
We are looking at how we can go on this journey together, an adventure and how we can discover and engage in the heavenly realms and the spiritual realms that are both around us and in us and in the realms of heaven. We’re looking at two main pathways to engage that. The pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God and that flows from heaven where the presence of God is the garden of God in Eden. From heaven through the gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us so that we can manifest God’s kingdom through our lives to change the world and bring the rule of God around our lives.

The second pathway is a pathway of responsibility which is about kingdom rulership. Because we are children of God and God is the King, obviously he wants us to rule like he does, so he gives us that as we come into maturity. So that flows from the outside in, so that we engage from here into the realms of heaven and then we learn to present ourselves as living sacrifices before God every day, so we can establish his rule.

At base camp we are going to look at four main subjects. Using the gift of tongues to build our spirit and today we are going to look at part one of meditating in the word of God so we can get a flow of God’s thoughts and then we will look at activation of the eyes of our heart, our imagination (soul) and activation of the eyes of our spirit, so that we can then begin the journey that we are going to follow properly.

Today we are going to look at meditation. How we meditate. What is meditation. We are talking about how our meditation works today and we are going to do some practices.

Joshua 1:8 this book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth so, that means you have to speak it. It is not enough just to read it, speaking it is part of the process. You shall meditate on it day and night that you be careful to do according to all that’s written in it.

So, is not enough just to speak it, you have to think about it, meditate on it and do it. It is a very practical thing; it is a lifestyle we have to live. So, we need to do that which we seen then this is the good bit for then you will make your way prosperous. How many of us want to be prosperous. But prosperous is not just talking about finances. Prosperous is talking about excelling to the highest level in everything that we are called to do. So, then you will have success and we will want success in what we do and were all called to do different things we all have different destinies, but we want to succeed in those destinies. So, learning to engage the truth in God’s word is part of that process and it is a key thing.

Proverbs 4:20 is another key passage when it’s talking about meditation. Son- give attention to my words. So, you have to fix your attention on them. If they don’t mean anything and you’re not really bothered about them then there not really going to benefit you. But if you give attention to my words, incline your ear to my sayings, so listen! But how you going to listen unless you speak. So, speaking and listening is part of the process. Do not let them depart from your sight. So actually, seeing what we’re listening to and speaking it is also important. So, there’s a visual element to it. Keep them in the midst of your heart. So, how do we get them into our heart? If they are going to be in the middle of us, central to what we live and how we are going to operate then we need to get them there. This is the promise- for they are life to those who find them and health to all their body. So, there’s a promise here for health, not just healing, because we only need healing if were sick, but if we live in health, we won’t need healing. So, I would rather live in health than need healing personally. So, we need to learn how to live in health which is a promise that we have as God’s children to be in health. Watch over your heart with all diligence. So, if the things in our heart are the things which will enable us to live according to the word of God and to receive the promises of God then looking after our heart is really important!

So, what’s in our heart is important because as a man thinks in his heart so is he. And also, it says from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks so everything we say and everything we think effect how our world is framed around us. So, what does that look like? If we want our world to look like what God says it should be then it is really important that we have his word in us because then it says from it flows the springs of life. So, there’s a flow of the river, the springs of life flow from the inside of our heart once it is on the inside of it. And in this journey, we will learn how to open our first love gate and get a flow of the life of God from heaven into our heart. But meditation is one of the key ways we can do that using the word of God so what is it mean? This is a dictionary definition the act of focusing one’s thoughts to ponder think on use reflect, contemplate, Babel, mutter imagine they’re all definitions another synomons for  meditation would be contemplation reflection rumination. Rumination is what happens when a cow eats grass and he has several Stomachs and he ruminates the grass to get all the goodness out of it in several stomachs sounds a bit grim but in reality we like what comes at the other end milk. So there is some good stuff that happens when we learn how to draw the life out of what that which we meditate on. Deep thinking, remembering in the sense of keeping or calling something to mind, for the purpose of consideration. reflection meditation there all synonyms or words that reflect how do we need to engage the truth, so that truth becomes part of our life. another way of thinking about it is the speaking part of it, to murmur to converse with oneself and hence allowed speak to talk communicate matter babbling roar, mourn study pray imagine. So there is a sense of seriousness around it, in which we need to hear the word of God and speak it to ourselves because when we speak it to ourselves that’s what causes it to take root in our lives because were repeating it basically. And so we got the Bible that has a lot of truth in it. It has a revelation of God; it is a story that introduces us into a relationship with God. But if we read it just as a letter or a dead letter then there’s no worth it is just words but actually it needs to become what God speaks to us now so when we read it actually God speaks practically to us now in it. Which is what’s called the rema or the spoken word of God. And meditation helps us to go from head knowledge to personal experience. Because we can know all sorts of things about everything but not actually know the thing itself and we know that we can read an autobiography about somebody but we actually never met them. so we had head knowledge but no personal experience and we definitely don’t want that with the word of God we want it to be personal experience in which we live according to it and it’s life to us. so meditation really is going over and over something in your mind drawing the truth from it and this was probably the key in my own personal journey how to see in the spirit how to engage spiritual realms this was probably the first key after speaking in tongues was to use speaking in tongues and the word of God and meditation to get truth and I learned how to meditate in the words  so that the word  became alive and God actually spoke to me first person through it and even when you look at how to meditate in the word because of repetition, we use constant repetition of something our brain thinks that’s really important and then it stores it rather than shreds it. because the brain takes in a lot of information every day and it only keeps that which is really, really valuable. So, meditation is repeating something because when you repeat it, it works because it is importance to you. So, when we meditate in the word of God, we are interacting with the Spirit of God who is behind that, to give revelation of it. Otherwise, it is just reading something. So, there has to be a personal interaction with it and if you don’t regularly repeat it then you risk losing what you read and how many people have read something and then totally forgotten what they read, and we do that all the time with things. If we want to keep it, then we need to learn how to meditate. So, in all the encounters that we have and the encounters in this series really which is about you having personal connection with God and revelation of God’s presence of experiencing God firsthand and encountering him firsthand, I would encourage you to journal all those things write them down. That’s the first step that enables you to meditate on them because after you have journal everything you can then go back and look at what you journal and then you can meditate and review what you journal and then you can draw further revelation of it. Because we’ve all had experiences of God, we had maybe visions, we may have encounters, lots of different things that we’ve encountered. But if you just try and remember them, they won’t be a foundation that you can go back to and draw further revelation from. So, I encourage you to write things down in your own personal time with God. Keep a journal, I just write it out on a word document, and it becomes a file on my computer that I can then look at any time. And so each month I journal everything and then I go back and review those things.

So I got a journal for each month of the year which enables me to go back and review it and then enter into it and I find  sometimes God speaks to me about something which he intends me to know about, but he doesn’t intend me to know that just yet . But he is planted a seed.

Now if I don’t remember those seeds then it is difficult to go back and experience what he wants. So, I had things that I journal months before and then all the sudden I go back into that seed and actually that seed then begins to produce roots and shoots because now is the time for growth.

It is important to do that and then often you can revisit the experience when you go back into and meditate around what you wrote. And I’ve had many encounters which have been even greater than the first experience I had with God. Because I went back into it using what I wrote as a doorway into a future experience of it. Now I want to just explain how the mind works with this because it’s helpful just to understand that the mind works in a certain way.

Everything in the natural realm, what we see, we smell, hearing taste and touch comes into our brain and operates in the area of our imagination. In reality it is a screen or a place in our brain which receives electrical signals and interprets them. So, in reality when you smell something the particles in the air that you breathe are translated to electrical signals that go to your brain which is interpreted by a certain smell and that often triggers taste because when you smell something good you remember what it tastes like or something bad you remember not to taste it, because it is bad.

So, everything we’ve learned everything we see and hear goes through our mind. Our brain has two sides, left and right, the left is more cognitive and the right is more creative.

Now there is an area of the brain called hippocampus which is a shredding machine and it shreds useless information so things that are not really important it has to shred to make room for things that are important. So if we repeat things, it shows that we value them, and the hippocampus recognizes that this is something that should be stored and that goes into our memory banks.

Now what literally happens is synapses close and form a pathway, a neural pathway that links to the memories which are important and then we can use that neural pathway or that link to recall the memory and to engage it. Now the memories get stored in the subconscious which is in our heart and that subconscious mind, or brain is like the hard drive of a computer everything is stored there. But things like a program stored in the hard drive doesn’t function until you click on the icon on the screen and then it is loaded into conscious memory and then you use the program and there’s loads of things that are stored in our subconscious mind good and bad which get triggered by things around us that bring them into our conscious mind and then we have to act on what comes.

Now trauma when something really bad happens to us forms instant neural pathways. You don’t need repetition for trauma to be stored as a memory. And many of us have had traumatic events that are stored as memory within our subconscious. And even sometimes our cells, our physical cells store things, like physical harm and hurt within our memory cells. Also, if something is very extreme trauma sometimes our brain protects ourselves from it by forming a pathway around it, so we can’t remember and often that causes dissociative disorders where multiple personalities and other dissociative disorders happen so that we don’t have to deal with it because it’s too painful.

Now that was all natural things, what about spiritual things? Well actually our spirit is connected to the spiritual realm all the time it’s just because we haven’t learned how to store the memories we don’t remember it. so that’s where using the gift of tongues using visions dreams imaginations meditation deliberately, engages the right side of our brain which connects to the storage of those memories, so the more we begin to see and look into the spiritual realm engaging the spirit behind the word in what we do then the more the reality of that becomes something which is in our memory and actually we can engage.

 So when these two pathways that we are following on this course are pathways that we tread over and over and over again we can then engage anywhere on the pathway instantly by thought. We don’t have to walk the pathway to engage a place in heaven because we been there. We have walked the pathway it’s ingrained within our memory and stored as something important in our memory banks spiritually and we can engage and step right into it.

it took me several years to build the pathways up, now I can go anywhere that I’ve been before simply by engaging the memory that becomes a link into, and a doorway to that experience I can step back in. which is why it’s really important.

 So meditation repetition writing it reviewing it revisiting it, is key, so that those experiences are not forgotten but there actually used.

And then we can use them to actually live from, because we’re supposed to live from our spirit not just our soul. so the words, looking at the word of God that become thoughts and meditations and imaginations and doorways into encounter, also form anchors to those encounters because they form a foundation for future encounters. That becomes a doorway again through the process.

So literally the words, because we’re looking today about the word of God, can become a doorway to spiritual experience because the door way is through the word. Then the words also become anchors of experience that keep the doors open, so we can keep going back through them. That’s why it’s really important to keep and fix those things you have experienced so that they can become a access for the future.

Now it’s really important therefore to guard what comes in through our site smell hearing taste touch. We have to guard or physical and solical senses. What we allow ourselves to sense becomes a gateway for that to come into our heart. Because if we fill our heart with rubbish, then what is going to come out of our heart? – Rubbish. So the computer term that says garbage in garbage out. So if you fill your mind and fill your heart with rubbish and garbage what comes out of your mouth and what you live is from the garbage you filled your heart with. so if you fill it with the truth and the word and the life within the word then that will enable us to live.

 So our conscience which is a part of our soul when it is guided by our spirit can help us and protect us from seeing hearing tasting and doing negative things so those things don’t fill our heart. And we will learn more about how to do that.

 So basically the more we repeat the experiences the more the brain learns to value and store those experiences rather than forgetting and shredding it.

So the word becomes a doorway to encounters with Jesus with the father with the Holy Spirit. So we don’t just read about them but we experience them personally in reality and then it becomes an anchor so those become a platform for further experiences to come.

Now the goal of all this is not to gain information. We have so much information, my brain contains a whole load of information so when I play things like trivial pursuit I am really good at it, because I just recall stupid things that most people seem to forget. I seem to recall loads of things but the point of engaging in meditation isn’t about keeping just information. It is so that we can have revelation knowledge in our hearts. So that we can store truth which is revelation not just information.

There is a big difference between knowing something and experiencing and living according to that which we know. So in knowing and in this meditation it is not just about the left side of the brain function. Study intellectually trying to understand it logically figuring it out. Because so many things with God cannot be figured out logically and those that try to use logic to figure it out get in a metal. They do, I have been there.  I have been very left brained worked in terms of studying and try to understand the Greek and the Hebrew and all the stuff which was great. I am not saying there is anything wrong with doing that, but if you stay with that and don’t get any further, it is just information that you have. When you go further into it then actually becomes revelation and then you live according to it. So in meditation we are literally positioning ourselves to hear God’s voice and experience his presence. So when we are meditating on the word of God, it is so that the word of God can be firmly established in us and so that we can prosper and succeed.

Now God speaks to us when we meditate and we need to learn how he speaks. Because he can be speaking and if you are not tuning into what he is saying you can miss it all the time. And a lot of people miss it because they think it is just themselves. Well I was just thinking that. Well if you were thinking something you’ve never thought before and didn’t know, how could it come from things that you already knew? Think about that?

Something that comes new that you’ve never known must come from an outside source, so when you’re meditating in the word of God and you have a thought that comes into your mind about what you’re meditating on and you never had before, that is God speaking. It is not your brain engineering something intellectually; it’s the Spirit of God so it comes as a spontaneous flow of revelation. So he communicates to us differently because we’re all different. We are all wired differently; we all have different redemptive gifts which wire us up to the world differently. And therefore some people, it is through thoughts some people pictures feelings impressions Visions.

Whichever Way God speaks to us we need to tune in and learn to tune into it. now you can learn to do all of the others by practice but you generally have one way which is more attuned than the others and if you want to learn some the others you just have to practice doing that and they will get better as well. Because you will learn how to see or to hear as opposed to feeling or different things.

So it is really important in meditation to actually learn how to engage in the way God speaks so we can tune into that and then we can begin to engage it.

Now the word of God is the basis, what we are going to start with. But meditation can go beyond the word into the encounters with Jesus personally .but the word of God is the beginning of our experience. But it is not the end of it because there’s more about God than can be contained within a book, because God is infinite.

So it is really important to know it cannot be limited just by the Bible. Now we can go to the word of God and we can find something that we’ve encountered to help us see where that fits in, if you like. We had a vision does that tie in with the word of God. I had a vision of killing somebody does that tie in with the word of God, not really if it is a physical thing. so we need to know if God said don’t kill but in a spiritual sense if that was a vision which had an interpretation was destroy the works of the enemy around your life then your spiritually looking to engage what it meant.

So you need the Spirit to give you revelation of what you see, which is what happens in meditation because you take a vision or dream or a picture and you take it back to God and you begin to meditate around it and he can reveal to you what he was trying to say because sometimes, for me I have learned how to hear what he says directly because I practiced this a lot.

When I first began this I was just learning to try and hear what he was saying, and it wasn’t as clear as it is now. So sometimes it came in symbols and it came in pictures and a lot of the Bible is about symbols and pictures which we can get in a mess if we don’t understand what they mean.

 So that is where need an anchor in the word to give us something to start with. Does this lineup with the character of God? Does it lineup with God’s person? does it lineup with the way God works will. That gives us a clue on to what God is trying to show us through the meditation.

 But not everything is specifically in the word of God and for a lot of people this is a big issue right now. We’ll if its not in the word of God then you just making it up we’ll the reality is are computers in the word of God? no cell phones and every other thing like that no but that doesn’t mean we don’t use them. They are not bad. just because something isn’t in the Bible does not make it bad so we must be sensitive to the fact that God can speak outside and use things outside of everything that is written in the word of God.

So meditation turns the Logos into the written and that can bring faith to us and it can turn the intellectual knowledge into personal experience.

 So in meditation God can speak to us outside of the context of what the Bible is. Now isn’t that dangerous well actually God wrote the word and he can use it any way he wants.  and Jesus is the living word of God and many times he’s given, I  have read a verse and he has spoken to me and given me revelation of what that verse meant to me right then because I needed it, totally out of context of what it was written in the Bible because he can speak to you in such a way that the word becomes alive to say something to you now for this day and it  might  have nothing to do with how it was originally written for the original people .but it doesn’t mean that God can’t bring fresh revelation to it. it doesn’t change what it was written to the original people, of course not. But God can speak through the word and we need to be willing for him to reveal things to us that way.

Now what are the benefits of meditating  on the written word of God? We’ll it washes us and cleanses us, faith rises in us, revelation truth flows to us the word become stored or memorized in our hearts. A few Scriptures around that Psalm hundred 19:11 the word,

 Your word I have treasured in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:105 your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, it guides and directs us. psalm119:15 I will meditate on your precepts. Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible, I think it has 176 versus. it is right middle the Bible and it is a really key chapter to understand how the word of God works in our life. I encourage you to read it and meditate around it. it takes a while because it is a long thing but there are certain Scriptures in there that will jump out at you and you can get real truth from it. your servant meditates on your statutes. verse 27 I will meditate on your wonders verse 99 your testimonies are my meditation 148 I meditate on your word. all through that whole chapter, whole psalm it shows the importance of meditation.

 two Timothy 316 and 17 all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching for reproving, for correction for training in righteousness so the man of God may be adequately equipped for every good work so if we want to fulfill our destiny it is absolutely vital that we have the truth of God’s word in our hearts, so we can live out of it.

 Now Jesus is the living active word, a piece of paper or the book we have is nothing without Jesus behind it and the Spirit of God bringing life to it.

 Because that book has caused wars, it is caused conflict all over the world if it’s applied wrongly. it will produce life and health if it’s applied correctly to our lives, so we need Jesus and the Spirit to do that. but it is important as a plumb line and an anchor and a doorway.

Ephesians 5:26 so that he might sanctify her, this is talking about the church having cleansed her by the washing of the water with the word. there is a washing that comes as we read the word of God as we meditate on itit cleanses us and renews our mind and changes how we feel and think.

 Romans 10:17 faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ .now the word of Christ, didn’t say the word of God does it ?says the word of Christ. Christ means the anointed one and his anointing.

So if we are going to meditate to produce faith it has to be anointed. it has to come with power applied by the spirit otherwise we just reading letters on a page. so we need the anointed word of God .that’s why you can read something one day and it mean nothing and you can read the same thing another day and then all of a sudden the anointing on it and it just comes and hits you in the face , I never saw that before. I don’t know how many times I read through the Bible lots of times in my life I can still read it and meditate in it and get new truth because all of the sudden God wants to speak through that and he anoints it so it can produce faith in my heart. then I can begin to act on it and live according to it.

Now faith is a really important aspect in all that we’re going to learn to do. in this process we need to engage faith. If you read the word of God with no faith then it is not going to benefit you that much.

 So when you read it you have to expect that God is going to speak to you through it. You have to expect that it is going to be life and health. if you just, well I’m doing it out of duty or fear it is not going to produce life. but when you choose by faith I’m going to read this expecting that God is going to speak to me then he will engage that.

So I choose like when we do exercises I choose to step in I choose to open the door I choose to come in agreement with the exercise. Because when we do an exercise later you can sit there and you cannot engage that exercise at all if you don’t want to. but if you choose to engage by faith to receive what God is going to give me through that, than that faith will engage God and he will begin to work in your life. God will always honor our desire and willingness to participate in faith and then as we do that our senses become more and more attune as we practice. because when we first do something is not always easy, for the more you do it easier it gets. so when the first time you engage in an exercise, I am going to step into the realms of heaven by faith, you may not feel or see an awful lot. but don’t give up keep practicing stepping in and then things become clearer and you will sense more and you’ll begin to engage more .

So faith activation using familiar physical things can help. So if you’re thinking about stepping in through a door in heaven, actually looking at a physical door here or standing in it and stepping across the doorway can give you an entrance into that experience, because you got a memory to work on. What was it like when I crossed over the door so you can do that? Personally I didn’t really need to do a lot of that. my imagination was very active so I didn’t need to do it. but some people do and you can do the same thing like with a familiar place you want to engage in intimacy with God. so picture a place that is a quiet familiar place that you’re comfortable in, which can help stepping in. in doing it what we are doing is freeing our spirit to engage and receive the revelation that comes through thoughts pictures impressions words  and spirit. So you’re getting your mind or your conscious brain out of the way, because you will try and figure out and analyze and stop the flow.

I have done it so many times, God has started to speak to me and I’ve not let him finish and I took something he said and begun to try thinking about it, and analyzing, was that me?, and then there was a lot more he was wanting to speak to me and I stopped it.

 So listen to everything he says and then you can write it go back to it. Don’t try and figure it out as you go, Because it will stop the flow. So John 10:27 my sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me. It is absolutely vital that you are able to hear the voice of God when he speaks to you, so then he can direct you and guide you and you can follow him.

Hearing God’s voice through the word is the beginning of that process of eventually getting real living conversations with God. that’s how it worked for me, I learned to meditate in the word learn to recognize his thoughts speaking in the word and then I began to ask him questions and he spoke to me in the same way. by thoughts coming into my mind and we would have a conversation, we still have conversations like that where I basically ask him something in my mind , I don’t necessarily do it out loud. I ask him in my mind as a thought and he answers with a thought. And so we have a conversation that goes on in my head and that’s where most of these things come.

If you’re expecting an audible word to come actually out loud sometimes it happens but very, very rarely, most of this stuff happens with inside your own heart inside your own mind where you learn to think and listen and engage.

John 17:2 says this is eternal life, now eternal life is not what happens after we die. Eternal life is the quality of life which is engaging eternity and bringing eternity into our present reality. And eternal life is knowing God, knowing him, not knowing about him but knowing him. And that’s how Jesus lived his life, when he was here on earth, he lived his life knowing God in reality and you can read it in John 5:19 20, 30 Jesus demonstrated the ability to live out of that constant relationship with God. And therefore he declared I only do what I see the father doing I only say what i hear the father saying. He didn’t do anything of his own initiative, he did everything flowing out of that relationship with God.

 If we live that way we will follow our destiny, we will follow the path that God has prepared for us. We won’t go to the left or right or get off track or get lost and do our own thing. Because we will constantly be connected to the source that will be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. it will show us what the next step is, it will show us where that pathway is going when we learn to engage it.

 So God’s voice in our heart sounds like a flow of spontaneous thoughts generally. Now to engage those thoughts you have to be still, if you’re rushing around anxious fractious trying to find out from God or hear from him, it is really difficult to hear. the more you relax the more the right side of your brain functions and the easier it is to hear God. so being still is an important part of that and learning how to sense God’s thoughts and  emotions that come as well, is easier when were still, practically it is easier. Meditation works better when were relaxed. So it works better often with our eyes closed because when our eyes are closed our brain waves slow down and they pick up spiritual connection easier. when our eyes are open our beta waves are functioning and they are designed for us to work things out. So they are always processing. So when you close your eyes and you relax everything helps you to meditate, which works better.

So Psalm 46:10  let be and be still and know that I’m God. so you have to let things be, don’t try and figure things out, or take a whole load things into a meditative process, Because your mind will be filled with things. if you’re going in thinking, what am I going to do today, am I going shoping, what do I need to do today, I got this thing and. if you take that into this thing your mind will be just spinning around.

 And it is so much harder to hear God when your mind is spinning around so let all that be, park it. you know,  you have to learn how to do this and  the way I learned how to do it, when a thought came into my mind  which I didn’t want, I would just write it down and park it. Because often it would be something I did need to think about but not then. so and then that just meant I could move on and I didn’t have to think about it, I just parked it and moved on to experience . now you get all sorts of thoughts which will try and stop you engaging God.  but we have to learn to get over those thoughts so that we can just know God by being still.

 Isaiah 40:31 says those who wait on the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power .so as we learn to meditate and we wait in that process in stillness it can change our lives it can renew our minds it can fill us with renewed strength and energy and power. I think that is a pretty good deal so we just have to learn to be still and when you’re still you can then actively listen to what God is saying and the revelation that comes through the word. So let’s just practice this a little bit. last time we engage in praying in tongues so we are going to again just pray in tongues out loud for a minute, then just pray in tounges in your mind and just begin to relax, still your mind, focus on Jesus and then I want you to pray in tongues out loud and then read Psalm 23 which I will put up on the screen, so just close your eyes and begin to just meditate and pray in tongues

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Just allow your mind gate God place is always listening to that Jesus just came and gave me a hug simply because I was engaging when he said I am that I am here now the thought just came into my mind that he was here right then and I just saw him in my imagination just came give me a big we just need to learn how to flow with that was good do it another exercise was Psalm 23 this following same thing through organization shall not one makes you lie down in green pastures the seat beside quiet my soul he guides the in paths of righteousness for his namesake even though I will you shadow of death you will you will will understand you parent take for me presence of my enemies you have into my head come surely goodness lovingkindness of all day I I the house of the Lord is my shepherd I shall a little is a should shall will his show you shall not will ship shall not one the will you will you will be more and all the world all Lord is my shepherd I shall not all my will I will is my will I or my mind is shall not all is I will will will will will I will is my shepherd Lord is my shepherd Lord is my will is my shepherd I shall not all my shepherd I shall on motion our will ship on his will my will show you is my I will is shall will ship and I shall always will I shall I can shall not always my shepherd I shall not Lord is shall is my shepherd you shall not Lord is my shepherd I shall not shall will Lord is my ship shall will Lord should shall should shall is the shepherd I shall not Lord is my shepherd is will Lord is my shepherd I shall Lord is my shepherd I shall is my shepherd I shall not Lord is my shepherd I shall is shall makes me lie down in green the use my soul he guides me in righteousness for his namesake even though I walk through the valley of the shadow I see you know your they you all the presence and you have anointed my head up surely goodness lovingkindness only the days I will house when I got to the Lord is my shepherd I shall all sorts of thoughts to start them into my mind I shall not when I said that image my mind Lord is my shepherd I shall love you I shall fully shall serve you actually engage face-to-face with you I shall fulfill my destiny us to prosper is our success in all that I do Lord is my shepherd I shall not sin I shall not leave the pathway designed for me I shall not do anything that sends you works you I shall not thoughts of God is can begin to flow you can engage in so encourage you to do now is just use that first line yourself and just spend a couple minutes in your own mind around that if you want to saying the same thing Lord is my shepherd shall look to the thoughts come into your mind as you begin just to think about matter Babel those words to yourself and meditate as those just meditating on that myself will came into my mind Jesus is the servant King is my shepherd is the Lord is a servant and I saw Jesus just come to me and he was mercy as he did his disciples demonstration is servant heart love and yet also sort of Jesus there throne around the center ruling majesty and power of our farm all is about powers of everything else a picture Jesus on the cross ultimate servant giving up his life for us depth of his love for you just pictures thoughts that came as I just begin to think about the Lord is my ship the word encourage you to do in your own times with God just begin to practice meditate and gain the thoughts of God Choon so that you hearing him engaging with him it becomes a living experience you can have every day be life we practice easier it gets practice a long time for easy for me now but this is the foundation which everything else other to see the spirit came from

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