Mantle of Praise!

Isaiah 61:1–7 is one of the outstanding prophecies about the Kingdom because it relates to the Kingdom of God as it first comes forth.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord (the year of jubilee), and the day of vengeance of our God: to comfort all who mourn, to grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. Isaiah 61:1–3a.

John the Baptist preached, “… The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 3:2.

 One of the first statements that Christ spoke to the multitudes was, “… The kingdom of God is at hand.” Mark 1:15a.

 The Kingdom actually started in Jesus’ day, but we are living in the day when the Kingdom of God will take over every area of existence. We must read the Scriptures to realize that the Kingdom of God is now coming forth in a different measure than it has ever appeared before.

Isaiah 61 was read by the Lord Jesus Christ in the synagogue at Nazareth (Luke 4:17–21). The scroll of Isaiah was handed to Him; and He read only as far as the line, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord, and stopped there.

 He did not continue on to read about the day of vengeance of our God. Only half of Isaiah’s prophecy was completed in Jesus’ day.

When Jesus came, the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him to announce and to bring forth measures of deliverance. But the day of the double portion and the day of the double ministry, one not only of mercy but also of judgment, is upon us now.

The day of vengeance of our God has now arrived. It also brings forth the garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of the spirit of fainting or heaviness.

As the Kingdom begins to come forth in its power, Isaiah 61 goes on to describe the restoration that must take place. Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up the former devastations, and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, everlasting joy will be theirs. Isaiah 61:4, 7.

Isaiah 60 and 61 talk about a reversal in which the people of God are no longer to be downcast and downtrodden, but the wealth of the Gentiles will be theirs, and the kings of the earth will come to serve them.

Satan and the millions of hostile spirits that are turned loose by Satan against the people of God will be defeated in this generation. Once this victory is won in the spirit realm, everything else will have to change also.

God’s people will completely dominate the economy, as well as all other realms of existence. In the Kingdom we will not have to labor under all the restraints that we submit to now. Now we know in part, but in the Kingdom we will know even as we are known (I Corinthians 13:12).

The Kingdom is coming, and there is a reversal of spiritual gravity involved. Instead of being pulled down and kept earthbound, we shall be drawn upward into the realm of the Spirit. In the latter days the house of the Lord will be established above the mountains, and all the nations will flow into it (Isaiah 2:2). Due to the reversal of gravity, it is established above all other kingdoms, and everything else is pulled upward toward it.

We are feeling this reversal of spiritual gravity already. Within this generation we have watched the upward spiritual pull become increasingly stronger. It was once very difficult to fill a church with dedicated believers. Now it seems that people are literally drawn into a walk with God. It is a day of visitation.

The controlling force of this world is being reversed. The power of God is now becoming greater and greater, and it will continue to grow. The time will come when we are walking in total dedication. We shall exalt the Lord, and He will draw all men unto Himself (John 12:32). How tremendous! He is coming to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe (II Thessalonians 1:10).

The Lord Jesus is not coming to be crucified afresh. Notwithstanding all the lies and efforts of Satan, we are aware that he is furious because he knows that we know what will happen to him.

There is a common understanding that we are in the battle of the ages, and tremendous victories for God’s people are taking place.

What does the Lord say that He will do for us? He will clothe us with a garment of praise. The imaginary character Superman has a mantle with a big “S” on it. We have a garment like that, but our “S” stands for “sons.”

We are rejecting every kind of limitation. We are sons of God ready to move into our inheritance. Ours is the ministry of loosing all creating from futility. God is setting before us a fantastic mission. He is anointing us and clothing us with the garment of praise.

When you know how to praise the Lord in all things, there is very little that can stand in your way. You have literally created an aura of immunity around yourself.

When you understand how this principle works, you will learn to abhor murmuring, complaining, criticism, or any kind of a negative spirit.

People who give in to such moods destroy their immunity and defenses and become wide open to every kind of attack from the enemy.

Therefore, you ought to continually praise the Lord, rejoice, and in everything give thanks, because these are expressions of faith. Thank the Lord for everything that happens to you, knowing that He will work it for your good (Romans 8:28), and He has something very wonderful in mind for you.

I trust the hindrances and the checks of the Holy Spirit as much as I do the direct guidance and anointing. When Satan hinders us, we rebuke him; but when the Lord hinders us, then we should submit to it completely and perfectly.

We do not yet realize the immunity which God brings as He clothes us with this garment of praise. It is also a wedge that opens doors for us. It is like dynamite that blows down walls. When we put it on, we are like a wise builder who builds an impregnable fortress.

In the days of Jehoshaphat singers went before the army praising the Lord. Those who sang before the Lord were the first division of the army. They went forth praising the Lord in the beauty of holiness, and the enemy somehow became confused and began to fight one another.

When the army of Israel arrived, they discovered that the enemy was already dead and none had escaped (II Chronicles 20:17–26). It pays to praise the Lord if you want all your enemies to be rendered helpless. Every invasion and satanic attack that comes against you will be overwhelmingly defeated if you just clothe yourself with that supernatural garment of praise.

The garment of praise is worn only by faith. Praise without faith is a mere babbling of words. You must praise the Lord because you trust Him. Regardless of what you see happening, you know that He is going to deliver you. There is a continual praise in your mouth, and you are exalting the Lord. David said, His praises shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1.

An outstanding illustration of the power of praise is found in Acts 16. When Paul and Silas were beaten and put in jail they sang praises to the Lord. At the midnight hour, the stocks on their feet broke open. Perhaps there were so many angels trying to join the praise that commotion caused the shaking. Even the earth began to shake, and the Lord set them free. Their praise was efficient. It started a procedure of miraculous deliverance.

Praise builds up your defense and defeats that which comes against you. The enemy comes against you; and when you can honestly praise the name of the Lord Jesus, the demons will turn a sickly green.

The very thing which they have tried to accomplish has just been destroyed. The early Church continually rejoiced in the Lord, although they walked in a great deal of persecutions and misunderstandings.

People can be very closely tied to their possessions. What they own often tends to get into their spirits. They want the sense of security that comes from being able to reach out to an object and call it their own.

 If God has given you something that cannot be used for His glory or praise, it will be a burden to you; and it is best to get rid of it. This is not the time to carry any sort of load with you. Do not allow yourself to be overly encumbered with material possessions.

There is a beautiful spirit of worship coming up before God as we do not become anxious about security or possessions. We are ready to be unlimited free channels for God to move through as we simply stand and praise the Lord. What the Lord lays in our hands we shall give wherever He directs.

When you prefer to look after the people around you and have no greater joy than to give, nothing in the world will cause you to become anxious and self-centered.

 If someone needs something from you, give it to him. Be unselfish, concerned only for the Kingdom with your own interests as secondary. God will take care of you. Just keep praising the Lord and rejoicing in Him continually, for that is probably the most sincere worship there is. When you praise the Lord that way, you are showing faith in Him, in everything He is doing for you, and in everything He will do for you.

You have faith in every word that He lays upon your heart, and you are rejoicing in all that He has done, but your praise is largely focused on the future. You are praising Him for the tremendous, wonderful life that you will find in walking with Him, communing with Him, and just being His servant. What a glorious privilege is yours in Christ!

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