My personal journey

Over the past for 5 years my personal journey has changed. I don’t spin my wheels as much in my pursuit relationship with God. I no longer focus on not committing sins. That is one thing the Lord showed me early on. If you focus on not committing the sin, you are still focused on the sin. If I feel tempted in any type of sin, or even if I don’t, my focus turns to Christ. And he thought that would offend the Lord is driven out and I imagine him standing right there with me as if he can see my thoughts, because he can.

I try to practice the presence of the Lord in an ongoing manner, no matter where I am or what I’m doing. If you stay connected to that realm it remains open to you. I learned that, from waiting on the Lord and going back through my journals. The more you stay engaged with the realm of the spirit, the more it manifests around you and to you.

That’s why love to pray as much as I do. Sometimes friends think you may be overdoing it but that’s only because they have no frame or reference for it. A friend text me this week and told me that I would rather wait on God and sleep. Well, I can’t deny that.

If I think I might wait on the Lord in the night, I take a short nap if I can. After everyone goes asleep, I try to stay up for a little and pray in the silence and stillness of the house. I try to always be aware that the Angels of the Lord are constantly around us, even when I’m praying in my prayer chair before bed.

Sometimes prayer time goes a little long and I find it’s close to morning. Let me again mentioned that this life of constantly engaging the Lord is not in any sense a chore. Once the Lord is open your eyes are brought you into things of the kingdom are sent angels to minister to you or encourage you, there is nothing that compares to this in the natural world. I would gladly sacrifice 4 hours of my time in prayer to be positioned for an angel to come deliver a Scripture to me or feel the presence of the Lord upon me. You have to experience it to understand it.

As I looked at my own life to determine how to increase the presence of the Lord, and how to see more clearly into the spirit realm, I read through my journals again. There are clear indicators that show me why sometimes I see incredible things in the spirit realm and sometimes I see nothing. The answer is time. Time invested in spiritual things brings a harvest of spiritual things. The more I see God, the more I find him. The more I pray for miracles, the more I experienced them. The more I looked, the more I see.

The family

A great benefit of spending a lot of time in God’s presence is that his presence also surrounds your atmosphere, your family. Since we have begun this journey several years ago by purposely positioning ourselves before the Lord, our house has become a supernatural atmosphere. People feel peace here and have told us so. I will go into depth about the experiences of my family members, but all of them have seen and interacted with angels. Angels have spoken to my children and given them advice, prayed for them, and given them warnings. They have also seen the demonic and driven it out of our home or their circumstances. They have felt God’s presence in real and tangible ways. Jesus has manifested himself to them. They have experienced the supernatural signs and wonders of the kingdom firsthand. I’m very excited for this because I always told the Lord from day one, you have to bring my whole family along in this journey.

Because of the incredible joy have found, I’ve tried to bring friends and other loved ones with me. Some pursue it, some don’t. An angel that was assigned to our family years ago when my parents were missionaries told me recently, I would have loved to have had more people to help and watch over in ministry, but people have free will. They get to choose. Yes, we get to choose. And I chose the path less ordinary. I chose the excitement and adventure of a kingdom life, a life lived in God. And wherever he takes me, I am willing to go.

Journal entries

I mentioned my journal, so I wanted to include a few journal entries to give you a real accurate accounting of how time invested in the things of the spirit can open that realm around you.

Friday, June 3, 2011 330 to 4 AM – worshiped on my knees by my bedside. It’s a little difficult because I have to be quiet. 4:56 AM prayed in tongues and prayed for Angie – my daughter – in my mind. Somewhere between 5 and 5:30 AM, I fell asleep and woke up in the spirit to see someone looking at me close up. An Angel. He looked a lot like me but with longer hair. I have a feeling he kind of pulled me into the spirit. I feel the Lord is training me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 1:20 AM – the dog woke me up. 125 to 2:20 AM worship the Lord to 20 to 320 I did warfare over the family and made holy decrees according to Job 22:28 3:20 AM went upstairs. 320 to 405 worshiped on the floor. 405 to 650 had random dreams/Wednesday afternoon – I was at the stoplight and 90 sixth and Keystone and I saw ball of yellowish light traveling from west to east across the intersection.

Sunday, July 4, 2011 1:48 AM – prayed and fell asleep by dining room table on floor.

Friday, July 15, 2011 11 PM to 3:15 AM prayed over family, especially Matt and Angie – my kids went to bed. Saturday to 16 620 got up. 7 815 I did warfare or my family. Set quietly in my prayer chair afterwards and the Lord opened my eyes. I saw the veils again and this time I watched one pretty much disintegrate.

Thursday, November 3, 2011 330 to 5 AM – prayed in my prayer chair. Waiting on the Lord. At 5 AM went to bed and was pulled into the spirit so I got back up and knelt by my bed to pray. I wasn’t taken in the spirit to a retirement home into a women’s room. Lord showed me that the attendant had taken a piece of the woman’s clock that her husband had given her, and hidden it, to aggravate her. He showed me where it was in had me fix clock. Then he took me to the woman stressor so I could see a picture of her and know who she was.

11 – 11 – 11 – today at the impartation service/Randy Clark, the power of God came upon Gord Dena. The Lord put his hand in her chest and was shaking her for 2 hours. Where Dana was undone.

Sunday, February 12, 2012 to 18 the 5 AM prayed for family. Did warfare for children. Had lots of dreams.

Monday, February 13, 2012 – I went to bed about 11 PM prayed for 10 minutes. Meant to pray later, but never did. Next paragraph Friday, March 22, 2012 just came off a 3 day fast. I’ve been spending about 2 and half hours a day in prayer and waiting on the Lord Tuesday when I finished, I looked at the clock and was 4:44 AM. Anyway, I was laying in bed sleeping when all of a sudden I heard someone whisper in my name… Mike, Mike! I knew there was no reason for a strange man to be in our bedroom, so I got an adrenaline rush and spring out of bed to confront him. It was an Angel. He had brought a basket with bread in it for me. He was very nice and big and powerful, and he seemed to have a great sense of humor. He told me a little bit about his ministry.

Going back over my journal entries, I’ve discovered that I spent at least a couple hours a day in prayer, my eyes are open. If I spend less, it’s kind of a hit and miss. If I spend much less, my eyes being open seemed to be completely a sovereign thing.

I’m not at the place where I see all the time. Novell Johnson and Jonathan Welton both talk about what it’s like to see continually in both realms and that is what I’m petitioning the Lord 4.

That seems to be were the Lord is leading me, and I believe that he is leading you there as well… For such a time as this.

I really want to encourage you to do the simple but effective steps that I have presented here. If you do them, you will see in the spirit realm. There is no great secret or complicated tax that must be performed. Once your eyes are open, it is easy to maintain, but you’ll find yourself still spending lots of time in the spirit because of all the joy it brings.

Parting words

So you see by now, that seeing in the spirit realm is simple. Anyone can see in the spirit if you choose to. It’s a choice you have to make and then support. I heard it said a long time ago that… Being successful at anything is simple. Find someone who is successful in what you are pursuing, find out the price they paid to get there, and then pay that price.

It is my sincere desire that you realize it’s worth it to pay that price.

I pray that the Lord Jesus opens your eyes more completely and clearly than you have ever dreamed. Braided he gives you grace and strength to walk in the fullness of that gift for the kingdom and the glory of God. I pray and impart to you all the gifts and anointing that the Lord has given me. I freely give you everything I walk in and possess in spiritual things in Jesus name. God bless you Mike

About the author

Michael van vlymen is an author and a speaker with a passion to lead everyone in the supernatural living and seeing into the unseen realm. Michael and his wife were Dana established river of blessings international ministries for the purpose of teaching and sharing on the gifts and revelations they have been given.

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