On earth as it is in heaven 13

How far can you go?

The power of building teams

If you try to do it on your own it is likely you will not achieve the fullness of your blueprint.Relationships are the foundation of every Godly blueprint .Here’s a clue – Father, Son, Holy Spirit .How do you relate to people?

Remember everyone’s free to “be” .Everyone knows why they are there .The team have a sense of being on a journey together – belonging .The team know it is a process and works out its own sentience.

The team members know the team is greater than the individual .Praise is the fuel for the mission.Everyone speaks, everyone has a voice .Debate is productive.

People are your best and worst resource .Have grace at all times .“Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to ignorance!” – David Palmer.

Actions to take next .Learn about the problem your blueprint addresses and its underlying issues: •Seek God together for clarification – lean not on your own understanding! Use earthly research, yours or others – due diligence .Consult with, and draw on, stakeholders’ experiences – unity and agreement are essential.

Next actions to take

Once you have a written blueprint, share it .Develop a “business plan” .Be as diligent about your earthly government as you are about your heavenly government – Christian Passion, Professional Excellence .Never be too proud to get expert help when you need it.

From Blueprint to Business








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