On earth as it is in heaven 14

I’m going to do a session on the foundations of heavenly government. once you have a blueprint a mandate for an ecclesia or an embassy, how do you have a foundation of government that  is connected to that and established. so again if were going to take up opposition, we are going to operate in these connections of government around the world, if we are going to establish these places on earth where God is outworking his kingdom, then we need to understand what the government of that is. mathew 6:10 your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Is linked to what Jesus did when he said he was gonna build his ecclesia. the ecclesia is God’s will, it  is his kingdom established on earth because it’s agreed in heaven. mathew 16:16 says -Simon Peter answered- you are the Christ the son of the living God. and Jesus said to him blessed are you Simon bar Jonah because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my father who is in heaven. this is really important because this is the lead in- to Jesus talking about building his ecclesia. Matthew 16:18 I also say to you that you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my ecclesia . now he wasn’t talking about Peter as the rock which  obviously some people have interpreted that and have built this whole thing about a person rather than what it was truly- upon the rock. and the rock which was the revelation that came out heaven that Jesus was the son of the living God, that was the rock. I will build my ecclesia which is mistranslated church and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. so the ecclesia is built upon the foundation that Jesus is the son of the living God. and that came by heavenly revelation of sonship. and when we have an outworking of God’s government in the foundation on earth it must be out of heavenly revelation. this is not something that we are going to vote on in democracy. this is something that God needs to institute. and the foundation is what wise men build upon. flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but  my father who is in heaven. so this must come from our father who is in heaven. and we can engage it in heaven to actually find this revelation that will become the foundation of what we are building, what Jesus is building which is essentially the ecclesia. heavenly mandates and blueprints from God’s kingdom that is the legislation of government. so what is the heavenly government that needs to be reflected on earth? so that heaven can be  on earth, God’s kingdom can be on earth as it is in heaven.2:58

 Jesus is building the ecclesia on the rock of truth. How is he building it? the rock is the foundation that wisemen build upon. What are the heavenly foundations that he can establish his ecclesia and embassies upon? Ephesians 2:19 you are fellow citizens with the saints and are of God’s household having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the Lord in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the spirit. this is describing an ecclesia and it has a foundation which is prophetic and apostolic or carries the oracles of God and the legislation of God. so remember the royal priesthood agrees in heaven and then the agreement between heaven and earth is outworked through the word or the oracles of God and the legislation of those oracles as the foundation. and Jesus is actually at the centre of it all. so what were building on is the revelation of who he is. Ephesians 2:20 in the mirror Bible- your lives now give tangible definition to the spiritual structure having been built into it by God upon the foundation that the prophets and apostles proclaimed. so there bringing revelation out of heaven and not just proclaiming it , but beginning to legislate for it to come into being, so that it has been agreed in heaven first. the first evidence of this building was Jesus Christ himself. he being the chief cornerstone. He was the express image of God, he was the son of man, he was the son of God he was the last Adam. Jesus came to demonstrate what it was like to live with God flowing through him only doing what he saw the father doing, in the father the father in him. and he wants to express this now through us. so he Jesus is the visible testimony to the restored image and likeness of God in human form. so what Adam was in the beginning, Jesus as the last Adam came to reveal in our day so that we can also see and therefore be patterned after who he is and how that works. verse 21 in him everyone of us like living Lego blocks fitted together of the same fabric giving ever-increasing articulation to the global mobile century intertwined in the Lord in him you are co-constructed together as God’s permanent spiritual residence you are God’s address. So the ecclesia is God’s address and an ecclesia is made up of individual people together who are God’s address. so this is an important aspect together here. heavenly government is made up of various courts councils and assemblies. the courts are operated by the father-son and spirit, angelic beings elders four living creatures seven spirits of God high  chancellors chancellors judges ancient ones members of the cloud of witnesses and us. we are all involved in this heavenly government. so that is how heaven works through these courts assemblies, councils, then what is a reflection of heaven is gonna work from something of a similar nature governmentally. the sods or councils of God, the council of 70 the different courts and assemblies that rule governmentally in heaven’s are something which is to be outworked in the earth. all these different types of courts and assemblies and councils and those who make them up, is there something we can see as a pattern? I think what you see is emerging as benches, judicial governmental positions of 3, 7, 12, 70 different functions of 4, another words windows that are open. so all these things give us a clue, so  when we establish something foundational on the earth that is gonna be governmental, it is gonna function together and it is also gonna be relational. so the house, the ecclesia or the qahal- in Hebrew needed ten to form around a blueprint, a call of God, a vision. That is 3+7 .benches of three and benches of seven are foundational not hierarchical. they are in the foundation not in the covering or the roof. that is the huge difference between the old Moses order of mediatorial apostolic prophetic, Pastoral coverings, rather than a reflection of heaven in the foundation of benches of three and seven. the angel of the house- the shall act is poor- was the representation between the three and the seven that formed the window for the three that opened the blessing and empowerment for the seven. So you always have three of government and four as a window. and when you read in Revelation that says send this to the angel of the house, it wasn’t just talking about an angel as a spiritual being. the one of the seven that was the window between the seven or the connection between the seven and the three was called the angel of the house,  the representation of the seven. the bench of seven bring a priestly agreement between heaven and earth. So if you have heavenly blueprints and mandates which are revealed. the seven bring that agreement on earth, but the three May establish in heaven. So were always bringing heavenly agreement in government relationally. And all this operates according to the four faces of God, the order of Melchizedek, lion , ox, eagle, man. again a governmental perspective. royal priesthood oracles legislators .heaven and earth in connection in operation. so what is a bench of three? The Beit Din is the Hebrew term for a governmental judicial Council, that is a reflection of God’s heavenly government, father-son and spirit, it operates in heaven and on earth. it is both relational and governmental in heaven and on earth.  so it must operate in heaven and operate on earth and bring an agreement between heaven and earth, but it must be relational. father-son and spirit operate in a full sense of relationship. a bench, whatever sort of bench wether it be 3, 7,12 must operate relationally. 9:54

 but also governmentally. So earthly mediatorial priesthood verses heavenly foundational priesthood is a battle that still raging over who rules how things are done and governed within the church. this is why we have pastors leading churches, prophets leading churches, apostles leading churches, because there a mediatorial earthly priesthood which has ended .there is no earthly priesthood, the order of Aaron and Aaronic priest is now finished. there is a heavenly priesthood of the order of Melchizedek. so this battle, we felt here as we were working through this and it’s like earthly pastoral prophetic or apostolic covering of the old covenant mediatorial system, a hierarchical government versus a foundational reflection of heaven’s government which is completely different dimension. and we have a battle between the governmental and the pastoral because we hadn’t quite understood how the priesthood and the kingship have to work together. and people were trying to always operate from a pastoral perspective- everything is about the people, everything is about people and people who are in government- it is all about God, it is all about God’s kingdom, it is all about God’s purposes. and there was this tension and it was quite a battle. now the foundation must be a heavenly foundation and it’s a bench of three, it is governmental but that empowers the bench of 7 to outwork that in a practical way on earth. I think the battle  is still problematic, it createstensions between the focus which is on people or the focus on government, it’s not either or, but both. it must be that we have government, but that government has to be outworked amongst people. So it has got to be relational, but it also has to be governmental. so ten people establish a relational government then these issues I think can be worked through and nullified, if were willing to work through the different redemptive gifts, work through the different understanding of each other , so that we can see true government emerge. so the old system was -there is a blueprint from heaven, God shines his blueprint from heaven but people receive that blueprint and laid the foundation of the blueprint as a shadow of the light shining on that blueprint in heaven on earth .and then they built a mountain over it and then they sat on the top of the mountain, whether they are a pastor or prophet or apostle they may have had a leadership team and other things but essentially rule and with that system everyone is covered by those who are on top of the mountain. No one has access to God direct.

 but when you have a different system. when you have heavens government, the agreement between priest and king ,the royal priesthood, agreement between heaven and earth, the shadow which forms then creates the government authority underneath it so that that shadow can be filled, that God’s kingdom can be outworked. so the bench of three whether it be for a project or an ecclesia, or a city or a nation or region whatever it might be, we are particularily talking about physical locations where ecclesia’s and embassies  are based, needs a foundation of the bench of three, which are the legislators and oracles of the agreement of that, which brings heaven and earth into agreement. so there is no conflict between the priestly and the kingly. the royal priesthood are in agreement. there is no conflict between oracles and legislators they work together. this is how God wants to establish the foundation, the bench of three and the bench of seven becomes that foundation. so the Beit din, the bench of three provides legislative strategic direction and governmental relational foundations. engages heaven and administers, ministers heavenly blueprints seeking to maintain their integrity, as judicial authority to empower and administers with righteousness and justice, releasing others to engage God and hear God for themselves. and that is the importance of this level of a bench. it isn’t to tell people what to do, it is to empower them so that they can hear God who will direct them what to do, within the context of the blueprint. and this is so important when you come to heavenly government. it is within the context of the blueprint. see our blueprint gives us the framework in which- what we are going to build,  and shows us the areas of authority we have. so let’s say someone within our ecclessia comes to the bench of seven and they say we have a vision for the church to establish a vocational training centre in Africa. so the bench of seven who understand and  carry the blueprint will probably think- I don’t think we have authority to do that. and they sometimes may refer to the bench of three- for  what’s the judicial situation here? do we have the authority as the church to create a training centre in Africa? no we don’t. it is not part of our blueprint, that’s not our area of jurisdiction, were not gonna do that as a church because that would be stepping outside of our authority. so what do we do? well that person who may have heard from God who is part of the ecclesia as a living stone. has their own personal blueprint, there own personal destiny. On one of their mountains, there may well be setting up training centres in Africa. now we actually established a ministry in Africa before we actually came into the revelation of a heavenly blueprint. and so someone in the church had a heart to establish this, and as a church we took it on .and we developed and worked  with an orphanage,  eventually developed a vocational training centre, bought land, had this whole ministry, we  then set up a charity to actually run it. and then when we started to realise that we had a blueprint we then realized that this wasn’t within our blueprint. so basically we had to give it away. so we helped new trustees to be established for that blueprint, for that ministry and then when that was established  we had the legal framework we then handed the whole thing assets and all to that organisation and now they’re flourishing because that is their authority that is there blueprint and we didn’t have to try and help with something that we didn’t really have the authority to do. so we learned to do that. we learned to understand that there needs to be authority and government foundationally that says this is our jurisdiction and actually this isn’t. but we would never want to stop someone fulfilling their own destiny, so we would do whatever we could to support and encourage them, we just wouldn’t do it with our own of authority because we don’t have it. 17:17

 if you have a heavenly mandate blueprint what that well policy we talked about engaging the seven pillars developing a getting a point so you can actually express it so you done what you do that well then you need to establish some foundational government for it ideally that will be a bench of 37 or it could be 10 people more or less you are beginning to relationally engage it will eventually form the foundation which are bench of three and seven can come from but there must be working towards establishing government doing something new then you can do it in many different ways friends of mine in in the US they one of them received the mandate to start something he got some friends together engage heaven together they received a blueprint together and from that group of friends who will receive the blueprint a bench of three venture seven eventually venture 12 emerged because it came because they pursued it together relationally enormous fighting our position they all listen to God and things emerged in reality things don’t always work out ideally in the real world so for us we transition from an old model of leadership we were we had three elders we also our leadership team you so essentially stumble across something but actually really understand or know what it was in this sense a foundational government so it was still a saw hierarchical process even though we didn’t desire to do it that way everyone starts differently if you transitioning you must have the agreement of the existing leadership to be part of the process or to go away let others be part of the process so where is all begin with sometimes one person agrees with God for a blueprint that often those who are visionaries who carry perhaps legislative or governmental aspect to their gifting they seeking God provisions revelation and God may give them a blueprint in which they then form an art with God himself to start things off you will need agreement you can do it as an individual without agreement agreement with God that creates an arc then we can begin to call others to come to resonate with what it is that blueprint there is people can come and connect and then even can begin to establish foundations but that one person must relinquish control because it’s got blueprint is not that there not gonna become the senior leader or control everything they may become part of the bench of three or they may not they may become part of the benches and they may not if they do it’s mutual submission that this is God’s blueprint that were all serving not serving the one vision and ownership that that person if people get validation from and their identity from these type of things sometimes they find it difficult to let go because their value and worth is coming from the fact that they are the leader or they are the visionary heavens government obviously you can connect with an angel and a witness perhaps as an initial bench of three with a person who start to outwork so actually a physical bench of three or to 7 conformed as you only got one or two all you know therefore anything unless something is established that begins to call people into sometimes you may have to agreement to see God and artforms between them and God becomes the third of government then they can establish something until a physical person takes on the sometimes you start with three his government then God comes and says hey I’m connecting with this is opening a door you see a manifestation of this sometimes and I think this will be a good way of doing it and as we are looking to redefine what we doing here this is what we are seeking to do to get a group of people in relationship that see got together and from that mandate a blueprint and foundational government can emerge it will be done relationally it will take time but it’s important you begin to work through the relationships to establish the government benches forming many different ways of your benches are needed to be relationship of us a personal example many different ways the transition from an old to a new establishing things in different ways in a new way but the main thing is God wants to have his kingdom is government on earth as it is in heaven so benches do form and function eventually there are no rigid fixed rules other than it must be relational so working out the way you’re led to work it out there will be issues that come up whenever you come together with other people make sure as much as possible but everyone is clear of what the blueprint is for everyone’s part of the process of developing an understanding and carry the blueprint in their heart if they don’t carry the group and in the heart they don’t have any government towards it even though they may be in a position of government there is no real authority that comes from so as we come into relationship with each other we come into agreement with God and with each other that is process which is bound to bring challenges and it’s bound to bring difficulties that you have to work through that’s why it must be relational benches conform first if God calls three people to relate and see got together and you may give them a mandate and a blueprint but actually it’s just three people is only really a bench when it’s the foundation of something that is gonna be built so some people say will wear eventually seeking in reality what they are three people seeking to God who may become a bench some of the semantics that some of it is important to see that you outworked this in a relational way as God directs we can come together three people call ourselves a bench and say we have a mandate is our blueprint the blueprint and then it must come in heaven it must come from God’s kingdom and his heart to start where you are and with what you got in this just you and begin the process to seek and the strategy away go next but you gonna have to work with other people so God is looking for small groups of people ideally 10 but could be more could be less to see got together for a mandate and blueprint and get ready for the harvest and I believe God is looking for groups of 10 people all over the world delay deep relational foundations to be clear about the government of the blueprint it’s mandated spheres of authority and to get ready and upon that strong D relational foundation that governmental foundation God will add and he is revealed to me that he will add quickly sometimes overnight sometimes 10,, hundred and when you got 10 becoming 100 so all having hundreds of comes hundred and 10 then you have how’s our while them that you might have 10 groups of 11 the test each of the first 10 then helps the next group of 10 to do relationally what the first group attended so you have a fractal pattern the small becomes bigger but it’s still the same picture God wants to establish us so we are ready to receive that harvest to be a storehouse of the harvest to be the embassy of heaven on earth so that the harvest can come in people can be disciple people can be pointed back to God and they can grow they can read people and the whole process can continue we can reach the whole world quite quickly if we had a few thousand groups the 10 around the world who were willing to actually release others into government and equipment disciple and release them to be harvesters for the harvest and then establish more and more of these please embassies heaven on earth we can reach the world in a very short period of time if we are focused but lay the foundation deeply so take as long as it’s possible to do that and don’t go for numbers the temptation is will how successful allow member people got is about numbers is about obedience to the vision and to follow the path of God set so problems with the bench of three often revolve around identity and control and default into previous hierarchical leadership models problems arise from one person want to be sailing seen that comes arise if the originator all the originators of the blueprint vision don’t want to let go of control and power others that becomes problematic problems also arise people want a mediator and I Wanna be empowered so they we may you hay have this thing we wannabe a foundational bench but the keep trying to make immediate changes they want you to tell them what God said must be freedom to pursue God for ourselves that can be opportunity with great expectancy or can be an obligation with fearful expectations depending on where people are in their journey and what they’ve experienced before of trying to do something with maybe varying degrees of success or failure when you say here is an opportunity for us to pursue in this expectancy some people feel is an obligation and I as an expectation align fearful about this cos I don’t get it wrong or do up before I got her before is like is a problem that we have to work through and you have to expect that some of these issues are there if there is a blueprint make sure everyone really really has the same heart for what that blueprint is of what it really is going to be built into the carrier in the same way so to be part of the bench of 37 is a question someone asked me to be part of it is anyone who God calls and is with willing to relationally and foundation server blueprint that God’s release a level of maturity is required if you can be part of the bench of three because you have to make judicial decisions perhaps so maturity character are part of this some of it will get outworked along the way but there has to be a sense where someone is called and is prepared to answer the call there would have to be the ability to pursue engaging God in the heavenly realms and the willingness to continue mature that really is a key no one has to be perfect but everyone has to be willing to be transformed and is on the journey and process of being transformed those little mutual submission create a culture of honour be open honest and transparent one another those willing to release others into their destinies those willing to be stepped on to provide the support the living stone to be built together sometimes it takes you to take some pressure from that which is above but a strong foundation will be able to take that pressure there will be many and probably very different blueprints and there can be different benches within blueprints we’ve tried to establish benches are three and seven and 12 we try to benches of three on each of our mountain spheres of government and we have various degrees of success and we are always reviewing are looking from what we know now would we do it different therefore how do we reflect on where we are on this milestone to see whether it going in the right direction which need to shift the direction willing to get back on course so evaluate is no shame in evaluating and saying we can do this better we are looking to do this and re-establish a foundation from a new perspective today this is what we looking to do as I know we can do a better and I know that for me I’m gonna get away that process because others need to come forward you can take this further, I could to what experience is desirable for one on such a bench well God would rather have an amateur in the nude and professional in the old but an amateur in than in the new does not mean someone is not as good character and mature and I think there is a level of maturity and character this needed for us to pursue this but that doesn’t mean that we have to be experts in the old remote don’t you Bible college degree we don’t necessary need to have done this before but we knew do need to respond to the call and to be humbly willing to be a foundation the desire and willingness to hear God’s voice see what he’s doing heavenly perspective is far more important than earthly experience of an old leadership model the ability to bring the the order of Melchizedek perspective the priestly kingly prophetic Oracle apostolic legislator perspective we don’t do this from an earthly perspective it must be seen from heaven every benches governmental that there may be redemptive gift ruler profit teacher which could be helpful to a bench of three or seven but actually is not mandatory that your ruler gift to being government that’s more of a personal redemptive wave you view life that can be a mix of redemptive gifts that actually would be beneficial because we will all be having a different perspective that enable things to to function from different pictures of the blueprint people at the jigsaw puzzle for to as a bench same place the question I was asked by a democratic vote or by heavenly appointment or whom by whom well obviously no democratic vote so it depends on the situation obviously establishing the new blueprint and forming the foundational government from it but scratch would be very different from transition from an old church structure within existing leadership model into an ecclesia so look at how he is if you are seeking God together then you can trust that God will reveal those and call those we wants to be part of different governmental benches so I been personally involved in both sets of circumstances it usually involves someone or a group seeking God for it and receiving any revelation the blueprint for the existing leadership seeking God to clarify the vision that they already have but see it a new heavenly perspective and therefore see expressed in this blueprint form that them will begin to determine things as you go forward there is honestly no democracy in heaven but there was all unity and agreements of a bench would have to accept God’s heavenly appointment by being one heart one mind in purpose and if people weren’t one heart about what a bench would be or who should be, the bench then you need to not appoint then saw establish the bench until people are in agreement that means going back to God that means perhaps going through a process the issue senior leadership within a bench is to me the old trying to control and influence the new there’s a mutual submission of the bench each submitting and honouring each other and therefore the needs to unity does a bench function under the Prince were total agreement before decisions are made another question I was asked absolutely yes there is no agreement is no unity therefore no blessing don’t do anything unless you’re an agreement we need to seek agreement with God and as we submit to him we will be able to come into agreement with each other because I might disagree, senior from my perspective but then when we start to engage God and see it from his perspective and agree with him then I my thinking can change and I can come into alignment and therefore I might initially be hesitant over situation eventually coming to agreement with because I got God’s heart policy this takes time to develop trust which comes to helping each other work through the issues that will inevitably rise up as we are in the process of transformation sister run run brother sandpaper these things a cause relationship they not not the rough edges of the God uses that but we have to’s make it a hostile antagonistic negative process but the process we pursue I want to be the person God created me to be if someone else can help me one would not want to be with them in relationship and trust them to help you do that the Johari window ajar as window is a good concept to use when working through this process together and we got we use it on our therapeutic community it’s a rehabilitation concept but it can be used in lots of other different things, it looks at who we are and what we know about ourselves and how we are open and how we can work together so essentially this is a similar picture of the four winter the window has for painting if you like open self hidden self blind self unknown self there is things that you are willing to share with others you know about yourself and your willing for others to know but there are some things which may be hidden you don’t want other people to know and there are some people things you don’t know that the people might and then there are lots of things that no one those of God but I want to put this into context when we can use this as a friend but I wouldn’t suggest forcing this as a principal but I would suggest losing the concepts behind it to share the desire for openness honesty and transparency now openness is I am willing for someone to be open my life is over so to speak to me honesty is where I’m willing to be able to speak to them so ultimately this open self area I’m happy for anyone to notice but there may be hidden self area that I would want anyone to know because of the fear that if they knew they may think of me differently now we may be overhyped by the people of Zim can hide anything from God as a blind self there are things that I don’t know about myself I don’t know what I am and if I don’t know something how you know something God can help revealed light so I can ask search me of God and know my heart try me but the on trial show me there’s any anxious thoughts show me if there’s anything in me which is a hindrance me walking the everlasting way which is my destiny pray that prayer and God can do that you can speak to me and show me things are living sacrifice he can open that and prepare me the service we can out also show other people and by other people speaking to me in loving me and telling me the things that I can see I have done myself to accept that and some of that is why God uses other people and sometimes use other people that we don’t get on with which is a test when were gonna listen to what they’re saying from God or whether within a POSIX with a so this is a process which really takes into the point of ultimately knowing our true self our true self is the person the God was created us to be there is revealing us to be that he wants us to know who we are what our identity is because we are open and willing to mature and grow so I would say use this as a foundation for the process I wouldn’t force it but I would be mated aware to people that this is something that is a good thing that we can need to be open and we need to be willing to find a discover who we really are together to were seeking earthly recognition or validation of themselves or their identity from being part of the bench doesn’t preclude them from necessarily depending on their willingness to acknowledge that but it will need to be recognised and work through those type of issues can cause major problems because if we’re getting identity from what we doing and then God wants us to step down we may find it very different difficult to do so so is a good question to ask if I wasn’t doing this when it made me feel any differently about myself what how I thought other people might senior will definitely how I thought got my sig ask yourself a question about anything you are doing in life anything you’re doing is part of the kingdom anything of doing in life in general if I was not doing this job any longer would I actually still feel the same about myself or would I feel differently as the question is a good question to ask is working through this process together things will inevitably come to the surface and humility will bring transformation maturity if were willing to embrace it not get defensive not put up coping mechanisms and defence sectors but be open and honest and real with one another will be tears probably will be emotions that need dealing with absolutely but if we create a culture of honour where were free to ask the questions that help bring the answers and the solutions then will find will grow into a foundation as a bench of three revenge of seven which will be so strong that nothing will be able to to to damage it and it will be able to take the weight whatever it is the God wants to build together upon so is always should be accountability within but accountability is not to one person who where the buck stops accountability really is 1st to God, I accountable to God for the outworking of my own personal destiny my life in life unaccountable the God independent operate the do-it-yourself tree so I need to be accountable the God of my own destiny, also accountable to God for blueprints being administrated if were part of a foundational government so God can say how’s it going is not saying that to condemn us and make us feel guilty or ashamed because it’s slow going he just wants us to be accountable to continually look to him to support and help we can be accountable to each other as bench members for our role so share our lives together don’t hide things support each other help each other to court cases sometimes reach other this is a this is a relational thing you this is about loving each other because if we don’t set up a foundation of love will be building that love is the fact the foundation and essence of everything is coming out of heaven into the earth a bench of seven ecclesia embassies call by God empowered by him and by the bench of three by the Reuben itself to exercise heavenly authority in the surface the the role is to ensure that only mandate blueprints given to the greater embassy is worked out and developed in a local setting with people helping living stone to find their destiny helping them mountains of authority to be outworked by encouraging people to find their destiny within it is again a encouraging supporting bench which was looking to release people into their destinies strategically supporting the vision ensuring unity of hearts and minds of everyone operating in one accord again 37 to be in unity you have do things that I want an agreement facilitating the release in Revelation the ministry to enable each person to find a fuller destiny this is our blueprint because are one of our statements of belief and destiny is to for help people find and fulfil their destiny so facilitating that that may be through teaching it may be through activations it may be through different ministry that frees people from the restrictions and the obligations of the things that they feel they can be free to be themselves there one of our statements is free to be free to see free to know free to do be free to do free to go is actually setting people free to be themselves are not constraining them or restricting or covering them with some system facilitating the development of the supporting ministry, heavenly realm perspective so we’ve gone from praying for people to helping them hear God is a lie busting using the judicial court system heaven so people can do this for themselves and not become dependent on others for ministry but at times we will need help so it’s good to have ministry things available which people can get help when they need it to help them deal with a blockage or deal with a crisis or deal with the situation comes up but always it’s perspective of equipping that person so they can actually learn to do this and to rule and govern in around lives developing new ways of administering these activities throughout the strategy site no assumptions on what we do not having this menu of a bit of Pereira a bit of stitching a bit of activation of the ministry a bit of altar call it now menu that only requirement is that we meet together relationally in some way if you don’t meet relationally you can have relationship but what we do when we meet where we gather how we gather how often we gather all that needs to come from what God gives us a revelation is a bench of seven seeks it supervision and oversight of those public meetings by providing the welcome the protection the directionless meetings that’s what Harbinger seven do here so we can make those gatherings whatever they might be effective to establish relationship help people find their destiny help people be free so people can actually fulfil as a living stone that blueprint where their destinies interact and actually do things outside of that from the blessing and protection of those that are ministering for them communicate with the ecclesia regarding notices updates event prayer requests no need help public notices emails website you communicate is so important to make sure people feel that they understand what’s going on even if it’s were adjourning a process we don’t really know exactly what’s going on but make sure that people are aware of that you is good communication is important in any governmental perspective communicate feedback so the bench of three had into seven need to work together so feedback from the bench of seven about maybe current prophetic things people are picking up maybe pastoral situations trends of things that people are dealing with issues of health check it’s good to have a continual reviewing of where you are how things are going so that things can be moving forward so that was with individuals that with the whole thing operating in heavenly authority according to the order of Melchizedek bench of 327 which ever you I will ever benches its government and it needs to operate out of heavenly order of Melchizedek authority any practical ministry that needs delivering through those equipped and trained in new ministry methods don’t default back to the old so new ways Ministry let’s find experiential ways of serving one another new ways of teaching let’s find more experiential ways of communicating so people get it and not just receiving intellectual information new ways of prayer now again I’m not talking about God please help talking about ways of communicating with God individually and together so that we hear is voice we see what he’s doing we only have to do what he sees that we seem to new ways of interceding not God I’m standing in the gap but actually engaging in heaven standing in the place in heaven at it legislating administrating heaven which is what new ways of intercession are new more effective ways of kingdom administration from heaven how do we call things into being how do we release the finances how do we release are sources how do we engage with the angelic realm is important we find new ways of parting with the angelic realm ministering spirits on our behalf assigned to us engage with witnesses engage with those who are helping the God is assigned that we can begin to establish heaven on earth there are new ways we need to embrace enable each of us to be the person God created us to be and fulfil our destiny we need to do it from the perspective of heaven and not just, we need those were willing to be forerunners will take the first steps on this journey to is so important pioneers and forerunners have notebooks they have no maps they blaze a trail open doors they make your way you but some people will then follow the make sure you’re never too far ahead of people they can see where you are be persevere and be patient but be persistent new wineskin is the new wine whenever God is doing make sure we have a new wineskin a flexible wineskin not a rigid wineskin to whatever you’re doing today is an ecclesia you may not be doing tomorrow because God may give you a different way of doing it the flexible it can be a long hard journey particularly if you are transitioning from something old to but it’s worth it is worth it to see people’s lives transformed is worth it to be ready for the harvesters coming is worth it to equip the Joshua generation to take up their roles in heaven and on earth when the government of heaven is in place God will come and fill the shadow of his blueprint and this is widely we must be ready for him to do that it may be a suddenly you have the day of Pentecost 3000 people another day 5000 don’t limit what God can do but make sure you have a foundation that is intended for who God wants to bring think of a harvest of 20% of the population around you whatever your spirit is what is that look like make sure you have a strong enough foundation to take the weight of the building the God wants to build was his people living stones God will fill the house with glory heaven will overlap convergence will take place the kingdom of God will be manifested on earth as it is in heaven rejoin are says this one of the greatest yolks of bondage and slaving human race is called attorney of the familiar is the universal human temptation to cling to the familiar regardless of how about pavement maybe and to resist change regardless of a promising maybe we mustn’t cling to the old the old ways won’t work in a new order ecclesia this new order ecclesiastical rise out of the ashes of the old God would rather have you an amateur in the new thing that a professional in the open quote by David so heavens open again I want to encourage you to to think about engaging heaven for a blueprint engaging heaven for a revelation so perhaps them I would encourage you just to to think about that open heaven of course you know when we when we engage in open heaven we may shift our focus to be there are spirit may already be there are lots of different ways are lots of different ways of engaging but let’s the stepping has were stepping in best be open the latest encourage you just close your eyes just engage that realm take a step of faith shift your consciousness step through the veil engage with Jesus is in the doorway present yourself to Jesus is are high priest we are living sacrifice that Jesus take you by the hand then take you through the veil of the way the truth the life bring you before the Ark of the presence of God open up your heart let him write and review the tablets of your heart’s desire to you desire to pursue your destiny the mandate you have your own life that perhaps then inspire you to receive a mandate and a blueprint to establish something corporately on on earth as it is in heaven just the open for him to release the revelation of that your heart maybe even just the initial concept idea just the open to spend time in his presence don’t resist just be open and allow him to impart to you that frequency that scroll then give you that new scroll the heaven and it is all over the earth be willing to say here I send me open up your heart and then got imparted you have to scroll which you can then begin to pursue to outwork hatch you willing to become a group of people seeking for a foundation seeking for a revelation you are a are a are

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