On earth as it is in heaven 1

We need to connect with people whose desire it is to begin to establish the kingdom on earth, those who are engaging heaven from a perspective of kingdom government and authority. I can feel the desire of God’s heart in calling people to connect with him and with each other in a way which essentially is there to answer creation’s grown and to establish manifested sons of God on earth.

When I was engaging God about sons arise, this is what he said to me- sons arise is the cry from my heart (the father’s heart) to unveil, reveal and release his children into their full glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God- Elohim which is godlike ones. Now Elohim is often translated as angel, but it’s actually not an angel, it is a name for God. But those angels that actually represent God, the elohim, are godlike, but we are sons of God and were supposed to be godlike. Not God obviously, but godlike and therefore sons of God having the same authority and characteristics that Jesus did when he was here on earth. And Jesus told us to do the things he did and greater things. So, we need to supersede that.

Our mandate is to gather, connect, impart and release. And so, we are looking to connect and gather people here and connect people all over the world to impart revelation experiential truth, not knowledge not information not intellectual information but revelation and by experience. Because if you listen to me, you will hear what I’m saying and I’m sharing my revelation. For you to have that as revelation for yourself you have to engage it for yourself, it needs to become a testimony of your own personal experience. Otherwise, it is just listening to someone talking about what they’ve experienced. So, the things that I’ve experienced as a forerunner, I want to open those things up so everyone can experience them and encounter and engage those things. So, a lot of things were doing is so that we can connect and engage with the things that God is revealing in these days personally ourselves.

And we want everyone to find this as an oasis of time of space that you can find out of normal everyday life to connect with father in intimacy as his sons and daughters and to go deeper into that intimacy. Because he is calling us deeper and what we know of God today hopefully we will know more of him tomorrow, and the next day and the next day, because he is an infinite God and he wants us to come deeper into an experience of him, not about him but meeting him in a face-to-face type of way.

We are going to have lots of opportunities for encounters and activations, some of those things will be corporate. We encourage you to engage yourself. What you hear here, if you get some sort of activation in it, then you need to pursue it. Activations we do in these sessions are only little, small things because you have a whole life to be able to explore these things yourself. And we give you little sound bites. But hopefully will give you a taste and see, so you will pursue yourself. And then you can go and engage with God yourself for the testimony.

The first encounter will go deeper the next time you engage and the next time you engage. So, it is about pursuing it. And all the activations really help us to develop a lifestyle. If we can continue to pursue them. I think we have, I have been brought up particularly, when I engaged the charismatic movement in the mid-80s, and I got baptized in the Spirit. I bought into the concept you can just have someone impart something to you and they lay hands-on you and wow it would be great, and I’ve experienced all sorts of things through that, but actually none of them actually became my experiences until I pursued them for myself. And I think we sold people this illusion that you can get it easy. You cannot develop a character or a lifestyle of maturity by someone else laying hands on you. You have to do it yourself because it’s relational.

Everything with God is relational and if you have a download of revelation without the relationship it isn’t real, it is just information. And God wants us to experience him and grow and mature in relationship with him, which is how it’s supposed to work. It was never supposed to be something you get as a quick fix or someone else could pray for you and all of a sudden everything will be sorted out.

So, God’s desire is that we pursue him relationally. And the more we get to know him the more our sonship gets revealed. Because we cannot be a son without a father. And if we want to be a heavenly son, we have to engage the heavenly Father. Now fortunately he lives within us, and he lives in the realms of heaven, and we can engage in both places, but we have to pursue that. If we do pursue it, they become something which is a living testimony that we have. And we can share that with other people and encourage them to do the same. Which is why what we’re doing is to help you reach out to the people you know and share the good news with them. The difference between the Joshua generation and the Moses generation, was the Moses generation received a bad report. And it created fear and stopped them crossing over into their inheritance. But the Joshua generation, Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report. They came and said this land belongs to us. We can by all means go in and possess it. So, we need to give a good report to those people that we know who are on this journey who have not yet experienced the things that’s we have. And encourage them to get on that journey themselves. And take some steps towards it. And it is giving a good report of the testimony of the things that we developed in our own lives that carries authority. If you try and pass on my testimony it doesn’t have any authority for you. It only has authority for me, because it’s mine.  But you all have your own testimony. And God wants you to use your testimony to give a good report on what it’s like to live beyond the veil and engage in heaven and to be seated in heavenly places and to experience all the amazing things there are to do in heaven. And particularly in this conference that were doing here, or other conferences basically this is building on those ones and it’s more to do with how we can outwork what we do in heaven here on earth.  Because we don’t want just to be so heavenly minded there’s nothing happening on earth physically in our own lives and around us. So, a friend of mine, had this little statement. Pursuit is the evidence of desire. So, if you’re not pursuing something in your life you really don’t desire it. You might have wishful thinking or hopeful, but you don’t desire it. Because if you really desire something you will go after it. I am not talking about striving but pursuing. And pursuing and striving are different things.

To pursue is to have the desire that enables you to go through whatever it takes to get there. And sometimes we do have to go through some things, through some transformation to get to where God wants us to be, where he wants us to go. So, in your personal times of reflection is the key to growth. Whatever you do in conferences whatever you do in encounters in corporate settings you have to live it out the next day, usually on your own. Or within a family or within a context of other people, that are going to actually see how you’re living it out. And if you not living it out in reality then it’s just an experience that produces no change and transformation.

And if we truly encounter God, we cannot help to be changed by it. Because those experiences are life changing. Whenever you read in the Bible of someone who encountered God in that face-to-face way whether it be Abraham or Noah or Moses it changed their lives. And when we really truly encounter God, it will produce change and transformation in us. So, I encourage you to pursue it. Tomorrow we will  in the morning be doing a Q&A’s if you got things you Want to talk about in general. You know most of you know I’m very open to answer questions. If there are some questions burning when I am speaking feel free to ask. I won’t be annoyed if you interrupt and say can you explain a little bit more. Sometimes if there are lots of questions it means I never get to the end of what I was going to say but it’s okay. But we will have an hour tomorrow and on Saturday. Anything related what we’re talking about here but anything generally that you might Want to ask about things that were talking about. We have legislated for this to be a safe place to help you connect with father to discover your sonship. But particularly for you to receive mandates for outworking practically on earth. Now you may already have those, but you may not be clear about them you may have an idea of what God wants you to do but not necessary the full strategy for what that is. For our individual lives but also in a corporate setting. God wants to establish things on earth which are relational therefore that’s why we don’t live independently. We have to engage with others, were part of a global body and were part of hopefully individual relationships with people that we can practically outwork these things. This is the fifth son arise event.  So, each was designed to build on the last one. If you’ve not been to any the others, we’ll good luck- but you will get something from this. But it is better to work through a process because each one was designed to engage on the other.

So that we start with engaging the father which was about intimacy in our relationship and a revelation of our sonship. And we went back and looked into eternity. We looked what we were before we were here. We went into it in quite a lot of detail and with a lot of encounters and experiences during that one.

And then we went on from there to look at sons being invested and enthroned. So, once you know who you are- your identity. That identity has a position in heaven attached to it. Where you can be seated in heavenly places, enthroned and have authority to operate there and have an effect here. But there is a process of maturity that we go through. And we did an intensive on engaging the dark cloud which was a process of separating and reintegrating soul and spirit which enables us to be free from the things that tether us to the earth so that we can live in dual realms and in multiple realms. And Jesus did that- he described to Nicodemus the fact that he was talking to him, but he was also in heaven at same time. Now that is scientifically possible through a quantum thing called quantum entanglement. That things can be in two places at exactly the same time but instantly connected. So, your spirit is designed to live in the spiritual realm. Your soul and body are designed to live here. But they are also designed to interact. And so our soul can connect into the spiritual realm. And our spirit can connect into this realm. And we can flow from one to the other if we learn how to do it. But for most of us our soul has tethered us to earthly experience and God wants to separate that and reintegrated it. And there was a whole conference on that.

The purpose for what we are doing here is to take it one step further. If you are living in dual realms and your spirit is there and you’re soul and body is here and you’re flowing from heaven into earth, being a gateway of heaven into the earth, what are you supposed to do with it? Because it isn’t just having fun up there. It is fun but there is a serious side of it as well, there is some responsibility that comes with sonship for creation.  Creation it says in Romans eight is longing, waiting, longing for the revealing of the sons of God. So, creation is waiting for us to be revealed in heaven and seated there. And also to be revealed on earth and operating here from heaven’s perspective into the earth. So, we did a whole conference again, an intensive on living in dual realms. What does it do? How do you effectively frame your life? How do you control time and space? How do you create reality? Why are we sons of God? If we are to arise as sons, it is to bring heaven to earth. How do you do that?

This whole conference is about how you do that. The things that you need to do. The practical elements of doing that. And how you receive things from heaven. How you administrate and govern from heaven -that brings things to earth in a way that enables God’s kingdom to extend- no end to the increase of his government and peace. So, it is our destiny to rule in God’s kingdom by being enthroned so we can administrate heaven on the earth. Now a lot of the terminology that I will use and this whole subject brings up is not one that you will normally hear in the local church. You don’t hear people talking about government or mandates or blueprints or authority, legislation, laws, other than the 10 Commandments, which really were not laws at all. You don’t hear that talked about because most people are not seated in heavenly places, so they don’t know what it is to rule and to govern. Matthew 6:10 is a part of the disciple’s prayer and probably most people in the Western world will have either said that or heard it said or know something about what is called the Lord’s prayer. The Lord’s prayer begins with heaven. It talks about God who is in heaven and then it talks about the kingdom, the will of God. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Now if you come from a Catholic background, God will do the- in heaven and God will do on earth, and you will just sit back and watch. That’s basically the thing. My evangelical background was we’ll God does things in heaven, and we try and do those things on earth. But the reality is, were supposed to do both. Were supposed to establish things in heaven as sons of God. And were supposed to manifest things on earth as gateways of heaven into the earth. So, we need to be able to know how to engage the kingdom – which is a governmental thing. A king has a government to enable the rule and reign of that king to be effective for the people who are being ruled. And it comes with laws and various things to enable a kingdom to function. We are the United Kingdom, so we know about kings and queens, because we have had one for a long time, many, many generations. So, we understand a little bit about the interaction between kings and governments, our parliament and those type things. A lot of people don’t really understand a lot of that. But God wants us to. Because he wants to bring his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. And he wants us to be involved in the as it is. By doing things to establish the kingdom there so it can come here.  So, when were free from the tethering of our soul to the physical realm we won’t need to keep stepping in and out of heaven all the time.

When I went into heaven the first time I was taken there. I did not know how to go there. I was taken for weeks. And I was taken into heaven every day. And when I was coming to the end of a three-week period, where I was engaging every day, I said to God, I don’t want this to stop. So, I want you to teach me how do this. I can’t go into a trance every day. I need to know how to do this voluntarily by choice. Because I knew he was inviting me, and I’m seated there. But I did not know how to engage with it. So, he taught me.  He basically said ok, when you spend time with me every day just step back into what you’ve been in before. And I thought, okay, how do you do that?  So, the first day I closed my eyes, and I pictured where I’d been in heaven before, and I was there. It was as simple as that.

It was not complicated, it was not hard, it was just re-engaging something. Now if you never engaged it, it is hard to engage it for the first time, sometimes. Which is why we open a doorway using the Bible to enter into, like there is a door standing open in heaven- come up here. It is a good invitation, and you can therefore come up here. Usually, you do that by picturing a door and stepping through the door. But a lot of the early days, people were learning to step into heaven and to step out of heaven and step in and step out.  And I did that for a couple years. And when my soul and spirit got separated, I was able stay there. And my spirit has never stopped being there since 2012 February 20 to be exact.

And I have now learned to be able to function in multiple realms there, because it doesn’t operate on the same physics as being here. So, you can be in multiple places, and you can do multiple things, and they can all connect and flow into you here, but you have to practice. Hebrews talks about training our senses to discern things by practice. So, the more you do it the easier it becomes. But I would encourage you not to try and do it like anybody else.

One of the most questions I get asked online is we’ll I can’t see; how do you see? People ask all the time because they hear Ian clayton talking, and other people talking, they hear about seeing all these amazing visions and all these things and they think we’ll I can’t do that. But then you start getting underneath it and ask people how God speaks to you and how do you discern what he’s saying and how do you know he is speaking, and they will come up with something. We’ll I hear this or something. We’ll you are seeing then; you are just not seeing the way you think other people are. You are perceiving what is that God wants you to know. And the visual side of it is good but is not the end of it. Most of my encounters in heaven is because I’m there and I know that I am there. And I know what I’m doing. But most of the things I journal here, I do with my eyes open. Now I can describe it to you. I can describe it in detail to you. Because my spirit is seeing it and engaging it, but I’m not seeing as a vision unless I choose to try and tune into that vision and then I can usually by closing my eyes and resting and allowing that to form. And I can do that because I practiced it a lot. But most the time I do not need to. I don’t really need to unless God says I want to show you something. What is it? And then I will tune into it and then I will open my eyes and start writing what I am seeing and then I’ll carry on with it. So, it is one of those things that we can learn to live there and dwell there and remain there and flow from there, without having to go in. Because I would go in and I would come back out and then I would try to do the things I learned when I was in there. But you can’t do the things that you learn when you’re in there if you are not there. You got to be there to do it, you have to administrate from heaven. You can’t administrate what you did in heaven on the earth, because it doesn’t work that way. And I struggled and I was like, it was great, but it wasn’t quite what God wanted. God wanted to take me into a different way of engaging. So, focus on the relationship is the key to everything that were going to talk about over this period of time. You have to start with the relationship. And what God really took me into was a relationship of love. And I went deeper and deeper and deeper into knowing that I was loved. Feeling completely different to the world that I was looking at and then looking to express how I was loved to other people. But through me, not anybody else. You can only be you. Don’t try and be somebody else because you’ll never succeed. You just have to learn to rest in being you. And he’s made you a particular way to express sonship and love to others through the way he made you. And some people are more demonstrative and outward going. And some people are quieter and more introverted, because God made them that way. Now if you been hindered by the world, then he can change and transform that, set you free from anything that is restricting you. But you still have to be you. So, he gave me this sort of little phrase. As I engaged deeper into the relationship with God it was like I learned to live loved. So, I live my life loved and I know I’m loved. I know I’m accepted; I know I’m affirmed by God. I have don’t have to prove that to anybody, I do not have to prove it to myself, I can just be me. And I know that totally transformed how I lived. And living loved is like living in a sense of bliss. It doesn’t mean that you necessary falling around drunk all the time. Sometimes that is great. But you can’t do that all day every day. And Jesus didn’t really do that most of the time. There’s a sense sometimes it overwhelms you and it’s awesome. But it’s something that we can live with constantly as an inner sense of peace and joy, which we then learn to express, but in a way that then we can love living. Life does not need to be a chore or an obligation or duty, it can be a joy. And it’s about perspective. When I start to see the world the way God sees the world it will change how I relate to the world. And when I experience the love of God in his heart and he took me into his heart and he began to unveil the way he views everybody and the depth of love that he has for everybody and his desire to bring good into everyone’s life, it just totally changed how I look at people. And I started to see people the way God sees them, which is love. He is love, he cannot be anything other than who he is. And the very essence of his character and nature and everything is love. So, when you then see life from that perspective you can live from a loving perspective towards others. It is not easy and sometimes some people make it really difficult. But if you are inspired by the way God loves you and the way he loves me, I know how difficult I can be to God, and I have been. I have been very awkward and stubborn and resistant at times in my life. And I know God loves me, inspires me, so I know that isn’t what we do that makes God love us or what we don’t do. It is actually the fact that were children. He made us all. And he really, really wants us to know that were valued by him for who we are not just what we do. And most of what you see in the world, the value that’s put-on people is based on what they do. And God does not view it that way. He’s looking at the heart and he is actually looking at who we are from his perspective and not ours. So, the closer we get to him and the more we learn to look into his amazing face, the more what we see reflected back is who he says we are, rather than if we look in a natural mirror, which might be quite frightening. Or some of you might not want to look in a natural mirror. And some people don’t. On my meetings with a lot of people most the ladies don’t turn their camera on at 6 or 7 o’clock in the morning, because they don’t want people to see what they look like. It is okay, I tease a few people about it now and again.  But what we want to do is see ourselves from the perspective that God sees us, then we will know our true identity. And we won’t be restricted by the things that other people might say about us or even the things we may have said about ourselves. Because we can learn to express the love that we’ve received to the world. Jesus said to his disciples if you love one another the world will know your my disciples. It was love which was the actual test of discipleship not miracles, not all that stuff. Some of those things can come out of love. But actually, it was love. And how do you love one another? The way God loves you and if you not experienced that love in a deep way, it’s very difficult to love other people. God wants us to experience it so we can begin to fulfil our destiny. To answer creation’s grown to bring about the restoration of all things. God desires everything to be restored. And it starts with me. He wants to restore me. He wants to restore me to his original intention and desire for my life. And he wants that for every single individual. And creation itself is looking for sons who know who they are and are seated in heavenly places and begin to function in heavenly government to bring change. If were just playing in the realms of heaven all the time and it’s not making any difference to practically how we live, it is a waste of time frankly. It has got to make a difference, because that’s what the kingdom does, it transforms things back to God’s original intent and purpose.

So, the whole goal of this conference really is for each of us to find our governmental position in heaven, learn to use it, learn to established sonship that brings a change to creation, so creation will recognize our sonship and respond to it. And therefore, to begin to receive heavens mandates and blueprints and manifest them on earth. That’s what the kingdom is. The kingdom has things that are God’s will, desires to be manifested so people can experience it. And we know lots of things that are attached to that, but in essence the only way we are going to actually see what God intends on earth is to see it in heaven. Because if you are living in this realm, it so difficult to see things other than what your living in. And sometimes that can be a mess and sometimes that can be difficult and sometimes it can be wonderful. But you can’t see the wood for the trees sometimes, it’s like so much around you but it’s hard to have a different perspective and see it from God’s perspective. When you’re in heaven he wants us to look at our lives, the things around us and see them the way he sees them.  And when there not in alignment with what his desire for them is, then we can begin to bring them into alignment. That’s what ruling is about. So, to do that, God authorizes you. A mandate is an authorization to do something. And a blueprint is a plan about how to do it. So that something that God desires in heaven can actually be seen on earth. Not through all our religious institutions, because most of those have no semblance of anything that is in heaven whatsoever. Because they have been man-made. Anything that is man-made does not look like what God has done in heaven.  So, we need to engage. So, when I was engaging for this time, I was talking to the father, and he shared some things with me which I will share with you.  And so, this is basically what God said to me. And God usually talks to me with the title son, because he is my dad. He is not just saying that because he doesn’t know my name. He knows my earthly name and he knows my heavenly name. But he is calling me to know my identity in sonship. That’s why he calls me son, because – son carries with it authority. So, he said to me son I have been calling to my children to come and take their places in heaven and find their heavenly roles to bring heaven to earth through their lives.

This gathering will be a further opportunity for a deeper revelation of identity, position and authority. All my children have a destiny that involves their inheritance and a birthright so that they can all be mature sons of God revealed out of heaven into the earth. I’ve been releasing a sound that is designed to connect to the deep desire that is within all my children for relationship and responsibility. Now that desire might be hidden under of a lot of layers of junk and stuff that is attached itself to us while we have been here. And some of that has stopped us really seeing who we really are and what god has called us to do. But he has been calling to people and I guess that’s what you’re here. Because you heard that sound, may be in one way or another. I didn’t hear an audible sound, but my spirit started to connect with the sound. It was something that God’s voice was speaking, and I started to hear it. It wasn’t an audible voice it wasn’t like God said- come over here. But something drew me something started to draw me deeper into that relationship with God. I thought I knew God until I met him, and I realized I didn’t know him at all.  I just knew about what I thought he was like. And then i met him and most of what i thought he was like he wasn’t. So, he totally deconstructed my own understanding of what God is like. And anyone who thinks they can create a systematic theology about God from studying a book and never meeting him face-to-face has got a shock coming when they do meet him face-to-face. Because most of what they’ve written will be deconstructed. Because it’s come out of a framework of understanding God through the filters of our own experience here. So, God is calling, and he’s been calling, and people are beginning to get drawn towards that. Even if you don’t know what it is. There is something which is just drawing you and God is wanting you to go deeper. I will intensify that sound frequency during this time. So, encourage all to be open and sensitive spiritually to resonate (echo, resound, to have an impact or effect beyond that which is apparent, an extended effect, produce a response in someone, reminding that person of something, prompting feelings of support or approval) with that sound.  How do I resonate with the sound? you allow that sound to entrain you, it is a technical term. And resonance works on the higher frequency will entrain the lower frequency to come into alignment with a higher frequency. So, when the sound of God starts to come around you, you just allow it to begin to vibrate and to connect up with your spirit and then you will start to come into alignment with that, even though if you don’t even know what it is. Because it’s not always about a cognitive thing- that I understand everything God is doing, it is mostly to do with spirit-to-spirit, heart-to-heart cardio gnosis which is a relationship which imparts something when you get close enough to somebody. That you feel their heart you sense their heart. And when we get close enough to God that sound of his voice actually begins to change and transform us into his original thought and desire for us, without us having to do an awful lot. We just have to allow the sound to engage us. Now sometimes it’s really hard to do that because our heads are in the way and were always trying to work out what God is doing rather than just let him do it. When I wanted to know what God was doing, he had a very short sharp thing he said to me. And he was laughing when he said it, but I didn’t find it very amusing. He said to me I don’t require your assistance just your surrender. That is what he said to me when I was trying to figure out what he was doing. As if I could help him out a little bit. You can’t of course. So, I thought about that after I got over the annoyance. I was like okay how do I surrender? And that was my issue- my soul did not want to surrender. My soul wanted to understand and cooperate and be part of it and do it myself. With a little bit of help from God. He did not need any of my help whatsoever, he just wanted me to give up trying to do it myself. And when I eventually did then everything changed. Then my soul and spirit took on a different relationship. I related to God in a different level. He was able to show me things beyond were my wildest dreams, simply because I gave up trying to do it myself. So, he is basically saying that this time we have together he will intensify the sound that we have. And here when we engage just allow him to do it just relax and just be open to that sound and let it envelop you and let it come around you and in you and different things. And I am going to use some of the crystal bowls there to create a resonant sound that carries the heart god to touch you.

Which goes beyond the brain and the obstacles of the brain, and it gets into you, even if you don’t want it to. And if you don’t want it to you can actually feel it is quite piercing. Because it can penetrate the barriers that we put up. Because that’s what God’s voice does. It says God’s voice is like the sound of a waterfall, the sound of many waters, frequency and if you’ve ever stood by a waterfall before, a big one, you begin to vibrate. I stood by a few big one’s nigari falls is one of them and we actually stood right behind it. I loved it. I am standing as close as I can get to this sound, and I am somewhere else. I am just letting the frequency, because it wasn’t nigari falls that was speaking to me it was God. Because I love waterfalls in heaven. It is one of my favorite places, is to stand under the waterfall.  And I have had numerous really powerful encounters by engaging that waterfall because it relates to a deeper sound that is calling me deeper. And so, I embrace that, and I engage it and I would encourage you to do the same. That sound and his sound cloud music channel is called snl music and you will find he’s got about 10 tracks on their which are all free to download and they’re all designed with intent to help people engage. There are tracks like healing through harmony and alignment, an identity, and the father’s heart and a golden river encounter that we had. And there are others, realignment and he has written one especially for this gathering. Which I encourage you when we do some activations just allow that sound to come around you because he’s written it with an intent to help us find mandates and blueprints in heaven so they can manifest on earth. And so when you write something it’s the intent that it’s carried which you experience. And we know some music makes us cry. Sometimes it touches our emotions. This music is designed to touch us in a spiritual way that then can open an activation that we can engage deeper. So, we are and engage that and let it penetrate you just relax close your eyes when we do these activations and allow that to just come around you because it will begin to awaken you at a level where you may be asleep. And there are areas of us that are not yet fully awake, and we have not yet fully embraced our identity in God. So, I encourage you to relax and rest. Now when people talk about meditation and things like that. They talk about being relaxed and that means sometimes you just have to shake yourself a little bit and get rid of the tension you may feel. Because you may feel tense. In a particular I said we are going to do an activation – will it work? How will it work? Will I feel anything? Will anything happen? Now immediately you are already blocking anything happening. And if you relax and usually by closing your eyes you change the brainwaves that function from beta waves to alpha waves. And if you really get relaxed you can go into theta waves, which is the creative waves which are the Spirit speaking to us. And then delta waves and delta waves are deep rem sleep waves and when they did some experiments on sleep and dream passions. They encouraged some people to think of a problem that they wanted solving just before they went to sleep. Not to let it go around in their head, just to think about a problem and then go to sleep and they found that in the delta waves of normal rem sleep, deep sleep they found theta waves intruding into it from somewhere. Which they didn’t know where it came from, and a number of those people woke up the next morning with the solution already right at the front of their mind. Because their spirit or God’s Spirit had interacted in their sleep and released a solution. So, we need to learn to engage our brain with that all the time. not just try and problem solve intellectually, but to be creative in receiving creative solutions from our spirit and the holy spirit. And so, I would encourage you just to sort of try and find that place of relaxing. Now I know we don’t have any room for you to lie out on the floor, maybe on Saturday you may be able to do that. But just sort of, sometimes just say to yourself, whatever but just get to that place. And when I play the music, I will let the music play for a little while and then I will use some of the bowls and I’m going to release an intent through the sound of those bowls and I’m going to make some declarations. And I did this online when I did a Sunday morning activation. I used the bowls to break open some strongholds of things that I was doing and but I got caught up in it once, and I was somewhere else. And all of a sudden in my spirit I started making some declarations. And I started to decree some things using the sound of the bowls and then I came out of it and finished the session and forgot all about it. Now Jeremy said oh, he listens to the stuff I do and works on it, makes it often entails that those things in in sound as well. And so, he said oh those declarations and the sound quality was really bad.

But we then put them out as a little clip because I found I was calling the Joshua generation and I was calling sons arise to arise, to come forth and actually we connected with more people in the next few weeks, than we have done the previously months. Because something went out into the atmosphere and started to call people’s spirits. Because it is not limited by the people who can hear it in the room. Because you’re speaking it into the spiritual atmosphere which goes further than what you can just do naturally speaking. I encourage you just to relax and then will see what happens in regard to it. So, to start with what we want to do is adjust your spirit to tune into that frequency of God and the sound from heaven, the voice that Gods been calling you, calling your sonship and allow that sound just to go around you and in you and start to engage your spirit.

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