through the blood of the goats and cows but through the his own blood he entered the holy place once for all he did it once he only do it once and when he did it it was for all of creation all of ever lived all the will of having obtained eternal redemption to this is something which will go on to the end of the ages is redemption is available to us through all ages, look at Hebrews and and looking in the mirror Bible translation and take a walk through Hebrews chapter 910 looking at the revelation it brings that we can then embrace an experience for ourselves and in the Bible things are in brackets are notes which explain why a translation was made a particular way or unveil something deeper of what that meaning is another just read it through and look at what it says Hebrews 91 the first system follow the specific pattern of worship which was conducted in a specific and sacred place of worship the Tabernacle the detail which spoke of the shadows of the new so all these things in the old were shadows what we now can experience all of us because were now all priests we are now all a house of God we are now all have access so speaks to what is now available to all which was only available in a limited way through the shadow was to the first tented area was called the holy place the only light he came from the lampstand illuminating the table upon which the show bread was presented so there is this place where this was represented obviously of things but we can now go there engage mankind shall not live by bread alone but by the authentic thought of God the word proceeding from his mouth the original intent his image and likeness in carbonated revealed and redeemed in human life that this is what we can experience when we go there and engage the lampstand all the Menorah when we engage the bread we engage the living Word we now live from the truth that he spoken his original intent his image and likeness that he is made us to be were made in his image and likeness and he wants to reveal to us these redeemed us he’s reconciled us is restoring us back to that fullness of how life should be he is the Tabernacle on account of the human body in which he dwelt he is now the Tabernacle we are now the Tabernacle he is the table because he is our bread of life he is the Ark which is has the law in close within because he is the word of the father uses the altar of incense because he is a sweet smelling odour of sanctification he is the altar of the burnt offering because he is the victim by death on the cross for the sins of the whole world he is we can engage and enter into an be transformed by this is why this is a personal relational experience not just a theoretical thing 1st to there was a Tabernacle prepared the outer one in which with the lampstand in the table the sacred bread this is the call the holy place behind the second veil there was a Tabernacle which is called the holy of holies having a golden altar of incense in the Ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold which was a golden jar holding in which was a golden jar holding the manner and Aaron’s rod which butted and the tablets of the covenant will go into more detail of this specific place next time above it with the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat all these things we cannot’s now speaking detail in the context of this arrangement the priest perform their daily duties both morning and evening the daily duties included the address in their preparations baptism sacrificial offerings lighting and trimming and removing the old show bread replacement was fresh bread and sprinkling the blood of the sin offerings before the veil of the century this was the priestly functions that we are priests we are a royal priest so we can come and engage these things not duty but in experiential engagement so when we come we are engaging with the light were engaging with the bread we are engaging with the blood were engaging with the veils were engaging to experience the reality of what they mean allow them to transform us and changes verse eight ready in this arrangement the Holy Spirit indicated that there was a yet more sacred way beyond the first tent that was still to be opened while the first patter was still upheld its fulfilment in truth could not yet commenced so while they were still operating the actual temple and while they were still operating the actual things with that with that old covenant priesthood it was hindering the fulfilment of the reality of the we are the new wineskin for the Holy Spirit and for what God wants to do so there was this tension this transition between old and new where the old was trying to to cover in and bring the new back under its old and that mediatorial system and actually right throughout your registry those continue to be a battle and for many that is still functioning today is a mediatorial system of adversely priesthood who now call themselves priest to operate under an ironic order which is not the order of the heavenly priesthood of Melchizedek because we are all of that order only some people could be of the order of our of that particular bloodline the Tabernacle pattern of that time was an analogy of the hitherto empathic system in which the gifts and sacrifices presented failed completely to cleanse the conscience of the worshipper that’s what had to be done time after time verse 10 all these external rituals pertaining to Food & Drink and various ceremonial baptisms and rules the body contact were imposed upon them until the anticipated time of restoration the foretold moment when all that was crooked would be made straight and restored to its natural and original condition and we are in those days but now Christ has made his public appearance as high priest of a perfect Tabernacle the good things that were predicted have arrived this new Tabernacle does not derive from it shadow type the previous man-made one it is the reality and yet is always being dragged back to the to the shadow and type when we have a reality not just that we are an expression of this or that we can engage that reality in the rounds are heaven the restoration of God’s original dwellingplace in human life is again revealed he dwells in us we are that Tabernacle as high priest his permission to enter the holy place was not secured by the blood of peace but by his own blood he obtained access on behalf of the human race so when he went he represented all us and now he is there so all can enter only one act was needed for him to enter the most sacred place of grace and their to institute a ransom of perpetual consequence it is continual for all the perfection of the redemption he secured need no further sacrifice there are no outstanding debts there is nothing we need to do to add weight to what he has accomplished once for all it is been done only possible priesthood activity we now engage in is to continue bring a sacrifice that is what being a living sacrifices it is a priestly function in his are priestly function is still to hear of the fruit of our lives is not just… Our whole lives giving thanks to his name no blood just fruit even our acts of self-sacrifice giving of time and money et cetera all just fruit of our constant gratitude that means living in this place of being a perpetual sacrifice ourselves living surrendered to not doing well but his that is what a priest is a now is who we are is 14 how much more effective was the blood of Christ when he presented his own flawless life through the eternal spirit before God can harking back to the fact that this is always been before God and always been on the foundation stone of creation in order to purge your conscience from its frustration under the cul-de-sac rituals of the law there was no way this leading to anything else there is no comparison between guilt and duty driven dead religious system and the vibrancy of living your life free from the sin consciousness this is what the new Testament priesthood is all about dead works now across on a dead religious routine system can never compete with the resurrected Christ now realised in us he is alive in us were all made alive in him verse 15 is fully representing mankind Jesus death brought an end to the old and introduce the new Testament covenant he thus redeemed us from the transgressions recorded under the first covenant and identified us as heirs qualifying us to participate in the full inheritance of all that he obtained on our behalf this is the amazing thing when we begin to engage in this relationally when we begin to engage in what this represents in the Tabernacle in heaven it brings us into the fullness of our identity and the reality of our joint heirship and co-heirship with him in our roles in the realms of heaven’s government so the concept of a mediator messages in this analogy is not a go-between as if Jesus had to change the father’s mind about us is our minds that needed to be persuaded Jesus did not save us from God he is fully God and fully man in him mankind’s most completely represented you can see from other scriptures Galatians 320 that we are all crucified with him Hebrews 616 to 2024 in Christ we have so much more than a type reflected in the Tabernacle of the holy places set up by human hands he entered into the heavenly sphere itself where he personally represents mankind face-to-face with God and therefore we can engage face-to-face with God because he’s opened up this way for us to come verse 25 neither was it necessary for him to enter into ever repeated sacrifice the high priest under the old shadow systems did proxy we substitute animal sacrifices that had to be offered every year those important to look at this concept because when we look at verse 27 will see the concept of judgement and will see the concept of death this was once for all but Jesus did not have to suffer again since the fall of the world and the single sacrifice of himself in the fulfilment of history now reveals how he has brought sin 20 to nothing it has no power any more because he’s broken it’s death over mankind the word catabolic a means to cast down God’s lamb took away the sins of the world so verse 27 Hebrews 9 the same goes for everyone so what Jesus has done go back and look at what he’s done Jesus did not have to suffer again since the fall of the world the single sacrifice of himself in the fulfilment history now reveals that he has brought sin 20 so through the cross sin has no power through the cross is reconcile man to himself and does not count sin against us because of that now the same goes for everyone a person dies everyone’s when Jesus died and then faces judgement that this is not judgement of something that has yet to happen where man is gonna be judge and found guilty of the St how can they be found guilty of sins those already been dealt with for everyone once for all time this is not about that is the judgement that man faces as a result of the fact that we will died with Christ and were all made alive in Christ he died our death we died with him we have been crucified with him so what is this judgement everyone dies in Christ and is judged innocent by the work of the cross so this whole scriptures been totally taken out of context and made to appear that God is gonna judge everyone punish everyone forever there was no punishment here Jesus died our death so we don’t need to face death and that through the work of the cross we been judged innocent the verdict is innocent over all of mankind none of mankind sin is held against them therefore what reason would there be for punishment when sin has been dealt with once and for all time by this amazing sacrifice of Jesus gave of himself he offered his life in place of ours was 28 Christ died once and face the judgement of the entire human race this is the context he died once you face that judgement we do not have to be judged on the basis of sin were judged on the basis of justification within a righteous and therefore innocent so we can have a restored face-to-face innocence yet again his second appearance which is his resurrection of the second coming again see if you future arise this you’re looking for the judgement yet to come when it’s already occurred that day was appointed and it happened you’re looking for everything yet to occur when is already happened the second appearance was in the resurrection he came back is nothing to do with sin but to reveal salvation to all fully embraced to fully embrace him so everyone can now fully embracing because of that salvation that is been accomplished appearing in the resurrection was the indication the lead overcome death and now brought resurrection life to all to fully embrace this is what this word means pack Do come I from our power away from that which defined me before neck out of the source and deck my to take one’s hands to accept wholeheartedly to fully embrace so we can fully embrace that which is come to bring a restoration back to who we were from the source of his life out of him who we are now in included in him this is an amazing truth we can fully embrace who we are we can fully embrace our innocence and received and engaging that face-to-face relationship in his resurrection he appeared a saviour of the world sin is no longer on the agenda for the lamb of God is taken away the sins of the world Jesus Christ fulfil mankind’s destiny with death mankind was appointed to die through what Adam did Jesus died took that destiny and is now given us a completely new destiny restored back to God’s original purpose and you can read about that one Corinthians 15 3 to 5 Romans 425 Acts 17 3031 note Jesus did not come to condemn the world the father judges no 140 is handed over all judgement to the son who judge the world in righteousness when took their chastisement in his own body now in his appearance in us in his body his mission is to unveil the consequence of the redemption through the Holy Spirit sown how we are now the Tabernacle the lean outcomes and dwells in and that judgement is that he is made us so he can come and dwell in us that we can be where he is in relationship with God and this is what it was talking about in John chapter 14 will look at that in my father’s house are many dwelling places this is not talking about heaven and mansions as it’s been translated in some versions if it were not so I would have told you for I go to prepare a place for you will readily go to the cross what place was he preparing he was preparing a place we can dwell in him and he was also preparing us to be a place where he would dwell in us if I go and prepare a place for you which is what he did when he went to the cross I will come again not in the end of the world some time in the second coming as we’ve had it taught or the rapture if you been taught that when he came after the resurrection which is when he came again and receive you to myself that where I am you may be also were where was he is not talking about a physical place is talking about a relationship first 10 do not believe that I am in the father and the father is in the this is what he was now preparing us for this is why he went to the cross and came back in resurrection power to prepare us to be where he was in the father and the father would be in him because he goes on to describe that in verse 19 after a little while the world will no longer see me so this is what is gone to the cross the world will not seen any more but you will see me because I live the resurrection you will live also because we’ve all been made alive in Christ all died in Adam all made alive in Christ so we no longer have to not see how we can see him as in that day the day of resurrection you will now that I’m in the father and you in me and I knew it awesome that he has brought this revelation of what he did on the cross through the resurrection and made available for all we can all now be in that place of his prepared for us in him and now he’s prepared for us to be a place where he now dwells verse 23 my Father will love him and will come to him and we will come to him and make our abode in him so now father-son and spirit dwelling in us in this Tabernacle body soul and spirit so that we could be a representative heavens Tabernacle on earth and heaven can be manifested through us as we embrace the fact that we are children of God so many scriptures have been translated into the with only a futuristic value and have consequently neutralise many like the Jews to diligently wait for the Messiah to still come the Messiah has come once for all as Messiah so many people are looking for a second coming to rapture them away from this world when Jesus is already come is already happened and with no different people are looking for Jesus to come in that same way to rescue them are no different than the Jews still looking for the Messiah to come when he is already come we’ve been completely deceived by and train which is demonically control people to miss out on what we can live in the present only be able to live that in the future have to die to go heaven Jesus has to come to take you there heaven Jesus has come we’ve already died with him and were already made alive and heaven is already open for us to come Jesus appear again after his resurrection and now his resurrection life in us as his body individually and corporately is the extension of his second appearance God making his appeal to an already reconcile world to be reconciled acts 326 two Corinthians 519 in 20 God is reconcile the world himself not holding their sins against them and has given us this ministry and word of reconcile and say hey come back to this God is already accepted you come and experience the love that he already has for you that whole teaching this been twisted the church continue to postpone the reality that God introduced in Christ we are now already fully represented in his blameless must the second coming as a doctrine is not in the context of these chapters at all see one Peter 110 to 30 the Aramaic word Maranatha means the Lord has come is not the Lord is gonna come sometime in the future the Lord has come and he continues to come whenever we gather he comes he comes when we open that door and ask him to come in every day when we open our first Love gate he has come and is continuing to come see also one Thessalonians 219 we expect nothing less in the context of the gospel that you in you enjoying a face-to-face encounter in the immediate presence of our lord Jesus Christ that this immediate presence which is the word perusing the has been twisted to mean the second coming of Christ sometime in the future and therefore were only do no enjoy this face-to-face encounter in the future when Jesus comes and takes us into heaven where we can actually experience this now because this is talking about the immediate presence of our lord Jesus Christ in us and us in him this is our delight and wreath of honour the word perusing your means speaks of the immediate presence of the Lord from para are prepositioning clearly indicating close proximity I think proceeding from a sphere of influence with a suggestion of union of a place of residence to have sprung from its author and giver originating from denoting the point from which action originates intimate connection and EMI I am we are in I am and I am is in us this is the awesome revelation of the truth of John 14 of the cross the resurrection and the ascension that we are now in him and he is now in us we can experience this now we can be transformed as living sacrifices to come into the full reality this we need these religious systems and restrictions and limitations of the been placed on us by theology and doctrine evangelicalism and other theologies and doctrines around us from this truth and God wants to restore this truth to us there is not even a hint of judgement or punishment in this word please do not believe everything you read in Strong’s you see all of the Bible dictionaries have been put together by people who already had a preconceived idea a confirmation the biased idea of what it meant in Strong’s G3 952 perusing which is the word for presence from the present participle G3 918 a being near that is adamant often return specifically of Christ’s love or finally the wicked when I come from that was the confirmation bias version of what it meant that the reality is is talking about the immediate presence of not a future return of and yet you’ll find bookshops filled with books talking about the pros ears are second coming of Christ in one sense he did come to Jerusalem he did come at the resurrection he is still coming continually but is not punish the wicked there is no punishment in this word Hebrews 1014 by that one perfect sacrifice he has perfectly sanctified sinful mankind for ever and the word there had year’s own men us means sanctified the present participle describes an action brought as simultaneous with the action of the main there are perfectly this is continual the word tell our weekend in the perfect tense denotes an action which is completed in the past effects of which are regarded as continuing into the present so what Jesus did on the cross what Jesus did in the resurrection what Jesus did in the ascension has been completed and yet is continuing to be outworked see Hebrews 211 for he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have all one origin this is exactly what the Holy Spirit now endorses in us having already foretold in the Scripture Jeremiah 3134 3334 this is my covenant that I will make with you during those days says the Lord and he’s made his covenant with us I will greatly advantage you by giving my laws in your hearts and engraving them in your inmost thoughts the word for giving did only means to give someone something to their advantage and we have been given this reality this is to our advantage if we live in accordance and come into agreement with what is already done this is the process of renewing our minds of with mind agreeing with his mind his thoughts that is now written this within our hearts and engraved it on our innermost thoughts this is something he is place within us this is not an external thing any more he is place these principles of truth within us so we can live from them first 16 this is my covenant that I will make with you during those days says the Lord I will greatly advantage you by giving my laws in your hearts and engraving them in your innermost thoughts this is final I have no record of your sins and misdeeds Hebrews 1017 this is final then really get hold of this this is final I have no record of your sins and misdeeds I cannot recall and if he cannot recall and he cannot punish them nothing in God’s reference of mankind reminds him of sin see Hebrews 812 love keeps no record of wrong and God is love who does not hold sin against anyone that is the reality which we have good news to present to a world that is already reconciled but in the futility of their own mind and through the religious system of been told that their alienation separated and God doesn’t love them we need to present the God of love to through this amazing sacrifice that Jesus offered himself verse 18 sins were dealt with in such a thorough manner that the idea of having to add any further offerings in future would never again be considered nothing that we can personally sacrifice could add further virtue to our innocence therefore when we present ourselves as a living sacrifice will not try and get God to do something we are surrendering so we can enter into something because were not gonna do it independently of him were gonna do it relationally with him verse 19 brethren this means that through what the blood of Jesus communicates and represents we are now welcome to access this ultimate place of sacred encounter with unashamed confidence is open for us to come into the very holy holy is into the Tabernacle and experience this for ourselves a brand-new way of life has been introduced because of his flesh torn on the cross our own flesh can no longer be a valid excuse to interrupt the expression of the life of our design we have a high priest in the house we are free to approach in with absolute confidence fully persuaded in our hearts that nothing can any longer separate us from him we are now invited to draw near let’s draw near this embrace this we are thoroughly cleanse inside and out with no trace of sin stains on our conscience or contact the sprinkle blood purges our inner thought patterns our bodies are bathing cleanse clean water our behaviour bears witness to this now this is the reality that has been accomplished for us and has we present ourselves a living sacrifice we begin to enter into our mind changes our behaviour changes are conscience and the way we think about ourselves changes because they’re not affected by the mindset of how much real sin because we are restored to the image that we had in the beginning therefore we do not need to think like the way the world -shaped us or our behaviour or our genetic bloodlines are shaped us but the truth of who we really are from his perspective begins to transform us and change us whenever we engage through and beyond the veil is important to embrace all that is been done to open that veil so we can boldly enter and live in that realm done just aimlessly stepping don’t just take it lightly as we embrace this engaging will bring transformation because will be going through what the cross is accomplished for us we can be can consciously aware of the trade that is taking place so we live free and that realm as living sacrifices so we are here on the kingdom of earth through the cross to the mercy of God through Jesus the veil through the way through that brazen altar and trading floor as we take that step we come through and we are change and transform our whole thinking is enlightened the truth is been unveiled so now as we come to that covenant exchange we exchange sin and sickness for forgiveness and health death the life old life and new life bondage to sin to freedom something old nature new nature guilt innocent condemned acquitted sinful righteous judgement justification slave to sin slaves to righteousness one Corinthians 521 God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in him and he has enabled us to become the rights of God in him so let’s go through an experience this exchange let’s go through and receive the truth of this exchange as we embrace it so engage in activation where we can look to go through the cross through that process of exchange engaged in the Tabernacle and its individual parts as we engage have the attitude of living sacrifice be proactive about surrendering were gonna go through the veil and engage each part by choice as I so walk this through let Jesus lead you stay stay in one place engage each part is you feel led and don’t make this a one-off thing as an engagement but a lifestyle embrace this until this becomes so part of you that you live this we know heavens open we know this the doors open an invitation to come up here we know the reality of this is asked to experience now so I encourage you to embrace this you are still looking to step into that realm and just think about that open door that latter and just take those steps if you’re engaging in that realm conscious focus your conscious focus on that spirit but actually think about your soul going through the veil going through the exchanging and just make that to go through the veil embrace so if you’re struggling with a receive in exchange sin and sickness receive forgiveness receive new life receive the going through receive righteous transform and engaging the Prince about that restored in to spend a few moments going through the embracing you for all exchanging and trading of his through Jesus our high priest present ourselves to sacrifice is standing in the just as Jesus to take to engage the intake to engage bronze as you stand before the surface light of truth reveals your life as through they can transform embrace living word allowing distortion be transformed the renewing of your mind so embrace your place embrace table show this symbolically take that living bread take the blood sprinkled take them allow the body and blood of Jesus to be applied to communion declarations grace grace grace transform to sonship embrace the transforming I you when you’re ready to move on engage golden altar of incense present your life as an offering to as a living sacrifice to do the will just make presence

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