Love the learning

life involves unrelenting learning. Every situation, problem, people difficulty and oppositional circumstance has something to teach us about God and ourselves. We learn to stand in God. We learn to press into His Majesty. We learn to overcome, persist and receive under pressure. We learn to rejoice always, and in everything give thanks. We learn God’s will for us (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18) in all circumstances.

Every blessing, act of goodness, expression of favor and promise teaches us about the nature of God. What we learn about his nature gradually becomes our character. There is not a single occurrence in life that does not have some learning attached to it.

It is virtually impossible to become Christ like when everything is going well. Our growth in the divine nature comes through learning. When people are stuck, downhearted or discouraged, it is usually a learning issue. Some learning has not taken place therefore we must repeat the cycle. The test has to be retaken at a later period, we are held back, in the previous grade until we learn enough to get on to the next level.

If we do not really learn, we are almost certain to become despondent. If we fail the lessons of peace, anxiety can attach itself to us. We learn trust and faith by using problems effectively. We learn how to put off the old man and be renewed in our thinking by putting on the new man-Ephesians 4: 20-24; Colossians 3: 1- 10.

We have to learn how to walk in spiritual principles to get to the next level in the Spirit.

Learning to think from the realm of heaven and not to the perspective of the world is a major key to growth and power. We are learning how to grow up in all things in Christ. Learning opportunities exist all around us. Make learning joyful. Wisdom accumulates in the people who delight in the maturity.

Love the learning and avoid being angry, hurt or offended. Nasty people are grace growers. They provide (and they do so unconsciously) a shortcut into the nature of God’s kindness, love and goodness. Learn to see the opportunity in the crisis and take advantage.

When we fail to learn we are at a real disadvantage in life. We remain ignorant of how real growth opportunities occur. To remain unenlightened creates a distortion in our relationship with God. People who judge can never become merciful until they learn not to judge. Similarly, when we are angry, we cannot learn nor release love.

Life is full of opportunities to be transformed. When we do not love the learning, we make ourselves available for corrective training. We have to be corrected, which can be embarrassing. The Holy Spirit loves to teach us! If we love the learning that is present then we become teachable, trainable and joyful, willing disciples. We take full advantage of every situation. A teachable person is not available for whining, complaining and pity parties. They are too busy becoming a better individual. When we love learning to trust, we kill off anxiety, worry and doubt. It takes a long process of doubt to come to the place of unbelief in Christ. It involves lots of missed opportunities to learn trust and faith. We learned to worry instead.

Failure to learn positively means we are guaranteed to learn negativity. It is psychologically easier to repeat a defeat. However, when we breakthrough in an area, the pattern of our life is interrupted. God inserts another possibility for learning. There is no breakthrough without follow through. We fight two battles over every issue. One battle is to get free, another to stay free. We all know those people who won the first but lost the second and returned to a negative lifestyle. The second battle is the joyful experience of establishing our breakthrough into an ongoing lifestyle of freedom.

When we love the learning, growth is easier to acquire. We do not have time to wallow in mediocracy. Never allow thinking to create a disadvantage. Being renewed in the spirit of our mind is made possible because our enjoyment of learning creates the inner space for transformation to occur.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of disclosure( John 16: 13-15) He loves teaching us and enjoys our learning. He makes learning fun, interesting and powerful. He knows how to turn everything to our advantage. When we love our learning process, we become truly capable of learning abundance and fullness as a way of life.

Write down, here and now, the details of your current situations as an expression of what you could be learning.

Take time to come before the Holy Spirit as your joyful helper. If your love of learning matches His joy in revealing, then you can have amazing encounters and astonishing learning experiences.

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