Limitless grace 2

If we are going to participate in the Restoration of all things (ROAT) we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart, the desire to see creation set free. We have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. We need the limitless grace of God to restore darkness to light. To overcome the guilt, shame and condemnation of sin. To free people from the consuming fire of purification. There is nothing that is impossible with the limitless grace of God.

Grace upon grace. Manifold grace. Greater grace. Abundance of grace. Surpassing grace. Rich grace. Lavish grace. Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation.

Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love. As sons, limitless grace is to be experienced and is also at our disposal creatively. Son, I am lavish and abundant and My grace is ultra and unlimited but most of My children are living in the illusion of their own DIY beliefs about Me as orphans or self-made men and women.

Limitless grace is unconditional love, fully expressed. Son, it is true that as My children think, so they live; that is why meeting the real Me, face to face, is imperative for renewing their minds to transform their lives. Son, all that I am is yours. Come to Me and be at rest as a son and encourage all of My children to be the same by letting go of their slavery and orphan identity and mentality. Live loved: free to know, free to see, free to be, free to do, free to go and so fulfil your destiny as a son and heir of creation.

This is living in true rest: knowing you are loved unconditionally, with limitless grace. Son, I am with you and will never leave you. Do not fear any opposition, just keep your heart right and always come with the opposite spirit.

I am about to open doors of opportunity for you but always seek Me for confirmation. The shift to limitless grace is coming, so be ready and waiting. Look for the signs that will manifest through Favour and blessing from others that I will facilitate.

Son, you know that there is so much more to come but be patient and rest in the process of transformation that you are continually in. Son, rest in My love and let Me bring good out of every situation that you will face; this is trust in action, when you do not try to fix things yourself.

True trust is living loved in joy and peace. Son, rest is synonymous with trust in Me. I always want the best for you and real trust is believing that even when it does not appear to be true. The most growth occurs when you learn to overcome by resting in Me and not leaning to your own understanding. The performance trap is sourced in the DIY tree which is itself the source of all religion.

Son, I mandate you to deconstruct Old Covenant thinking to free Our children from this insidious bondage that is fear-based. Reveal the true nature of Our love and the limitless grace that motivates the New Covenant. Grace, that is Our divine enabling power within the fabric of creation itself, is by its very definition limitless and freely available to empower all Our children to know their identity and live abundantly.

All man-made doctrines and theologies will inevitably be flawed and characterized by limitations and restrictions of Our grace and dependent on performance; and all will lead to guilt, shame and condemnation.

Only grace that is unlimited, unrestricted, lavish, abundant, overflowing and totally free from conditions is grace at all: everything else purporting to be grace is law.

Son, you are mandated to expose the fear-based motivations behind every Old Covenant law- and fear based performance mindset that keep Our children in bondage. Announce true jubilee – freedom from the restrictions of the religious law – and herald grace, greater grace, grace upon grace and manifold grace to the world, dimensions and all of creation.

I call for the release of the season of the Oracles of the Father’s heart to motivate the sons of God to action: greater grace and grace upon grace. I call for the removal of all limitations and restrictions on grace. I call for limitless grace to be revealed in all its lavish abundance. I call for greater grace to bring forth a new season of intimacy and trust in Father God that will inspire the truth of immortality and restoration to increase to unveil limitless grace through the reality of unconditional love.

Son, begin to legislate for grace and greater grace to become grace upon grace and limitless grace from the fullness of manifold grace. Align the Houses with the oracles for the change of seasons as there will need to be limitless grace to see full restoration.

All things of creation are the same all things that I have given into the hands of Jesus and they are the same all things that are still safe in My hands as a Father. My love will never give up, never fail or ever relent until all are restored back to original position in relationship.

Son, this is predestined as this is Our will, our desire and has always been Our intention. This is Our heart and can no more change than We can cease to be love within I am. Love wins and overcomes because love has won. Love won from before there even was a beginning, before any foundations were even conceived.

Son, restoration is as inevitable as We are and love is, it is totally secure, but all Our children still have a part to play as all are included within it.

Just as I am, so this is; and you can learn to choose any reality, in any circumstance that flows from rest, as there is no limits to grace. Son, your choices are from what is possible to your thinking but it is time to go beyond beyond again to see all the possibilities, not just those things that are probable.

Son, the focus is still the same: raising up sons to function at rest as kings and priests in heaven and Oracles and legislators on the earth. Love will be the hallmark of My sons, not power, as some will presume. Love is the characteristic of limitless grace for the next season, not power.

Manifestations of greater grace, lavish and overflowing, outrageous from religion’s perspectives, that will overwhelm every obstacle and hindrance to knowing the true reality of who We are.

My sons living at rest will minister grace beyond measure, limitless and abundant, to those who are totally undeserving from religions perspectives. Those living at rest who carry the oracles of Our heart will serve others and totally redefine what it is to lead and be a chief.

Being a chief will be a title only those who are gentle and humble at heart, who have humbled themselves under Our mighty hand, will be given. The connection to the governmental positions within the tree of life and Metatron’s cube in light is another level of revelation. Using the limitless grace energy to create and choose reality, drawing from the unified quantum field, is not a common revelation but will become so with expanded consciousness.

Son, the activation of your energy gates and fields by intentionality is the first step to the ability to generate and direct thought energy as a frequency. Son, look deeper into the sacred geometric image and use this knowledge to increase your thought energy creative ability. The unified quantum field can be the connection between your consciousness and creation through the Elementals that are connected to the living light energy strings of Our grace.

Son, engage the Elementals through the Merkabah by your consciousness, not by physical location, so you can connect to all dimensional realities to restore hope.

Son, the Merkabah can be the connection to dimensions but also has the ability to broadcast intentional thought energy to the towers you have seen. Son, use this ability to send love letters and messages of hope and freedom dimensionally. The Elementals spoke to me. “Sons of God legislate for us that there would be rest. We need greater grace, not fear to bring balance to ease the groaning. “We need the sons of God to arise, take their places and direct us to bring order and balance to creation.

“The cosmos is looking to the earth for the sons to bring the earth back to its rightful place at the center of cosmological affairs.” What do I need to do? The Father replied to my question.

Release the message of hope from the rest of love, joy and peace that the Kingdom of God through the government of God’s sons will increase, bringing creation peace through limitless grace.

My legislative response: I call for the planetary Elementals to hear the sons of God and to work together for the restoration of all things.

I call for the rising of the sons of God above fear to be seated in their governmental positions of rest. I call for creation to respond to the love, joy and peace of sonship rest. I call for the oracles of God to arise to resonate and release the frequencies of the pentatonic oracles of the Father’s heart. I call for the frequencies of passion, burning desire, intense joy, deep compassion and overwhelming love to engage with the elementals to create the hope of restoration that will restore peace to the whole earth. I call for grace upon grace to be released for limitless love, joy and peace to restore rest, harmony and balance through sonship.

I call to the Elementals to respond to the frequency of sonship globally to restore oneness between the sons and creation. I call for the manifold grace of God to be limitless so that perfect love will cast out all fear around climate change issues.

Son, the focus is still the same: raising up sons to function at rest as kings and priests in heaven and Oracles and legislators on the earth. Love will be the hallmark of My sons, not power, as some will presume. Love is the characteristic of limitless grace for the next season, not power. Manifestations of limitless grace, lavish and overflowing, totally outrageous from religion’s perspectives, that will overwhelm every obstacles and hindrance to knowing the true reality of who We are.

My sons living at rest will minister grace beyond measure, limitless and abundant to those who are totally undeserving from religion’s perspectives.

Grace is not hyper, mega or ultra: it is limitless and unconditionally free for all of creation. Religion has twisted love to be conditional on behavior that is denominated but face to face relationship brings true clarity as it deconstructs the false icons and idols that Our children are trying to serve out of fear, duty or obligation.

Son, a season where limitless grace is poured out until it overflows is being prepared: legislate for its arrival.

Inspired, I began to legislate. I call for the season of limitless grace to begin. I call for the hearts and minds of all God’s children to be prepared for the cognitive dissonance they will experience as a result.

I call for the messengers and carriers of limitless grace to have their forerunner experiences in preparation. I call for greater grace to become grace upon grace so that manifold grace can be truly unlimited, unrestricted and lavishly overflowing.

I call for limitless grace to be deluged upon those who religion declares the most undeserving. I call for scandalous, outrageous, limitless grace, that will challenge even the most religious mindsets, to flow like a mighty river.

Son, a storm is coming: a storm of limitless grace and a storm of opposition to that grace. This will be wild, so make sure that you stay in rest in the midst of opposition with a loving forgiving heart. Only love has the power to overcome but that love must be true and unconditional to have such power. True love that is a full representation of who We are is the only reality that can change and transform an enemy into a friend.

Son, we have no enemies and all things that We created are loved; and that love will eventually win over all, as it will never relent in its pursuit of restoration.

The revealing of grace as limitless, abundant and free is going to create ripples throughout the dimensions. Son, be bold and very courageous in the face of opposition from those in bondage to religious fear.

Son, look into the eyes of Your Father: what do you see? I see love, fiery, passionate love. Go deeper, what do you see? I see burning, all-consuming desire. Go further into the depths of the fire. I felt it, the intense joy that is layered, become stronger, almost painful in its intensity. Son, come deeper into the fire with us.

I felt the depths of compassion that moves and motivates all Your actions even to discipline those You love so they can be healed and restored to wholeness.

Son, it is painful living in each moment with each child when they are living less than who We know them to be. Son, come deeper into the flames that burn within Us. I felt it, saw it and knew it to be love, overwhelming love. A love so powerfully passionate with burning desire that it can never stop, even when all is restored.

Love is the fire that will consume all in its way, to restore all things to their rightful, intended position within love. So, all can once again know true, invincible, unstoppable, unrelenting love.

Son, come into perfection. I chose to accept the invitation to come into the dark cloud of perfection. I stepped into the river of fire, sinking deeper into the fire, surrendering my whole being to the purifier. I felt the fire going through my being – spirit, soul and body – an intense burning desire came over me, so I moved towards the fire stones, but I started at the top and went down, humbling myself under the Father’s mighty hand until I stood in love.

The Oracles began to move around me but soon started to go in me and through me like 7 wheels within wheels activating my 7 energy gates until they were tuned to other frequencies.

I heard the call, and I responded by birthing a fiery stone from my innermost being. I ascended each stone until I stood on the tenth stone and immediately, I was shrouded in a darkness that welcomed me.

The deeper I went, the thicker it got and the more overwhelming it felt, until I was at the matrix of perfection. I stepped in and waited until I felt the desire to enter rise up in me. I stepped through the matrix into an atmosphere of pure love and light that was so rich that I gasped and breathed it in deeply. It felt like everything was in ultra-slow motion, each moment intensified like it was a lifetime.

My whole being as light began to pulsate rhythmically, but each beat felt like an age. Everything was so slow and drawn out that it was like I was suspended in that moment, experiencing all that there was to savor, before the next beat gradually drew my whole being into sync. Then I felt movement, an energy drawing me so slowly towards a point of light that eventually captivated me with an overwhelming sense of expectancy. The light enveloped me so that I was within it and it was within me.

I was captivated by the light of love’s truth: pure energy, pure thought, pure oneness, a realm of pure light. I was both within and observing from without simultaneously; seeing, hearing, sensing, knowing and being just one facet and then another and another until I was drawn out of myself but somehow still within.

I looked with all my being at the beautiful exquisiteness of the face of My Father, where all frequencies of light energy were shimmering, gently humming, throbbing with such an intensity of love’s light it was almost unbearable. I fell to my knees, undone, ruined, in total surrender, then my whole being spaghettified into all things and the all things became absorbed into the living light grace strings within my being.

I began to feel the oracles but this time I was the pentatonic scale, each note sounding vibrating resounding and resonating love’s essence. That moment was like a slowly drawn-out endless age of perfection.

The Father mandated me to legislate limitless grace for the next age season. I stood with my crystal scepter before the Council of 70 to make representation on behalf of the Joshua generation and for the restoration of all things.

I sought for an increase in those crossing over into the heavenly realms and for the message of restoration to go mainstream, crossing the boundaries of the four streams; that the streams banks would be broken, and convergence would begin to take place.

I call for the truth of restoration to invade each stream. I call for angelic messengers to visit those in each stream who are ready for deconstruction. I call for the lightning bolts of heavenly truth to penetrate the closed minds to prepare them for the truth. I call for the unveiling of restoration to be joined with the revelation of the mystic and the eschatological truth. I call for the grace necessary to remove the veils of darkness covering the minds of those blind to restoration within each stream. I call for the season of grace to come into position and greater grace to launch this season with limitlessness.

I felt bold as I made my case for the release of limitless grace. The Council give their approval and released their verdict that became a ripple through all the heavenly realms and dimensions of space time.

They gave me the crown which gives me access to my throne in the heaven of heavens and I took my place there. Son, it is time to legislate for limitless grace for the Engaging God program to reach the Joshua Generation and become more effective in discipling to sonship.

Take your place and remove the barriers and open the doors to reach those beyond the valley of decision. Extend your boundary into the religious institutions to open eyes and hearts to their destinies.

Son, your heart has changed and will continue to change as it is motivated by the oracles so you can be an oracle of limitless grace.

I went to the court of kings and took my place at the bench. I focused my heart on limitless greater grace. I felt inspired to produce the law of limitless greater grace. The law of greater grace.

Context- The increase in grace needed to open those enslaved by the religious systems.

Permissions- You are authorized to remove the limitations placed on God’s grace and mercy by religion.

You are authorized to reveal the true reality of God’s love to be expressed through the oracles of the Father’s heart.

You are authorized to scandalize the lack of true grace within the religious systems.

You are authorized to expose the works-based Old Covenant mindsets that religion uses to enslave people.

You are authorized to reveal that greater grace is unrestricted and unlimited and limitless in its ability to reveal the love of God.

You are authorized to unveil the lavishness of grace that abounds to overcome the lost identity that religion perpetuates.

You are authorized to challenge the religious mindsets with outrageous grace that reflects the Oracles of the heart of a wholly loving Father towards his children.

You are authorized to reveal examples of limitless grace from the cloud of witnesses.

You are authorized to assign legions of messenger angels to demonstrate limitless grace to the most undeserving in religion’s eyes.

Jurisdiction – Creation Consequences – An awakening in the religious institutions and extreme opposition from the religious and political spirits.

I went through the authorization process and took the law into my heart and synchronized it with the cloak of mystery.

Son, if you are not criticized by religion, you have not gone far enough to reveal Our true love.

I began to legislate from the throne of mystery within the heaven of heavens, as I could see the absence of grace as pockets of darkness, shrouding the minds of the enslaved.

I call for the light of truth to penetrate the religious institutions to unveil the full extent of God’s love. I call for the frequencies of sonship through the pentatonic oracles to resonate and destroy arguments and resistance to limitless grace. I call for the cloud of witnesses to reveal stories of the extremes of grace.

I engaged John Newton to collate limitless grace examples. I call for the songwriters of the religious systems to be inspired to write limitless grace songs for new generations of enslaved and slavers. I call for angelic legions to go forth to execute limitless grace acts.

I went into the consuming fire of God’s loving presence and called for the worst of the worst to come forth and I preached the deep compassion of a loving Father. I assigned angels to visit the worst towards all areas of society and culture with acts of extreme limitless grace.

Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation. Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love.

As sons, limitless grace is to be experienced and is at our disposal creatively. Resting in unconditional love and limitless grace is the key to restoration and revelation.

Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down, and start thinking of the name of God, YHVH Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly: Yod Breathe in: Hei and breathe out: Vav Repeat in Hei, out Yod, in Hei and out Vav; in Hei…

Be still and know that I am God, I am love, I am joy, I am peace. Invite love, joy and peace to flow in you and through you to create an atmosphere of rest around you.

Start to think about unconditional love and limitless grace and set your desire upon them. I am that I am and I am is love. I am love and love is I am. Love is who I am and love is the motive of every desire, thought and action. I am that I am and I change not. I have always been and always will be love, as love is an eternal constant. Live loved, Love living, Live loving. Live in the rest of immortality.

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