Occupying the gates of the heavenly city

It’s important to look further at what the gates of this city (Jerusalem) allegorically represent. The function of gates and natural government terms was explained earlier. This was powerfully illustrated in the days of David’s Kingdom and again in the restored city of Jerusalem when it was rebuilt in the days of Nehemiah.

The gates become spiritual.

When we come to the book of the Prophets and to some other Old Testament scriptures, we find these gates being spoken of prophetically; they are seen by the prophets to be spiritual, in the heavens, and not physical, on earth.

When we then go to the New Testament, we find these gates spoken of allegorically by Jesus in the same way. Let us now look at what these gates mean in terms of a strategy for establishing the Kingdom of God in our cities today.

The first thing that Jesus said about the church he would build was that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it- Matthew 16: 18. These gates came to represent the demonic spiritual powers that ruled over the cities from the heavenly realm. Those powers, through their various human agencies, regulated all that was allowed to come into the city spiritually, and they also controlled what was permitted to take place legally and politically in the city.

Today, in many nations, these fallen angels are powers in control many of the supports of our society and the secular laws to such a degree that these spirits now rule the lives of the people in our cities. Most of these spiritual gates over our cities are occupied by demonic powers working through human agencies and not by God’s people.

Long ago, Satan took control of these gates in order to dominate our cities for his purposes. His occupancy in most cases is almost total. From these spiritual gates in the heavenly places, the influence of hell is much greater than the influence of heaven; this is true for the majority of our cities.

This is how Jerusalem was controlled during the days of Jesus’s ministry on earth. Demonic powers, working through the religious and political leaders of the day such as the Sanhedrin, Herod, and pilot, were able to significantly limit the ministry of Jesus and his impact upon the city. Jesus knew that until he rose triumphantly from the dead with all authority and power in heaven and earth in his hands, these fallen angels could not be cast down. But once Jesus had risen and the Holy Spirit had fallen on the disciples on the day of Pentecost, everything changed. The disciples quickly learned how to cast down these spirit powers over the city of Jerusalem.

Therefore, for the Kingdom to come to our cities in the same Pentecostal power of the 1st century church, we must learn to retake these gates out of the enemy’s hands and cast down these ruling spirits.

In scripture, God has given us great promises concerning these gates. In Genesis 22, God spoke to Abraham after he had offered his only son, Isaac, saying:

Genesis 22: 17 indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is on the seashore; And your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because you have obeyed my voice.

God promised Abraham that the true descendants of Abraham would, by faith, possess the gates of their enemies, resulting in the reaping of a mighty harvest.

In Genesis 24 we have a beautiful allegory of Christ and his church. Isaac is the bridegroom representing Christ, and Rebecca is the bride representing the church. Rebecca’s relatives are about to send her away to be married to Isacc. In verse 60 something is promised to the bride, Rebecca, and allegorically to the church:

Genesis 24: 60 they blessed Rebecca and said to her: our sister, may you become the mother of thousands of ten thousands10,000; And may your descendants possess the gates of those who hate them.

The promise of reaping a mighty harvest is directly linked with taking possession of the gates that are presently in the hands of our enemy. Gate taking was and still is a necessary preparation for city taking. Also, once these gates are retaken, the spiritual blindness affecting the minds of many people will be immediately removed-then the harvest can be reaped.


I do not believe it’s enough to physically drive around the city and focus only on the major highways and other main entry points leading in and out of it. This can sometimes be the right thing to do, providing we have definitely heard from the Lord and have some good spiritual reason for focusing this way. But, we cannot make it an automatic methodology.

We must also do this when God has specifically shown us first that these locations are spiritual strongholds or gates erected through some present or historical situations, and 2nd, that they need to be taken back.


The gates that Jesus and the prophets referred to were not physical gates. Rather, they were spheres of influence and control emanating from the heavens that shaped the way the people of the city thought and behaved. They also controlled many of the civil laws and judicial decisions that were made to govern them.

Category one: Gates that control people’s thinking.

These gates are largely responsible for shaping the worldview of most people. They influence people’s minds and strongly formulate the way people think and behave. Several scriptures tell us that we are fighting a battle for the minds of men, women, and especially children.

2nd Corinthians 4: 4 whose minds the God of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

Within this category of mind influencing gates are several subcategories;

1- the media

The media, including radio, television, movies, the Internet, iPods and other devices, DVD’s, magazines, newspapers, and so forth, powerfully influenced the way most people think. These gauge largely shaped worldviews.

2- the education system

The president system of education is based in totally secular, humanistic, evolutionary philosophies that are often reinforced by atheistic or polytheistic worldviews. This system has, to a great extent, shape the minds and perspectives of almost all of us from our earliest school days.

3- various religious systems making significant inroads in our cities.

Ancient Pagan religions, such as those practiced by Aztecs and druids, and including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, in the most recent religion of Islam, are resurging. These belief systems are now being widely taught, practiced, and tolerated in the United States and throughout the world. In addition, many of the traditional Christian denominations have fallen away and developed religious systems that are far removed from God and the truths of the scripture and are syncretistic and humanistic in their teaching and philosophy. There are also a number of more recent cults, some of which claim to be Christian, but are teaching false doctrines; Others are unashamedly Pagan, Occult, and anti-Christian.

4- the political system and institutions of government

If you read any honest history book about the United states, it is obvious that the majority of the founding fathers of the United States of America were God fearing men with high standards of integrity and morality. Most of them were bold Christians who were also men of prayer. They openly prayed, individually and corporately, for God’s wisdom for the constitution they were writing and the political structure they were forming. The constitution was written based on these values.

These men, and often their families, came largely from European nations controlled by corrupt religious systems they worked in partnership with equally corrupt political systems. Together, these systems dominated the lives the ordinary people and exploited them financially and in every other way. Therefore, our founding fathers were determined to maintain freedom from any such system in America’s newly formed government.

This resulted in now the famous First Amendment, which prohibited the making of any law respecting the establishment of religion. This has been interpreted by some as a separation of church and state, although those words were never actually used in the constitution. The founding fathers never intended there to be any separation between the one true God and the state. Nor was there any confusion as who that God was. To them, he was the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If we were to turn our attention to other nations of the world, we would have to write another whole book to document the widespread corruption, greed, and lack of standards of honesty, integrity, or morality in almost every present political system ruling those nations. There are one or two exceptions, but the present 192 member nations of the United Nations, you could probably count on the fingers of one hand a few truly upright moral leaders in governments of the nations having any integrity.

5- the legal system and institutions of law

The original standards of integrity and impartiality for the federal and local judges of the United states, including even the Supreme Court, have been seriously eroded in recent years. Most judges unashamedly exhibit a strong political or moral bias in the judgments they bring. In addition, generally speaking, the attorneys who plead in these courts are not really concerned that justice should be done, but that they may win their case by any legal means so as to make money for themselves and for their clients.

6- financial institutions and financial systems

In recent months to our horror, most of us have discovered the depths of depravity operating in those people and financial institutions whose integrity we trusted. These pillars of our society and of our economy have suddenly been exposed, and some have collapsed and ruined. As a result, millions of workers and other innocent victims have lost their means of livelihood.

The shock waves of this debacle have reverberated around the world to affect almost every nation. Our own economy in the US has been shaken to the core. Political leaders and economic experts rush around, trying to salvage what they can and fix the enormous problems confronting us. The most disturbing feature of all this is that no one seems to be facing the real issue that caused all this to happen, namely the insatiable greed and moral corruption and those who led these institutions. Until there is real repentance over these issues and a return to God fearing righteousness, will not find any real solutions.

John Wesley lived in similar times during which terrible moral corruption was exposed in government, banking, and official religious circles. The greatest investment scandal in history called the South sea bubble had just burst and devastated the economy of Britain and it seriously affected the United States and a number of other nations.

John Wesley frequently spoke a famous maxim in that time of spiritual revival in Great Britain: ‘ having, first, gained all you can and, secondly saved all you can, then give all you can!” His words produced a tremendously positive surge in the economy that particularly benefited the low paid workers, many of whom had formerly been unemployed. His maxim needs should be rediscovered and practiced by everyone today.

7- cultural traditions of the city and of the nation

Some natural cultures are so invited by demonic powers that the norms overstep table social Behavior bear down heavenly society. Many true Christians buckle under the strain and live compromised lives in that stifling atmosphere. Once again, we see the same pressures affecting the way we live-and we must not give in to them.

The issues of speaking the truth, keeping our word, fulfilling our promises, paying our taxes honestly, and living as law abiding citizens in all respects are mentioned many times in the scriptures by Paul, Peter, and James.

These words of scriptures were written that Christians living in a Pagan Roman society for which such godly culture norms were nonexistent. Roman culture was also a very chauvinistic society with the low regard for women. Yet, from beginning, the church lived God’s way and not according to Pagan Roman culture. In a short time, they began changing their society for the better. We see ungodly norms in a number of cultures today. We must not yield to them, even if we originate from one of those cultures.

We have much work to do. As you look at this list, tell me honestly from your own observation in this present time: how many of these gates are strongly influenced by the devil, and how many are powerfully influenced by the clear proclamation of the Kingdom of God out of the true church? I’m sure you would agree that in most cases these gates are almost totally in the control of evil one. This tells us who is really running our cities in controlling our societies.it is time to change things; God is sending his Holy Spirit and empowering us to do just that!

This is a battle for the minds of the people. As we read earlier, the Bible says that the God of this world has blinded to minds of the unbelieving second Corinthians 4: 4.

But it also tells us that it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 4: 6. He is also giving us mighty powerful weapons that are able to destroy everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God second Corinthians 10: 4-5.

This is a fight that requires greater passion to win.

How much of what our children are learning in secular public schools makes them run after Jesus? How much do they learn that makes them run after the world and devilish things? How would you rate our universities and their desire or ability to lead students to seek after God? How about the media? If you’re thinking like I am, you’re saying, we have some work to do around here!

We must take back the gates! The first way they can be taken is by praying for the people who already hold positions of great influence in these various realms. We must pray that they might be converted, or at least that their hearts are turned towards the Lord with a new godly fear.

There’s no evidence that Nebucdanezzar or Cyrus or danriuss 11 were ever truly converted, but their hearts were definitely turned to have a healthy fear of the Lord God of Israel and the great respect for those who served him. If they had been clearly and truly converted, that would have been even better. But Even so, they were moved by the prayers of the intercessors to serve the Lord’s purposes and cause his will to be done in the earth.

The 2nd way to take these gates is for Christians to actually occupy these places in positions and become God’s salt in that situation. They must be unashamed and courageous, yet wise witnesses who are powerful in prayer. There’s no good gaining such a position and just being there quietly and secretly saying nothing and hoping to have some indirect influence.

Look at how Joseph always boldly and publicly recognized his God as the source of the great wisdom he exhibited. As an open worshipper of YHVH, he was appointed to a political position second only to pharaoh in the whole Egyptian empire.

Awesome, look at the way Daniel behaves. He was in a secular government position all his life. He was a powerful political figure, second only to the various pagans’ kings whom he served. But he made it clear to each one of them that his prophetic wisdom and insight came directly from the God who was YHVH, the God of the Jews, the only true God.

Neither of these men would be quiet about the person and the power who enable them to be who they were and to do what they did. They made it very clear that what they did with such wisdom and authority happened only because of the awesome God they serve. At the risk of their lives, they would not keep quiet about their God. Nor would they lower their moral and ethical standards to keep out of trouble. Instead, they were able to change their secular demonic environments so that God was honored, revered, and finally obeyed. They changed the entire political atmosphere of nations.

We need to pray for Christians in these high positions in our nation so that they may have some boldness, take the same uncompromising stand, and have the same influence on all these server or rule under.

Category 2: gates where demons are venerated and worshipped.

These are geographical sites of intense demonic strength and activity, such as temples, grottos, historic monuments, and worship sites Where so-called holy objects, idols, and false gods were or still are being actively worshipped.

This includes shrines devoted to Pagan gods or spirits, as well as places where statues of Mary, the black Madonna, baby Jesus, other Saints, or holy relics are venerated. This includes all the idols and religious objects of apostate Christianity and all the buildings, historic sites, and monuments of other religions and their false gods.

These gates would further include sites of witchcraft, especially places where witches, Wizards, and warlocks gather, and shrines and demonic worship, especially places of present or past blood sacrifice, particularly human blood sacrifice.

In addition, sites where blood has been violently spilled, such as battle and massacre sites (particularly where vengeance was the motive of the massacre) can be powerful demonic gates. Other gates and areas include sites of sexual immorality, such as brothels or sex shops, and murder sites, such as abortion clinics.

These gates can only be taken by experienced, strong intercessors who know what they are doing and are truly being led by the Lord. It is usually necessary to go physically to those sites several times, sometimes over a prolonged period of time. Sometimes praying right through the night as God directs is particularly effective. This is partly because of so much demonic activity in witchcraft goes on undercover of darkness.

God may direct the prayer team to perform certain specific prophetic acts. Prayers must be spoken in faith when and as God commands so as to tell the demons to leave just as John did in the temple of Diana in Ephesus.

Then they will have to obey. It’s not how much noise you make, but the faith and authority by which you speak. All this must be done, not as a learned methodology, but only as God specifically directs and empowers his Saints in a unique way in that particular situation and in his timing. Paul encountered Diana in Ephesus, but he didn’t go into the temple or address her directly because the Lord did not give him that assignment. Intercessors must hear clearly from the Lord and know his timing when addressing these demonically controlled gates.

Once such a site has been cleansed, wherever possible, it needs to be permanently taken over by the Saints and turned into a holy place of God’s presence and peace.

Sometimes we have to learn how to go to such places in the Spirit because going there physically is impossible. It may be a private site within a city where we are not permitted to go, or it may be a closed county where Christians are not permitted. But there are no barriers in the spirit realm, and God is beginning to teach us how to move and go in spirit to places where we cannot go openly and physically. This all has to be done as God specifically directs.

Category 3: gates and individuals possessed by major demonic principalities.

These instances involve people who have deliberately given themselves to serve Satan directly because of the power, prominence, and material benefits they obtained from him. But there is always a price that they have to pay. Satan is a hard taskmaster, even to his own.

When a major demonic principality has entered and now controls a person, it works through that person to control many other people. Sometimes one spirit and one person can strongly influence the behavior of hundreds of thousands of people throughout a whole nation or even several nations. In this way, these spirits are able to affect great portions of the earth. Recent historical and political examples would be Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mussolini, or general Franko. A present day religious example would be the Dalai Lama and the tens of thousands who attend his mandala-making ceremonies in various locations as he travels worldwide.

There are others we can name who are presently active in various parts of the world today, including some within the United States. We must not be ignorant of these forces at work to control cities, regions, and the world. Some people are caught up in giving themselves passionately to what appears to be a great cause and they don’t realize the demonic impartation that accompanies their interaction.

A great biblical example of this kind of person was a zealous, fanatical, demonized pharisee called Saul. Before his conversion, he rampaged through three nations persecuting and killing Christians, throwing many into prison, and inspiring many thousands of Jews to hate Christians, attack them, and even kill them. The spirit in this one man powerfully influenced thousands of people in three nations to behave like him and visually persecute untold numbers of believers, even to the death.

This human, demonically controlled gate was known by the 1st apostles. They stayed together in prayer in Jerusalem and refused to leave or be separated at the height of the persecution. Although the scriptures do not actually record why the apostle stayed together, I believe from my own experience that the Spirit of God called the apostles to an emergency powerful upper room prayer meeting to take this gate known as Saul. They prayed for the demon to be cast out of him. These prayers, plus the earlier dying prayers of Jesus and Stephen as Saul actively participated in each of their deaths, pricked his conscious deeply- Luke 23: 34; Act 7: 60.

As a result Saul was suddenly and dramatically converted when he had a supernatural encounter with the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus- Acts 9. He was saved, delivered, and turned around on the spot to become one of the mightiest apostles of the early church.

When this one man was converted and that gate was taken, the demonic activity of thousands of people which in turn had caused the persecution of many Christians suddenly ceased. The Christian Church and the three regions of Judah, Galilee, and Samaria suddenly had rest and were comforted, and the believers were greatly multiplied-Acts: 1-31.

There is a city named kiambu in Kenya, which was described in a transformations video produced by George Otis, junior of the Sentinel group. In this city all kinds of sin, and morality, crime, and witchcraft were going on, and no church could be successfully planted there. When a man of God went to that city, God showed him how to pray until he found the gate that was causing all this. He was led to a particular shop in High Street where a well-known witch ran a handicrafts and palmistry business. He was led to target that store and pray that the witch, along with her controlling demonic spirit, would leave town. Although she and her family had lived there for several generations, he prayed passionately for some time. Suddenly one day, she packed all her things and was gone.

The atmosphere of the entire city changed. This Christian man then started a church and began to evangelize. He soon had a church of about 2000 people. Crime plummeted, sin and immorality almost disappeared from the city, and everything changed.

We need to target with our prayers those people who presently serve as gates of Satan. We must get to know them by name and find out where they meet, where they go, and what they do. I’m talking about ardent anti-Christian secularists, sexually perverted activists, militant atheists, witches and warlocks, and passionate promoters of new age, the devotees of mother earth, and other such things. We must pray for them with love, not hate; But we must be firm, so that they might have their eyes open. Then they can repent and be converted, and the demons will leave them. Otherwise, if they stubbornly persist in their cooperation with these spirits and their resistance to God, then it may become necessary to pray that God will take them out one way or the other. But this kind of warfare must only be done as a result of an express, specific word from God.

This type of gate also includes strong activists who are demonically empowered to passionately promote political causes like abortion, homosexuality, lesbian and gay rights, the ACLU, the militant atheism. They may also promote false religions such as Wicca and secret societies like freemasonry, Mormonism, various false cults, subtle religious deceptions, demon based martial arts, and other such things. They are sometimes violent fanatics of another religion.

We may hate what they do, but we must not hate them as individuals. The Bible teaches that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness and heavenly places that control them- Ephesians 6: 12. We need to pray for their deliverance from these demonic influences and for their conversion to Jesus so that God can turn them around, just as he did the apostle Paul. When these gates are possessed by Jesus and they become ardent promoters of the Kingdom of God, a tremendous shift occurs in the spirit realm.

We must use our heavenly authority to ensure that these fallen angels are dethroned. Either the demons leave the person, and the person gets saved; or if the person won’t let them go, then the person and the demons in them must leave together. Either way, they must go! When this takes place, the demonic canopy of darkness over a city or even wider region is removed and replaced by the canopy of the Kingdom of heaven. Then everything changes for the better, and a great harvest can be reaped.

By the power of the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary and by his resurrection, we have the authority and power to take back what Satan has stolen from the body of Christ. We are living in a crucial time in history for the church. It is time to take control of the gates of our minds and how we think. We must cleanse geographical regions that have been used for demonic worship and overthrow the spiritual powers that have hindered the growth and fullness of the Kingdom of God on earth. It’s an exciting time to be alive, and we certainly have much work to do!

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