On earth as it is in heaven 16

You continue with the the second part of the session I did yesterday which is mandates and blueprints them sons arise rather those he wants us to engage him come into our inheritance and as mature sons and looked at this blueprint which is the blueprint that we have is an ecclesia here and a ministry and there are different aspects of that and which we developed over the years sometimes he was able to the blueprint stay the same from God’s perspective yes but perspective it can involve as we understand it better and are maturity increases and we begin to understand it so the basic shape of our blueprint stay the same but our understanding is deepened and therefore that is been so slightly tinkered with to make it more understandable God’s perspective a friend of ours and in the US this is their blueprint they were blueprint and for I gates and for them blueprint they have different perspectives of different houses working for the four faces of God in different mountains are different things they have a set of values that they connect to relationship responsibility with their blueprint the question I like to add is do you have a mandate to establish something on earth as it is in heaven do you have a blueprint to build from how clear as your blueprint could you explain it so simply that anyone could be able to understand it how do you develop an initial concept to a point where people can resonate with it and understand it sometimes we get our an idea or concept which we don’t necessary have fully developed and there is a way that we can going engage to develop so I engaged the the angel prudence in our in a meeting once she came and engage with me and she gave me seven gifts and then I asked God what was this about someone actually saw in the spirit and painted a picture of but I asked him what was a seven gifts and he said the seven gifts will enable you to navigate dimensions of to be opened so this was about navigating dimensional places realms of heaven and there was a sextant a compass logbooks there were some maps there was an instrument for wind and sound there was instrumental waves light and there was a trumpet in Herald think all there was a trumpet call and herald the call as we some things and and I took them as you do when you receive things is gifted place them within you and then they begin to change how you do things because all of a sudden you are able to see things engage things you didn’t before this was very helpful to so it God said this so I’m calling you to a new level of government authority it is time to come near to me and the heights of wisdom will be open and I have given you the strategic instruments to plot the course at my scroll as a large ship on the front of it and that originally was anchor and actually now the anchors weighed any it’s moving so navigation and navigation instruments so connect to my scroll and to my destiny today made sense to me when I saw the context to it within my overall destiny so prudence will partner with you to create the protocols that will open the doors releasement people into their positions of to have the authority I first discovered wisdom’s pillars in 2010 when I first went into the realms of heaven it was one of the places that Jesus took me and it was amazing thing I put my hand into the blue pillar was there and I sensed something but I was a bit scared going to a friend my Henry Walters from the North West of the US and have some revelation about the sea explore these wisdom’s pillars further and God showed him and wisdom engage with him to show him that you can use wisdom’s pillars come to help with a process of developing a blueprint or a court case for a mandate to a point where it can be authorised and agreed and written into the record books Proverbs 9123 wisdom has build her house she is hewn out her seven pillars is prepared the food she has mixed the wine she is also separate able she has sent out her maidens she calls from the top of the heights of the city so wisdom’s heights and you is in a particular dimensional place in heaven which gives you access to lots of places but there are seven pillars that and his pillars are places of engagement and actually there will be like Dr who’s tardis when you step into them their bigger on the inside and the outside and they have a particular function actually got lot more functions but I wanted to understand what they were and wisdom’s handmaidens which it talks about them in Paul was nine are again and angelic beings who are equipped to help wisdom in the helping us as sons of men in our governmental roles so there is glory holiness truth excellent faith life promise now is only other subject to go into that you can pursue engage them yourself if you feel led I desire to engage so I pursuing wisdom and prudence for hell Jesus said recent me dear brother we are co-heirs in you you have my yoke upon you so walk with me in discipleship let me show you some some things that we are responsible for now Jesus had never ever said anything like that ever to me before so I felt this was something that was quite significant so I I followed him into some of these things in terms of responsibility to see to wisdom’s heights and I engaged the first pillar wisdom never-never for so I stepped in and this is what Jesus said see here are wisdom and knowledge and understanding and the angels that are there represented that we know the spirit of wisdom’s pillars spirit once the seven spirits of God but is also an angelic water that represents them with wisdom and knowledge and understanding so an angel could be called that which is not necessary seven spirits of God by an angelic being that represents that area wisdom or knowledge and understanding so a course when this three is government so the wisdom and knowledge and understanding forms the foundation of something governmental and if we’re going to engage wisdom’s pillars to own understanding and development of a blueprint or a court case then wisdom knowledge and understanding are absolutely key foundations that are linked to the precepts statutes and laws of God to develop a mandate into a blueprint you need all three as the governmental foundation of authority and this is what Jesus said to me which is no very interesting when when I saw us all this it was like the lights came on a little bit the three former window for wise counsel to function and for a blueprint to receive a seal of approval to when you have wisdom knowledge and understanding then you need wise counsel which opens the window so 3:4 window and wise counsel joins with wisdom knowledge and understanding to create an opportunity for counsel to take place and therefore the blueprint gets to a stage where it can receive a seal of approval when a blueprint is brought here creativity is released and a pattern that forms from a vision so that our creativity can be written expressed so we begin to find this creativity that begins to be birth to give us a clown more of a clarity about what a blueprint is and what it’s about this essence of the seven spirits function here within the seven pillars the first pillar is the foundation of wisdom that is the key to knowledge and understanding so wisdom is the key foundation but connected to the government of knowledge and understanding open something up the second pillar is knowledge that’s the key foundation of the second pillar that is the key to understanding and council again three which then forms a fourth the third pillar is understanding which is the key to the council and strength so if you see each pillar as a different governmental foundation with us within the seven spirits of God and they connect to the next to open a window things to manifest the first pillar the foundation’s counsel which is the key to strength and the spirit of the Lord the fifth pillars foundation is strength that is the key to the spirit of the Lord and the spirit the fear of the Lord another foundation the six pillars foundation is a spirit of the Lord which is the key to fear of the Lord and wisdom and how you’re getting a return back to the original the seven pillars foundation is the spirit of the fear the Lord which is the key to wisdom and knowledge that knowledge understanding counsel and strength that’s a window for manifestation strength spirit of the Lord spirit of the fear the Lord and wisdom are another for which begin to work together the window there’s a lot of stuff here which and I began to see was a combination of the things that God was lying to do so we can begin to see the end and the beginning meet the seven spirits of wisdom the seven pillars of Wisdom connected to the seven spirits of God becomes a pathway for producing any type of legislation whether it be a blueprint or anything else so I want to look at this and look at how we can use this and how we engage it to help develop something so that can brought into a place where we are fully functioning in a blueprint or a mandate protocols ways of operating when you engage with those pillars step into the pillar engage with you agree to the angels will reduce 17 spirits maybe response their questions e.g. how my help you present your requests the help develop the initial concept may be an ecclesia blueprint whatever it might be that might you are asking for help to develop something could be a court case that’s where using blueprints and mandates a stick with the one operations conceptualised the revelation designed to the blueprint how do you conceptualise this into something that people could go have a good 2 to make it praying write it out get something down so people can run with it is here that we brainstorm and develop the main body the blueprint so revelation help comes from wisdom knowledge understanding vision statements identity purpose function mountain spheres they will be revealed when we begin to engage here to find an increase in Revelation so we can actually get something that to administration we can request assignment of support personnel and resources in relation to the blueprint all the assignment we have that may mean that we need angel solid witnesses wisdom handmaidens wisdom prudence engaging with the seven spirits so that we have all that we need to help us fulfil this area of our blueprint, the three justice judicial protocols in that pillar there is operations authorisations the application of the seals for authorisation that there are things there which we need to come to that bring to an end that area within our development that says you can go to the next stage so there are sometimes an authorisation this enables the next ages to begin once the preliminary authorisation is a great there are five jurisdiction revelation of the authority regarding the sphere of influence of the blueprint physical area or region may be people group whatever it might be directed to this is gonna give you some insight into that you may again initial part of the blueprint which says he was your area that it may expand over time to come into a physical area so you may have a blueprint for ecclesia that eventually the chores into an embassy owner city of refuge the sixth all the records document meditation for the proposal written into the records within this process the seven Reformation this is where it’s measured against the outworking of the results of this proposed legislation in relation to other blueprints and the bigger picture restoration sometimes we need to see where our little blueprint fits into a bigger picture where our fractal pics into a bigger picture so that we can understand the consequences or significance of what we do is not to be done in isolation nothing in God’s kingdom is in isolation because it must be relational with other things within the kingdom to this gives us an insight into how this fits into that’s a restoration of all things or fits into what God is doing in any one particular time so the blueprint itself then at this stage at this point goes from proposal which is what we came in for came with a proposal and in that proposal it’s gone from exactly door theory the words your something that can starting to work to actual outline that is clear to be used so I think is better to engage these things when you got it at that point you can take that blueprint presented the quarter chancellors authorised if it’s verified and sealed then we can proceed we can get it written into the the statute book describes so that then we are all thrice heaven recognises it and we can then move forward ultimately we Wanna scroll we want we want something which basically facilitates us being able to move forward and so that that scroll we carry in our heart when you have a blueprint which is at that point but it’s been agreed put into record books we need it within our heart we need to carry the authorisation the government towards it so it’s important at that point and that stage but this becomes creative within us see if we just have a blueprint that we refer to as a document somewhere and isn’t part of us then the we don’t carry the authority for it heaven doesn’t recognise it in us in the same way so it’s important that we we take these blueprints and we see these blueprints move forward now we obviously need to engage this that engaging the things made you’ve never engaged it before is important in this engagement the we follow a process that may take weeks even months you just because you can going to one teller the first pillar and present choose the help you need you not necessary gonna get the full formation of everything that first encounter going to the pillars learn to engage them see what they’re like sense explore them then when you’re ready to present something you’re familiar with what happens that and it may take the need to go back over and over and over you may need to go into the first pillar and go back in there for several weeks for these things to take place then you take into the next when you’re ready don’t rush through the process but I would say that as we gonna just engage heaven right now and were going to look at engaging in this way just begin to practice so that as you then outwork that you will find that you will begin to come more mature in it you understand it will go over it go back into it rush is the message where we got a blueprint is important that we develop it we don’t rush it so encourage you plagiarise were going to into the open heaven will shift the function of your spirit so you can step into that realm just begin to show engage with Jesus who is the course the waiting for us in the doorway disengaging present yourself to him as a living sacrifice Jesus take you by the hand ask him to lead you to receive a mandate or a blueprint or to clarify a to do that you can take you to the Ark at engaging with the four faces of God this receiver scroll our scroll Jesus leading to wisdom’s heights wisdom’s heights seven pillars a step into the first pillar wisdom knowledge understanding you can present the scroll and just like Jesus show you the seven pillars explore the seven pillars that introduce you to the seven spirits of God duty to the angels are there that you get familiar with what goes on in the protocols are something we can learn whenever we need to develop something court case or a blueprint is a resource we can go designed to help these things to be authorised and come into agreement and whenever you finished with your scroll when it’s ready to be presented and you can take the chancellors court follow the process through so just spend some time engaging with the seven you

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