Limitless grace 6

If we are going to participate in the ROAT we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. The desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God.

Grace is divine enabling power. Grace is the strings of energy the smallest known particles that exist within the fabric of all creation and are building blocks of all existence. Grace is the vibrational frequency of Jesus voice that holds all things together. Grace is the electromagnetic frequency the light that is omnipresent within all of creation. God is light and we are being transfigured as sons to reveal and express that light of limitless power or energy. Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation. Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love. As sons, limitless grace is to be experienced and is at our disposal creatively.

Son, rest in Our unconditional love and just be with Us as We are with you. We are in your spirit as you are within the eternal now. Rest in who you are and all your being will release all your doing. We are within your soul as you are within the 4 faces of God. We are within the garden of your heart as you are within the garden of Our heart. We are within the fabric of your being, as you can be connected to fabric of creation, as you have experienced. We are active within the Merkabah and your energy gates as you are active within the Chambers of Destiny and Creation. All sonship is designed to be a reflection of the perichoresis of Our being as a fractal creative image. Son, learning to be within I am and aware that I am is within you is part of the true maturing process so you can be continually face to face, heart to heart and mind to mind. As your consciousness awakens, you will become more enlightened and rest will be a state of being.

Son, you can learn to live in the quantum moments where all time exists and expand your ability to contract time into that moment of experience. As you learn to live in that state of rest, every moment takes on increased significance, as it could be an hour, a day, a week, a month or a year. The only limitation is your consciousness’ capacity to believe the possibilities and choose them.

Son, there is no difference in choosing a quanta of a millisecond or millennia; only in your mind is there limitation. Practice expanding your mind’s ability to choose what happens in a quantum moment so that you retain the knowledge of the experience. You can begin with you entering rest each day and then when we engage face to face, I will open your eyes to see and know as we spend more quality time together. Son, as you mature in thisreality, you can continually bring your future into your present just as you have with the restoration of the fallen ones.

There are missions and quests that We have for you that would normally take months, even years, that will require that you can fulfil them in the moment and so live in rest.

Son, all time is living and active and is at your disposal, so choose this reality whenever you need to but don’t get trapped in the moment. Others that you interact with during these moments may not have the capacity to retain the knowledge of the experience, so don’t assume relationship. You cannot relate to others on fast forward and rewind if they do not have this capacity yet; so use this for missions, not everyday life. I practiced entering rest in a quantum moment. As my mind expanded the moment in fast forward I felt the process of living loved, loving living and living loving in an instant.

Son, you have done well; come walk with Me. We walked to beyond, beyond and emerged in the dimensional anteroom. There are other representatives that you must meet as they have felt the frequency ripples of hope that have been released. There were many who came to form a small crowd creating an atmosphere of excitement and apprehension. They were beings of all forms, so I reached out to them with my mind with a welcome and an introduction. They dispensed with the niceties and asked, Can we be free? We all know we have been deceived and we all have seen the light of sonship and the hope for freedom. Yes, you and your whole dimension can be restored if you become ambassadors of hope to them. I looked at the Father (who seemed to be hidden from their sight) and He said, “Practice what you have learned.”

So one by one I engaged each race and in a quantum moment Seeing the freedom and restoration that would take place. The whole process unfolding for each race and dimension. I brooded, released the grace of the Quantum Lumens, and went into their dimension. I saw their bondage and the connection tower to our dimension, used it to transmit hope and started the revolution. This process repeated for all 25 dimensions. All engagements happened in an expanded moment and I retained the knowledge of each encounter. This ability increases the capacity for legislation greatly and makes the possibility of the ROAT an inevitability. The Father then took me in to the realm of eternity and it was like the whole place functioned in quantum moments where the Father showed me that He could see and feel all things in all moments for all creation.

Son, as Our sons mature to become ascended fathers, they too will have this capacity to connect and care for all they create. This place is different to the transcendence of the eternal now dimension, as it is within time and immanent.

Son, there is so much We want to show you and impart but this must be a relational process so that you can grow and mature through each experience. Your heart’s capacity to feel and be moved by others must increase.

Son, make sure you are not limited and restricted by time entanglement and keep practicing quantum moment expansion daily. But don’t be tempted to try to do so with our times together. Our relationship must be in real time, as that shows your desire. We are infinite and although We can choose to exist in all moments of time We cannot be expanded. I had so many questions fill my mind at that moment but stayed in rest and just enjoyed being immersed in the oracles of the Father’s heart, feeling the passion for creation and its restoration.

Son, creation is Our pride and joy and mankind is the pinnacle of all that has been made but that does not lessen Our love for all things. You have felt what We feel so you know the true reality that motivates Our desire for the restoration of all things back to relational union and oneness with I am. The union of all dimensions and all beings is central to restoration as We are within all and all is within Us.

Son, reach out with your spirit into creation: what do you sense and feel? I reached out to creation with my spirit. As I overshadowed creation, I felt its deep longing for a return to what it was, as the memory was still there, a faint echo within the groan. I went deeper, further, to touch the living beings; and I felt a shift from what I had previously experienced. There was less conflict and confusion, less angst; and amongst all of the whirlpool of emotions there was hope, stronger and more defined than before.

Son, what you are detecting is the result of the increasing frequency of love that Our sons are manifesting through their government. I felt encouraged that progress was being made but still aware of how much there was still to do. I consciously connected to the earth shield and felt the joyous union of hearts and minds in all its celebration of diversity. Man, angelic, witnesses, restored angelic, and the 7 spirits – but no dimensional beings. I reached out further with my spirit into the dimensions with an invitation to participate with us in shielding and protecting the earth as guardians. I went into the anteroom to speak with those who had previously responded; there were a number of representatives present. I communicated my invitation in person but it was kindly rejected along with the explanation that they were not sufficiently restored. There would be danger as there is still great opposition to the changes and animosity towards mankind. Son, there is still much to do and great wisdom is needed when engaging but your heart was good and there will come a day when union will be dimensional. I long for that day of restored union with all the dimensions.

Son, Enoch and Metatron are not the same being, as you already know; so be very careful that the mixture of Jewish mysticism does not infect your union. It is all to easy to be deceived by assuming without testimony. True knowledge comes from the Truth, not books which can impart information; but wisdom can only come relationally. Do not be tempted by knowledge, only pursue the truth found in the light of Me as the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am true reality and the light of truth shines through My being as it does through Us relationally, as We are wisdom in union and oneness. Wisdom came and took me to her heights where she opened the pillars that are the foundations of the earth. There she showed how the cube connected creation through man’s sonship and the earth’s dimensional position and centrality. She also warned of the dangers of the mixture contained within Jewish writings and their connection to the cabals and global control systems. Purity maintains wisdom, which protects against the twisting and perverting of the truth; and the frequency of love must resonate its harmonics. Only the pure in heart will truly experience God in reality. Wisdom looked deeply into my eyes and I looked at the deep pools of her being and I felt a peace that brought a calm to my concerns.

Son, time is your servant so continue to practice living in the quantum moment to create history.

Son, rest within the circle of Our love and draw from the light of love and life for all your needs. Here, within the light of love, is the limitless grace of Our infinite supply of all things that you will ever need to be a son and fulfil your destiny. Here is all the revelation, wisdom, insight, understanding, power, resources, truth, prudence, mercy, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, patience, love and humility; and it is all freely available, without limitation.

Son, there is not anything that you will have need of that is not freely and abundantly available within I am that I am. The tree of life is always in season, overflowing with the limitless grace that gives you the ability to create all the things that you need. As a son, creation itself was also designed to release its bountiful supply from the riches of its glory, just as its freedom is from the riches of your glory.

Son, all things were created with the need to be in union and oneness of relationship in the covenant of love. Son, this is why division and competition is so alien to who We are and how We desire all things to be. Oneness and covenant in a loving union of being is the way We formed creation from the desires of Our heart in the Cradle of Life; and that frequency resonated with life energy and activated limitless grace light.

Son, focus your attention on the new covenant of lovingkindness and beware of mindsets of the path of independent knowledge. Seek to be in union and oneness with all of creation, filled and overflowing with unconditional love for its freedom and complete restoration. There is nothing that We have created that cannot be restored through the light of love shining brightly, singing joyfully its song of peace. As you rest here, expand the moment to encapsulate Our pure loving desires as you have experienced through Our oracles. Son, every quantum moment is filled with all the potential creative realities necessary to fulfil your destiny aligned to Our heart. It is vital we always stay connected to the Father’s heart, just as Jesus did as our example of true sonship.

Son, come, look deeper into the radiance of Our glory. I found myself in the light realm of perfection, hidden within the dark cloud, looking intently at another wondrous facet of that face of infinite beauty. The deeper I looked, the more everything was as it should be; and I felt who I am with a certainty that I had never felt before. Everything was crystal clear: no doubts, no ifs or buts, just perfection. It felt like nothing could ever be better than this. I was at rest, complete, one, and whole, as if there was never anything else than this moment. No past, present or future, just now; perfectly living at rest in this one unlimited moment of pure love, joy and peace.

Son, every moment is meant to be like this, perfectly filled with all things as they were just meant to be. Son, this is your dwelling place within I am, so you can be abiding. Let all life be lived loved from this moment of loving living and living lovingkindness. Son, the thrones of the elements need to be occupied by the sons of God for creation’s restoration. Relationship with the Elementals must be restored for creation to be set free. The focus of Our children needs to be turned from their DIY agenda to the sonship mandate of dominion for blessing. The global agendas must be neutralized as they regard the earth as an asset to be stripped and that is an abuse. The relationship with creation needs to be restored so the symbiotic union that was Our intention can function for the benefit of all. This is our responsibility towards creation as sons. The cosmos is taking its cue from what is occurring in the earth sphere and what has been broadcast through the communication networks is a false system. I have seen a tower of Babel-like structure in all the dimensions I have visited. The other cosmic dimensions have traded on this twisted agenda, perverting Our original intentions to their own agendas even further. The sons must arise and shine love’s light to broadcast a higher frequency that will disrupt the false agendas and create hope.

Son, all of the parts of creation are interconnected and when one suffers, they all suffer. It is time for love, joy and peace to spread like a virus, infecting all dimensions with goodness and lovingkindness. It is time for global Ekklesia to rise from the ashes of the church system and be storehouses for the coming harvest, Embassies of heaven, filled with ambassadors who are oracles of hope for restoration. We are calling Our children to a global awakening to a consciousness of true love reality but Our sons need to be ready to receive the harvest that is being prepared.

Son, these Ekklesia must be free from mixture and pure of heart and purpose to receive the harvest. There is a religious spirit agenda to rob the purity of Our sons by deceiving them with old Covenant mindsets linked to Jewish mysticism.

Son, you are mandated to issue a warning against the infiltration of the global Ekklesia of the political and religious spirits’ agendas through Hebraic culture and traditions.

Son, the old Covenant was not everlasting, it became obsolete and faded away until it and all it represented was totally removed at the destruction of Jerusalem.

Son, every generation since AD70 has been blinded by the deception that they are the last and have been distracted from the restoration of all things mandate. Every generation has been deceived by many false doctrines into thinking that they will usher in the ages to come.

Son, make sure this Joshua generation is warned to guard against the end times agendas of the rapture and millennium that will emasculate them and neutralize their effectiveness for restoration.

Son, the eschatology of restoration is a book that must be written to warn and prepare the Joshua generation for their restoration mandate.

The infiltration of the old that infects the ‘one new man in Christ’ new covenant must be exposed, and the divisions and separations of denominating doctrines be brought into the light of truth.

Son, I detect your questioning concerning how so many could be wrong and so few are right but that is the wrong question to be asking. All forerunners have had doubts that they may be wrong in face of all the contradictory evidence and opposition. The real issue is, do you trust Me and the journey that I have taken you on so that you will not look or go back to the safe place of consensus?

Son, do not fear and go back; look to what is ahead and press on. Son, forerunners always face being alone at times on their journey to totally trust Us. This can be a lonely place but you are not alone; there are others who are joining and merging the streams.

Son, do not waver; and trust that you are on the right path, so do not hold back: write the book that will reveal the eschatology of restoration so Our children can be free from religious and political deception.

Son, Our heart is always for union and oneness but there are those who you cannot be one with as their hearts are turned to a different agenda. Be careful that your desire for union does not create mixture instead of oneness as relationship is possible without union.

Son, the family relationship within Us is guaranteed but must be maintained outwardly by desire and choice but union and oneness requires there to be one heart and mind. If you are to be in a governmental group there must be a mandated agenda for that group that comes from Our heart.

Son, too many diverse agendas will make union impossible for that group but relationship must always be maintained. Communication of heart and mind must be worked at so openness and transparency can flourish.

Son, when you seek, you will find; so always seek Our heart first so you can collaborate with Our mandates and agendas.

Son, come walk with Me. We were in the realm of perfection, walking in the realm of light. Son, feel the light, don’t just see it visually, as it is alive with possibilities, bursting with creative energy. Feel and sense that life force and open your heart to it so it can feel your desire and be activated by it. Your desire is created when you are joined to Us and one heart with us within the Cradle of Life as you brood. The resonance of your brooding creates the sound of your desire and that excites the living light with possibilities.

Son, you know the process but ensure the process is relational by opening your heart to the scrutiny of perfection’s light. Son, come here to absorb the light of perfection before you brood in the Cradle of Life and that will ensure a purity without mixture. When you engage as groups, you have permission to open this realm of perfected light so that you can engage the fallen ones effectively.

Son, come deeper into the light of Our being in this realm of perfection as this is where the eternal now can converge with your time.

Son, this will help you live from the eternal now state within time to become the convergence, as you can be one at rest but still moved by the events in time.

Son, learn to live, move and have your being from within Us; but express your being as the light of love within time. The light realm of perfection is filled with the light of Our being, as this is the light of love. The light realm of perfection is completely attuned and synchronized with who We are: that is why it casts no shadows. You will need to be in this realm for limitless grace to be administrated wisely.

Son, maintain a stance of honor towards all and you will receive the blessing of who that person is. There is no need to be concerned about mixture as We will filter out anything that may be dangerous if you keep your heart right.

Son, we have created so much diversity to reflect the manifoldness of who We are so from your perspective there seem to be many strange packages that the message comes in, but that is just to test the heart. Be careful not to reject or accept the message because of the messenger; test it by the frequency it carries. The genuine will always carry Our frequency so the more deeply you are intimate with who We are, the easier discernment will be.

Son, test everything with a loving not a suspicious heart, and you will resonate with what is genuine and feel the love on it. An absence of love will enable you to discern error and mixture, but you can still honor the messenger by the way you accept or reject the message. Always seek for Our heart and purpose by seeing the bigger picture; do not get drawn into political ideological debate that is usually fear driven.

Son, have no allegiances other than to Our Kingdom. Do not form political, ideological or theological allegiances as they will cloud your discernment. Seek love and focus on Our bigger agenda to navigate the way through the troubled waters that will be ahead. This time of great shifting and shaking will not be a short season, as there are so many things which need to be reset and recalibrated to move towards Kingdom government. The old systems must be shaken and removed, so keep shielding the earth from external interferences and keep releasing unconditional love into the earth. Limitless grace is birthed from the womb of unconditional love. The perfect love that is who We are within I am is the only antidote to the fear and anger that seeks to take advantage by creating division and competition.

Son, collaborate with Union and Limitless to enable peaceful transition during the shift the cosmos is going through. What is occurring during this period is touching the dimension powerfully through those of Our sons who understand the times and the seasons. Limitless grace is being released in preparation for the season of endless mercy that is coming. Be vigilant and diligent during this season of great change where many are standing on shifting sands and feel very insecure. The dampening waves of love are key to limiting the negative effects during this turbulent season of cosmic transformation. Live loved, love living and live loving as an oracle of Our heart. Administrate limitless grace through unconditional love to facilitate the ROAT agenda during this season of great change.

Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation. Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love. As sons, limitless grace is to be experienced and is at our disposal creatively. Rest is the key to restoration and revelation.

Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down and start thinking of the name of God, YHVH Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly: Yod Breathe in: Hei, and out: Vav Repeat: in Hei, out Yod, in Hei, and out Vav… Be still and know that I am God I am love, I am joy, I am peace Invite love, joy and peace to flow in you and through you to create an atmosphere of rest around you. I am that I am and I am is love I am love and love is I am Love is who I am and love is the motive of every desire, thought and action I am that I am and I change not. I have always been and always will be love, as love is an eternal constant. Live loved Love living Live loving Rest Live in the rest of immortality.

Start to think of limitless grace and set your desire upon it. Be open to whatever the Father shows you.

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