Limitless grace 4

If we are going to participate in the ROAT we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. Have the desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God.

Grace is divine enabling power. Grace is the strings of energy, the smallest known particles that exist within the fabric of all creation and are building blocks of all existence. Grace is the vibrational frequency of Jesus’ voice that holds all things together. Grace is the zero point energy of the unified quantum field that connects all existence by entanglement through quantum foam. Grace is the living light beings, the Quantum Lumens, that are the building blocks of all creation. Grace is the electromagnetic frequency, the light that is omnipresent within all of creation. God is light and we are being transfigured as sons to reveal and express that light of limitless power or energy. Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation.

Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love. As sons, limitless grace is to be experienced and is at our disposal creatively. There is an angel and an order of angels called Limitless. I have encountered Limitless often during engagements to restore fallen ones. Limitless helps expand our consciousness to greater dimensions of grace in action.

Son, there are specific ones of Our creation that have been assigned to work with you to help you interface with the fallen ones so they can be restored to their positions in creation. You have engaged with Faith, Hope and Love, Limitless, Unity, Blessing, Love, Power and a Sound Mind (Discipline); there are others still to engage. Son, release the sound of the ancient paths; call them home from the highways and byways of creation.

From within the dark cloud, I emerged like a butterfly, and I sent ripples, wave after wave of love, expressed through the song of the oracles: my whole being was convulsing.

During a group engagement, we ascended and I went out into the cosmos, drawn by the blue portal nebula seen in the Cosmic Reef. When I entered through the membrane it felt familiar, like I had been there before. This was the eternal now of God’s heart.

I had only ever accessed it before from the heavenly realms but this was a cosmic access point. This was not an access point that had been entered through before. Only now, because of our union and cosmic focus, can we enter.

I immediately heard and felt the sound and light frequency that was His voice vibrating with energy. This was the chamber of creation where the Father’s heartbeat was creating a rhythm – more like a cadence – that was pulsating with living energy, grace, His divine enabling power. There was a membrane between the eternal now, the heavenly realms and the physical dimension, like the event horizon of a black hole; because this was the original singularity that formed creation. The membrane was like a speaker cone connected to the sound of many waters chamber behind the waterfall. This was where the heart and mind of God in agreement spoke all creation into existence; this was the origin.

The Father said, “This is where you must gather together when you desire to release a shock wave ripple of exponential creative energy from the eternal now into cosmic time and space.” I began to let my thoughts form words that were resonating with the Father’s heart and they began to pulsate to its cadence, becoming greatly amplified. When we speak here, the Father adds His voice to ours, sparking creative power. This chamber is where the vibrating energy of His voice and our voice engages with the vibrating living light strings of energy that are within the fabric of all creation. This place is the source of zero point energy, the unified quantum field, quantum foam; this is where all creation is held together by the power of His voice. One sugar cube’s worth of this energy can power 400 billion galaxies; and it is within us and, when focused, produces limitless grace: energy and creativity.

The chamber of creation is the opposite of black holes which absorb light and energy because they are the absence of light but they do emit a sound that is the groan of creation, a B flat 57 octaves lower than the keyboard middle C octave: that is, one million, billion times lower than the lowest sound audible to the human ear.

I began to vibrate, pulsate, almost convulse, as I resonated to the cadence of the Father’s heart. The living light beings (Quantum Lumens) swayed to the rhythm of frequency of creative thought. Son, you have all have been shown something within the Chamber of Creation that only Enoch saw when he walked the stars. This knowledge is precious and powerful beyond measure; be very careful and ensure that you never use it individually but only in union together. This chamber has the creative power to change and transform the physical realm to restore it to its original condition and purpose. This power is a living power as within Us there is only life; that is why it is light and light is alive, grace is alive, love is alive – they all take angelic form – and the strings that science has discovered are alive. The strings are alive and whenever We speak, it is living, limitless grace; and that responds through the beings that were seen and named.

Whenever we choose and create reality, those light beings of pure limitless grace form the fabric of existence as they respond to our sonship.

Son, start choosing life to form the future aligned to Our heart, beating to Our cadence, on a cosmic scale, just as you have learned to choose reality controlling time and space within your own sphere. The cosmic sphere of government can never be controlled by any one person but only by the union of hearts and minds that are willing to selflessly collaborate with the Father’s heart. You have all been called for a time such as this, kairos moments that will affect chronostime and space for its restoration.

The shield around the earth sphere that your union is creating is increasing and will eventually become an energy field around the whole cosmos as you mature in oneness in union with others.

Son, this union is what you have been looking for your whole life and the many disappointments you have experienced when you been let down and betrayed by others are nothing compared to the joy you now feel. There is so much more to come but learn to rest and fully enjoy each kairos moment to the fullest extent. There were no words, just deep waves of emotion, sighs of a loving Father expressed through sons in union.

All that I experienced in the stories of limitless grace, expressing unconditional love, gave added weight to the force behind the waves. As I contemplated the testimonies of restoration within the dimensions and the fallen ones, I convulsed with even greater force to release the joy of that hope towards the absence of light that I felt.

All that I have learned from my different encounters now functions together as I can focus and direct those waves towards the targets hidden for so long but now revealed.

Son, the ripples of the frequency waves of sonship that are being released, amplified by your union, are beginning to weaken the control of the systems that have global influence over the masses who do not yet know Me.

A global awakening of consciousness to the reality of who I am that I am truly is will shift mindsets so all of Our children that are ready will see the matrix of deception that they have been living in.

Many of those living in lost identity will begin to discover the reality of their sonship, awakened to the truth, but they will need to be discipled and equipped for the challenges ahead. Knowledge of their identity must be followed by the wisdom and understanding only available from face to face, heart to heart restored relationship with us.

Son, the forerunner examples are the beacons of love’s light that must guide the way to positions and relationship beyond the veil. The creation of global relational networks who have no desire to make a name for themselves and who will not seek to denominate around beliefs is a key to the Kingdom government that will restore blessing to all the families of the earth.

Son, let me show you something, come walk with Me. I saw, felt and sensed the connection of life between all things that unifies creation. I sensed the connections within the heavenly and spiritual realms between the living beings, the cloud of witnesses and the Elementals, functioning like a vast living neural net of love’s light. I sensed the grace light beings within the fabric of all things longing for the physical creation to be unified as the spiritual heavenly dimensions are. I began to sense the desire of the oracles of the Father’s heart, living within the light of those light beings, resonating with life force. The energy of love’s light, pulsating within the fabric of creation, creating the unified field of consciousness. The echo memory of what once was and will be again is drawing creation back to a union that it is longing for deep within its fabric.

The vibration is getting stronger as sonship is revealed and more are rising and shining, awakened to love. Love’s light is the limitless grace, loving energy that connects and holds all of creation loosely together but it is also drawing it together into a union of greater coherence. I felt it deeper than ever before because it is stronger than ever before as it is being amplified by our union and rippling through space- time. As the ripples go out into all the dimensions they are not diminishing but getting stronger, being energized and energizing simultaneously.

Hope for restoration is the energy frequency that is awakening creation and hope’s whisper is itself growing louder as if all the light beings are being excited and activated. The faint whisper of hope and the testimonies of restoration are creating morphic resonance throughout the dimensions of creation. So many of those lost and adrift in hopelessness are beginning to sense the expectation of restoration.

The tide has turned, the balance has shifted, and momentum is increasing, everything feels brighter, more expectant of hope being fulfilled from the flow of the tree of Life. Joy is rising, fueled by hope, strengthening love’s bonds within the unified field of existence. It feels like the groan is becoming a laugh. It is but a faint, barely perceivable change but it is there: hope restored is rippling through creation like leaven permeating the dough.

Son, you have felt it: now is the time to expand and mobilize this union of hearts and minds with a global message of hope, a call to action to just be. Those freed from the need to do will be, [and will] create such power from the rest and union of oneness. As more are freed from the matrices of global influence to just be, a rest will descend like a blanket of love, joy and peace, creating a safe place for the oracles of the Father’s heart to brood. The epidemic of fear has been broken by love’s light, but this is a dangerous time as anger can rise and replace fear. Be vigilant and diligent so love can dampen down anger through releasing waves of forgiveness and blessing.

Son, love keeps no record of wrongs; do not allow anger to motivate vengeance and retribution. Only love’s expression through forgiveness can bring rest, so no bitterness and resentment springs up. I stood in the dark cloud, wearing the cloak of mystery as my mandate for restoration. I call for emancipation for all who are in slavery and bondage. I call for the sound of hope to go forth into the dimensions. I call for the light of love’s frequency to shine into the darkness. I call for the testimony of freedom and restoration to create a ripple of truth in the spiritual realms. I call for the oracles of the Father’s heart to radiate throughout creation. I call for the truth of restoration to challenge the lies and deception of the fall. I call for the angelic legions to go forth in support of restoration as emissaries of faith, hope and love. I call for love, power and sound mind to unite to create the hope that will inspire the belief in the possibility of restoration in the ranks of the fallen ones.

From within the cloak of mystery, in the safety of the dark cloud, I issued the decree of freedom and declared emancipation. I declared the truth that ‘we are here for you’ over and over again as a constant reminder to the fallen realms and dimensions.

Son, the truth vibrates with a frequency of love that rings true with genuineness whenever Our sons are in union, with the integrity of one heart and mind. The light is breaking through the darkness of deception and the scales of darkness that are hiding the light within are falling away. Keep up the intensity; do not waver; remain diligent in doing good and be vigilant in your mandate for restoration government.

Son, you have seen the light of love within us and felt the oracles of Our heart towards all creation; now be at rest and be. Resting – being gentle and humble in heart – is the key and will accomplish more in one day than all the so-called spiritual warfare that is motivated by anger and retribution ever has.

Son, be as We are: I am that I am. This is the rest of living loved, loving living and living loving and this frequency is resonating to answer creation’s groaning. The frequency of F sharp will entrain the groan of creation’s B flat out of the bondage to corruption into the glory of sonship at rest.

Son, resting in true identity brings heavenly and earthly position and authority and radiates love’s light with the hope of restoration. Resistance is weakening and hope is growing: you can feel it at the deeper level. All the surface opposition and intimidation is just fear and panic, like smoke and mirrors to hide what is really going on. The limitless grace and mercy that are being released as waves of love’s light are breaking down the barriers of deception. Love has won, love is winning and love wins! Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, and restoration will be completed, because We are love and Our sons are made in Our image and likeness.

Son, the chamber of creation will amplify your one voice when in union, so legislate from here. Seek Me for My heart so you can resonate with Me and all creation will begin to respond to your one voice. The living grace light beings hold the fabric of creation together and are the creative force behind all that is created. Your awakened sonship consciousness has the ability to see and choose the reality of the restoration of all things. When you speak as one with each other and My heart, from within the chamber of creation, the sound that you release enables the light to bond together as one to manifest reality. Great changes that seem to suddenly appear on the earth or in the cosmos all began as thoughts here and are amplified into living words that become living light. There is a place of brooding and connection that creates the sound you hear that I will show you soon. Legislate as one for the global changes that you seek to prepare the earth and the cosmos for the shift into the next age of enlightenment and rest.

Son, Enoch, Melchizedek and Wisdom are to be your guides and many of the great cloud are coming to the brightness of your rising to support you. Engage with them and listen to the wisdom that they carry as they have many things to impart to you. It is important that you unite creation by involving all those that have been revealed to you from the different realms and those who have been restored. Those who you have connected with have been wise choices as they add to your collective wisdom and passions. When you have the twelve, mobilize the global groups that you all connect with and activate them – but prepare now for that moment.

I am raising up small, relational government groups all over the earth: connect with them and unite them together. Create groups within the Engaging God program for restoration government.

Son, unconditional love has no choice: it cannot ever be anything other than what it is, as it is 100% pure, with no mixture, no contamination, unadulterated, untainted, uncorrupted, unpolluted, with no inconsistency and no shadow of turning.

Unconditional love is totally consistent: it has always been the same and always will be the same, faithful and true. Unconditional love is overwhelming and can never be escaped or separated from. Unconditional love is light: pure, bright, shining, and hot with passion and burning desire for the blessing of its object. Unconditional love is a consuming fire that will refine and purify everything in its way, destroying nothing but transforming everything. Unconditional love is the essence of the restoration of all things as restoration is its inevitable consequence. Unconditional love expresses itself as limitless grace and mercy overflowing with joy and peace, and always leads to rest. Unconditional love is deeply compassionate and is moved to heal, reconcile, resurrect, redeem, restore and renew all that it touches. Unconditional love is kind, patient, gentle, enduring, tolerant and always good, overflowing in lovingkindness. Unconditional love is the living essence of light that is the frequency vibrating as grace within the fabric of all creation. Unconditional love is the building block energy of all matter and the relational glue that holds all things in existence. Unconditional love is Our and your glory, the weight and essence of being.

I am that I am is unconditional love, light, fire, and the spirit of life and existence. Son, the sons of God, revealed as the light of the world, are to be the ambassadors and emissaries of unconditional love to all creation. Unconditional love is the only thing that can set creation free from its bondage to corruption, so arise and shine with love’s light. Righteousness, Peace and Joy; Grace, Mercy and Justice; the Way, Truth and Life; Precepts, Statues and Laws. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation. Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love. As sons, limitless grace is to be experienced and is at our disposal creatively.

Resting in unconditional love and limitless grace is the key to restoration and revelation.

Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down, and start thinking of the name of God, YHVH Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly: Yod Breathe in: Hei and breathe out: Vav Repeat in Hei, out Yod, in Hei and out Vav; in Hei…

Be still and know that I am God I am love, I am joy, I am peace. Invite love, joy and peace to flow in you and through you to create an atmosphere of rest around you. Start to think about unconditional love and limitless grace and set your desire upon them. I am that I am and I am is love I am love and love is I am Love is who I am and love is the motive of every desire, thought and action I am that I am and I change not. I have always been and always will be love, as love is an eternal constant. Live loved, Love living, Live loving. Rest. Live in the rest of immortality.

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