Manifestation of the Son in the sons

In the vision the Lord gave me when He projected me into the future to look back on the days that are ahead of us in the next few years, I noticed two things. The people who survived, who were not under deception, who were able to make it, were the people who were a prophetic community. They learned to tune in to the voice of the Lord and they were guided by the Holy Spirit. From the time of that vision, I have not ceased to try to develop every ministry of revelation I can, because they will be the guides of the church. The Lord will speak through them.

The second thing I noticed was the family spirit. Not only were the people walking together with the Lord, but if one would fall, the others would help him up. They were so close together that they took care of one another. They did not consider their own interest, but only what was best for the other person and for the whole Walk. They would sacrifice their own selfish interests every time in favor of the Body.

As the Lord gave me this revelation, I noticed that these two factors, above everything else, would bring this great company through, walking like the children of Israel, out of Egypt through the wilderness right on into conflict and in to possessing Canaan. As surely as Israel was guided by a pillar of fire, this prophetic community was guided by the voice of the Lord. They heard His voice and listened to it. They stood with each other. They were careful to hold one another up in prayer.

This gives us the key of what is going to happen. The Lord grant to us that we take a giant step in that direction right now, all of us flowing together in the unity of the Spirit.

To my way of thinking, the manifestation of the sons of God is a term that we ought to readjust in our thinking. We could call it the manifestation of the Son, because it is the manifestation of Christ through a many-membered Body. When we say the manifestation of the sons, we think of many different sons and we tend to lose sight of the unity. It’s true, they will be unique and distinctive in their ministry because the members of a body are that way. The unity is gained by the diversity. A hand is not like a foot and the foot is not like an ear. It’s because they are different and their abilities and talents are different, that the body becomes one complete unit, functioning perfectly. And so is the Body of Christ.

If we think of the manifestation of sons, we may think of it as many strong individuals doing their thing. And it will not be that. The people of God who know their God will be strong and do exploits, but they will be doing them in a flow of unity. I doubt if ever again in the history of the world anything is going to be done on an individual scale. Everything will be done through the collective Body of Christ, a prophetic community, the great holy family of God. This is the secret of the future.

We must not sin against the Body of Christ. We must renounce the things of individualism and become just one part of this great expression and manifestation in the world. It’s the manifestation of THE Son we’re concerned about—the manifestation of THE Son coming through us. After all, when we speak of sonship, what are we really speaking of? As many as are led by the Spirit, they are the sons of God. It is this being led by the Spirit of the Lord that is the mark of maturity. We reach through that place of independent action, of the expressing of ourselves, and we become so led by the Spirit of the Lord that we are the continual expression of Christ’s words and of His will in the earth. What else are the gifts of the Holy Spirit but the glorious nature, quality, character, and abilities of Christ flowing down through yielded channels, as we are guided and directed by the Holy Spirit. Now let’s take a step toward it.

Lord, we repent of individual action, of independent thinking. We repent, Lord, wherever doing our thing involves just ourselves alone. O Lord, we shall prefer one another. We shall open our heart to that which You would bring forth within every one of us. We pray that this message shall produce this in our hearts, that the word shall move upon us in an outstanding way and we will find ourselves reaching in.

If anyone seems to stray from the Body, give us faith to believe for that which corrects him and straightens him out, not just to bring him back, but to bring him back with understanding of where he has strayed from the congregation of the righteous. Let there be within our own heart that which submits to the Lord even beyond our understanding.

In this hour as You bring forth Your will, let us trust in the Lord with all our heart, and not lean upon our own understanding. If in all our ways we acknowledge Him, if we acknowledge the Body and the oneness of what He is bring forth, is it not written that He shall direct our paths?

The Lord has not called thee to disunity, neither hath He called you to stumble and become a prey of the enemy as ye wander alone. But the Lord hath called thee that thou shalt not break ranks nor thrust one another through. Thou art the heritage of the Lord. Though thou be few in number, yet the destiny that the Father hath ordained that ye shall walk in, is it not a tremendous thing? Hath not the Lord ordained that He shall be glorified in thy midst?

This is an hour that ye shall not regard the small beginnings, nor the feebleness of each individual. But you shall look to see how the Lord hath multiplied and strengthened thee in your faith, that ye should move mountains, that nothing should ever prevail against thee, in the name of the Lord. Thou art the Church of the living God, the first fruits of the Spirit that are brought forth in the earth. Thou art those whom it has pleased God to bless. And though thou art but a humble people, yet remember, it has to begin somewhere. The Lord hath chosen thee, lest men in their wisdom and men in their abilities should be arrogant and boast themselves against God. That’s why He has chosen thee, the poor of this world. He has made thee rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom which He has promised. Thou shalt not despise thyself because thou art little in thine own sight. But thou shalt magnify the office that He has laid upon thee to bring forth His praise in the earth.

Thou shalt walk humbly before the Lord. But thy humility shall not be a projection of thy unbelief nor an excuse for not walking in faith before the Lord. Ye shall be strong and do exploits. Thou shalt know that the Lord is with thee. Ye shall not turn to the right hand nor to the left from the greatness of the things that are before thee. If an host cometh against thee, let thy heart be confident. Though wars rise up against thee, let thy soul boast in the Lord, for the Lord hath ordained His victory to come forth through thee. He is not limited to save by many or to save by few. And He has chosen thee, little flock, to make thee heirs of all these things, to give thee the Kingdom. Yea, it is the Father’s good pleasure, little flock, to give thee the Kingdom. Ought not thy heart to rejoice in it?

Thou shalt not gainsay these things, but open thy heart and say, “Behold, I am an instrument in the hand of the Lord. He shall move through me and it shall be wrought even according to His word.”

The anointing is coming right down upon you. The glory of the Lord rests upon you, and gives you authority. The sign of authority and of judgment is upon our hands. Even as we prophesy, it is coming to pass.

Shall not this be the day that the Lord speaketh the word and behold, it cometh to pass. Even as thine ears hear it, thy heart is moved. The word is not far from thee; it’s in your heart, in your mouth. Ye shall speak it into being. Say in your heart, “We are that people, Lord. We are that people, Lord. Thy judgments are in the earth, and we are that people, O Lord. Thy authority doth rest upon us this hour. We bind and it is bound. We loose and it is loosed. Thine authority is upon us, O Lord. The authority of the Kingdom is upon us, O Lord.”

We bind this area, we bind the principalities and powers. We dare to be the ones that shall voice it and express it. This treasure is in earthen vessels that the excellency and the power may be of God, and not of ourselves. O earthen vessels, speak forth of the treasure that is in thee. Principalities, thou art bound in the name of the Lord.

The frustrations that are upon the religious world and the deception that is even upon those who name the name of the Lord and profess to be in this Walk—we bind that stupidity; we bind the deception that is upon them. We bind the spirit of it that they might be confronted by the Spirit of the living God, revealing to them that which they persecuted, revealing to them that which they speak evil against. Oh, we bind it and bring it down.

In the hour when the false prophets arise and deceivers are many and the seducers of the brethren are without number, let the promise of God be upon thee, O house of the Lord, that thou shalt walk with the Spirit of truth and revelation upon thee—a spirit of revelation and of unity that shall bind the spirit of deception and division that cometh against the people of the Lord like a tidal wave. We shall be that prophetic community that is not deceived, but is walking by revelation; not divided, but walking as one. This shall be thy heritage, O house of the Lord. Thou shalt take it upon thyself to bind princes and kings and to loose governments to exposure. This is the hour that Satan shall find no place to hide. He shall have no place. He shall have no place. He shall have no place!

The Lord speaks to me that thou shalt not worship the Lord thy God as those that are worshiping up out of great tribulation, but behold, thou art seated even with Him in the heavenly places. Thou shalt call to mind the days that are described in the book of Revelation, how they worshiped about the throne. Thou art not worshiping in the midst of Satan’s camp, neither art thou under his dominion any longer. Thou art loosed from all of his dominion. He hath no place and he hath no part in thy life, except that thou shalt bruise him under thy feet shortly. This the Lord hath granted unto thee, that thou art among those who worship about His throne.

Take thy rule, O daughter of Zion. Get up out of the dust. Sit upon thy throne. Be clothed with thy beautiful garments and be glad, for the King reigns. The King reigns in Zion and thou shalt proclaim it to the ends of the earth. Thy God reigneth, O Zion. This shall be thy praise and this shall be thy worship, that thou art those sons of the Kingdom who are ordained to be crowned.

Continually as a priest thou shalt be offering up the sacrifice of worship and of praise about the throne. Thou art kings unto the King of kings and thou art lords unto the Lord of lords. Ye shall stand and worship as a humble people who have been brought up out of the dust and exalted to praise the Lord and worship Him, and continually bow thyself before Him. Thou hast renounced all of thyself and thou hast exalted Him in all thy life. Therefore let Him be praised. Stand and worship in His presence. Worship thou about the throne of thy God. For this is ordained for thee.

The Lord would set a directive before us. We want to hear what He has to tell us. Let this be confirmed. Let there be words, let there be understanding, for the Lord has given an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

If you would turn from the place you are in, where you see a co-existence of victory and defeat, if you would cease to limp before the face of the Lord and be the impregnable army that He hath called thee to be, then hearken unto what the Lord saith to thee. No longer shalt thou walk with any division in thy heart, for when division is in the land, there shall be great deception, and where there is deception there shall be great division.

Thou shalt walk by revelation and thou shalt walk in unity, and therefore doth the Lord give thee the instruction how to walk. Let it be upon the house of the Lord and upon all those that pastor the flock, that they shall give real diligence. If you have been careful before, then you shall look to the Lord with even greater alertness. There shall often be a conferring together.

What we have called the Walk shall become an army. It shall become a march. It shall be the discipline of not breaking ranks. It shall be the discipline of obedience to those who are over thee in the Lord. It shall not be a passive obedience, but an aggressive obedience. It shall not be at one man’s initiative, but it shall be at a word from the Lord Jesus Christ through an apostolic company. It shall be a mighty host that shall confirm the word of the Lord.

The Lord shall utter His voice before the camp. Many shall hear it and those that are deaf or hard of hearing shall hear the word of the Lord from many, many of their brethren. It shall be confirmed to their hearts, that there shall not be half-hearted obedience, neither shall there just be a little diligence on your part, but with all thy heart and with all thy soul, with all thy mind and with all thy strength shalt thou walk as the army of the Lord.

It shall not be within thee at all to draw back from rebuke, but thou shalt suffer the word of exhortation. Thou shalt listen to that which is over thee. Let there not be that within us which has given arbitrary rules and said, “Behold, here is the word of the Lord.” Let there be a carefulness of those who govern. Let it be with diligence that they rule. Let it be with carefulness that they hear the voice of the Lord, lest the people of God be led from their own steadfastness.

Let there be a diligence in the hearts of the people also to learn. For it shall not be that you shall stand and wait and say, “Tell us the word of the Lord.” The word of the Lord shall be in thee. And when those over thee come to bring thee the word of the Lord, thou shalt smile and open thy Bible, and behold, there is a paper where you have already written the word. It shall be a word of confirmation. The word of the rulers shall be a word of confirmation. More and more there shall be diligence in the house of God that they shall hear the word and wait on the Lord and they shall receive that word. When the orders come, it is a word that their hearts have already embraced. And it shall be like a confirmation rather than a directive.

Oh, let there be obedience in the hearts of the people. From now on, thou shalt seek diligently to know His voice, to wait before Him until you understand His leadings. Thou shalt learn the ways of the Lord and walk softly in them. Do not turn to the right nor to the left, and let there be nothing within thee that draweth back, but let every soul give diligence, be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.

I think we just had a guideline of the greatest importance laid before us. All the words in this are safe. This is the safe pattern for us. If you will hear this word and give diligence to all of it, we will not find leaders leading astray nor people being rebellious. All of us, every one of us, have a safe word from the Lord by which to walk. Here is the pattern and here is the guide that has been given to us in the name of the Lord. I’m looking for confirmation.

“The Lord seems to be opening to me afresh and anew the vision of the whole Walk being like one family. There are no cliques, no divisions, no pairing off, no partiality among the individual pastors. We are one big church, one big Body of people. This Living Word will complement the new evangelism because we’re going to be less occupied with internal things and more occupied with the Kingdom.”

“The Lord is changing our awareness. As this unity is coming and the Lord is speaking, we are becoming aware of the Body. We are becoming aware of what God wants, rather than what we want. The problems of division and of strife are on a low level of awareness. When we are aware only of ourselves, we’re selfish. We become divided, concerned with what we want. Yet the Lord is speaking a word and we’re becoming aware of His Kingdom, where there is no division. When we’re concerned with what God wants, we no longer are in the realm of flesh and ego. God has always spoken a word, yet it seemed to fall short. But I discern something happening here. It’s not just that God is speaking, but we’re hearing. The Lord is not only restoring His voice, but the hearing of the Word is coming forth.”

“I want to confirm this word. I believe it’s going to be a fresh creative word in our spirit. Our mind will not be the area of battle, as we struggle with problems of criticism, but we will be flowing together in the perfect Spirit of the Lord.”

“God has always spoken. There has always been a word from the Lord, but in times past it came through individuals. One man stood up and gave a word and the people would rally together and say, ‘This is the word of the Lord.’ A division existed between the clergy and the laity. God has taken all of that away from us. As God is restoring the true ministries, we are all a ministering Body. There is a real restraint upon those who are in places of leadership to tune in to what God is speaking to the Body. If you think that the pastors can just go off and lead in any direction they want to lead, don’t entertain that thought in your mind for a minute. They can’t do it. A great diligence has to be given by those in authority to tune in, ‘Is this what God is speaking to the people?’ And if you have any criticism in your heart, it could be based on the fact that you haven’t been faithful to press in to the Word of the Lord. If the word of the Lord exists in the Body, who can help but speak the word of the Lord. I confirm this word with all my heart. It is such a check and balance in what God is doing.”

“The timing of this word is so perfect. God has been bringing us through the fire and that dying out of self, where the individual no longer exists. This is not a one-man show; it’s a Body ministry. These ministry conferences give us the vision of an overall panoramic view of what God is doing throughout the world.”

I have received from the Lord an anointing of great authority. I’ve received a ministry from the Lord that I magnify before His face. With that ministry I could do many things. All the force of the anointing, everything that God has anointed me to be, I direct in one channel: that of bringing forth the Body, not my own ministry. All the force is there that may seem self-destructive. So let it be.

I know God has laid within many of us strong ministries. We can be strong individuals or we can come and declare that it’s going to be Body ministry. It could be a one-man show or an individual kingdom, but it will not be, because God has brought all of the force and strength with the dedication to see His will brought forth in the many-membered Body. And it’s going to be so.

This is the time of Kingdom awareness. The Lord is opening your eyes, not to my authority, but to the authority that rests upon you, to the authority that is resting upon your shoulders. The Word says that the government shall be upon His shoulders. We prophesy thus and we speak thus. All over the congregation people are feeling the sign upon their shoulders and they know not what it is. Don’t you understand the government is being laid upon you? The rule, the authority, the Kingdom awareness is coming upon you in the name of the Lord. We prophecy it.

God takes the Spirit that is upon Moses and places it on the seventy elders and they begin to prophesy and do not cease. We loose you now into this authority in the name of the Lord. We bless you that this authority will rest upon your shoulders and you’ll begin to realize the awfulness of it. It’s an awful thing that upon you rests this authority, and you have no wisdom, you have no strength in yourself, but He’s laid upon you authority. And it’s not by might nor by power, nor is it by human wisdom that any of these things are wrought. But it’s by authority. The only thing that prevails in the spirit world is authority. All authority in heaven and earth is in the name of Jesus Christ. He lays upon you His holy name. He crowns you with that authority. He lays it upon your shoulders. And He says, “Come, share the throne.”

Who is sufficient for these things? No one, but we rise up to bind and to loose, we rise up for the agreement of faith to have an awareness of the Kingdom. The destiny is resting upon all of us together. There ceases to be a few ministries; it has become a ruling Body that shall upset the balance of the spirit world and bind the principalities and powers and bring down dominions and thrones because all the authority is His. We declare war against every rebellious interloper—demon or human—that takes the glory and the authority unto himself, that builds his kingdom and walks in selfishness. And we determine in our hearts that ours shall be one guiding rule, that we shall seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.

“Let me say this concerning this revelation. Every man whom God has ordained in a place of authority fights withdrawal. As ministries in particular, we’ll just have to take the bull by the horns and say, ‘Satan, I rebuke you. I will not withdraw from this word. I will move in this authority.’

“Now we have this new revelation, but let’s keep it in divine order. We have heard a word on a high plane here concerning the relationship of shepherd and flock. I immediately think in these terms because I’m a shepherd.

“This word said that we would move in a new plane of revelation and we would give you a word and it would be a confirmed word to your heart. Now guard that. The enemy will try to lift you up and you will say, ‘Bless God, the apostle said that the word was to be a confirming word to me. It’s not confirmed to me, so I don’t think my shepherd heard from God.’ Forget that!

“As a shepherd, you have to take this attitude, ‘I will with diligence (That word came in the prophecy) seek the Lord. I will bring His word, and I refuse the lies of the enemy which say that I did not hear from God. I’m going to bring the word.’ And you, as laity, will have to believe in your heart that you are going to receive the word. In other words, don’t lift yourself up and say, ‘My shepherd did not hear from God.’ This still has to be kept in divine order.”

“The ministries are being bound together in divine order. No one is splitting off and doing his own thing. Everyone is flowing together. We don’t have any special evangelist or apostle that is separate from the Body. We don’t have pastors who are out doing their own thing. We are bound together in the Body of Christ, flowing together in authority and in divine order.”

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